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La vie de monsieur Des-Cartes

Hildesheim, New York,: G. Olms (1972)

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  1. A Place of Knowledge Re-Created: The Library of Michel de Montaigne.Adi Ophir - 1991 - Science in Context 4 (1):163-190.
    The ArgumentMontaigne'sEssayswere an exercise in self-knowledge carried out for more than twenty years in Montaigne's private library located in his mansion near Bordeaux. The library was a place of solitude as well as a place of knowledge, a kind ofheterotopiain which two sets of spatial relations coexisted and interacted: the social and the epistemic. The spatial demarcation and arrangement of the site – in both the physical and the symbolic sense – were necessary elements of the constitution of Montaigne's self (...)
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  • The Legacy of Margaret Cavendish.Eric Lewis - 2001 - Perspectives on Science 9 (3):341-365.
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  • The mysteries of adaequare: A vindication of fermat.Herbert Breger - 1994 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 46 (3):193-219.
    The commonly accepted interpretations ofFermat's method of extreme values tell us that this is a curious method, based on an approximate equality and burdened with several contradictions withinFermat's writings. In this article, both a philological approach taking into account that there is only one manuscript written inFermat's own handwriting and a mathematical approach taking into account that brilliant mathematicians usually are not so very confused when talking about their own central mathematical ideas are combined. A new hypothesis is put forward (...)
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  • Descartes among the Novatores.Daniel Garber - 2015 - Res Philosophica 92 (1):1-19.
    In the Discours de la méthode, Descartes presents himself as a heroic figure, standing up against the current Aristotelian orthodoxy in philosophy, and offering something new, a mechanist physics and the metaphysics to go along with it. But Descartes was by no means the only challenger to Aristotelian natural philosophy: by Descartes’s day, there were many. Descartes was read as one of this group, generally called the novatores (innovators) in Latin, and often severely criticized for their advocacy of the new. (...)
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  • (1 other version)La vida práctica en Montaigne y Descartes.Raquel Lázaro - 2016 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 14:159-177.
    RESUMENEl estudio se centra en la filosofía práctica cartesiana: la dimensión técnica y la moral. Una parte de su filosofía muchas veces poco estudiada. A lo largo del Discurso del Método, Descartes parece dialogar con Michel de Montaigne para superar su posición escéptica. Lo consigue desde el punto de vista teórico, pero no en relación a la acción moral. En ese ámbito, Descartes lejos de alejarse de las posiciones montañistas, las reproduce. Las reglas de la moral provisional ya están en (...)
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  • Narrative and the Literary Imagination.John Gibson - 2014 - In Allen Speight, Narrative, Philosophy & Life. Springer. pp. 135-50.
    This paper attempts to reconcile two apparently opposed ways of thinking about the imagination and its relationship to literature, one which casts it as essentially concerned with fiction-making and the other with culture-making. The literary imagination’s power to create fictions is what gives it its most obvious claim to “autonomy”, as Kant would have it: its freedom to venture out in often wild and spectacular excess of reality. The argument of this paper is that we can locate the literary imagination’s (...)
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  • Politics of Invention. Derrida's Argument with Descartes.Olivier Dubouclez - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    Tout au long des années 80, Derrida a exploré le thème de l’invention et étudié en particulier sa conception cartésienne. Derrida récuse avec force cette dernière pour montrer qu’elle dissimule une conception théologico-politique du sujet, accomplissant sur le plan politique la thèse métaphysique du logocentrisme. Mais, à partir de Psychè. Inventions de l’autre, cette vision est infléchie pour développer la signification positive de ce qu’il finit par appeler « l’invention du même » qui constitue l’un des courants majeurs de l’invention (...)
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  • Mathematical Analysis as a Source of Mainstream Economic Ideology.Vlassis Missos - 2020 - Economic Thought 9 (1):72.
    The paper contends that neoclassical ideology stems, to a great extent, from mathematical analysis. It is suggested that mainstream economic thought can be comprehensively revisited if both histories of mathematical and economic thought are to be taken collaboratively into account. Ideology is understood as a 'social construction of reality' that prevents us from evaluating our own standpoint, and impedes us from realising our value judgments as well as our theories of society and nature. However, the mid-19th century's intellectual controversies about (...)
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  • Two new Descartes.Roger Ariew - 1997 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 5 (1):165 – 173.
    Descartes. An Intellectual Biography by Stephen Gaukroger, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995. xx + 499pp. 25.00 ISBN 0-19-823994-7 Descartes. Biographie by Gen vieve Rodis-Lewis, Calmann-L vy, Paris, 1995. 371pp.
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  • Descartes, Elisabeth e a melancolia: (tradução de cartas escolhidas).Rafael Teruel Coelho - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 46:257-293.
    Trata-se de uma coletânea de cartas em que Descartes e Elisabeth discutem as implicações da doença da princesa.
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  • (6 other versions)Quaderns de filosofia V, 2.Quad Fia - 2018 - Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (2).
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  • A cadela sem nome de Descartes: Notas sobre vivissecção e mecanomorfose no século XVII.Juliana Fausto - 2018 - Doispontos 15 (1).
    O artigo propõe, a partir de uma análise da célebre tese das “bestas-máquinas” de Descartes, uma discussão acerca da possibilidade de os animais, segundo esta doutrina, possuírem sensações, sendo assim capazes ou não de sentir dor; de sua recepção nos círculos científicos ingleses do século XVII em vista das práticas de vivissecção a sangue frio, correntes à época; de como os processos de mecanomorfose do pensamento afetam atualmente a vida dos animais.
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  • Descartes y los frutos de la mecánica: la conquista de la buena vida terrenal.Sergio García Rodríguez - 2018 - Quaderns de Filosofia 5 (2):29.
    Descartes and the fruits of mechanics: the conquest of the earthly good life Resumen: El proyecto de Descartes profesa un notable interés encaminado al dominio de la naturaleza que, en última instancia, debe conducir al sujeto a vivir la mejor vida posible. A este propósito se dirigen los distintos frutos, resultado de la ciencia cartesiana: Medicina, Moral y Mecánica. El presente artículo analiza los frutos de la mecánica a fin de determinar su papel respecto a la consecución de una buena (...)
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  • Sense and Singularity: Jean-Luc Nancy and the Interruption of Philosophy.Georges Van Den Abbeele - 2023 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Philosophical thinking is interrupted by the finitude of what cannot be named, on the one hand, and that within which it is subsumed as one of multiple modes of sense-making, on the other. Sense and Singularity elaborates Jean-Luc Nancy’s philosophical project as an inquiry into the limits or finitude of philosophy itself, where it is interrupted, and as a practice of critical intervention where philosophy serves to interrupt otherwise unquestioned ways of thinking. Nancy’s interruption of philosophy, Van Den Abbeele argues, (...)
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  • El sueño de la metafísica.Stéphane Vinolo - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía 47 (1):195-211.
    La experiencia común presenta los sueños como una sucesión de imágenes. Incluso quienes lo teorizaron vinculan lo onírico con lo visual: soñar es ver algo. No obstante, dado que los sueños están habitados por negatidades que se presentan bajo la forma de la ausencia, de la falta, de la frustración o, de manera más general, del deseo, el autor muestra que la ontología paradójica de éstas obliga a alejarnos del paradigma visual de la representación para pensarlo mediante el modelo discursivo (...)
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  • What’s Happening in Philosophy (WHiP)-The Philosophers, July 2022.Jeff Hawley - unknown
    Originally published in PhilosophyNews, July 19, 2022. -/- This new series, What’s Happening in Philosophy (WHiP)-The Philosophers aims to provide a monthly snapshot of various trends and discussions happening across the discipline. -/- In this inaugural post, we begin with a harrowing tale from David Edmonds involving the murder of the German philosopher Moritz Schlick. Schlick was a Vienna Circle guiding spirit and logical positivist thinker. Next up is Steven Nadler’s take on several biographies of the ‘father of modern philosophy’ (...)
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