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  1. (1 other version)Boolean‐Valued Models of Set Theory with Automorphisms.E. G. Hernandez - 1986 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 32 (7‐9):117-130.
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  • Orthospaces and quantum logic.J. L. Bell - 1985 - Foundations of Physics 15 (12):1179-1202.
    In this paper we construct the ortholattices arising in quantum logic starting from the phenomenologically plausible idea of a collection of ensembles subject to passing or failing various “tests.” A collection of ensembles forms a certain kind of preordered set with extra structure called anorthospace; we show that complete ortholattices arise as canonical completions of orthospaces in much the same way as arbitrary complete lattices arise as canonical completions of partially ordered sets. We also show that the canonical completion of (...)
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  • Cosmological choices.David Finkelstein - 1982 - Synthese 50 (3):399 - 420.
    Present physics is a mix of theories of time, logic, and matter. These may have a common origin in a unitary quantum cosmology founded on process alone. A quantum theory of sets, or something like it, is helpful for such a cosmology, and one is constructed by adding superposition to a slightly reformulated classical set theory. There is an elementary or atomic process in such theories. The size of its characteristic time is estimated from the mass spectrum, although this gives (...)
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  • From absolute to local mathematics.J. L. Bell - 1986 - Synthese 69 (3):409 - 426.
    In this paper (a sequel to [4]) I put forward a "local" interpretation of mathematical concepts based on notions derived from category theory. The fundamental idea is to abandon the unique absolute universe of sets central to the orthodox set-theoretic account of the foundations of mathematics, replacing it by a plurality of local mathematical frameworks - elementary toposes - defined in category-theoretic terms.
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  • Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science.Carola Eschenbach, Christopher Habel & Barry Smith (eds.) - 1984 - Hamburg: Graduiertenkolleg Kognitionswissenschaft.
    A collection of papers presented at the First International Summer Institute in Cognitive Science, University at Buffalo, July 1994, including the following papers: ** Topological Foundations of Cognitive Science, Barry Smith ** The Bounds of Axiomatisation, Graham White ** Rethinking Boundaries, Wojciech Zelaniec ** Sheaf Mereology and Space Cognition, Jean Petitot ** A Mereotopological Definition of 'Point', Carola Eschenbach ** Discreteness, Finiteness, and the Structure of Topological Spaces, Christopher Habel ** Mass Reference and the Geometry of Solids, Almerindo E. Ojeda (...)
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  • All the mathematics in the world: logical validity and classical set theory.David Charles McCarty - 2017 - Philosophical Problems in Science 63:5-29.
    A recognizable topological model construction shows that any consistent principles of classical set theory, including the validity of the law of the excluded third, together with a standard class theory, do not suffice to demonstrate the general validity of the law of the excluded third. This result calls into question the classical mathematician's ability to offer solid justifications for the logical principles he or she favors.
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  • (1 other version)Second‐Order Logic and Set Theory.Jouko Väänänen - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (7):463-478.
    Both second-order logic and set theory can be used as a foundation for mathematics, that is, as a formal language in which propositions of mathematics can be expressed and proved. We take it upon ourselves in this paper to compare the two approaches, second-order logic on one hand and set theory on the other hand, evaluating their merits and weaknesses. We argue that we should think of first-order set theory as a very high-order logic.
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  • Heyting-valued interpretations for constructive set theory.Nicola Gambino - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 137 (1-3):164-188.
    We define and investigate Heyting-valued interpretations for Constructive Zermelo–Frankel set theory . These interpretations provide models for CZF that are analogous to Boolean-valued models for ZF and to Heyting-valued models for IZF. Heyting-valued interpretations are defined here using set-generated frames and formal topologies. As applications of Heyting-valued interpretations, we present a relative consistency result and an independence proof.
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  • Against cantorism.Allen P. Hazen - 1994 - Sophia 33 (2):21-32.
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  • Mathematical quantum theory I: Random ultrafilters as hidden variables.William Boos - 1996 - Synthese 107 (1):83 - 143.
    The basic purpose of this essay, the first of an intended pair, is to interpret standard von Neumann quantum theory in a framework of iterated measure algebraic truth for mathematical (and thus mathematical-physical) assertions — a framework, that is, in which the truth-values for such assertions are elements of iterated boolean measure-algebras (cf. Sections 2.2.9, 5.2.1–5.2.6 and 5.3 below).The essay itself employs constructions of Takeuti's boolean-valued analysis (whose origins lay in work of Scott, Solovay, Krauss and others) to provide a (...)
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  • The mathematical development of set theory from Cantor to Cohen.Akihiro Kanamori - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (1):1-71.
    Set theory is an autonomous and sophisticated field of mathematics, enormously successful not only at its continuing development of its historical heritage but also at analyzing mathematical propositions cast in set-theoretic terms and gauging their consistency strength. But set theory is also distinguished by having begun intertwined with pronounced metaphysical attitudes, and these have even been regarded as crucial by some of its great developers. This has encouraged the exaggeration of crises in foundations and of metaphysical doctrines in general. However, (...)
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  • The consequence relation preserving logical information.Andrzej Pietruszczak - 2004 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 13:89-120.
    Information is contained in statements and «flows» from their structure and meaning of expressions they contain. The information that flows only from the meaning of logical constants and logical structure of statements we will call logical information. In this paper we present a formal explication of this notion which is proper for sentences being Boolean combination of atomic sentences. 1 Therefore we limit ourselves to analyzing logical information flowing only from the meaning of truth-value connectives and logical structure of sentences (...)
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  • The Space of Measurement Outcomes as a Spectral Invariant for Non-Commutative Algebras.Bas Spitters - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (7):896-908.
    The recently developed technique of Bohrification associates to a (unital) C*-algebra Athe Kripke model, a presheaf topos, of its classical contexts;in this Kripke model a commutative C*-algebra, called the Bohrification of A;the spectrum of the Bohrification as a locale internal in the Kripke model. We propose this locale, the ‘state space’, as a (n intuitionistic) logic of the physical system whose observable algebra is A.We compute a site which externally captures this locale and find that externally its points may be (...)
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  • On Confusions About Bivalence and Excluded Middle.David DeVidi & Graham Solomon - 1999 - Dialogue 38 (4):785-.
    RésuméCet article discute diverses confusions, actueles ou potentielles, liées á la bivalence et au tiers exclu. Il s'agit, en particulier, 1) d'examiner divers cas illustrant les rapports entre la bivalence et le tiers exclu ; 2) de discuter la thése selon laquelle le tiers exclu et le schéma-T de Tarskipour la vérité entraînent la bivalence; 3) de proposer quelques remarques sur les rapports entre la bivalence, le tiers exclu et la preuve par l'absurde; 4) de scruter un argument répandu selon (...)
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  • Constructive set theoretic models of typed combinatory logic.Andreas Knobel - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (1):99-118.
    We shall present two novel ways of deriving simply typed combinatory models. These are of interest in a constructive setting. First we look at extension models, which are certain subalgebras of full function space models. Then we shall show how the space of singletons of a combinatory model can itself be made into one. The two and the algebras in between will have many common features. We use these two constructions in proving: There is a model of constructive set theory (...)
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  • Derived rules for predicative set theory: an application of sheaves.Benno van den Berg & Ieke Moerdijk - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (10):1367-1383.
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  • W.D. Hart, The Evolution of Logic. [REVIEW]Cristian Alejandro Gutiérrez Ramírez - 2014 - Critica 46 (137):129-137.
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  • (1 other version)On the Mathematical Content of the Theory of Classes KM.Ramón Jansana - 1989 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 35 (5):399-412.
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  • Isomorphism of structures in s-toposes.J. L. Bell - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):449-459.
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  • (1 other version)On the Mathematical Content of the Theory of Classes KM.Ramón Jansana - 1989 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 35 (5):399-412.
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  • Minimal elementary extensions of models of set theory and arithmetic.Ali Enayat - 1990 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 30 (3):181-192.
    TheoremEvery model of ZFChas a conservative elementary extension which possesses a cofinal minimal elementary extension.An application of Boolean ultrapowers to models of full arithmetic is also presented.
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  • Local possibilistic logic.Luca Boldrin & Claudio Sossai - 1997 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 7 (3):309-333.
    Possibilistic states of information are fuzzy sets of possible worlds. They constitute a complete lattice, which can be endowed with a monoidal operation (a t-norm) to produce a quantal. An algebraic semantics is presented which links possibilistic formulae with information states, and gives a natural interpretation of logical connectives as operations on fuzzy sets. Due to the quantal structure of information states, we obtain a system which shares several features with (exponential-free) intuitionistic linear logic. Soundness and completeness are proved, parametrically (...)
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  • (1 other version)Boolean-Valued Models of Set Theory with Automorphisms.E. G. Hernandez - 1986 - Zeitschrift fur mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 32 (7-9):117-130.
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  • A Model for Spacetime: The Role of Interpretation in Some Grothendieck Topoi. [REVIEW]Jerzy Król - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (7):1070-1098.
    We analyse the proposition that the spacetime structure is modified at short distances or at high energies due to weakening of classical logic. The logic assigned to the regions of spacetime is intuitionistic logic of some topoi. Several cases of special topoi are considered. The quantum mechanical effects can be generated by such semi-classical spacetimes. The issues of: background independence and general relativity covariance, field theoretic renormalization of divergent expressions, the existence and definition of path integral measures, are briefly discussed (...)
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  • Topos Theory in Montréal in the 1970s: My Personal Involvement.Gonzalo E. Reyes - 2019 - History and Philosophy of Logic 40 (4):389-402.
    Volume 40, Issue 4, November 2019, Page 389-402.
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  • Categories, toposes and sets.J. L. Bell - 1982 - Synthese 51 (3):293 - 337.
    This paper is an introduction to topos theory which assumes no prior knowledge of category theory. It includes a discussion of internal logic in a topos, A characterization of the category of sets, And an investigation of the notions of topology and sheaf in a topos.
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  • CZF does not have the existence property.Andrew W. Swan - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (5):1115-1147.
    Constructive theories usually have interesting metamathematical properties where explicit witnesses can be extracted from proofs of existential sentences. For relational theories, probably the most natural of these is the existence property, EP, sometimes referred to as the set existence property. This states that whenever ϕϕ is provable, there is a formula χχ such that ϕ∧χϕ∧χ is provable. It has been known since the 80s that EP holds for some intuitionistic set theories and yet fails for IZF. Despite this, it has (...)
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  • Two episodes in the unification of logic and topology.E. R. Grosholz - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (2):147-157.
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  • Logical rules and the determinacy of meaning.Charles McCarty - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 54 (1):89-98.
    The use of conventional logical connectives either in logic, in mathematics, or in both cannot determine the meanings of those connectives. This is because every model of full conventional set theory can be extended conservatively to a model of intuitionistic set plus class theory, a model in which the meanings of the connectives are decidedly intuitionistic and nonconventional. The reasoning for this conclusion is acceptable to both intuitionistic and classical mathematicians. En route, I take a detour to prove that, given (...)
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  • Recollections of logicians, mathematicians and philosophers.John L. Bell - 2023 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (6):1232-1250.
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