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  1. Are developmental disorders like cases of adult brain damage? Implications from connectionist modelling.Michael Thomas & Annette Karmiloff-Smith - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):727-750.
    It is often assumed that similar domain-specific behavioural impairments found in cases of adult brain damage and developmental disorders correspond to similar underlying causes, and can serve as convergent evidence for the modular structure of the normal adult cognitive system. We argue that this correspondence is contingent on an unsupported assumption that atypical development can produce selective deficits while the rest of the system develops normally (Residual Normality), and that this assumption tends to bias data collection in the field. Based (...)
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  • Confabulation: sense-making, self-making and world-making in dementia.Lars-Christer Hydén & Linda Örulv - 2006 - Discourse Studies 8 (5):647-673.
    This study is concerned with the productive aspects of confabulation as it occurs spontaneously in dementia care, in its context, and in interaction with other care recipients. Confabulation is approached as a social and discursive event with distinct narrative features; plots and formerly established genres of plots, storylines, are used by confabulators in order to understand, manage and interact socially in the present situation. Three main functions of confabulation are discerned: 1) making sense of the current situation ; 2) maintaining (...)
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  • How Good is Suffering?: Commentary on Michael S. Brady, Suffering and Virtue.Nancy E. Snow - 2021 - Journal of Value Inquiry 55 (4):571-582.
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  • What Goodman Leaves out.Catherine Z. Elgin - 1991 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 25 (1):89.
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  • The Epistemology of Geometry I: the Problem of Exactness.Anne Newstead & Franklin James - 2010 - Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science 2009.
    We show how an epistemology informed by cognitive science promises to shed light on an ancient problem in the philosophy of mathematics: the problem of exactness. The problem of exactness arises because geometrical knowledge is thought to concern perfect geometrical forms, whereas the embodiment of such forms in the natural world may be imperfect. There thus arises an apparent mismatch between mathematical concepts and physical reality. We propose that the problem can be solved by emphasizing the ways in which the (...)
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  • Virology Experts in the Boundary Zone Between Science, Policy and the Public: A Biographical Analysis.Erwin van Rijswoud - 2010 - Minerva 48 (2):145-167.
    This article aims to open up the biographical black box of three experts working in the boundary zone between science, policy and public debate. A biographical-narrative approach is used to analyse the roles played by the virologists Albert Osterhaus, Roel Coutinho and Jaap Goudsmit in policy and public debate. These figures were among the few leading virologists visibly active in the Netherlands during the revival of infectious diseases in the 1980s. Osterhaus and Coutinho in particular are still the key figures (...)
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  • Becoming a team: individualism, collectivism, ethnicity, and group socialization in Los Angeles girls' basketball.Claudia L. Kernan & Patricia M. Greenfield - 2005 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 33 (4):542-566.
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  • Principles of Liberty: A Design-based Research on Liberty as A Priori Constitutive Principle of the Social in the Swiss Nation Story.Tabea Hirzel - 2015 - Dissertation, Scm University, Zug, Switzerland
    One of the still unsolved problems in liberal anarchism is a definition of social constituency in positive terms. Partially, this had been solved by the advancements of liberal discourse ethics. These approaches, built on praxeology as a universal framework for social formation, are detached from the need of any previous or external authority or rule for the discursive partners. However, the relationship between action, personal identity, and liberty within the process of a community becoming solely generated from the praxeological a (...)
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  • Self-description in everyday interaction: Generalizations about oneself as accounts of behavior.Laura Visapää - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (3):339-364.
    This article suggests that there are systematic ways in which the identity of the ‘self’, as created and performed through first-person markers, can be made relevant and consequential in particular episodes of interaction. More specifically, the study looks at generalizations that people present about themselves in local interactional contexts: displays of the types of people they are and the ways in which they always or never behave. It will be shown that such self-generalizations are typically used to account for one’s (...)
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  • Models of atypical development must also be models of normal development.Gert Westermann & Denis Mareschal - 2002 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 25 (6):771-772.
    Connectionist models aiming to reveal the mechanisms of atypical development must in their undamaged form constitute plausible models of normal development and follow a developmental trajectory that matches empirical data. Constructivist models that adapt their structure to the learning task satisfy this demand. They are therefore more informative in the study of atypical development than the static models employed by Thomas & Karmiloff-Smith (T&K-S).
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  • The role of narrative and metaphor in the cancer life story: a theoretical analysis. [REVIEW]Carlos Laranjeira - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (3):469-481.
    Being diagnosed with cancer can be one of those critical incidents that negatively affect the self. Identity is threatened when physical, psychological, and social consequences of chronic illness begin to erode one’s sense of self and challenge an individual’s ability to continue to present the self he or she prefers to present to others. Based on the notion of illness trajectory and adopting a Ricoeurian narrative perspective, this theoretical paper shall explore the impact of cancer disease on identity and establish (...)
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