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  1. Care-ful Work: An Ethics of Care Approach to Contingent Labour in the Creative Industries.Ana Alacovska & Joëlle Bissonnette - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):135-151.
    Studies of creative industries typically contend that creative work is profoundly precarious, taking place on a freelance basis in highly competitive, individualized and contingent labour markets. Such studies depict creative workers as correspondingly self-enterprising, self-reliant, self-interested and calculative agents who valorise care-free independence. In contrast, we adopt the ‘ethics of care’ approach to explore, recognize and appreciate the communitarian, relational and moral considerations as well as interpersonal connectedness and interdependencies that underpin creative work. Drawing on in-depth interviews with creative workers (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Case for A Feminist Philosophy of Religion: Transforming Philosophy's Imagery and Myths.Pamela Sue Anderson - 2001 - Ars Disputandi 1:1-17.
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  • The Provocation of an Epistemological Shift in Teacher Education through Philosophy with Children.Joanna Haynes & Karin Murris - 2011 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 45 (2):285-303.
    Experience indicates that the questioning and democratic nature of the community of enquiry can be demanding and unsettling for teachers, present.
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  • Asymmetrical Genders: Phenomenological Reflections on Sexual Difference.Silvia Stoller & Camilla R. Nielsen - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (2):7-26.
    One of the most fundamental premises of feminist philosophy is the assumption of an invidious asymmetry between the genders that has to be overcome. Parallel to this negative account of asymmetry we also find a positive account, developed in particular within the context of so-called feminist philosophies of difference. I explore both notions of gender asymmetry. The goal is a clarification of the notion of asymmetry as it can presently be found in feminist philosophy. Drawing upon phenomenology as well as (...)
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  • Dialogue among Friends: Toward a Discourse Ethic of Interpersonal Relationships.Jean Keller - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (4):158-181.
    Despite clear parallels between Jürgen Habermas's discourse ethics and recent scholarship in feminist ethics, feminists are often suspicious of discourse ethics and have kept themselves mostly separate from the field. By developing a sustained application of Habermas's discourse ethics to friendship, Keller demonstrates that feminist misgivings of discourse ethics are largely misplaced and that Habermas's theory can be used to develop a compelling moral phenomenology of interpersonal relations.
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  • Twenty Years of Feminist Philosophy.Ann Ferguson - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (3):197 - 215.
    This paper provides an overview of twenty years of feminist philosophy in Northamerica. The professionalization of feminist theory that has occurred through the mainstreaming of feminist philosophy creates a danger of a gap between theory and practice that creates the danger of co-optation. Three stages of feminist philosophizing are outlined, including the radical critique, gender difference and difference/post-modernist stages. The last stage, it is argued, leads to an conceptual impasse about feminist strategies for social change.
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  • Care as a Basis for Radical Political Judgments.Joan C. Tronto - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):141 - 149.
    The best framework for moral and political thought is the one that creates the best climate for good political judgments. I argue that universalistic theories of justice fall short in this regard because they cannot distinguish idealization from abstraction. After describing how an ethic of care guides judgments, I suggest the practical effects that make this approach preferable. The ethic of care includes more aspects of human life in making political judgments.
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  • ‘I await your apology’: a polyphonic narrative interpretation.Penelope A. Cash - 2007 - Nursing Philosophy 8 (4):264-277.
    A patient's experience unfolds through a nurse's personal conversation with herself. Conveyed through three voices, the nurse's dialogue highlights her many internal struggles; those with her conscience on what she understands to be best practice, those important to her as a person, those of an ethical nature that profoundly affect one's search for meaning, and those in the personal–professional realm driven in part by institutional culture. These multivoiced knowledges are confronted in ways that foreground language and understanding as performative acts. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Animales y medio ambiente. Problemas de responsabilidad.Paula Cristina Mira Bohórquez - 2014 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 50:9-30.
    Este artículo pretende revisar el concepto de responsabilidad moral frente a los animales y el medio ambiente; para ello se toman en cuenta algunas revisiones necesarias del concepto de responsabilidad, a saber, la posibilidad de entender un concepto de responsabilidad parcial, así como la necesidad de poder hacer responsables moralmente tanto a individuos como a colectivos. Estos conceptos se estudian en un análisis diferenciado entre la responsabilidad moral frente a los animales y frente a la naturaleza.
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  • Utilitarianism in media ethics and its discontents.Clifford G. Christians - 2007 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 22 (2-3):113 – 131.
    Utilitarianism has dominated media ethics for a century. For Mill, individual autonomy and neutrality are the foundations of his On Liberty and System of Logic, as well as his Utilitarianism. These concepts fit naturally with media ethics theory and professional practice in a democratic society. However, the weaknesses in utilitarianism articulated by Ross and others direct us at this stage to a dialogic ethics of duty instead. Habermas's discourse ethics, feminist ethics, and communitarian ethics are examples of duty ethics rooted (...)
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  • The contested role of AI ethics boards in smart societies: a step towards improvement based on board composition by sortition.Ludovico Giacomo Conti & Peter Seele - 2023 - Ethics and Information Technology 25 (4):1-15.
    The recent proliferation of AI scandals led private and public organisations to implement new ethics guidelines, introduce AI ethics boards, and list ethical principles. Nevertheless, some of these efforts remained a façade not backed by any substantive action. Such behaviour made the public question the legitimacy of the AI industry and prompted scholars to accuse the sector of ethicswashing, machinewashing, and ethics trivialisation—criticisms that spilt over to institutional AI ethics boards. To counter this widespread issue, contributions in the literature have (...)
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  • Enhancement, hybris, and solidarity: a critical analysis of Sandel’s The Case Against Perfection.Ruud ter Meulen - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (3):397-405.
    This article presents a critical analysis of the views of Michael Sandel on human enhancement in his book The Case Against Perfection (2007). Sandel argues that the use of biotechnologies for human enhancement is driven by a will to mastery or hybris, leading to an ‘explosion of responsibility’ and a disappearance of solidarity. I argue that Sandel is using a traditional concept of solidarity which leaves little room for individual differences and which is difficult to reconcile with the modern trend (...)
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  • Mitigating Stakeholder Marginalisation with the Relational Self.Krista Bondy & Aurelie Charles - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (1):67-82.
    Stakeholder theory has been an incredibly powerful tool for understanding and improving organisations, and their relationship with other actors in society. That these critical ideas are now accepted within mainstream business is due in no small part to the influence of stakeholder theory. However, improvements to stakeholder engagement through stakeholder theory have tended to help stakeholders who are already somewhat powerful within organisational settings, while those who are less powerful continue to be marginalised and routinely ignored. In this paper, we (...)
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  • The Unaccountable Subject: Judith Butler and the Social Conditions of Intersubjective Agency.Kathy Dow Magnus - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (2):81 - 103.
    Judith Butler's Kritik der ethischen Gewalt represents a significant refinement of her position on the relationship between the construction of the subject and her social subjection. While Butler's earlier texts reflect a somewhat restricted notion of agency, her Adorno Lectures formulate a notion of agency that extends beyond mere resistance. This essay traces the development of Butler's account of agency and evaluates it in light of feminist projects of social transformation.
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  • Feminist Morality and Competitive Reality: A Role for an Ethic of Care?Jeanne M. Liedtka - 1996 - Business Ethics Quarterly 6 (2):179-200.
    A language of care and relationship-building has recently appeared with prominence in the business literature, driven by the realities of the marketplace. Thus, it seems a propitious time to reflect on a decade of writing in feminist morality that has focussed on the concept of an ethic of care, and examine its relevance for today's business context. Is the idea of creating organizations that “care” just another management fad that subverts the essential integrity of concepts of ethical caring? Conversely, are (...)
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  • At the Table with Arendt: Toward a Self-Interested Practice of Coalition Discourse.Katherine Adams - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (1):1-33.
    This article draws from Hannah Arendt's theory of “inter-est” to formulate a model of coalition discourse that can coarticulate difference and commonality and approach them as mutually nourishing conditions rather than as polarities. By disrupting the normative fantasies of unified, a priori subjectivity and universal truth, interest-based discourse facilitates political interactions that neither rely on sameness nor reify difference to the exclusion of connection.
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  • Hipparchia the Cynic: Feminist Rhetoric and the Ethics of Embodiment.Kristen Kennedy - 1999 - Hypatia 14 (2):48-71.
    Hipparchia's use of exile as an ethical and rhetorical space from which to critique convention is the point of departure for an examination of the ethics of using exile as a rhetorically effective position for feminist theorizing. To address the ethical problems involved in using exile as a rhetorical space, I argue for a reading of exile as both a rhetorical and embodied space that can maintain an ethical anchor for feminist rhetorical and political practice.
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  • Feminist Social Criticism and Marx's Theory of Religion.Amy Newman - 1994 - Hypatia 9 (4):15 - 37.
    Feminist philosophers and social theorists have engaged in an extensive critique of the project of modernity during the past three decades. However, many feminists seem to assume that the critique of religion essential to this project remains valid. Radical criticism of religion in the European tradition presupposes a theory of religion that is highly ethnocentric, and Marx's theory of religion serves as a case in point.
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  • The Idea of "Free Public Reason".Catherine Audard - 1995 - Ratio Juris 8 (1):15-29.
    . In this paper the nature and the role of Rawls's idea of a “free public reason” are examined with an emphasis on the divide between the private and the public spheres, a divide which is the hallmark of a liberal democracy. Criticisms from both the so‐called Continental tradition and the Communitarian opponents to liberalism insist on the ineffectiveness of such a conception, on its inability to establish a political consensus on democracy. But it would be a mistake to see (...)
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  • The Value of (Universal) Values in the Work of Clifford Christians.Linda Steiner - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (2):110-120.
    The compelling ethical legacy of Clifford Christians's and his profound commitment to moral action is enriched by his engagement with universal proto-norms, values that order all human relationships and institutions and so bypass the divisiveness of appeals to individual rights, cultural practices, or national prerogatives. According to Christians, the primal sacredness of life establishes mutual respect as a basis for ethics and thus constitutes the premier proto-norm; our obligation to sustain one another defines human existence. Entailed by the sacredness of (...)
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  • Fromm’s ethic of solidarity and the potential for critical communitarianism.Helen-Mary Cawood - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):166-179.
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  • Philosophy and Childhood.Tim Sprod - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy in Schools 1 (1):147-156.
    The following paper was written in 1999, as the opening speech at the Hobart FAPCA National Conference. I was, at the time, Chair of FAPCA. The keynote speaker at the conference was Professor Gareth Matthews from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and author of, among other books, The Philosophy of Childhood. As the paper was written as a speech, and not as an academic article, I did not cite all the points made in full academic mode. Rather, for publication (...)
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  • Can Politics Practice Compassion?Elisabeth Porter - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (4):97-123.
    On realist terms, politics is about power, security, and order, and the question of whether politics can practice compassion is irrelevant. The author argues that a politics of compassion is possible and necessary in order to address human security needs. She extend debates on care ethics to develop a politics of compassion, using the example of asylum seekers to demonstrate that politics can practice compassion with attentiveness to the needs of vulnerable people who are suffering, an active listening to the (...)
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  • Situating Moral Justification: Rethinking the Mission of Moral Epistemology.Alison Jaggar & Theresa Weynand Tobin - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (4):383-408.
    This is the first of two companion articles drawn from a larger project, provisionally entitled Undisciplining Moral Epistemology. The overall goal is to understand how moral claims may be rationally justified in a world characterized by cultural diversity and social inequality. To show why a new approach to moral justification is needed, it is argued that several currently influential philosophical accounts of moral justification lend themselves to rationalizing the moral claims of those with more social power. The present article explains (...)
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  • The Ethics of Lateral Hiring.David Hart - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (3):341-369.
    ABSTRACT:Lateral hiring is the intentional action of one employer to identify, solicit, and hire an individual or group of employees currently employed by another firm, a practice often pejoratively labeled “poaching.” We use the method of critical genealogy to demonstrate that the norms that discourage lateral hiring are constructions used by powerful employers to control the turnover of their employees, making them subjects of their employer’s power rather than free and autonomous people in their own right. We suggest instead that (...)
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  • Interdependence in Media Economics: Ethical Implications of the Economic Characteristics of News.Lawrence Souder & Hugh J. Martin - 2009 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 24 (2-3):127-145.
    Citizens need accurate news to govern themselves effectively in a democratic society. Journalists argue editorial independence is necessary to ensure that the integrity of news is not compromised. However, the economic characteristics of news create conflicts between the ideal of independence and the need to pay production costs. This study analyzes those conflicts and the economic tools for resolving them. The analysis suggests ways to balance independence and economic necessity without violating mutual ethical obligations shared by journalists, audiences, and advertisers. (...)
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  • X—What Is Social Philosophy? Or: Order, Practice, Subject.Martin Saar - 2018 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 118 (2):207-223.
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  • When Organization Theory Met Business Ethics: Toward Further Symbioses.Pursey P. M. A. R. Heugens & Andreas Georg Scherer - 2010 - Business Ethics Quarterly 20 (4):643-672.
    ABSTRACT:Organization theory and business ethics are essentially the positive and normative sides of the very same coin, reflecting on how human cooperative activities are organized and how they ought to be organized respectively. It is therefore unfortunate that—due to the relatively impermeable manmade boundaries segregating the corresponding scholarly communities into separate schools and departments, professional associations, and scientific journals—the potential symbiosis between the two fields has not yet fully materialized. In this essay we make a modest attempt at establishing further (...)
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  • Seeing Oneself through the Eyes of the Other: Asymmetrical Reciprocity and Self-respect.Marguerite La Caze - 2008 - Hypatia 23 (3):118-135.
    Iris Marion Young argues we cannot understand others' experiences by imagining ourselves in their place or in terms of symmetrical reciprocity (1997a). For Young, reciprocity expresses moral respect and asymmetry arises from people's greatly varying life histories and social positions. La Caze argues there are problems with Young's articulation of asymmetrical reciprocity in terms of wonder and the gift. By discussing friendship and political representation, she shows how taking self-respect into account complicates asymmetrical reciprocity.
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  • Particularity and Perspective Taking: On Feminism and Habermas's Discourse Theory of Morality.Charles Wright - 2004 - Hypatia 19 (4):49-76.
    Seyla Benhabib's critique of Jürgen Habermas's moral theory claims that his approach is not adequate for the needs of a feminist moral theory. I argue that her analysis is mistaken. I also show that Habermas's moral theory, properly understood, satisfies many of the conditions identified by feminist moral philosophers as necessary for an adequate moral theory. A discussion of the compatibility between the model of reciprocal perspective taking found in Habermas's moral theory and that found in Maria Lugones's essay “Playfulness,‘World’-Travelling, (...)
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  • A Politics of Enlarged Mentality: Hannah Arendt, Citizenship Responsibility, and Feminism.Patricia Moynagh - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (4):27 - 53.
    Drawing from four Arendtian themes-plurality, the public realm, power, and perspective appreciation-I argue for citizenship as a "politics of enlarged mentality." This term suggests an alternative conception of citizenship that surpasses the limits of both the liberal and civic republican traditions. Unlike the masculinized liberal ideal of the citizen and contrary to the gendered universality that defines the civic republican traditions, a politics based on enlarged mentality combines context sensitivity with principled judgments.
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  • Introduction: Ubuntu for Journalism Theory and Practice.Clifford G. Christians - 2015 - Journal of Media Ethics 30 (2):61-73.
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  • Happiness Vs Contentment? A Case for a Sociology of the Good Life.Jordan McKenzie - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (3):252-267.
    Despite the enormous growth in happiness research in recent decades, there remains a lack of consistency in the use of the terms happiness, satisfaction, contentment and well-being. In this article I argue for a sociologically grounded distinction between happiness and contentment that defines the former as positive affect and the latter as positive reflection. Contentment is therefore understood as a fulfilling relationship with the self and society and happiness involves pleasurable experiences. There is a history of similar distinctions in philosophy (...)
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  • The Politics of Sex and Gender: Benhabib and Butler Debate Subjectivity.Fiona Webster - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (1):1-22.
    This paper responds to the sense of “crisis” or “trouble” that dominates contemporary feminist debate about the categories of sex and gender. It argues that this perception of crisis has emerged from a fundamental confusion of theoretical and political issues concerning the implications of the sex/gender debate for political representation and agency. It explores the sense in which this confusion is manifest in a debate between Seyla Benhabib and Judith Butler.
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  • Reason, Religion, and Sexual Difference: Resources for a Feminist Philosophy of Religion in Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit.Kimerer L. Lamothe - 2005 - Hypatia 20 (1):120 - 149.
    Reading Hegel's 1827 Lectures on the Philosophy of Religion alongside his Phenomenology of Spirit, I argue that his vision for becoming a self-conscious subject-or seeing (oneself as) "spirit"-requires taking responsibility for the insight that every act of reason expresses an experience of sexual difference. It entails working to bring into being communities whose conceptions of gender and the absolute realize this idea.
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  • A discourse theoretical model for determining the limits of free speech on campus.Anniina Leiviskä - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (11):1171-1182.
    Recent controversies concerning freedom of expression on university campuses have raised the question of how the limits of free speech can be determined in a justified way in a pluralistic public space such as the campus. The article addresses this question from the viewpoint of two complementary theoretical perspectives: Rainer Forst’s respect conception of toleration, and the discourse theory of democracy developed by Jürgen Habermas and Seyla Benhabib. These theories are argued to provide a non-arbitrary, impartial and procedural model for (...)
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  • Just Healthcare beyond Individualism: Challenges for North American Bioethics.Solomon R. Benatar - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (4):397-415.
    Medical practitioners have traditionally seen themselves as part of an international community with shared and unifying scientific and ethical goals in the treatment of disease, the promotion of health, and the protection of life. This shared mission is underpinned by explicit acceptance of traditional concepts of medical morality, and by an implied link between individual human rights and the ethics of medical practice long enshrined in a range of World Medical Association (WMA) and other medical codes. These have been powerful (...)
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  • Citizen (in) action: the limits of civic discourse in city council meetings.Kerrie R. H. Farkas - 2013 - Critical Discourse Studies 10 (1):81-98.
    This paper presents an analysis of the city council meetings of a northeast Ohio city government. Drawing on grounded theory, conversation analysis, and critical discourse analysis, the paper investigates the participants of the council meetings and the roles they occupy, the kinds of discourse practiced, and the extent of participation in the discourse. The results demonstrate the potential for citizen participation in city government due to citizen access to the council meetings, solicitation of citizen participation, and citizen allotment of designated (...)
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  • The Role of Prophetic Critique in Clifford Christians's Philosophy of Technology.Kevin Healey - 2010 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 25 (2):121-138.
    In recent years, scholars have devoted more attention to the “prophetic” critique of mass media. Clifford Christians has served as both an originator and an ongoing contributor to these discussions. Beginning with his doctoral thesis on Jacques Ellul, a concern for the prophetic has been a consistent thread throughout his career. This paper begins by examining Ellul's influence on Christians's approach, with an emphasis on media ecology, ontology, and the concept of technique. I then summarize Christians's critique of Ellul, and (...)
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  • Postmodern ethical conditions and a critical response.Neta C. Crawford - 1998 - Ethics and International Affairs 12:121–140.
    Postmodern, poststructural, and critical theorists say that there are no universally valid foundations for norms. Whether or not we think that ethics exists in international life, or ought to, these theorists maintain that there are no firm grounds for any particular ethical belief. Rather, they argue, ethics is contextual.Many, perhaps most, students of international ethics believe that such approaches have little to offer considerations of international ethics. Christopher Norris says postmodernists are nihilists: “Postmodernism is merely the most extreme (or as (...)
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  • Care As a Virtue for Journalists.Linda Steiner & Chad M. Okrusch - 2006 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 21 (2-3):102-122.
    The prevailing normative model of contemporary journalism, drawn primarily from a liberal enlightenment tradition emphasizing universal notions of rights, contributes to what many perceive as a crisis in contemporary journalism; at the least, Kantian models are too "thin" to provide an adequate ethical standard. We consider the extent to which an ethic of care, reconceived to address weaknesses identified in recent scholarly critiques, provides journalists with an alternative framework for moral decision making. We use the concept of unequal ethical pull (...)
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  • Social Critique and Transformation in Stout and Butler.Nicholas Aaron Friesner - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (3):425-444.
    If social critique is to play a role in broad social transformation, then it must be able to engage with the terms that people use to understand their lives. This essay argues that we can find an important model for performing social critique in the quite different work of Jeffrey Stout and Judith Butler. For both, social critique must be immanent and it must make explicit the character of the norms by which people currently live. This model is especially important (...)
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  • Fractured Community.Linnell Secomb - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):133-150.
    Unity, commonality, and agreement are generally understood to be the basis, or the aim, of community. This paper argues instead that disagreement and fracture are inherent to, and provide the expression of difference within, community. Drawing on the experience of race relations in Australia, this paper proposes that ongoing resistance and disagreement by Aboriginal groups against non-Aboriginal law and culture has enabled an unworking of homogenizing and totalizing forces which destroy alterity within community.
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  • Coping With Paradox.Jerry M. Calton & Steven L. Payne - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (1):7-42.
    A notable feature of paradox is recognition that seemingly contradictory terms are inextricably intertwined and interrelated—holding out the hope that something new can be learned from the cognitive tension contained within. Aram has characterized the central concern of the business and society field as the paradox of interdependent relations. Our study argues that this and related paradoxes can be addressed by engaging with others and trying to gain shared insight via an interactive, developmental, exploratory sensemaking process that can inform the (...)
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  • Shifting Paradigms: Theorizing Care and Justice in Political Theory.Monique Deveaux - 1995 - Hypatia 10 (2):115 - 119.
    The following is an introduction to a roundtable panel of the American Political Science Association meeting (Normative Political Theory Division) held September 2, 1994, in New York City. I set out some main themes in the "care/justice debate," and suggest that the impasse between care proponents and liberal, neo-Kantian thinkers is perpetuated by caricatured construals of these theories; salient differences come into relief by addressing the ethical and political applications of these moral perspectives.
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  • Discursive democracy and the limits of free speech.Gautam Bhatia - 2018 - Constellations 25 (3):344-358.
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  • Staging Deliberation: The Role of Representative Institutions in the Deliberative Democratic Process.Stefan Rummens - 2012 - Journal of Political Philosophy 20 (1):23-44.
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  • Facets of justice in education: a petroleum nation addressing United Nations sustainable development agenda.Ole Andreas Kvamme - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (2):163-182.
    ABSTRACT Norway has a complex, even paradoxical, relationship to the United Nations Agenda 2030 and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals. It makes considerable financial contributions to the United Nations and has strongly supported the establishment of the sustainability agenda aimed at promoting global equity and mitigating the ecological and climate crises. Norway is also a prominent petroleum-producing nation. The Norwegian position is explored using an approach that emphasizes justice and education in the sustainability agenda. Three key texts are studied. The (...)
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  • Relational Autonomy and Multiculturalism.Fabrizio Turoldo - 2010 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 19 (4):542-549.
    The principle of autonomy, through various court rulings, gradually became part of medical practice and tradition in the second half of the 1800s, notably when the emergence of surgical anaesthesia began to raise serious questions regarding informed consent. In fact, surgical anaesthesia was initially used not only to avoid pain but also to combat patients’ resistance to operations.
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  • On the (in)tolerance of hate speech: does it have legitimacy in a democracy?Nuraan Davids - 2018 - Ethics and Education 13 (3):296-308.
    In May 2017, yet another South African university became a site of hate speech. Three students chose to display Nazi-inspired posters, which advertised an ‘Anglo-Afrikaner student’ event, under the motto ‘Fight for Stellenbosch’. That the posters provoked the response which it so obviously sought, was evident in the student outrage, and the swift condemnation from university management. Neither the prevalence of hate speech, nor its predictable responses, is new. The central concern of this article is to consider the extent to (...)
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