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De rationaliteit en haar grenzen: kritiek en deconstructie

Assen: Van Gorcum. Edited by Herman de Dijn (1986)

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  1. Naar een emancipatie van de complottheorie.Massimiliano Simons - 2017 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 3 (79):473-497.
    This article argues that pseudoscience lacks an adequate philosophical analysis. Using conspiracy theories as a case study, it is claimed that such an analysis needs to go beyond a mere epistemological approach. In the first part, it is shown that the existing philosophical literature shares the assumption that conspiracy theories are primarily deficient scientific hypotheses. This claim is contested, because such an approach can only understand what conspiracy theories fail to be, but not what they are and why people tend (...)
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  • Het analytisch existentialisme van Arnold Burms.Massimiliano Simons - 2022 - de Uil van Minerva: Tijdschrift Voor Geschiedenis En Wijsbegeerte van de Cultuur 35 (4):290-305.
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  • Filosofie van het luisteren: partituren van het Zijn.Hub Zwart - 2012 - Nijmegen, Nederland: Vantilt.
    De moderne filosofie lijdt aan muziekvergetelheid. Opvallend is echter dat filosofen, wanneer ze toch aandacht schenken aan muziek, hun aandacht bij voorkeur op één bepaald genre richten, namelijk de opera. Filosofen zoals Søren Kierkegaard en Friedrich Nietzsche lieten hun gedachten over Don Giovanni, Parsifal en Carmen gaan, terwijl omgekeerd de filosofie van Arthur Schopenhauer de opera heeft beïnvloed via Wagner. Diens werk lijkt zich op het snijpunt van het grensverkeer tussen moderne filosofie en moderne muziek te bevinden. Het was zijn (...)
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  • Psychiatry under Pressure: Reflections on Psychiatry’s Drift Towards a Reductionist Biomedical Conception of Mental Illness. [REVIEW]Thomas R. V. Nys & Maurits G. Nys - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 9 (1):107-115.
    We argue that contemporary psychiatry adopts a defensive strategy vis-à-vis various external sources of pressure. We will identify two of these sources – the plea for individual autonomy and the idea of Managed Care – and explain how they have promoted a strict biomedical conception of disease. The demand for objectivity, however, does not take into account the complexity of mental illness. It ignores that the psychiatrist’s profession is essentially characterized by fragility: fluctuating between scientific reduction and the irreducible complexity (...)
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  • The Place of Philosophy between Science and the Humanities.Young Ahn Kang - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (1-2):88-99.
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  • The Sense of Life – Jean-Luc Nancy and Emmanuel Lévinas.Nicole Paula Maria Note - 2016 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 47 (4):347-361.
    ABSTRACTMetaphysics has long been regarded as providing meaning to the world. Subsequent progressive replacement attempts of this narrative by a scientific approach have generally led to a view of life as being void of meaning. However, this has not affected the quest for meaning or for an understanding of this meaning, despite an increasing societal neglect of the importance of its pursuit. This article aims to contribute to a philosophical understanding of the sense of life in the world, drawing on (...)
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  • (1 other version)Landscapes devoid of meaning? A reply to Nicole Note.Martin Drenthen - 2014 - Environmental Values 23 (1):17-23.
    Even though artists and philosophers sometimes succeed in finding words for the meaning that places can have for us, we can never fully identify the meaning that places have for us. Nicole Note is right in arguing (using the work of Arnold Burms) that the ineffable plays a key role in the meaningful relations we have with the world, and that the experience of meaning can only emerge if there is a real risk that it fails to appear. Therefore, meaning (...)
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  • Is personal autonomy the first principle of education?Stefaan E. Cuypers - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (1):5–17.
    It is suggested that the current hierarchical (Frankfurt-Dworkin) model of personal autonomy in philosophical anthropology gives expression to the fundamental presupposition of self-determination in much educational practice and pedagogical theory. Radical criticisms are made of the notions of self-identification and self-evaluation which are of the utmost importance to this model. Instead of relying on such ‘acts of the will’ as decision and choice for the explanation of self-identification and self- evaluation, the non-intentional as well as the non-individualistic character of these (...)
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  • Civic Meaningfulness.Erik Claes - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (2):347-372.
    This paper starts from qualitative research on volunteering and citizenship, with a special focus on volunteering within a setting of restorative justice and mediation. In a first stage, the author reconstructs two models of meaningfulness as hermeneutical lenses to better understand how volunteers see their engagement and experiences as a source of meaningfulness. The paper argues that a biographical model of meaningfulness is in need of a complementary approach to meaningfulness, which focuses on transformational experiences with a strong existential depth. (...)
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  • Civic Meaningfulness: The Political Dimension—A Reply to Lena Dominelli.Erik Claes - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (2):405-408.
    This article argues, firstly, that voluntary civic practices are not doomed to fall prey to a Big Society rhetoric and a cynical politics of cuts in social spending. It all depends on how these civic practices are promoted and what kind of civic discourse is communicated through the channels of social media and public opinion. Secondly, the author highlights the political importance of connecting meaningfulness with citizenship.
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