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  1. Marxism, Christianity, and Islam: Taking Roger Garaudy’s Project Seriously.Julian Roche - 2023 - Academic Studies Press.
    "Roger Garaudy was for many years at the centre of the French Communist Party but was eventually expelled for his liberal views. In the Seventies he developed a project to bring Marxism and Christianity together, to include all humanity in a project to set all people free. What emerges from Garaudy's project is a very modern Marxism, with its emphasis on the individual, its ecological politics, and in its insistence on religion as central to human emancipation. Although Garaudy himself became (...)
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  • Imagination, Imaginary, Imaginal: Towards a New Social Ontology?Chiara Bottici - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (5):433-441.
    ABSTRACTThe concept of the social imaginary has been introduced as an alternative to theories of the imagination. Whereas the imagination tends to be conceived as a faculty that we possess as indiv...
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  • Freud’s Mass Hypnosis with Spinoza’s Superstitious Wonder: Balibar’s Multiple Transindividuality.Christopher Davidson - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):77-83.
    This response focuses on Balibar’s method of thinking transindividuality through multiple figures, in their similarities as well as their productive differences. His essay ‘Philosophies of the Transindividual: Spinoza, Marx, Freud’ combines the three titular figures in order to better think the multifaceted idea of ‘classical’ transindividuality. Balibar’s method combines the three but nonetheless maintains their dissimilarities as real differences. This response attempts to test or apply that method in two ways. The first application links Balibar’s analysis of Freud’s hypnotic leader (...)
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  • Property’s Props: A Response to Étienne Balibar’s ‘Philosophies of the Transindividual’.Ingrid Diran - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):32-38.
    This commentary focuses upon the ‘fetishism of persons’ in Marx which Balibar claims both mirrors and animates the better-known fetishism of things. Revisiting the chapter on exchange in which Balibar grounds his thesis, the essay attends to the theatrical metaphors by which Marx presents legal personhood as a pantomime of commodity fetishism. The essay demonstrates how the movable immobility of the commodity comes to life in its inverse, the mobile and immovable figure of the legal person; it then claims that (...)
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  • Conflict as the Quasi-Transcendental: Or, Why Spinoza’s Theologcal Political Treatise Matters for Transindividuality.Dimitris Vardoulakis - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):107-112.
    Vardoulakis explores what Balibar means by designating transindividuality as ‘quasi-transcendental.’ He does so by turning to Balibar’s readings of Part IV of Spinoza’s Ethics, the Part that is central to Balibar’s understanding of the transindividual in Spinoza. Vardoulakis shows that the quasi-transcendental in Spinoza can only be a form of agonistic relations if his political theory in the Theological Political Treatise is to account for political change.
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  • Kobieta, ciało i technodystopia.Antonina Januszkiewicz - 2022 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 29:151-168.
    Artykuł ukazuje polityczność ontologicznego systemu Benedykta Spinozy na przykładzie pojęcia conatus. Autorka broni spójności myśli niderlandzkiego myśliciela polemizując z interpretacją Leszka Kołakowskiego, podług której system Spinozy charakteryzują nieprzezwyciężalne antynomie jednostki i nieskończoności. Jak zostaje wykazane w tekście artykułu, dostrzeżenie fundamentalnie politycznego charakteru ontologicznych pojęć Spinozy pozwala przekroczyć owe antynomie w kierunku spójnej i klarownej interpretacji. Skupiając ciężar wywodu na pojęciu conatus, autorka poddaje analizie dwie antynomie Kołakowskiego. Pierwsza z nich dotyczy problemu trwania i jednostkowości i przedstawia pozorną sprzeczność pomiędzy zasadą (...)
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  • Materialist Politics of Fetishism: Balibar’s Critique of Transindividuality’s Cryptonormativity.Yannik Thiem - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):39-46.
    This article takes up Balibar’s treatment of fetishism as central for understanding Marx as thinker of transindividuality and to develop a materialist account of the appearance of isolated individuality. The article shows how Balibar elaborates a critique of a cryptonormativity in those accounts of transindividuality that diagnose problems of capitalism as a loss of ‘proper’ forms of individuation. I argue that this critique rests in Balibar’s rereading of commodity fetishism that foregrounds the reality of imaginative effects, which is irreducible to (...)
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  • Enactive becoming.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (5):783-809.
    The enactive approach provides a perspective on human bodies in their organic, sensorimotor, social, and linguistic dimensions, but many fundamental issues still remain unaddressed. A crucial desideratum for a theory of human bodies is that it be able to account for concrete human becoming. In this article I show that enactive theory possesses resources to achieve this goal. Being an existential structure, human becoming is best approached by a series of progressive formal indications. I discuss three standpoints on human becoming (...)
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  • Transindividuality in Dispute: A Response to my Readers.Étienne Balibar - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):113-117.
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  • Shall we forget human nature? Political anthropology and technics from Marx and Engels to Simondon.Andrea Bardin & Fabio Raimondi - 2023 - Contemporary Political Theory 22 (1):24-45.
    Human nature is something of a taboo on the left wing of contemporary political theory and scarcely more than a commonsense assumption on its right wing. This article aims to expose the taboo and to challenge the assumption. There is no way, we argue, to defeat conservative political theory without delving into political anthropology. With this purpose in mind, our article analyses the writings of Marx and Engels, and Simondon’s concepts of the transindividual and technics. It shows that Simondon’s theory (...)
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  • Simondon Contra New Materialism: Political Anthropology Reloaded.Andrea Bardin - 2021 - Theory, Culture and Society 38 (5):25-44.
    This paper responds to an invitation to historians of political thought to enter the debate on new materialism. It combines Simondon’s philosophy of individuation with some aspects of post-humanist and new materialist thought, without abandoning a more classically ‘historical’ characterization of materialism. Two keywords drawn from Barad and Simondon respectively – ‘ontoepistemology’ and ‘axiontology’ – represent the red thread of a narrative that connects the early modern invention of civil science (emblematically represented here by the ‘conceptual couple’ Descartes-Hobbes) to Wiener’s (...)
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  • O Fascismo Transindividual.Ádamo B. E. Da Veiga - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (1):13-38.
    Resumo: O presente artigo versa sobre o problema político-filosófico do fascismo. O conceito tem mostrado crescente relevância no cenário público nacional e mundial, figurando cada vez mais no debate leigo e especializado. O termo fascismo, hoje, é amplamente empregado, tanto na qualificação de movimentos políticos de diversos espectros quanto na grande mídia e revistas científicas. O objetivo deste artigo é utilizar o conceito de transindividual na compreensão do fascismo, a partir da teorização, ela mesma transindividual, do fenômeno, realizada por Deleuze (...)
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  • Identification with Authority and the Transindividual in Rousseau: Critical Comments on Balibar’s Concept of the Transindividual.Spyridon Tegos - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):94-100.
    In his essay, ‘Aimances de Rousseau: Sur La Nouvelle Héloise comme traité des passions,’ Etienne Balibar analyses the structure of transition from love to friendship which are more than passions or sentiments; they are affective structures, interconnected within an affective network the political relevance of which transcends the dichotomy between the domestic and political sphere. Belonging to the genre of sentimental novel, Rousseaus Nouvelle Héloise transgresses the canonical structure of the genre in the eighteenth century. His innovative literary strategy, according (...)
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  • From Form to In-formation: A Spinozan Link between Deleuzian and Simondonian Ontologies.J. J. Sylvia Iv - 2022 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 16 (2):233-261.
    In developing the concept of assemblages, Gilles Deleuze draws at least some inspiration from Gilbert Simondon’s concept of information. While his acknowledgement of Simondon’s influence is almost entirely positive, Deleuze explicitly distances himself from the concept of information in order to avoid its link to the field of cybernetics. However, a Deleuzian informational ontology could instead be leveraged as an alternative to cybernetics. Drawing on the Spinozan link between the work of Deleuze and Simondon, it is possible to develop a (...)
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  • The Transindividual Unconscious.Jason Read - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):62-68.
    I follow Etienne Balibar in understanding Freud as not only an important thinker of transindividuality alongside Spinoza and Marx, but also the one that pushes an ontology of relations to its full development. In response to Balibar I critically examine Freud, who, outside of Group Psychology and the Analysis of Ego, often referred individual and collective development to the family as the primal scene. I also explore how it would be possible to conceive of a concept of social relations that (...)
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  • On Étienne Balibar’s ‘Philosophies of the Transindividual’.Vittorio Morfino - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):84-93.
    The article considers some explicit or implicit and yet fundamental references to Althusser in Balibar’s text about transindividuality. Of particular significance is the attempt to think of an articulation of ideology and the unconscious which brings into play the three authors Balibar evokes—Spinoza, Marx, and Freud—so as to reactivate them beyond Simondon’s own theory of transindividuality.
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  • Response to Étienne Balibar, ‘Philosophies of the Transindividual: Spinoza, Marx, Freud’.James Martel - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):101-106.
    In this short response to Balibar’s article, I discuss what I consider to be some of the most radical implications of Balibar’s notion of transindividualism. Specifically, I argue that in his reading of Marx, Spinoza and Freud, Balibar complicates not only the categories of the individual and the mass but also even the way that these two concepts are connected, along with a more general subversion of the most fundamental building blocks of capitalism. Balibar shows that communism is already present (...)
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  • Polityczność pragnienia w myśli Spinozy: przeciwko antynomicznej interpretacji Leszka Kołakowskiego.Antonina Januszkiewicz - 2022 - Civitas 29:13-37.
    Artykuł ukazuje polityczność ontologicznego systemu Benedykta Spinozy na przykładzie pojęcia conatus (pragnienia). Autorka broni spójności myśli niderlandzkiego myśliciela polemizując z interpretacją Leszka Kołakowskiego, podług której system Spinozy charakteryzują nieprzezwyciężalne antynomie jednostki i nieskończoności. Jak zostaje wykazane w tekście artykułu, dostrzeżenie fundamentalnie politycznego charakteru ontologicznych pojęć Spinozy pozwala przekroczyć owe antynomie w kierunku spójnej i klarownej interpretacji. Skupiając ciężar wywodu na pojęciu conatus, autorka poddaje analizie dwie antynomie Kołakowskiego. Pierwsza z nich dotyczy problemu trwania i jednostkowości i przedstawia pozorną sprzeczność pomiędzy (...)
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  • El tiempo de la insurrección: pasado, presente y futuro en Étienne Balibar.Violeta Garrido - 2023 - Isegoría 68:e10.
    Con el objetivo de contextualizar los aportes intelectuales más contemporáneos de Étienne Balibar, el presente artículo estudia la filosofía de la historia presente en su obra de madurez, es decir, la manera en la que el filósofo interpreta el cambio histórico en el campo político. En primer lugar, se aborda la significación relativamente benjaminiana que adquiere el «momento insurreccional» constitutivo del principio de la igualibertad, estableciendo los puntos de contacto y las diferencias entre la idea de Balibar y la de (...)
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  • Balibar’s Transindividualism: What Kind of Via Negativa?Mark G. E. Kelly - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):26-31.
    In this response, while agreeing with Balibar’s substantive positive position, I take issue with the way he situates it. Specifically, he casts it as a via negativa in relation to all previously existing thought. I suggest that it would be more accurate to say he is positioning the notion of the transindividual as a via media between two alleged extremes, individualism and organicism. I argue that the idea that there is an opposite and equal error to individualism is mistaken, and (...)
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  • Debating Anarchafeminism.Chiara Bottici - 2023 - Philosophy Today 67 (4):979-992.
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