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  1. Spinoza as Educator: From eudaimonistic ethics to an empowering and liberating pedagogy.Nimrod Aloni - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (4):531-544.
    Although Spinoza's formative influence on the cultural ideals of the West is widely recognized, especially with reference to liberal democracy, secular humanism, and naturalistic ethics, little has been written about the educational implications of his philosophy. This article explores the pedagogical tenets that are implicit in Spinoza's writings. I argue (1) that Spinoza's ethics is eudaimonistic, aiming at self‐affirmation, full humanity and wellbeing; (2) that the flourishing of individuals depends on their personal resources, namely, their conatus, power, vitality or capacity (...)
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  • The Folds of Experience, or: Constructing the pedagogy of values.Inna Semetsky - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (4):476-488.
    This paper situates moral education in the context of Gilles Deleuze's philosophy and as embedded in lived experience qualified by three dimensions, namely critical, clinical, and creative (‘3C’). The construct of ‘3C’ education will be enriched by reference to the theoretical corpus of Nel Noddings, specifically her 2006 book Critical Lessons: What our schools should teach. The paper argues that only as embodying all three ‘C's in experience can education become genuinely moral and bring the missing element of values into (...)
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  • Liberation Pragmatism: Dussel and Dewey in Dialogue.Alex Sager & Albert R. Spencer - 2016 - Contemporary Pragmatism 13 (4):1-22.
    Enrique Dussel and John Dewey share commitments to philosophical theory and practice aimed at addressing human problems, democratic modes of inquiry, and progressive social reform, but also maintain productive differences in their fundamental starting point for political philosophy and their use of the social sciences. Dussel provides a corrective to Dewey’s Eurocentrism and to his tendency to underplay the challenges of incorporating marginalized populations by insisting that social and political philosophy begin from the perspective of the marginalized and excluded. Simultaneously, (...)
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  • The Problem of Critique: Triangulating Habermas, Derrida, and Gadamer Within Metamodernism.Stephen M. Feldman - 2005 - Contemporary Political Theory 4 (3):296-320.
    This essay argues that Hans-Georg Gadamer's philosophical hermeneutics, Jürgen Habermas's communication theory, and Jacques Derrida's deconstruction all fit together within one philosophical paradigm: metamodernism. Metamodernism, as defined, is opposed to both modernism and radical forms of postmodernism. Within metamodernism, a political conundrum provides the key clue for understanding the relations among Gadamer, Habermas, and Derrida as well as for elaborating the contours of the paradigm. Specifically, the political implications of the three philosophies are intransitive: they seem to shift around rather (...)
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  • Epistemic Injustice Expanded: A Feminist, Animal Studies Approach.Rebecca Dayna Tuvel - unknown
    In this dissertation, I argue that an account of epistemic injustice sensitive to interlocking oppressions must take us beyond injustice to human knowers. Although several feminist epistemologists argue for the incorporation of all forms of oppression into their analyses, feminist epistemology remains for the most part an anthropocentric enterprise. Yet insofar as a reduction to animal irrationality has been central to the epistemic injustice of both humans and animals, I propose that in addition to axes of gender, race, class and (...)
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  • Professional knowledge and the epistemology of reflective practice.Elizabeth Anne Kinsella - 2010 - Nursing Philosophy 11 (1):3-14.
    Reflective practice is one of the most popular theories of professional knowledge in the last 20 years and has been widely adopted by nursing, health, and social care professions. The term was coined by Donald Schön in his influential books The Reflective Practitioner , and Educating the Reflective Practitioner , and has garnered the unprecedented attention of theorists and practitioners of professional education and practice. Reflective practice has been integrated into professional preparatory programmes, continuing education programmes, and by the regulatory (...)
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  • An un‐Rortyan defence of Rorty's pragmatism.Kai Nielsen - 1996 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 39 (1):71-95.
    An identification is made of the core metaphilosophical, philosophical, and intellectual history theses in Richard Rorty's pragmatism. Their rationale is displayed and it is argued that his metaphilosophical theses are very much dependent on certain of his non‐metaphilosophical philosophical theses, most centrally his anti‐representationalism. Questions emerge about the status and justification of these theses. Rorty, in his programmatic pronouncements, resists providing a vindication of them. Seeking to avoid what has been called performative contradictions, he regards it as sufficient to provide (...)
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  • (1 other version)On the prospects of a semiotic theory of learning.Torjus Midtgarden - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (2):239–252.
    Taking as its exegetic point of departure Peirce's outline of a semiotic theory of cognition from the mid 1890s, this paper explores the relevance of this outline to a theory of learning and also to a broader, normative vision of education. Firstly, besides providing for fallibilism in philosophical inquiry Peirce's outline accords with critical strategies of his fellow pragmatists, such as William James's detection of the ‘psychologist's fallacy’ and John Dewey's rejection of the ‘philosophical fallacy’. It is pointed out that (...)
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  • (1 other version)Between memory and différance: (Radically) understanding the other.Deborah Kerdeman - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (2):225–229.
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  • Dewey, Derrida, and 'the double bind'.Jim Garrison - 2003 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 35 (3):349–362.
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  • Love and Death—and Other Somatic Transactions.Vincent Colapietro - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (4):163-172.
    : This paper both elaborates and interrogates the transactional model of human experience at the center of Shannon W. Sullivan's Living Across and Through Skins. In particular, it highlights the need (especially given her concerns and commitments) to supplement her account with a psychoanalytic reading of our gendered subjectivities. Moreover, it stresses the necessity to focus on such humanly important—and irreducibly somatic—phenomena as grief and eros.
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  • Love and Death—and Other Somatic Transactions.Vincent Colapietro - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (4):163-172.
    This paper both elaborates and interrogates the transactional model of human experience at the center of Shannon W. Sullivan's Living Across and Through Skins. In particular, it highlights the need to supplement her account with a psychoanalytic reading of our gendered subjectivities. Moreover, it stresses the necessity to focus on such humanly important—and irreducibly somatic—phenomena as grief and eros.
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  • (1 other version)Between Memory and Différance: (radically) understanding the other.Deborah Kerdeman - 1999 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 31 (2):225-229.
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  • From Love to Care: Arendt’s Amor Mundi in the Ethical Turn.Lucien Ferguson - 2022 - Political Theory 50 (6):939-963.
    This article offers a novel account of a key concept in Hannah Arendt’s political thought: amor mundi. In political theory’s ethical turn, theorists have increasingly turned to amor mundi as a source of ethical guidance and inspiration for politics. However, in doing so, they have elided Arendt’s distinct understanding of care. This article recovers Arendt’s understanding of amor mundi as care for the world by reconstructing the central concerns of her dissertation, Der Liebesbegriff bei Augustin, and tracing them to the (...)
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  • The peculiar convergence of Jeffrey Alexander and Erik Olin Wright.Mustafa Emirbayer & Molly Noble - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (6):617-645.
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  • Hegel’s logic of finitude.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (2):213-233.
    In “Violence and Metaphysics” Jacques Derrida suggests that “the only effective position to take in order not to be enveloped by Hegel would seem to be…to consider false-infinity…irreducible.” Inversely, refuting the charge of logocentrism associated with Hegelian true infinity ( wahrhafte Unendlichkeit ) would involve showing that Hegel’s speculative logic does not establish the infinity of being exempt from the negativity of the finite. This paper takes up Derrida’s challenge, and argues that true infinity is crucial to Hegel’s understanding of (...)
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  • (1 other version)Review of C. Koopman, Pragmatism as Transition. Historicity and Hope in James, Dewey, and Rorty. [REVIEW]Roberto Frega - 2009 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 1 (1).
    Koopman’s book revolves around the notion of transition, which he proposes is one of the central ideas of the pragmatist tradition but one which had not previously been fully articulated yet nevertheless shapes the pragmatist attitude in philosophy. Transition, according to Koopman, denotes “those temporal structures and historical shapes in virtue of which we get from here to there”. One of the consequences of transitionalism is the understanding of critique and inquiry as historical pro...
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  • Soft Universalisms: Beyond Young and Rorty on Difference.Gideon Calder - 2006 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 9 (1):3-21.
    Recent critiques of normative universalism have helped entrench a dichotomy between formalist universal egalitarian claims (typical of the liberal tradition) and particularist attention to cultural difference (in contemporary communitarianism, and in more or less postmodernist approaches). Focusing on the work of Richard Rorty and Iris Marion Young, this article explores whether, and how, we might find space for a universalism which avoids problems encountered by the formalist model. I argue that, while both Rorty and Young reject ‘Enlightenment’ universalism, the approaches (...)
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  • Epistemological Multilingualism: A Tool for Conviviality.Charles Scott - 2009 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 18 (2):43-54.
    In a globalized world where the traditional, the modern, and the postmodern increasingly meet, there is a growing need for understanding, particularly of views different from our own. In this paper, I want to explore the concept of epistemological multilingualism and its value to scholarship, advancing the notion that epistemological multilingualism—the ability to respect and understand multiple epistemic standpoints—emerges out of a postmodern, integral perspective which sees the reality of several epistemological frameworks, as well as the ability to understand, learn (...)
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  • Theorizing Breastfeeding: Body Ethics, Maternal Generosity and the Gift Relation.Rhonda Shaw - 2003 - Body and Society 9 (2):55-73.
    This article is designed to explore ideas in the recent sociology of morality about the conjunction of ethics and embodiment in everyday life. While it draws on an interpretation of the ethical encounter as a relation of moral proximity, it extends this conception of ethics beyond the dyad to include a discussion of gift giving and generosity in the present context. This is done in order to analyse a concrete empirical event in terms of the web of moral and social (...)
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  • Learning by abduction: A geometrical interpretation.Inna Semetsky - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):199-212.
    This paper posits Peirce’s logical category of abduction as a necessary component in the learning process. Because of the cardinality of categories, Thirdness always contains in itself the Firstness of abduction. In psychological terms, abduction can be interpreted as intuition or insight. The paper suggests that abduction can be modeled as a vector on a complex plane. Such geometrical interpretation of the triadic sign helps to clarify the paradox of new knowledge that haunted us since Plato first articulated it in (...)
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  • Living in a Wittgensteinian world: Beyond theory to a poetics of practices.John Shotter - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (3):293–311.
    As human beings, we share many historically developed, language-game interwoven, public forms of life. Due to the joint, dialogically responsive nature of all social life within such forms, we cannot as individuals just act as we please; our forms of life exert a normative influence on what we can say and do. They act as a backdrop against which all our claims to knowledge are judged as acceptable or not. As a result, it is not easy to articulate their inadequacies (...)
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  • Derrida, Politics and Democracy to Come.Paul Patton - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (6):766-780.
    Derrida's early reluctance to spell out political implications of deconstruction gave way during the course of the 1980s to a series of analyses of political concepts and issues. This article identifies the principal intellectual strategies of Derrida's political engagements and provides a detailed account of his concept of ‘democracy to come’. Finally, it suggests several points of contact between Derrida and recent liberal political philosophy, as well as some areas in which deconstructive analyses require further refinement if fruitful exchange is (...)
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  • Richard Rorty’s Disenchanted Liberalism.Jeffrey Metzger - 2010 - Contemporary Pragmatism 7 (1):107-128.
    This paper identifies cultural disenchantment as a crucial concept in Rorty's understanding of liberalism, and considers how Rorty's use of this term draws on but also differs from similar ideas in Nietzsche and Weber. It argues that Rorty's notion of disenchantment complements his Darwinian view of human nature and his conception of the self as a centerless web of beliefs and desires. These three principal ideas form the basis of Rorty's novel theoretical approach to liberal democracy and of his belief (...)
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  • The musical horizon of religion : Blumenberg's Matthäuspassion.Bruce Krajewski - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (4):81-95.
    Compassion is a sign of superficiality: broken destinies and unrelenting misery either make you scream or turn you to stone. Pity is not only inefficient; it is also insulting. And besides, how can you pity another when you yourself suffer ignominiously? Compassion is as common as it is because it does not bind you to anything! Nobody in this world has yet died from another's suffering. And the one who said that he died for us did not die; he was (...)
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  • Editor's introduction.Charles Arthur Willard - 1994 - Argumentation 8 (2):103-110.
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  • The complex challenges of ethical choices by engineers in public service.Gerald Andrews Emison - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):233-244.
    This paper proposes that engineers in public service are confronted with unavoidable complexity in their ethical considerations. The complexity begins with interactions among venues of ethical choices. Engineers must make ethical choices simultaneously at the individual, professional, organizational and societal levels. These ethical domains often conflict. The complexity also stems from situations in which physical properties may remain stable, but important social, economic, institutional and political conditions can change substantially. The paper proposes that the reflective learning approach of pragmatism can (...)
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  • The Ethics of Ontology: Rethinking an Aristotelian Legacy.Christopher P. Long - 2004 - State University of New York Press.
    A novel rereading of the relationship between ethics and ontology in Aristotle.
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  • Pragmatism as Atheoreticism: Richard Rorty.Kai Nielsen - 2005 - Contemporary Pragmatism 2 (1):1-33.
    This essay offers an account of Rorty's version of pragmatism after the so-called linguistic turn, including his attack on epistemology and metaphysics, his metaphilosophy, his theory of morality, and his political philosophy. Woven into this account of Rorty are some of the most important criticisms made of Rorty, and considerations about how Rorty has responded or could have responded.
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  • The fundamental commitments of educators.Nimrod Aloni - 2008 - Ethics and Education 3 (2):149-159.
    This article seeks to examine central aspects of the relationship between ethics and education in the beginning of the twenty-first century. Since both ethics and education are practical disciplines that are bound to deal with and are challenged by human predicaments, cultural ills and social evils, it seems that in examining the relations between the two, one is required to go beyond analytic elucidation into a more normative, prescriptive and political discourse. It is in light of this understanding and in (...)
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  • Lost and (not yet) found.Giles R. Scofield - 1996 - HEC Forum 8 (6):372-391.
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  • The romantic connection: Neurath, the Frankfurt school, and Heidegger.Andrew Bowie - 2000 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):275-298.
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  • Introduction: From Fromm to Lacan: Habermas and Education in Conversation.Mark Murphy & John Bamber - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (2):103-107.
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  • The Autonomy of the Self: The Meadian Heritage and its Postmodern Challenge.Hans Joas - 1998 - European Journal of Social Theory 1 (1):7-18.
    This paper addresses the question of the relationship between creativity and autonomy - originally related to each other in the concept of the `self' as one of the crucial parts of the Meadian and symbolic interactionist heritage - and asks how we should construe this relation today. After a brief reconstruction of the history of the notions of `self' and `identity' the paper takes up the postmodern challenge of these notions by clarifying and partially revising them. It discusses the three (...)
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  • Redeeming Rorty’s Private–Public Distinction.Tracy Llanera - 2016 - Contemporary Pragmatism 13 (3):319-340.
    Rorty uses the private–public distinction as a conceptual tool to uphold the ideal of self–creation (Romanticism) simultaneously to the ideal of solidarity (Enlightenment liberalism). The difficulty of accommodating these two apparently opposing ideals has led Rorty to make inconsistent and contradictory claims about the private–public distinction. This article suggests a way of easing the tension that exists around Rorty’s formulations of the distinction. It does so by turning to the thematic of “self–enlargement” to be found in Rorty’s later writings. By (...)
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  • The Cultural Politics of the Habermasian Public Sphere: A Re-examination of the Modernity/Postmodernity Debate in its National, Social and Political Contexts.Alex Benchimol - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (4):471-490.
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  • Justice: The neglected argument and the pregnant vision.Xunwu Chen - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (2):189 – 198.
    Countering the present trend in the discourse on justice wherein human reason is perceived and marginalized as an embarrassment to justice and the trend to reject the concept of formal justice, this paper argues that there is formal justice and the essence of justice is setting things right and setting righteousness to stand straight. By this token, justice means the rule of reason, not the rule of power and desire, and the ethics of justice differs fundamentally from the ethics of (...)
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  • Philip Hefner and the modernist\textfractionsolidus{}postmodernist divide.Jerome A. Stone - 2004 - Zygon 39 (4):755-772.
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  • Immanent Truth.Linda Martín Alcoff - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (1):97-112.
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  • The Public Has to Define Itself.Carsten Ljunggren - 2003 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 22 (5):351-370.
    In the article texts by John Dewey, JürgenHabermas and Richard Rorty are discussed in thelight of different meanings of the Public. Thisis done by discussing foundational andnon-foundational claims on a philosophy ofpragmatism and democracy, and by looking atdifferent meanings of intersubjectivity. Onecrucial difference I am pointing at, is thatwhile Dewey's intersubjectivity is stemmingfrom philosophical arguments as well aspolitical, Habermas's intersubjectivity isrestricted to the level of (an almostscientific) philosophical abstractargumentation without any concrete language ofpolitics. When it comes to Rorty I stress (...)
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  • Pragmatic conventionalism and sport normativity in the face of intractable dilemmas.Tim L. Elcombe & Alun R. Hardman - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47 (1):14-32.
    We build on Morgan’s deep conventionalist base by offering a pragmatic approach for achieving normative progress on sports most intractable problems (e.g. performance enhancemen...
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  • Forms over substance? -- A response to Viafora.Giles P. Scofield - 1999 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 2 (3):299-303.
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  • Individuals or persons—what ethics should help constitute the school as community?Christine Doddington - 2007 - Ethics and Education 2 (2):131-143.
    This paper critically examines some assumptions involved in determining the nature of the relationships and work that constitute a school as a community dedicated to learning and knowledge. Rather than arguing from first principles, the paper assumes that respect for other people as ends is preferable to seeing individuals in terms of their function or status; and it argues, in particular, for the reinstatement of a sense of agency for teachers that seems to have been lost in recent education initiatives (...)
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  • Being grateful for being: Being, reverence and finitude.Damon A. Young - 2005 - Sophia 44 (2):31-53.
    Atheists are rarely associated with holiness, yet they can have deeply spiritual experiences. Once such experience of the author exemplified ‘the holy’ as defined by Otto. However, the subjectivism of Otto’s Kantianism undermines Otto’s otherwise fruitful approach. While the work of Hegel overcomes this, it is too rationalistic to account for mortal life. Seeking to avoid these shortcomings, this paper places ‘holiness’ within a self-differentiating ontological unity, the Heideggerian ‘fourfold’. This unity can only be experienced by confronting groundless finite mortality, (...)
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  • American pragmatism as a guide for professional ethical conduct for engineers.Gerald A. Emison - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (2):225-233.
    The ethical choices faced by engineers today are increasingly complex. Competing and conflicting ethical demands from clients, communities, employees, and personal objectives combine to suggest that engineers employ ethical approaches that are adaptive yet grounded in three concrete professional circumstances: first, that engineers apply unique professional skills in the service of a client, subject to protecting the public interest; second, that engineers advance the state of knowledge of their professional field through reflection, research, and sharing experience in journals and conferences, (...)
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  • Education in the Continuous Present.Stephen Crump - 2001 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 33 (3-4):279-292.
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  • A Response to the Dialogical Hermeneutics of Critical Complexity Thinking in Kunneman’s Reframing of “The Political Importance of Voluntary Work”.Rika Preiser - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (2):439-443.
    Responding to Kunneman’s argument that the notion of ‘ethical complexity’ introduces an existential and ethical turn in the field of complexity thinking, it is argued that Kunneman’s concept of ‘diapoiesis’ corresponds to a critical interpretation of ‘complexity thinking’. By applying critical complexity thinking to the notion of voluntary work, Kunneman explores the possibility of rearticulating the notion of voluntary work outside the boundaries of the static economic paradigm of consumption and production of labor. He redefines voluntary work in terms of (...)
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  • Mapping the Terrain of a Foucauldian Ethics: A Response to the Surveillance of Schooling.Frank Pignatelli - 2002 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 21 (2):157-180.
    Educators find themselves in the midst of arising tide of urban school reform marked byevermore centrally designed and monitoredsystems of accountability. In response to thislooming high-stakes gaze of surveillance, thisessay offers an ethics of educationalleadership predicated upon taking up thechallenge of creatively and courageouslyauthoring one's ethical self. It seeks tocontribute to mapping an ethical terrain whichcan support the production of pedagogicalpractices, initiatives, and agendas asdistinctive, bold responses to theproliferation of one-dimensional,technicist-driven efforts which narrowlycalculate and assess student learning, teacherwork, school effectiveness, (...)
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  • Cultural Essentials versus Universal Values?Marietta Stepanyants - 2008 - Diogenes 55 (3):13-23.
    This paper adopts a comparative approach to analyze the crucial issue of the dynamics between universally shared values and the essentials of different cultures. It presents the ways in which universal values are conceptualized in Western, Indian and Muslim philosophy, presenting not only a historical overview but referring to modern authors such as Daya Krishna, D.P. Chattopadhyaya, Richard Rorty, Muhammad Iqbal, S.H. Nasr and Abdolkarim Soroush to show how these authors implicitly use, or do not use, cultural essential and universal (...)
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  • A Professional Learning Community for the New Teacher Professionalism: The Case of a State-Led Initiative in Singapore Schools.Daphnee Lee & Wing On Lee - 2013 - British Journal of Educational Studies 61 (4):1-17.
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