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  1. Being a body and having a body. The twofold temporality of embodied intentionality.Maren Wehrle - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 19 (3):499-521.
    The body is both the subject and object of intentionality: qua Leib, it experiences worldly things and qua Körper, it is experienced as a thing in the world. This phenomenological differentiation forms the basis for Helmuth Plessner’s anthropological theory of the mediated or eccentric nature of human embodiment, that is, simultaneously we both are a body and have a body. Here, I want to focus on the extent to which this double aspect of embodiment relates to our experience of temporality. (...)
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  • Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine.Kristin Zeiler & Lisa Folkmarson Käll (eds.) - 2014 - State University of New York Press.
    _Phenomenological insights into health issues relating to bodily self-experience, normality and deviance, self-alienation, and objectification._.
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  • Bodily saturation and social disconnectedness in depression.Lucy Osler - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 21:48-61.
    Individuals suffering from depression consistently report experiencing a lack of connectedness with others. David Karp (2017, 73), in his memoir and study of depression, has gone so far to describe depression as “an illness of isolation, a disease of disconnectedness”. It has become common, in phenomenological circles, to attribute this social impairment to the depressed individual experiencing their body as corporealized, acting as a barrier between them and the world around them (Fuchs 2005, 2016). In this paper, I offer an (...)
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  • Feminist Phenomenology.Alia Al-Saji - 2017 - In Ann Garry, Serene J. Khader & Alison Stone, Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy. London: Routledge. pp. 143-154.
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  • On the transcendental undercurrents of phenomenology: the case of the living body.Sara Heinämaa - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):237-257.
    Today the phenomenological concept of the lived body figures centrally in several philosophical and special scientific debates. In these wide and widening fields, the concept is used with multiple different meanings. In order to clarify and delineate the debates, this paper provides an explication of the phenomenological-transcendental methods. It argues that these methods help us remove the most fundamental ambiguities of the concept of embodiment by distinguishing between the main constituents of the lived body and by illuminating their mutual relations.
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  • Touching the wounds of colonial duration: Fanon's anticolonial critical phenomenology.Alia Al-Saji - 2024 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 62 (1):2-23.
    I counter a tendency in critical phenomenology to read Frantz Fanon as derivative upon, indeed reducible to, other (European) phenomenologies, eliding the originality and contemporaneity of his method. I propose it is time to read phenomenology through Fanon, instead of centering analysis on his assumed debt to Maurice Merleau‐Ponty's body schema. Fanon reconfigures and ungrounds phenomenology in Peau noire, masques blancs (Black Skin, White Masks). I show how he creates his own method through an anticolonial phenomenology of touch and affect (...)
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  • Feminist perspectives on power.Amy Allen - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • (1 other version)Social sensitivity and the ethics of attention.Elisa Magrì - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):725-739.
    Social sensitivity is a crucial aspect of interpersonal relationships, as it is intrinsic to the understanding of other selves as subjects situated in a social world. In revitalizing such a concept in the philosophical literature, this article examines the relation between habit, attention, and critical self‐awareness that lies at the core of social sensitivity. On the one hand, I reconsider the so‐called “passivity” of habit and tackle the role of attention as the power of varying point of view. On the (...)
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  • Teledildonics and New Ways of “Being in Touch”: A Phenomenological Analysis of the Use of Haptic Devices for Intimate Relations.Nicola Liberati - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (3):801-823.
    The aim of this paper is to analyse teledildonics from a phenomenological perspective in order to show the possible effects they will have on ourselves and on our society. The new way of using digital technologies is to merge digital activities with our everyday praxes, and there are already devices which enable subjects to be digitally connected in every moment of their lives. Even the most intimate ones are becoming mediated by devices such as teledildonics which digitally provide a tactual (...)
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  • ‘Bodies (that) matter’: the role of habit formation for identity.Maren Wehrle - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):365-386.
    This paper will interpret Judith Butler’s theory of performativity and materialization as a theory of identity, and so put it into dialogue with a phenomenological account of habit formation. The goal is to argue that identity is developed already at a bodily level and that this takes place via the processes of habit formation. The constitution of subjectivity, in other words, requires at the most basic level some kind of bodily performativity. What follows intends to draw out the concept of (...)
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  • The Colonial/Modern [Cis]Gender System and Trans World Traveling.Brooklyn Leo - 2020 - Hypatia 35 (3):454-474.
    Trans of Color inclusion is not simply a gesture of affectionate commitment to María Lugones's theory of impure communities. Rather, it is required for the enactment of her liberatory theory within and across communities of color. While María Lugones's historico-theoretical analysis of the colonial/modern gender system relies upon anthropological citations of Native gender and sexual diversity, she argues that we must bracket gender for the benefit of [cis]women of color feminisms. However, if this bracketing does not first carefully uncover cisgender (...)
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  • The Epistemic Import of Affectivity: A Husserlian Account.Jacob Martin Rump - 2017 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 41 (1):82-104.
    I argue that, on Husserl's account, affectivity, along with the closely related phenomenon of association, follows a form of sui generis lawfulness belonging to the domain of what Husserl calls motivation, which must be distinguished both (1) from the causal structures through which we understand the body third-personally, as a material thing; and also (2) from the rational or inferential structures at the level of deliberative judgment traditionally understood to be the domain of epistemic import. In effect, in addition to (...)
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  • (1 other version)Social sensitivity and the ethics of attention.Elisa Magrì - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 30 (2):725-739.
    European Journal of Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 725-739, June 2022.
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  • Touching at a Distance: Digital Intimacies, Haptic Platforms, and the Ethics of Consent.Madelaine Ley & Nathan Rambukkana - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (5):1-17.
    The last decade has seen rise in technologies that allow humans to send and receive intimate touch across long distances. Drawing together platform studies, digital intimacy studies, phenomenology of touch, and ethics of technology, we argue that these new haptic communication devices require specific ethical consideration of consent. The paper describes several technologies, including Kiiroo teledildonics, the Kissenger, the Apple Watch, and Hey Bracelet, highlighting how the sense of touch is used in marketing to evoke a feeling of connection within (...)
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  • Cultivating Perception: Phenomenological Encounters with Artworks.Helen A. Fielding - 2015 - Signs 40 (2):280-289.
    Phenomenally strong artworks have the potential to anchor us in reality and to cultivate our perception. For the most part, we barely notice the world around us, as we are too often elsewhere, texting, coordinating schedules, planning ahead, navigating what needs to be done. This is the level of our age that shapes the ways we encounter things and others. In such a world it is no wonder we no longer trust our senses. But as feminists have long argued, thinking (...)
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  • Embodiment as a synthesis of having a body and being a body, and its role in self-identity and mental health.Lars-Gunnar Lundh & Lo Foster - 2024 - New Ideas in Psychology 74:101083.
    The experience of embodiment is a central theme in phenomenological philosophy and has recently received increasing attention also within psychological science. In the present paper we argue (1) that the experience of embodiment represents a fundamental synthesis of having a body (the body as an object) and being a body (the body as felt “from within”); (2) that this synthesis is basic to an individual’s experience of self-identity; (3) that each individual, as an existential task, has to develop their specific (...)
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  • Introduction: Feminist Phenomenology, Medicine, Bioethics, and Health.Lauren Freeman - 2018 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 11 (2):1-13.
    Although by no means mainstream, phenomenological approaches to bioethics and philosophy of medicine are no longer novel. Such approaches take the lived body —as opposed to the body understood as a material, biological object —as their point of departure to offer a more robust understanding of a plurality of experiences that go far beyond those surrounding disease...
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  • Frantz Fanon.Alia Al-Saji - 1920 - In Thomas Szanto & Hilge Landweer, The Routledge Handbook of Phenomenology of Emotion. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 207-214.
    This chapter argues that Fanon works to interrupt specular and spectacular renderings of suffering and colonial violence. The touch that Fanon advocates is neither optimal grip, violent grasp, nor uniform pressure, nor can it be predicted in advance. His writing touches colonial wounds; by palpating these wounds and dwelling in them, it resuscitates colonial wounds as feelings that are flesh, and does not leave them behind as if their scar tissue was merely a numb object of the past. Fanon seems (...)
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  • Feminist phenomenology, pregnancy, and transcendental subjectivity.Stella Sandford - 2016 - In [no title]. pp. 51–69.
    In 1930 Husserl wrote that phenomenology is ‘a transcendental idealism that is nothing more than a consequentially executed self-explication in the form of an egological science, an explication of my ego as subject of every possible cognition, and indeed with respect to every sense of what exists, wherewith the latter might be able to have a sense for me, the ego.’ In transcendental-phenomenological theory, according to Husserl, ‘every sort of existent itself, real or ideal, becomes understandable as a “product” of (...)
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  • The body in pieces: towards a feminist phenomenology of violence.Archana Kaku - 2024 - Contemporary Political Theory 23 (4):549-568.
    This article proposes that feminist phenomenology offers an essential set of conceptual tools for analysing forms of violence which destroy the body beyond the point of death. To illustrate the potential utility of this approach, I apply this lens to the 11 September 2001 attack on the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York City. I identify several distinct modes of bodily transformation from the attack, grouped into three broad categories: vaporised bodies, intermingled remains, and hidden fragments. I describe how (...)
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  • Why Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine?Lisa Folkmarson Käll & Kristin Zeiler - 2014 - In Kristin Zeiler & Lisa Folkmarson Käll, Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine. State University of New York Press. pp. 1-25.
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  • Affective Schemas, Gestational Incorporation, and Fetal-Maternal Touch.Nicole Miglio - 2019 - Humana Mente 12 (36).
    In this paper, I will argue that one’s participation in the experience of pregnancy is an essential part of the constitution of selves. Taking the radical notion of concrete essence as my point of departure in the first part of my paper, as well as the fundamental continuity between essences and facts proposed by Husserl, I will briefly map out my proposal within the contemporary feminist debate. In particular, I will argue for re-framing the role of pregnancy, rejecting the idea (...)
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  • Anaesthetics of Existence.Cressida J. Heyes - 2014 - In Kristin Zeiler & Lisa Folkmarson Käll, Feminist Phenomenology and Medicine. State University of New York Press. pp. 263-284.
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  • Razones del feminismo frente a la arrogancia de la razón dominante.María Del Carmen López Sáenz - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 16:233.
    Partiendo de la obra de Vicent Martínez en la que explicita qué entiende por “racionalidad práctica” en el marco de sus estudios fi-losóficos para la paz —también para la paz entre los géneros—, repensamos aquí nuestras propias contribuciones a la interacción entre la fenomenología y el feminismo, particularmente la vinculación de la crítica fenomenológica del objetivismo con el desenmascaramiento de la razón patriarcal, para demostrar que el reconocimiento no indiferente de la pluralidad no está reñido con la autonomía y la (...)
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  • Historiens byrde.Jan Slaby - 2019 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 54 (1-2):8-23.
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  • La sensibilité cinétique des corps, une vulnérabilité porteuse d’agentivité?Camille Zimmermann - 2021 - Ithaque 28:19-40.
    La sensibilité cinétique est un concept issu de la phénoménologie qui comprend les sensations des mouvements à l’intérieur et autour du corps. Nous souhaitons réhabiliter ce concept en tant que connaissance, afin de défendre le rôle du corps dans le savoir et de dénoncer certaines injustices épistémiques. Pour appuyer cela, les éthiques du care nous aideront à reconnaître une légitimité politique envers la vulnérabilité de nos mobilités corporelles. L’intérêt pour la sensibilité cinétique est de permettre à l’agent.e de se soucier (...)
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  • A New Framework for Enactivism: Understanding the enactive body through structural flexibility and Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of flesh.John Jenkinson - unknown
    The enactive approach to cognition and consciousness offers a valuable alternative to the standard approaches dominant in the sciences of mind. As an embodied account, enactivism incorporates theoretical perspectives on the body from phenomenology, cognitive science, and biology, which provides a unique interpretation of embodiment with critical insight into the embodied nature of cognition and consciousness. Nonetheless, I argue that several revisions are required to make enactivism viable within the context of the sciences of mind. The enactive account of subjectivity (...)
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