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L'évolution créatrice

Presses Universitaires de France - PUF (2007)

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  1. Agential Teleosemantics.Tiago Rama - 2022 - Dissertation, Autonomous University of Barcelona
    The field of the philosophy of biology is flourishing in its aim to evaluate and rethink the view inherited from the previous century ---the Modern Synthesis. Different research areas and theories have come to the fore in the last decades in order to account for different biological phenomena that, in the first instance, fall beyond the explanatory scope of the Modern Synthesis. This thesis is anchored and motivated by this revolt in the philosophy of biology. -/- The central target in (...)
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  • Bergson on number.Robert Watt - 2021 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (1):106-125.
    This article reconstructs Henri Bergson’s argument at the beginning of the second chapter of his Essai sur les données immédiates de la conscience for his view that every idea of number involves sp...
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  • "A past which has never been present": Bergsonian dimensions in Merleau-ponty's theory of the prepersonal.Alia Al-Saji - 2008 - Research in Phenomenology 38 (1):41-71.
    Merleau-Ponty's reference to "a past which has never been present" at the end of "Le sentir" challenges the typical framework of the Phenomenology of Perception, with its primacy of perception and bodily field of presence. In light of this "original past," I propose a re-reading of the prepersonal as ground of perception that precedes the dichotomies of subject-object and activity-passivity. Merleau-Ponty searches in the Phenomenology for language to describe this ground, borrowing from multiple registers (notably Bergson, but also Husserl). This (...)
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  • Bergson y El acontecimiento: el caso de la democracia.Miguel Ruiz Stull - 2022 - Trans/Form/Ação 45 (1):171-188.
    Resumen: Este artículo pretende abordar aspectos esenciales del pensamiento de Henri Bergson en la dimensión de las prácticas políticas. Específicamente, esta indagación se centrará en un análisis del sentido de la democracia en Les Deux Sources de la morale et de la religion, en las escuetas, pero decisivas porciones de texto donde esta es abordada. Bajo este objetivo, se podrá extender una discusión de fondo, de carácter ontológico, en torno al rendimiento de una noción de Acontecimiento que pretende servir de (...)
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  • Holism vs. reductionism: Do ecosystem ecology and landscape ecology clarify the debate?Donato Bergandi & Patrick Blandin - 1998 - Acta Biotheoretica 46 (3):185-206.
    The holism-reductionism debate, one of the classic subjects of study in the philosopy of science, is currently at the heart of epistemological concerns in ecology. Yet the division between holism and reductionism does not always stand out clearly in this field. In particular, almost all work in ecosystem ecology and landscape ecology presents itself as holistic and emergentist. Nonetheless, the operational approaches used rely on conventional reductionist methodology.From an emergentist epistemological perspective, a set of general 'transactional' principles inspired by the (...)
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  • Why Zeno’s Paradoxes of Motion are Actually About Immobility.Bathfield Maël - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (4):649-679.
    Zeno’s paradoxes of motion, allegedly denying motion, have been conceived to reinforce the Parmenidean vision of an immutable world. The aim of this article is to demonstrate that these famous logical paradoxes should be seen instead as paradoxes of immobility. From this new point of view, motion is therefore no longer logically problematic, while immobility is. This is convenient since it is easy to conceive that immobility can actually conceal motion, and thus the proposition “immobility is mere illusion of the (...)
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  • Antimatter and the Second Law of Thermodynamics.Gábor Etesi - 2020 - Foundations of Science 26 (2):217-224.
    In this short paper we make a proposal that the second law of thermodynamics holds true for a closed physical system consisting of pure antimatter in the thermodynamical limit, but in a reversed form. We give two plausible arguments in favour to this proposal: one refers to the CPT theorem of relativistic quantum field theories while the other one is based on general thermodynamical arguments. However in our understanding the ultimate validity or invalidity of this idea can be decided only (...)
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  • Figures of Time in Evolution of Complex Systems.Helena Knyazeva - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 36 (2):289-304.
    Owing to intensive development of the theory of self-organization of complex systems called also synergetics, profound changes in our notions of time occur. Whereas at the beginning of the 20th century, natural sciences, by picking up the general spirit of Einstein's theory of relativity, consider a geometrization as an ideal, i.e. try to represent time and force interactions through space and the changes of its properties, nowadays, at the beginning of the 21st century, time turns to be in the focus (...)
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  • Biologie zbavená břemene teleologie.Filip Tvrdý - 2021 - Aithér 13 (1):50-68.
    The use of teleological language in biology is burdened with many difficulties. Speakers in everyday and scientific discourse confuse functions with purposes and misunderstand functionality, finality, and intentionality. The paper is structured into three sections. In the first part the difference between Platonic supranatural and Aristotelian quasi-natural account of teleology will be explained, with examples from the history of philosophy of biology. The second part will present the Darwinian approach to etiology that constitutes a more sound alternative to the teleological (...)
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  • Time, Duration and Eternity in Spinoza.Bruce Baugh - 2010 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 2 (2):211-233.
    I use Jonathan Bennett’s, Gilles Deleuze’s and Pierre Macherey’s interpretations of Spinoza to extract a theory of time and duration from Spinoza. I argue that although time can be considered a product of the imagination, duration is a real property of existing things and corresponds to their essence, taking essence (as Deleuze does) as a degree of power of existing. The article then explores the relations among time, duration, essence and eternity, arguing against the idea that Spinoza’s essences or Spinoza’s (...)
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  • Consciousness as an Adaptation. What animals feel and why.Pouwel Slurink - 2016 - In Andreas Blank (ed.), Animals: New Essays. Munich: Philosophia. pp. 303-332.
    Evolutionary epistemology (Lorenz, Vollmer) and value-driven decision theory (Pugh) are used to explain the fundamental properties of consciousness. It is shown that this approach is compatible with global workspace theory (Baars) and global neuronal workspace theory (De Haene). The emotions are, however, that what drives consciousness. A hypothetical evolutionary tree of the emotions is given – intended to show that consciousness evolves and is probably qualitatively different in different groups of animals.
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  • Whitehead's unique approach to the topic of consciousness.Anderson Weekes - 2010 - In Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 137-172.
    Conventional approaches to consciousness assume that our current science tells us within tolerable limits what physical nature is. Because nature so understood cannot explain consciousness as we seem to experience it ourselves, explaining consciousness becomes a problem. One solution is to rethink what consciousness is so that it becomes the sort of thing our current natural science could in principle explain. Whitehead takes the opposite approach, using the existence of consciousness as a clue to what nature must be if it (...)
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  • Movement, Memory and Mathematics: Henri Bergson and the Ontology of Learning.Elizabeth de Freitas & Francesca Ferrara - 2014 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 34 (6):565-585.
    Using the work of philosopher Henri Bergson to examine the nature of movement and memory, this article contributes to recent research on the role of the body in learning mathematics. Our aim in this paper is to introduce the ideas of Bergson and to show how these ideas shed light on mathematics classroom activity. Bergson’s monist philosophy provides a framework for understanding the materiality of both bodies and mathematical concepts. We discuss two case studies of classrooms to show how the (...)
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  • Evolution and ethics viewed from within two metaphors: machine and organism.Michael Ruse - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (1):1-17.
    How is moral thinking, ethics, related to evolutionary theorizing? There are two approaches, epitomized by Charles Darwin who works under the metaphor of the world as a machine, and by Herbert Spencer who works under the metaphor of the world as an organism. Although the author prefers the first approach, the aim of this paper is to give a disinterested account of both approaches.
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  • Life, Inwardness and Struggle. The Definition of Life in the Thought of H. Plessner and H. Jonas.Carlos Blanco - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (151):129-141.
    El objetivo de este artículo es examinar la definición de "vida" en el pensamiento de Helmut Plessner y de Hans Jonas, para, con base en las evidencias biológicas y las reflexiones de estos autores, plantear la pregunta por las categorías fundamentales que diferencian lo vital de lo inerte, que son, a nuestro juicio, tres: la célula como unidad estructural y funcional, la transmisión de información genética, y la evolución por selección natural. The objective of the article is to explore the (...)
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  • Sobre animais, humanos e máquinas: para onde vai a consciência?André Brayner de Farias - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):380-392.
    O artigo discute a relação entre humanos, animais e máquinas, tomando como foco o problema do desacoplamento da consciência implicado no desenvolvimento das inteligências artificiais. ‘Que relação existe entre o progressivo condicionamento dos processos humanos aos processos artificiais e a chamada ética animal?’ e ‘O que significa afirmar que a recente preocupação ética voltada para os animais é um fenômeno pós-histórico e biopolítico?’ são algumas das interrogações que o artigo elabora e procura responder.
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  • Sobre o conceito de invenção em Gilbert Simondon.Marcos Camolezi - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (2):439-448.
    ResumoNo início do século xviii, Isaac Newton publicou seu principal trabalho sobre óptica, o Opticks. Impregnado por uma perspectiva indutiva, o livro logo se tornou a principal referência para os estudos sobre a luz e as cores, sendo amplamente popularizado pelos seguidores de Newton. Neste artigo, analisamos como dois importantes livros contribuíram para essa popularização e também qual era a imagem de ciência que tencionavam propagar, o Élements de la philosophie de Newton de Voltaire e o Newtonianismo per le dame (...)
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  • A Critique of the Husserlian and Heideggerian Concepts of Earth: Toward a Transcendental Earth that Accords with the Experience of Life.Andrew Tyler Johnson - 2014 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 45 (3):220-238.
    This paper presents an exposition and critical appraisal of the concepts of earth that appear almost simultaneously in essays by Husserl and Heidegger in the mid 1930s. I argue that while both of these earths are noteworthy insofar as they suggest, each in its own way, the isolation of a non-worldly dimension of disclosure, nevertheless, neither Husserl nor Heidegger succeeds in fully emancipating the earth from the logic of the world. In Husserl's case, the earth is implicated in a fourfold (...)
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  • Indecisão plena de promessas: imagens da vida e da inf'ncia na filosofia de Henri Bergson.Magda Costa Carvalho - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (71):565-580.
    Indecisão plena de promessas: imagens da vida e da infância na filosofia de Henri Bergson Resumo: Numa passagem da obra Évolution Créatrice, Bergson recupera a imagem da criança para afirmar que a natureza viva opera através de tendências divergentes. Apesar de não ter desenvolvido um pensamento de pendor educacional, encontram-se na obra bergsoniana referências que, por um lado, recuperam a dimensão criativa e criadora da infância e, por outro, acentuam a forma infantil dos movimentos do élan vital. Estas referências fazem (...)
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  • A experiência perceptiva e os ecrãs: novas perspectivas de investigação.José Pinheiro Neves - 2008 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 15 (2):86-94.
    This article is part of an initial exploration of concepts as part of my plan for post-doctoral research. Aims to contribute to a better understanding of phenomena of the technologies of communication and perception, focusing particularly on the screens in situations of social-networking. More precisely, to know these new processes that have the support the new media in their additive effects related to perception. A work that relies on the collaboration of an informal network of researchers around the concept of (...)
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  • Uma certa latitude: Georges Canguilhem, biopolítica e vida como err'ncia.Vladimir Safatle - 2015 - Scientiae Studia 13 (2):335-367.
    ResumoEste artigo procura discutir a possibilidade de uma biopolítica que não seja apenas a descrição dos mecanismos disciplinares de administração dos corpos e de gestão calculista da vida, mas possa fornecer um fundamento para a crítica social do capitalismo contemporâneo. Para tanto, trata-se de derivá-la do vita lismo de Georges Canguilhem e de suas discussões a respeito da normatividade vital, das relações entre o normal e o patológico e da errância própria à atividade vital. Ao fim desse processo, veremos como (...)
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  • Semiotic autoregulation.Jaan Valsiner - 2007 - Sign Systems Studies 35 (1-2):119-134.
    For all human sciences, understanding of how the mind works requires a new theory that starts from the assumption of potential infinite variability of human symbolic forms. These forms are socially constructed by the person who moves through an endless variety of unique encounters with the world. A theory of symbolic forms needs to capture the essence of hyperdynamic, irreversible nature of the stream of consciousness and activity. The human mind is regulated through a dynamic hierarchy of semiotic mechanisms of (...)
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  • Interdependência entre definir e demonstrar nos Segundos Analíticos de Aristóteles.Mariane Farias Oliveira - 2020 - XX Semana Acadêmica Do PPG Em Filosofia da PUCRS.
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  • The future of humankind in the era of human and computer hybridization: An anthropological analysis. [REVIEW]Daniela Cerqui - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (2):101-108.
    My anthropological analysis of bionics is basedon the representations of engineers concerningthe definition of humankind and its future. Thedifference between repairing and improving onhuman beings is disappearing and we strive toreach a kind of `perfection', whose criteriaare evolving with technical developments.Nowadays, in the so-called information society,information is described as the best value: aperfect human being would be a free braindirectly connected to the web, and without abody because it is considered as an impedimentto the circulation of information. But what isconsidered (...)
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  • The one or the other French philosophy today. [REVIEW]Peter Hallward - 2003 - Angelaki 8 (2):1-32.
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  • Sobre la nueva edición del Les deux sources de la morale et de la religion de Henri Bergson en Presses Universitaires de France.A. Cortina - 2014 - Pensamiento 70 (263):431-435.
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  • Razón Narrativa y Razón Histórica.Juan Cruz Cruz - 2014 - Relectiones 1:33-45.
    El presente histórico es una acumulación de los pasados que lo han posibilitado. Referir esa acumulación real es precisamente “narrar”. Tanto Ortega y Gasset como Ricoeur han descrito el sentido de la “razón narrativa”, que para Ortega es también la “razón histórica”. Pero, a juicio del autor, la razón histórica no expresa todo lo que el hombre es; por lo que apela a una inteligencia sensibilizada que permita comprender no sólo el ser histórico, mediante una configuración inventiva de los eventos, (...)
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  • O corpo absoluto do herói: Ação concreta e verdade metafísica em Bergson.Izilda Cristina Johanson - 2016 - Dissertatio 43 (S4):211-222.
    O presente artigo é dedicado à questão da relação entre a finitude e o caráter absoluto da vida na metafísica bergsoniana. A discussão sobre o absoluto, em Bergson, está intimamente ligada à questão da concretude e, portanto, da finitude da vida, à ação concreta e criadora que, como tal, só pode se realizar como experiência singular, de indivíduos singulares. Ou seja, como experiência de um corpo, por meio de um corpo. No caso do herói, aqui figura central, tratar-se-á da própria (...)
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  • Consciência, matéria e vida: Algumas considerações sobre a metafísica da natureza em Bergson.Silene Torres Marques - 2016 - Dissertatio 43 (S4):99-117.
    Nosso objetivo é apresentar algumas considerações sobre a filosofia da natureza em Bergson, sobretudo, indicar como sua obra é a expressão de um esforço para articular seus diversos aspectos, ou seja, consciência, matéria e vida. Enfim, mostrar que essa articulação somente é possível por intermédio de uma ontologia da duração.
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  • Faith and Science: The Case of Human Ecology.Pietro Ramellini - 2021 - Alpha Omega 24 (1):109-142.
    The concept of human ecology was introduced into Catholic pastoral documents by John Paul II, in his 1991 encyclical Centesimus annus. As an exquisitely interdisciplinary field of enquiry, human ecology involves a great many scientific, ethical and religious questions. Thus, it can be chosen as an appropriate case study in the dialogue between faith and science. After a review of the ways in which the relationships between faith and science have been addressed, an original model for their interaction is proposed. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Fabricação De Objetos Técnicos E Criação De Objetos Artísticos/fabrication And Invention In Bergson’s Philosophy.Simeão Donizeti Sass - 2012 - Pensando: Revista de Filosofia 3 (5):123-131.
    O artigo pretende distinguir os conceitos de fabricação e criação em Bergson. Tal distinção permitirá compreender duas faces de produção dos objetos no mundo: a arte e técnica. The article aims to distinguish the concepts of production and creation in the philosophy of Bergson. Such a distinction would understand both sides of the production of objects in the world: the art and technique.
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  • (1 other version)Henri Bergson y George Bernard Shaw: hábito, vida, muerte.Álvaro Cortina Urdampilleta - 2014 - Pensamiento 70 (264):613-626.
    Este artículo indaga en algunos aspectos de la antropología filosófica expuesta en la obra del francés Henri Bergson. Para ello, nos serviremos de la confrontación de su doctrina original con la de un bergsoniano sui generis, el intelectual y dramaturgo irlandés George Bernard Shaw. El Prefacio. A medio siglo infiel, de Shaw, incluido en su obra más ambiciosa, Vuelta a Matusalén. Un Pentateuco Metabiológico, de 1921, será el texto base con el que haremos dialogar a Bergson con este periférico bergsonismo. (...)
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  • Deleuze and Guattari: Freedom’s Refrains. Olkowski, D., & Pirovolakis, E. (Ed.). (2019). Deleuze and Guattari’s Philosophy of Freedom. Freedom’s Refrains. New York: Routledge. [REVIEW]Pavlo Bartusiak - 2020 - Sententiae 39 (1):140-149.
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