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  1. Moral Disengagement at Work: A Review and Research Agenda.Alexander Newman, Huong Le, Andrea North-Samardzic & Michael Cohen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):535-570.
    Originally conceptualized by Bandura as the process of cognitive restructuring that allows individuals to disassociate with their internal moral standards and behave unethically without feeling distress, moral disengagement has attracted the attention of management researchers in recent years. An increasing body of research has examined the factors which lead people to morally disengage and its related outcomes in the workplace. However, the conceptualization of moral disengagement, how it should be measured, the manner in which it develops, and its influence on (...)
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  • Ethical Leadership: An Integrative Review and Future Research Agenda.Changsuk Ko, Jianhong Ma, Roman Bartnik, Mark H. Haney & Mingu Kang - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (2):104-132.
    Over the past decade, ethical leadership has increasingly become one of the most popular topics in the areas of leadership and business ethics. As a result, there now exists a substantial body of empirical research addressing ethical leadership issues, but the findings reported by this body of research are highly fragmented. The topic has advanced to the stage where a review and synthesis of existing literature can provide great value and help move the scholarly conversation forward. The primary purposes of (...)
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  • moral Agents in Organisations? The Significance of Ethical Organisation Culture for Middle Managers’ Exercise of Moral Agency in Ethical Problems.Minna-Maaria Hiekkataipale & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (1):147-161.
    This paper investigates qualitatively the significance of different dimensions of ethical organisation culture for the exercise of middle managers’ moral agency in ethical problems. The research draws on the social cognitive theory of morality and on the corporate ethical virtues model. This study broadens understanding of the factors which enable or constrain managers’ potential for moral agency in organisations, and shows that an insufficient ethical organisational culture may contribute to indifference towards ethical issues, the experiencing of moral conflicts, lack of (...)
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  • Reconceptualizing Moral Disengagement as a Process: Transcending Overly Liberal and Overly Conservative Practice in the Field.Ulf Schaefer & Onno Bouwmeester - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):525-543.
    Moral disengagement was initially conceptualized as a process through which people reconstrue unethical behaviors, with the effect of deactivating self-sanctions and thereby clearing the way for ethical transgressions. Our article challenges how researchers now conceptualize moral disengagement. The current literature is overly liberal, in that it mixes two related but distinct constructs—process moral disengagement and the propensity to morally disengage—creating ambiguity in the findings. It is overly conservative, as it adopts a challengeable classification scheme of “four points in moral self-regulation” (...)
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  • Ethical Leadership as Antecedent of Job Satisfaction, Affective Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay Among Volunteers of Non-profit Organizations.Paula Benevene, Laura Dal Corso, Alessandro De Carlo, Alessandra Falco, Francesca Carluccio & Maria Luisa Vecina - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:423971.
    The aim of this paper is to investigate among a group of non-profit organizations: a) the effect of ethical leadership on volunteers’ satisfaction, affective organizational commitment and intention to stay in the same organization; b) the role played by job satisfaction as a mediator in the relationship between ethical leadership and volunteers’ intentions to stay in the same organization, as well as between ethical leadership and affective commitment. An anonymous questionnaire was individually administered to 198 Italian volunteers of different non-profit (...)
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  • A Moral Disengagement Investigation of How and When Supervisor Psychological Entitlement Instigates Abusive Supervision.Gabi Eissa & Scott W. Lester - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):675-694.
    Building on the emerging research on antecedents of abusive supervision, the current research offers an empirical investigation concerning how and when supervisor psychological entitlement instigates abusive supervision in the workplace. Specifically, drawing on social cognitive theory, we develop and test a moderated-mediation model delineating the process that prompts psychologically entitled supervisors to become abusive towards subordinates. We argue that supervisor psychological entitlement facilitates supervisor moral disengagement, which subsequently incites supervisory abusive behaviors. We also argue that supervisor moral identity and core (...)
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  • The Impact of Work-Related Use of Information and Communication Technologies After Hours on Time Theft.Chenqian Xu, Zhu Yao & Zhengde Xiong - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 187 (1):185-198.
    Time theft is a prevalent, costly, and generally discreet employee activity in firms; nonetheless, very limited research is available on it. To explore why, how, and when employees exhibit time theft, we investigate the influence mechanism of work-related use of information and communication technologies after hours (W_ICTs) on time theft from the perspective of resource gain and loss. Our study found that W_ICTs significantly promotes employee time theft. Emotional exhaustion and moral disengagement play a mediating role in the relationship between (...)
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  • Ethical leadership and work engagement: A moderated mediation model.Rana Muhammad Naeem, Qingxiong Weng, Zahid Hameed & Muhammad Imran Rasheed - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (1):63-82.
    Drawing on social cognitive theory, this study extends our understanding of the relationship between ethical leadership and employee work engagement, by exploring self-efficacy as an important mediating variable. In addition, we propose that the quality of LMX moderates the relationships such that the direct and indirect relationships between ethical leadership, self-efficacy, and work engagement are stronger when the quality of LMX is high. Data collected in two-waves from 373 respondents working in different manufacturing organizations of Pakistan supported our hypothesized theoretical (...)
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  • Economy and Supervisors’ Ethical Values: Exploring the Mediating Role of Noneconomic Institutions in a Cross-National Test of Institutional Anomie Theory.Kristine Velasquez Tuliao & Chung-wen Chen - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (3):823-838.
    This study examined the direct influence of national economic condition, as well as the indirect effects through the strength of noneconomic institutions on supervisors’ ethical reasoning using the institutional anomie theory developed by Messner and Rosenfeld :1393–1416, 2001). Utilizing data of 20,025 supervisors across 52 countries, the analyses showed that high disparity in the economic distribution directly and indirectly leads to unethical values. High economic inequality in a country resulted in high tendency of supervisors to justify unethical acts. In addition, (...)
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  • Ethical Leadership and Follower Moral Actions: Investigating an Emotional Linkage.Yajun Zhang, Fangfang Zhou & Jianghua Mao - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  • Overall justice and supervisor conscientiousness: Implications for ethical leadership and employee self‐esteem.Darryl B. Rice, Nicole C. J. Young, Devante Johnson, Rayshawn Walton & Sydney Stacy - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (4):856-869.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Keep talking, I need to check my phone! Online vigilance and phubbing: the role of loneliness and moral disengagement.Alexandra Maftei & Cornelia Măirean - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (6):410-424.
    In the present study, we investigated the relationship between online vigilance and phubbing, a specific form of technoference that implies ignoring someone while favoring technological, Internet-based devices, such as smartphones. We also explored the mediating role of loneliness and the moderating role of moral disengagement in the relationship between online vigilance and phubbing. Our sample comprised 607 young adults aged 18 to 30 (M = 20.80, SD = 2.70, 71.5% females) who completed an online survey. Correlation analyses suggested significant positive (...)
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  • Leader Authenticity and Ethics: A Heideggerian Perspective.Florence Villesèche, Anders Klitmøller & Cathrine Bjørnholt Michaelsen - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (4):662-681.
    In the shadow of various business scandals and societal crises, scholars and practitioners have developed a growing interest in authentic leadership. This approach to leadership assumes that leaders may access and leverage their “true selves” and “core values” and that the combination of these two elements forms the basis from which they act resolutely, lead ethically, and benefit others. Drawing on Heidegger’s work, we argue that a concern for authenticity can indeed instigate a leadership ethic, albeit one that acknowledges the (...)
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  • How Organizations Lose Their Way.Tamas Sneider - 2023 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 42 (1):109-137.
    Unethical behavior in organizations has garnered more and more attention in the last decades but most of the scholarly work has used a static approach relying on methodological individualism and a mechanistic worldview when studying this topic. The process of moral disengagement and organizational culture have been linked to the prevalence of unethical behavior earlier, but this paper uses a complexity-informed systems perspective to explore the dynamic relationship of these concepts and aims to improve our understanding of the often unnoticeable, (...)
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  • Why and When can CSR toward Employees Lead to Cyberloafing? The Role of Workplace Boredom and Moral Disengagement.Marc Ohana, Ghulam Murtaza, Inam ul Haq, Esraa Al-Shatti & Zhang Chi - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (1):133-148.
    Researchers have recently indicated that employee perceptions of their firm’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) may shape their work behaviors. However, why and when CSR perceptions lead to counterproductive work behavior, such as cyberloafing, remains unclear. In this article, we first investigate the mediating role of workplace boredom in explaining the effect of perceived CSR toward employees on cyberloafing behaviors. We further examine the moderating role of moral disengagement in this process. Overall, the results of our cross-sectional, experimental, and three-wave studies (...)
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  • Multi‐source research designs on ethical leadership: A literature review.Anabela Magalhães, Nuno Rebelo dos Santos & Leonor Pais - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (3):345-364.
    The aim of this article is to undertake a systematic literature review (SLR) of empirical research that uses multi‐source methods for collecting data about Ethical Leadership (EL). Research on this sensitive subject benefits from the inclusion of data from more than one source, in order to be better supported, and thus contribute to a deeper understanding of leadership and business ethics issues. The search strategy retrieved a total of 50 multi‐source empirical studies on the topic of EL, published until December (...)
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