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  1. Thought, Sign and Machine - the Idea of the Computer Reconsidered.Niels Ole Finnemann - 1999 - Copenhagen: Danish Original: Akademisk Forlag 1994. Tanke, Sprog og Maskine..
    Throughout what is now the more than 50-year history of the computer many theories have been advanced regarding the contribution this machine would make to changes both in the structure of society and in ways of thinking. Like other theories regarding the future, these should also be taken with a pinch of salt. The history of the development of computer technology contains many predictions which have failed to come true and many applications that have not been foreseen. While we must (...)
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  • Laws, Models, and Theories in Biology: A Unifying Interpretation.Pablo Lorenzano - 2020 - In Lorenzo Baravalle & Luciana Zaterka (eds.), Life and Evolution, History, Philosophy and Theory of the Life Sciences. Springer. pp. 163-207.
    Three metascientific concepts that have been object of philosophical analysis are the concepts oflaw, model and theory. The aim ofthis article is to present the explication of these concepts, and of their relationships, made within the framework of Sneedean or Metatheoretical Structuralism (Balzer et al. 1987), and of their application to a case from the realm of biology: Population Dynamics. The analysis carried out will make it possible to support, contrary to what some philosophers of science in general and of (...)
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  • In the light of time.Arto Annila - 2009 - Proceedings of Royal Society A 465:1173–1198.
    The concept of time is examined using the second law of thermodynamics that was recently formulated as an equation of motion. According to the statistical notion of increasing entropy, flows of energy diminish differences between energy densities that form space. The flow of energy is identified with the flow of time. The non-Euclidean energy landscape, i.e. the curved space–time, is in evolution when energy is flowing down along gradients and levelling the density differences. The flows along the steepest descents, i.e. (...)
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  • Why did life emerge?Arto Annila & Annila E. Annila A. - 2008 - International Journal of Astrobiology 7 (3-4):293–300.
    Many mechanisms, functions and structures of life have been unraveled. However, the fundamental driving force that propelled chemical evolution and led to life has remained obscure. The second law of thermodynamics, written as an equation of motion, reveals that elemental abiotic matter evolves from the equilibrium via chemical reactions that couple to external energy towards complex biotic non-equilibrium systems. Each time a new mechanism of energy transduction emerges, e.g., by random variation in syntheses, evolution prompts by punctuation and settles to (...)
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  • Measures of Prägnanz?Baingio Pinna, Andrea van Doorn & Jan Koenderink - 2018 - Gestalt Theory 40 (1):7-28.
    Summary Prägnanz was suggested by Max Wertheimer in the 1920s as subsuming all “Laws of Gestalt” as they apply to visual awareness. Thus, it assumes a prominent position in any account of Gestalt phenomena. From a phenomenological perspective, some visual stimuli evidently “have more Prägnanz” than others, so Prägnanz seems to be an intensive quality. Here, we investigate the intricacies that need to be faced on the way to a definition of formal scales. Such measures naturally depend both upon the (...)
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  • Boltzmann et la Mécanique Classique.Antonio A. P. Videira - 2011 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 15 (2):361.
    O objetivo deste artigo consiste em expor as idéias, que o físico austríaco Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) sobre o papel que a mecânica clássica desempenha na física. Ele as concebeu numa época em que a mecânica clássica começava a ser considerada como ultrapassada como fundamento para a física. Boltzmann jamais aceitou essa conclusão. Ele a rejeitou ao mesmo tempo em que desenvolvia um pensamento epistemológico sobre a natureza das teorias físicas. Segundo ele, as teorias científicas são apenas representações dos fenômenos naturais. (...)
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  • Introduction.John Blackmore - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):1-9.
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  • Compendium of the foundations of classical statistical physics.Jos Uffink - 2006 - In J. Butterfield & J. Earman (eds.), Handbook of the philosophy of physics. Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Roughly speaking, classical statistical physics is the branch of theoretical physics that aims to account for the thermal behaviour of macroscopic bodies in terms of a classical mechanical model of their microscopic constituents, with the help of probabilistic assumptions. In the last century and a half, a fair number of approaches have been developed to meet this aim. This study of their foundations assesses their coherence and analyzes the motivations for their basic assumptions, and the interpretations of their central concepts. (...)
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  • Bild-ing Science: The Multiplicity of Bild-Types in Boltzmann.Steven Gimbel & Richard Lambert - 2024 - Foundations of Science 29 (4):925-944.
    Ludwig Boltzmann’s Bildtheorie has been portrayed as a pre-cursor of the semantic view of theories and as such, the word “Bild” is translated as model. But this anachronistic understanding of Boltzmann’s use of Bilder fails to account for the wide range of roles they play in his understanding of scientific methodology. When the concept of Bild is understood historically in Viennese thought, a much broader sense emerges that leads to the investigation of its use in multiple ways in various contexts (...)
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  • Boltzmann’s Method of Philosophy.Ali Eftekhari - unknown
    The method of Ludwig Boltzmann (1844 – 1906), a great Austrian physicist-philosopher, for solving philosophical problems was described. This brilliant method can be a guiding stray in philosophy. His method is not restricted to philosophy of science (scientific philosophy), and indeed it can be used as well in pure philosophy. Theoretical pluralism developed by Boltzmann can be used as a basic assumption in philosophizing the epistemological problems. The Boltzmann’s method also saves philosophy from dogmatism. It shows the usefulness of philosophy (...)
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  • Vienna indeterminism: Mach, Boltzmann, exner.Michael Stöltzner - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):85-111.
    The present paper studies a specific way of addressing the question whether the laws involving the basic constituents of nature are statistical. While most German physicists, above all Planck, treated the issues of determinism and causality within a Kantian framework, the tradition which I call Vienna Indeterminism began from Mach’s reinterpretation of causality as functional dependence. This severed the bond between causality and realism because one could no longer avail oneself of a priori categories as a criterion for empirical reality. (...)
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  • Boltzmann and epistemology.John Blackmore - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):157-189.
    This paper is an attempt to clarify why Ludwig Boltzmann from about 1895 to 1905 seemed to adopt a series of extreme epistemological positions, ranging from phenomenalism to pragmatism, while emphatically rejecting what he called ‘metaphysics’ (by which he meant all traditional philosophy). He concluded that all philosophical differences were merely linguistic and most were ultimately meaningless. But at about the time that young Ludwig Wittgenstein began absorbing these desperate ideas (1905), Boltzmann himself under the influence of Franz Brentano seemed (...)
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  • The idea of a pseudo-problem in Mach, Hertz, and Boltzmann.John Preston - 2023 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 54 (1):55-77.
    Identifications, diagnoses, and treatments of pseudo-problems form a family of classic methodologies in later nineteenth century philosophy and at least partly, as I shall argue, in the philosophy of science. They were devised, not by academic philosophers, but by three of the greatest of the philosopher-scientists. (Later, the idea was taken up by academic philosophers, of course. But I will not discuss that development). Here I show how Ernst Mach, Heinrich Hertz and Ludwig Boltzmann each deployed methods of this general (...)
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  • In Praise of Clausius Entropy: Reassessing the Foundations of Boltzmannian Statistical Mechanics.Christopher Gregory Weaver - 2021 - Foundations of Physics 51 (3):1-64.
    I will argue, pace a great many of my contemporaries, that there's something right about Boltzmann's attempt to ground the second law of thermodynamics in a suitably amended deterministic time-reversal invariant classical dynamics, and that in order to appreciate what's right about (what was at least at one time) Boltzmann's explanatory project, one has to fully apprehend the nature of microphysical causal structure, time-reversal invariance, and the relationship between Boltzmann entropy and the work of Rudolf Clausius.
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  • Origins of the logical theory of probability: Von Kries, Wittgenstein, Waismann.Michael Heidelberger - 2001 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 15 (2):177 – 188.
    The physiologist and neo-Kantian philosopher Johannes von Kries (1853-1928) wrote one of the most philosophically important works on the foundation of probability after P.S. Laplace and before the First World War, his Principien der Wohrscheinlich-keitsrechnung (1886, repr. 1927). In this book, von Kries developed a highly original interpretation of probability, which maintains it to be both logical and objectively physical. After presenting his approach I shall pursue the influence it had on Ludwig Wittgenstein and Friedrich Waismann. It seems that von (...)
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  • Reason, causation and compatibility with the phenomena.Basil Evangelidis - 2019 - Wilmington, Delaware, USA: Vernon Press.
    'Reason, Causation and Compatibility with the Phenomena' strives to give answers to the philosophical problem of the interplay between realism, explanation and experience. This book is a compilation of essays that recollect significant conceptions of rival terms such as determinism and freedom, reason and appearance, power and knowledge. This title discusses the progress made in epistemology and natural philosophy, especially the steps that led from the ancient theory of atomism to the modern quantum theory, and from mathematization to analytic philosophy. (...)
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  • The Duty of Clarity: A Persuasion Effort. Continuity and Physics from Boltzmann to Wittgenstein.Marcello Montibeller - 2015 - Philosophical Investigations 39 (2):138-153.
    Despite several scholars referring to the relationships between the philosophy of Boltzmann and Wittgenstein, this topic is still to be explored. The aim of this paper is to analyse the similarities between their views on mathematical continuum and on the meaning of physical theories and phenomenological states of affairs. In several arguments, they both aim to achieve a similar task: by clarifying the meaning of theories in their concrete use, both authors persuade the reader to abandon an apparently intuitive way (...)
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  • Incommensurability and the rationality of the development of science.Irena Szumilewicz - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):345-350.
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  • Models, Their Application, and Scientific Anticipation: Ludwig Boltzmann’s Work as Tacit Knowing.Richard Henry Schmitt - 2011 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 31 (3):200-205.
    Ludwig Boltzmann’s work in theoretical physics exhibits an approach to the construction of theory that he transmitted to the succeeding generation by example. It involved the construction of clear models, allowed more than one, and was not based solely on the existing facts, with the intent of examining and criticizing the assumptions that made each model work. This tacit program influenced physicists like Ehrenfest and Einstein and the philosopher Wittgenstein, suggesting ways that they used to make further advances.
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  • Dialectics and evolution.Herbert Hörz - 1987 - Biology and Philosophy 2 (4):493-508.
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  • Boltzmann on mathematics.Setsuko Tanaka - 1999 - Synthese 119 (1-2):203-232.
    Boltzmann’s lectures on natural philosophy point out how the principles of mathematics are both an improvement on traditional philosophy and also serve as a necessary foundation of physics or what the English call “Natura Philosophy”, a title which he will retain for his own lectures. We start with lecture #3 and the mathematical contents of his lectures plus a few philosophical comments. Because of the length of the lectures as a whole we can only give the main points of each (...)
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