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  1. The Chief Officer of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Study of Its Presence in Top Management Teams. [REVIEW]Robert Strand - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 112 (4):721-734.
    I present a review of the top management teams (TMTs) of the largest public corporations in the U.S. and Scandinavia (one thousand in total) to identify corporations that have a TMT position with “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) or a “CSR synonym” like sustainability or citizenship explicitly included in the position title. Through this I present three key findings. First, I establish that a number of CSR TMT positions exist and I list all identified corporations and associated position titles. Second, I (...)
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  • Reification of Culture in Indigenous Psychologies: Merit or Mistake?Kwang-Kuo Hwang - 2011 - Social Epistemology 25 (2):125 - 131.
    Professor Allwood (2011, ?On the foundation of the indigenous psychologies?, Social Epistemology 25 (1): 3?14) challenges indigenous psychologists by describing their definition of culture as a rather abstract and delimited entity that is too ?essentialized? and ?reified?, as well as ?somewhat old?fashioned? and ?too much influenced by early social anthropological writings? (p. 5). In this article, I make a distinction between the scientific microworld and the lifeworld and argue that it is necessary for social scientists to construct scientific microworlds of (...)
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  • The gods of institutional life: Weber’s value spheres and the practice of polytheism.Roger Friedland - 2013 - Critical Research on Religion 1 (1):15-24.
    Weber's theory of value spheres outlines a project of institutional polytheism, each ordered around a ‘god’. This suggests not only that social theory can build a religious sociology, but that a theory of institutions must be an exercise in comparative religions. Weber's comparative sociology of religions, however, does not align with his theory of value spheres in terms of his distinction between polytheism and monotheism, transcendence and immanence, salvation and mysticism, being possessed and possessing. A theory of institutional logics points (...)
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  • Ethics and Economics: Towards a New Humanistic Synthesis for Business. [REVIEW]Wolfgang Grassl & André Habisch - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (1):37 - 49.
    The Encyclical-Letter Caritas in Ventate by Pope Benedict XVI suggests to advance towards a new conceptualization of the tenuous relationship between economics and ethics, proposing a "new humanistic synthesis" Where social encyclicals have traditionally justified policy proposals by natural law and theological reasoning alone, Caritas in Ventate gives great relevance to economic arguments. The encyclical defines the framework for a new business ethics which appreciates allocative and distributive efficiency, and thus both markets and institutions as improving the human condition, but (...)
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  • The Forms of Brotherly Love in Max Weber's Sociology of Religion.Michael Symonds & Jason Pudsey - 2006 - Sociological Theory 24 (2):133 - 149.
    This article examines the concept of "brotherliness" as presented in Max Weber's sociological studies of religion. It argues that Weber presents a complex, if at times implicit, understanding of a number of contrasting forms of brotherliness: charismatic, Puritan, mystic, and medieval Christian. The article suggests that although these contrasting forms have been largely overlooked by Weberian scholars, they add an important dimension to Weber's understanding of the costs and paradoxes of Western rationalization.
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  • Sociology and philosophy in the United States since the sixties: Death and resurrection of a folk action obstacle.Michael Strand - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (1):101-150.
    This article uses participant objectivation in sociology and philosophy as two knowledge fields to provide a reflexive comparison of their synced field effect in historical circumstances. Drawing on the philosopher and historian of science Gaston Bachelard, I theorize fielded knowledge as a social relation that combines the prior presence of folk knowledge with a socioanalytic exchange between field and folk that includes positions of either defense, replacement or critique. A comparison of post-Wittgenstein Anglophone philosophy and post-sixties American sociology describes their (...)
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  • Living in the Labyrinth of Technology: Industrialization and Humanity's Third Megaproject.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (3):215-237.
    This article is based on the general introduction and the opening sections of chapters 1 and 2 from the author's book,Living in the Labyrinth of Technology. It revisits the process of industrialization as having a dual component: people changing technology and technology changing people. The latter is almost universally overlooked and provides a different perspective.
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  • Arguing to Defeat: Eristic Argumentation and Irrationality in Resolving Moral Concerns.Rasim Serdar Kurdoglu & Nüfer Yasin Ateş - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 175 (3):519-535.
    By synthesizing the argumentation theory of new rhetoric with research on heuristics and motivated reasoning, we develop a conceptual view of argumentation based on reasoning motivations that sheds new light on the morality of decision-making. Accordingly, we propose that reasoning in eristic argumentation is motivated by psychological (e.g., anxiety reduction) or material (e.g., vested interests) gains that do not depend on resolving the problem in question truthfully. Contrary to heuristic argumentation, in which disputants genuinely argue to reach a practically rational (...)
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  • The Mirage of Procedural Justice and the Primacy of Interactional Justice in Organizations.Rasim Serdar Kurdoglu - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):495-512.
    This paper offers a novel situational approach to study organizational justice in which the proposed unit of analysis is managerial behavior manifested in argumentation rather than employee justice perceptions. The currently dominant theoretical framework in justice research, which is built on justice perceptions, neglects the unique features of organizational order and vulnerability of procedural justice perceptions. As the procedural justice concept belongs chiefly to a spontaneous market order under which the rule of law is made possible, it is inappropriate to (...)
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  • Strategic Leadership of Corporate Sustainability.Robert Strand - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4):687-706.
    Strategic leadership and corporate sustainability have recently come together in conspicuously explicit fashion through the emergence of top management team positions with dedicated corporate sustainability responsibilities. These TMT positions, commonly referred to as “Chief Sustainability Officers,” have found their way into the upper echelons of many of the world’s largest corporations alongside more traditional TMT positions including the CEO and CFO. We explore this phenomenon and consider the following two questions: Why are corporate sustainability positions being installed to the TMT?What (...)
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  • The Role of the Jurist: Reflections around Radbruch.Roger Cotterrell - 2013 - Ratio Juris 26 (4):510-522.
    Many different kinds of professionals work with law, but often they seek to use law for particular governmental or private purposes, they focus on some specific areas or aspects of its creation, interpretation or application, or they study it for its interest judged by criteria that are given by fields of scholarly practice outside it. Is there a special significance for a role exclusively concerned with analysing, protecting and enhancing the general well-being or worth of law as a practical idea? (...)
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  • Cyberbabel?David Loy - 2007 - Ethics and Information Technology 9 (4):251-258.
    The new information technologies hold out the promise of instantaneous, 24/7 connection and co-presence. But to be everywhere at once is to be effectively nowhere; to be connected to everyone and everything is to be effectively disconnected. Why then do we long for faster connections and fuller connectivity? The answer this paper proposes is that we are trying to fill our existential lack, our radical sense of inadequacy and incompleteness as human beings. From such a perspective, our pursuit of speed (...)
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  • The Nature of the Self, Self-regulation and Moral Action: Implications from the Confucian Relational Self and Buddhist Non-self.Irene Chu & Mai Chi Vu - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):245-262.
    The concept of the self and its relation to moral action is complex and subject to varying interpretations, not only between different academic disciplines but also across time and space. This paper presents empirical evidence from a cross-cultural study on the Buddhist and Confucian notions of self in SMEs in Vietnam and Taiwan. The study employs Hwang’s Mandala Model of the Self, and its extension into Shiah’s non-self-model, to interpret how these two Eastern philosophical representations of the self, the Confucian (...)
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  • The objective and subjective rationalization of war.John Levi Martin - 2005 - Theory and Society 34 (3):229-275.
    Perhaps the most engaging theories in historical sociology have been those pertaining to the rationalization of Western society. In particular, both Max Weber and Michelle Foucault point to the unique nature of societal rationalization in the early modern period, a thorough-going upheaval both in forms of social organization and in individual subjectivity. These correlative changes led to the nature of the modern state and its citizens. One example used by both is the rationalization of warfare. Close attention to the question (...)
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  • The world made by human studies.Stephen Turner - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (4):441-445.
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  • Placing Engineering and Other Professions Under Public Oversight: A First Step Toward Dealing With Our Economic, Social, and Environmental Crises.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2012 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 32 (2):171-180.
    The strengths and weaknesses of the discipline-based organization of our professions can help us understand both the enormous successes of our civilization and its equally spectacular failures. Placing engineering and other professions under greater public scrutiny is recommended as a first step toward addressing our deep structural economic, social, and environmental crises. Doing so can facilitate university reforms to adjust the discipline-based approaches to scientific knowing and technical doing, to permit future graduates to make decisions with better ratios of desired (...)
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  • CSR and the Mediated Emergence of Strategic Ambiguity.Eric Guthey & Mette Morsing - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (4):555-569.
    We develop a framework for understanding how lack of clarity in business press coverage of corporate social responsibility functions as a mediated and emergent form of strategic ambiguity. Many stakeholders expect CSR to exhibit clarity, consistency, and discursive closure. But stakeholders also expect CSR to conform to varying degrees of both formal and substantive rationality. These diverse expectations conflict with each other and change over time. A content analysis of press coverage in Denmark suggests that the business media reflect and (...)
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  • Weber and economic change.Ralph Schroeder - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (1):119-123.
    Richard Swedberg, Max Weber and the Idea of Economic Sociology. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998, x + 315 pp.
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  • Beneath rationalization: Elias, Foucault, and the body1.Mustafa Emirbayer & Bowen Paulle - 2016 - European Journal of Social Theory 19 (1):39-56.
    Elias and Foucault ended up making the same core discovery about the same fundamental social process, which we term the ‘social constraints towards self-discipline’ process. We show how three distinct biographical and intellectual factors were important in guiding them toward this discovery: (1) their shared exposure to philosophical traditions associated with Heidegger’s break from Husserl; (2) their common, sustained contact with ‘clinical’ practices; and (3) the traumatic events each experienced in relation to intentional injury and death.
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  • (1 other version)Linking Science to Culture: Challenge to Psychologists.Kwang-Kuo Hwang - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (1):105 - 122.
    (2013). Linking Science to Culture: Challenge to Psychologists. Social Epistemology: Vol. 27, Neoliberalism and STS in Japan, pp. 194-194. doi: 10.1080/02691728.2013.808448.
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  • Mass democracy, the welfare state and European integration: A neo-Weberian analysis.Maurizio Ferrera - 2020 - European Journal of Social Theory 23 (2):165-183.
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  • The Significance of a Suitable Information Ethical Code.Christina Ling-Hsing Chang - 2011 - Journal of Information Ethics 20 (1):54-85.
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  • NICE technology appraisals: working with multiple levels of uncertainty and the potential for bias. [REVIEW]Patrick Brown & Michael Calnan - 2013 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 16 (2):281-293.
    One of the key roles of the English National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) is technology appraisal. This essentially involves evaluating the cost effectiveness of pharmaceutical products and other technologies for use within the National Health Service. Based on a content analysis of key documents which shed light on the nature of appraisals, this paper draws attention to the multiple layers of uncertainty and complexity which are latent within the appraisal process, and the often socially constructed mechanisms for (...)
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