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  1. Immersive ideals / critical distances : study of the affinity between artistic ideologies in virtual Reality and previous immersive idioms.Joseph Nechvatal (ed.) - 2010 - Berlin: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co KG.
    My research into Virtual Reality technology and its central property of immersion has indicated that immersion in Virtual Reality (VR) electronic systems is a significant key to the understanding of contemporary culture as well as considerable aspects of previous culture as detected in the histories of philosophy and the visual arts. The fundamental change in aesthetic perception engendered by immersion, a perception which is connected to the ideal of total-immersion in virtual space, identifies certain shifts in ontology which are relevant (...)
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  • ‘What she says she needs doesn’t make a lot of sense’: seeing and knowing in a field study of home‐care case management.Christine Ceci - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (2):90-99.
    Foucault's preoccupation with the visual, specifically his positing of a sort of ‘positive unconscious of vision’, offers an entry point for examining data generated through a field study of home‐care case management practice. In Foucault's work, our attention is directed not so much to what is seen but to what can be seen and to the effects of practices of knowledge and power in constituting these particular realities. Knowledge emerges as a matter of what it is possible for knowers, for (...)
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  • Shared Understanding Before Semantic Agreement: Gadamer on the Hidden Ground of Linguistic Community.Carolyn Culbertson - forthcoming - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology:1-13.
    Hans-Georg Gadamer argues that language is the medium of all understanding and thus that it is the medium through which we can reach understanding with one another. Yet many today are sceptical of this claim and worry that Gadamerian hermeneutics ignores at its own peril the limits of the particular discourses that people utilize to reach understanding with one another. I argue here that this criticism rests on the assumption that, for Gadamer, it is the semantic features of a language (...)
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  • Hegel as a Key to the Social Role of Art in Gadamer’s Aesthetics.Elena Romagnoli - forthcoming - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology:1-14.
    My paper aims to highlight the presence of a social conception of art in Gadamer’s thought by analysing his reading of Hegel’s aesthetics. In an initial section I reconstruct the core of Gadamer’s reading of Hegel’s aesthetics as a paradigm to reassess art against the limits of aestheticism. I subsequently focus on the analysis Gadamer provides of the fundamental topic of the “past-character of art”, by stressing how this is reassessed as a “presence of the past”. On this basis, I (...)
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  • From a Remote Pedestal to Everyday Life.Elena Romagnoli - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (1).
    In this paper I tackle Gadamer’s and Dewey’s conceptions of art, showing a possible dialogue between American Pragmatism and Gadamerian Hermeneutics. Despite the obvious differences, it is possible to show fundamental commonalities between the two philosophies when it comes to the role of art. They share the double goal of critiquing the aestheticism of modern age, the conception of art as a mere “art for art’s sake,” and of recomposing the continuity between aesthetic experience and everyday life. I argue that (...)
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  • Laying One’s Cards on the Table: Experiencing Exile and Finding Our Feet in Moral Philosophical Encounters.Camilla Kronqvist & Natan Elgabsi - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):404-424.
    Engaging with the philosophical writings of Iris Murdoch, we submit that there are difficulties associated with providing a good description of morality that are intimately connected with difficulties in understanding other human beings. We suggest three senses in which moral philosophical reflection needs to account for our understanding of others: (1) the failure to understand someone is not merely an intellectual failure, but also engages us morally; (2) the moral question of understanding is not limited to the extent to which (...)
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  • Spread Body and Exposed Body: dialogue with jean-luc nancy.Nikolaas Deketelaere, Marie Chabbert & Emmanuel Falque - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):126-138.
    The question of the body spans across the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, from Noli me tangere, to Corpus and Jacques Derrida’s dialogue with Nancy in On Touching. In constant conversation with Christianity (“This is my body” or Dis-Enclosure), corporeality in Nancy can be summarised using the figure of the “exposed body (corps ex-peausé)”: a demonstration of the surface of the skin (peau) and an exposition of the self to the other in the sense of a “staging” (Corpus). In my work, (...)
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  • Theopoetics to Theopraxis.Calvin D. Ullrich - 2020 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):163-182.
    The theological turn in continental philosophy has beckoned several new possibilities for theoretical discourse. More recently, the question of the absence of a political theology has been raised: Can an ethics of alterity offer a more substantive politics? In pursuing this question, the article considers the late work of Jacques Derrida and John D. Caputo. It argues that, contrary to caricatures of Caputo’s “theology of event,” his notion of theopoetics evinces a “materialist turn” in his mature thought that can be (...)
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  • Is There a Problem of Writing in Historiography? Plato and the pharmakon of the Written Word.Natan Elgabsi - 2019 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 7 (2):225-264.
    This investigation concerns first what Jacques Derrida and Paul Ricœur consider to be «the question of writing» in Plato’s Phaedrus, and then whether their conception of a general philosophical problem of writing finds support in the dialogue. By contrast to their attempts to «determine» the «status» of writing as the general condition of knowledge, my investigation has two objections. (1) To show that Plato’s concern is not to define writing, but to reflect on what is involved in honest and dishonest (...)
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  • Nepakeliama homo consumens būties lengvybė: M. Heideggerio filosofinė perspektyva.Rūta Bagdanavičiūtė - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 98.
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  • Conducting Hermeneutic Research in International Settings: Philosophical, Practical, and Ethical Considerations.Charlene A. VanLeeuwen, Linyuan Guo-Brennan & Lori E. Weeks - 2017 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2017 (1).
    Hermeneutics has been theorized and applied as a philosophical framework and interpretive research methodology which pays particular attention to linguistic, social, cultural, and historical contexts to understand the life world and human experiences. While adopted as a qualitative research approach in the fields of education, nursing, psychology, and legal studies, its use is emerging in other human service disciplines. The rich philosophical and theoretical legacy embedded in this research methodology often presents unique challenges and a steep learning curve for researchers, (...)
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  • Solidarity in Dark Times: Arendt and Gadamer on the Politics of Appearance.Jennifer Gaffney - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (12):e12554.
    This essay surveys the theme of solidarity in the respective works of Hans-Georg Gadamer and Hannah Arendt. Recent discourses in continental political philosophy have arrived at an impasse regarding solidarity. On the one hand, solidarities are important for galvanizing historically oppressed peoples against dominant discourses. On the other hand, solidarities that impose similarities in advance run the risk of absorbing difference and becoming exclusionary. Gadamer and Arendt, each in different manners, promise a distinctive approach to discourses on solidarity through their (...)
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  • Simon Critchley, John D. Caputo and radical political theology?Calvin Dieter Ullrich - 2018 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 79 (1-2):122-135.
    In his 2012 work, Faith of the Faithless, the philosopher Simon Critchley presented an ‘atheistic’ formulation of faith as an ‘experiment’ in ‘political theology.’ This work, as part of the so-called ‘turn to religion’ in continental political philosophy, gave an account of what Critchley had formerly articulated as ‘atheistic transcendence.’ Tracing the genesis of the latter and then linking to his notion of the supreme fiction, the paper seeks to account for Critchley’s ‘a/theological’ shift. Through a close reading, the paper (...)
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  • Right‐wing postmodernism and the rationality of traditions.Phillip Cary - 2017 - Zygon 52 (3):807-821.
    Modern thought typically opposes the authority of tradition in the name of universal reason. Postmodernism begins with the insight that the sociohistorical context of tradition and its authority is inevitable, even in modernity. Modernity can no longer take itself for granted when it recognizes itself as a tradition that is opposed to traditions. The left-wing postmodernist response to this insight is to conclude that because tradition is inevitable, irrationality is inevitable. The right-wing postmodernist response is to see traditions as the (...)
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  • Caputo in a Nutshell: Two Very Introductory Lectures.Mark Manolopoulos - 2013 - Postmodern Openings 4 (2):21-43.
    Originally presented at Monash University, the two lectures offer a very accessible introduction to a number of the major aspects of the work of John D. Caputo, perhaps/probably the most original and consequential postmodern philosopher of religion. The first lecture contextualizes the place of Caputo’s thinking, contrasts his contribution to Mark C. Taylor’s “a/theology”, and examines Caputo’s postmodern figuration of the “Kingdom of God”. The second lecture focuses on Caputo’s philosophico-theological rendering of four key Derridean themes: justice, forgiveness, the gift, (...)
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  • Gadamer on the Event of Art, the Other, and a Gesture Toward a Gadamerian Approach to Free Jazz".Cynthia R. Nielsen - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics (1).
    Several prominent contemporary philosophers, including Jürgen Habermas, John Caputo, and Robert Bernasconi, have at times painted a somewhat negative picture of Gadamer as not only an uncritical traditionalist, but also as one whose philosophical project fails to appreciate difference. Against such claims, I argue that Gadamer’s reflections on art exhibit a genuine appreciation for alterity not unrelated to his hermeneutical approach to the other. Thus, by bringing Gadamer’s reflections on our experience of art into conversation with key aspects of his (...)
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  • Omaisuus ja elämä: Heidegger ja Aristoteles kreikkalaisen ontologian rajalla.Jussi Backman - 2005 - Tampere: Eurooppalaisen filosofian seura.
    Mitä oleva on? Omaisuus ja elämä pureutuu tähän filosofian peruskysymykseen seuraten kahta länsimaisen filosofian jättiläistä, Aristotelestä ja Heideggeria. Siinä missä Aristoteles kysyy olevaa substantiivina ja tilana, etsii Heidegger olemisen mieltä verbinä ja tapahtumana. Nämä kaksi merkitystä löytyvät myös suomen olla-verbistä: "omistaa jotakin" ja "olla olemassa, elossa". Omaisuus ja elämä antavat peruslähtökohdat olevan tulkitsemiselle. Kirja vie lukijansa filosofian kreikkalaisille juurille ja sen uusimpiin, Heideggerin avaamiin mahdollisuuksiin.
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  • Phenomenology as a paradigm of movement.Frances Rapport & Paul Wainwright - 2006 - Nursing Inquiry 13 (3):228-236.
    Phenomenology is a well‐founded qualitative methodology that is frequently used by nurse researchers and considered of value when addressing research questions in nursing practice and nurse education. However, at present, nurse researchers using phenomenology tend to divide phenomenological methodology into the descriptive and interpretive formats. The nursing literature suggests that there is a deep divide between researchers following the methodological underpinnings and basic precepts pertaining to these two camps. If we are to reach a clearer understanding of the theory underlying (...)
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  • A personal epistemology: towards gender diversity.Lyn Merryfeather - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (2):139-149.
    In spite of the growing public awareness of those who would identify as transgender, very little has changed in attitudes that would accord such people full approbation. The author takes the reader on a 40‐year journey of discovery that has led her to an abiding interest in and dedication to the issues faced by people who do not fit within the gender binary of Western society. As well as describing a personal experience with someone who identifies as transsexual, the author (...)
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  • Gynocentric Eco-logics.Trish Glazebrook - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (2):75-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics & the Environment 10.2 (2005) 75-99 [Access article in PDF] Gynocentric Eco-Logics Trish Glazebrook All of our teachings come from things in nature, they come from the growing cycle, and everything is tied to the earth.1Ludwig Fleck describes in his Genesis and Development of a Scientific Fact how the concept of syphilis is "a result of the development and confluence of several lines of collective thought" (Fleck 1979, (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Pulse of Sense: encounters with jean-luc nancy.Nikolaas Deketelaere & Marie Chabbert - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):4-11.
    Jean-Luc Nancy is a philosopher. He is not simply a “thinker” or a “theorist”. Of course, philosophers spend their time thinking, often in the most theoretical and abs...
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  • Translating God: Derrida, Ricoeur, Kearney.Lynn Sebastian Purcell - 2012 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2012 (1).
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  • (1 other version)‘Undecidability’ or ‘anticipatory resoluteness’ Caputo in conversation with Heidegger.Sylvie Avakian - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 82 (2):135-151.
    In this article I will consider John D. Caputo’s hermeneutics of deconstruction or what he calls ‘radical hermeneutics’, with ‘undecidability’ as its major theme, in conversation with Martin Heidegger’s notion of ‘resolute existence’. Through an examination of the different positions of Caputo, Heidegger, and also Kierkegaard, Derrida and Meister Eckhart on the possibility of repetition, the hermeneutical circle and the mystical way of prayer and faith, I am arguing that deconstruction is not the end of hermeneutics, it is not the (...)
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  • Interpretive Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Clarifying Understanding.Ann E. McManus Holroyd - 2007 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 7 (2):1-12.
    The philosophical orientation of Gadamerian hermeneutic phenomenology is explored in this paper. Gadamer offers a hermeneutics of the humanities that differs significantly from models of the human sciences historically rooted in scientific methodologies. In particular, Gadamer proposes that understanding is first a mode of being before it is a mode of knowing; what this effectively offers is an alternative to the traditional way of understanding in the human sciences. This paper details why the work of hermeneutics is not to develop (...)
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  • Faith in God without any revelation?Thomas Park - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 78 (3):315-328.
    In this paper I introduce John D. Caputo’s view of the divine and argue against his claim that we can preserve faith in God while dropping the idea of divine revelation. Despite Caputo’s apophatic point of view, he makes two claims with regard to God, or ’the divine’. First, he claims that we all have a divine call for justice and compassion in us. Secondly, he claims that God’s kingdom comes true if we make it happen and that this is (...)
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  • Ethical nursing practice: inquiry‐in‐action.Gweneth Hartrick Doane, Janet Storch & Bernie Pauly - 2009 - Nursing Inquiry 16 (3):232-240.
    Although the need to theorize ethics within the complexities of nursing practice has been identified within the nursing literature, to date the link between ethics epistemology and specific nursing actions has received limited attention. In particular, little exploration has been carried out to examine how nurses ‘know’ what is ethical and the knowledge they draw upon to inform their nursing actions within the complexities of their everyday practice. This study describes a participatory inquiry project that focused on developing and articulating (...)
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  • (1 other version)‘Undecidability’ or ‘anticipatory resoluteness’ Caputo in conversation with Heidegger.Sylvie Avakian - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (2):123-139.
    In this article I will consider John D. Caputo’s ‘radical hermeneutics’, with ‘undecidability’ as its major theme, in conversation with Martin Heidegger’s notion of ‘anticipatory resoluteness’. Through an examination of the positions of Caputo and Heidegger I argue that Heidegger’s notion of ‘anticipatory resoluteness’ reaches far beyond the claims of ‘radical hermeneutics’, and that it assumes a reconstructive process which carries within its scope the overtones of deconstruction, the experience of repetition and authenticity and also the implications of Gelassenheit. Further, (...)
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  • Beyond polarities of knowledge: The pragmatics of faith.Gweneth A. Hartrick R. N. PhD - 2002 - Nursing Philosophy 3 (1):27–34.
    The dissociation between the domains of knowledge continues to perpetuate the fragmentation of people’s health and healing experiences. Of particular significance are the polarities that have been created between the objective, subjective and spiritual dimensions of knowledge and human experience. This paper offers a consideration of how faith might serve as a pragmatic avenue towards assuaging the polarities between knowledges and enhancing nurses’ ability to attend to the complex and mulitdimensional nature of health and healing processes.
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  • Why evidence‐based practice now?: a polemic 1.Kim Walker - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):145-155.
    Evidence‐based practice (EBP) first appeared on the healthcare horizon just over a decade ago. In 2003 its presence has intensified and extended beyond its initial relation to medicine embracing as it does now, nursing and the allied health disciplines. In this paper, I contend that its appearance and subsequent growth and development are the effects of potent ‘regimes of truth’, four of which bear the names: positivism, empiricism, pragmatism and economic rationalism. My aim is to show how EBP generates the (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Pulse of Sense: encounters with jean-luc nancy.Nikolaas Deketelaere & Marie Chabbert - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):1-2.
    This paper seeks to elucidate Jean-Luc Nancy’s and Søren Kierkegaard’s shared understanding of faith by providing a phenomenology of faith. This is accomplished by applying Nancy’s conception of experience to Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, of which this paper thus offers a phenomenological reading in order to analyse the experience of faith its pseudonymous author relates. In doing so, however, we will discover that faith belongs to a realm of experience that is more fundamental than, and thus takes priority over, the (...)
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  • The technology trap and the new humanism.Gil Germain - 2019 - South African Journal of Philosophy 38 (2):127-135.
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  • El último feminismo: hacia la subversión de la diferencia.María José Binetti - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 32 (2):127-142.
    This article intends to think a feminist theory in the speculative context that starts with the Hegelian metaphysics and continues with the French post-Hegelianism of J. Derrida, G. Deleuze and M. Foucault among others. The great challenge of these authors –and with them the great challenge of our time– consists in deconstructing the binary logic which has dominated western thought and culture, in order to overcome the political and social exclusion promoted by it. In this context lies the femininity-masculinity dualism, (...)
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  • Spread Body and Exposed Body.Emmanuel Falque, Translated by Marie Chabbert & Nikolaas Deketelaere - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3):126-138.
    The question of the body spans across the work of Jean-Luc Nancy, from Noli me tangere, to Corpus and Jacques Derrida’s dialogue with Nancy in On Touching. In constant conversation with Christianit...
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  • Acknowledgements.Nikolaas Deketelaere & Marie Chabbert - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (3-4):3-3.
    This paper seeks to elucidate Jean-Luc Nancy’s and Søren Kierkegaard’s shared understanding of faith by providing a phenomenology of faith. This is accomplished by applying Nancy’s conception of experience to Kierkegaard’s Fear and Trembling, of which this paper thus offers a phenomenological reading in order to analyse the experience of faith its pseudonymous author relates. In doing so, however, we will discover that faith belongs to a realm of experience that is more fundamental than, and thus takes priority over, the (...)
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  • On Martin Heidegger: Politics and life seen through the apolloniandionysian duality.Glyndwr Stephen Davies - unknown
    ABSTRACT This study bears upon the ‘Heidegger case,’ that is, the relation of Heidegger’s philosophizing to his political involvements as Rector of the University of Freiburg 1933-4, and his subsequent silences on the subject of the Holocaust. I use the phrase ‘bears upon’ for Heidegger’s political involvement will serve as the ‘horizon’ for the study, my concern being the genesis of Heidegger’s position. Grounded in a musical ‘intuition’ and attunement, I take up the Nietzschean cipher for understanding proposed by Heidegger (...)
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  • Hermeneutic Haunting: ED Hirsch, Jr. and the Ghost of Interpretive Validity.Linda O'Neill - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (5):451-468.
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  • Guest Editorial: Preface to "A Strange and Earnest Client" Part One of the Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery.W. John Williamson - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).
    Ladies and gentlemen, the story you are about to see is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent.
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  • Thoughts on the Return of Yesterday's War.David W. Jardine - 2017 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2017 (1).
    Recent American events have tended to energize me and remind me of a wider swath about our circumstances. We find ourselves fighting this issue on methodological, epistemological, and ontological grounds, but it is also a matter of power and market driven distortions, of issues of gender and how marginalization works to blame precisely those it then victimizes, and on and on. In this paper, I take up some of these ideas.
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  • Conducting Hermeneutic Research: The Address of the Topic.Nancy J. Moules, Jim C. Field, Graham P. McCaffrey & Catherine M. Laing - 2014 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2014 (1).
    The conduct of research as guided by philosophical tenets of hermeneutics, in particular the hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer, is a complex and sophisticated endeavor. In this paper, we offer that one of the things that guides the inquiry is the topic and that most often topics for discovery arrive with the experience of an address. We discuss the notion of the address of the topic, how a researcher discerns a topic to be studied and, from this address, develops appropriate research (...)
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  • Moving Forward: The Existential Motion of the Self in Kierkegaard's Pseudonymous Works.Joshua Avery Dawson - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 63 (1):35-48.
    The Heythrop Journal, Volume 63, Issue 1, Page 35-48, January 2022.
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  • Awakening from Descartes' nightmare: On the love of ambiguity in phenomenological approaches to education.David W. Jardine - 1990 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 10 (3):211-232.
    This paper is an exploration of the Cartesian paradigms of clarity and univocity and how these inform contemporary educational theory and practice. Phenomenology is discussed as a way of disrupting Descartes' visions of clarity and distinctness as paradigms of knowledge and as a return of inquiry to life as it is actually lived. Analogical discourse is examined as a way of giving a voice to this sort of inquiry. Heidegger's notions of inquiry as obedience and thanksgiving are discussed.
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  • Dialogical Breakdown and Covid-19: Solidarity and Disagreement in a Shared World.Cynthia R. Nielsen & David Liakos - 2020 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2020:1-12.
    This article considers the limitations, but also the insights, of Gadamerian hermeneutics for understanding and responding to the crisis precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our point of departure is the experience of deep disagreements amid the pandemic, and our primary example is ongoing debates in the United States about wearing masks. We argue that, during this dire situation, interpersonal mutual understanding is insufficient for resolving such bitter disputes. Rather, following Gadamer’s account of our dialogical experience with an artwork, we suggest (...)
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  • The Case of the Disappearing/Appearing Slow Learner: An Interpretive Mystery.W. John Williamson & James Colin Field - 2014 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2014 (1).
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  • Midnight reckonings: On a question of knowledge and nursing.Christine Ceci - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (1):61–76.
    The paper contrasts understandings of knowledge grounded in Enlightenment norms with the departures from those norms taken by some strands of feminism and hermeneutics, as well as the contributions made by the writing of Michel Foucault. A reading of Foucault's writings on knowledge, power and the discursive constitution of self and world is offered as a potentially useful frame within which to raise questions about nursing, nurses and knowledge.
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  • The Methodological Role of the ‘Existentiell Function’ in the Setting of Being and Time.Andrés Gatica Gattamelati - 2024 - Ideas Y Valores 73 (184):129-171.
    In the following paper we will attempt to offer a panoramic reconstruction of the relations between scientificity [Wissenschaftlichkeit] and the existentiell dimension of Dasein’s being in the framework of Being and Time and in the period immediately following its publication. To this end, we will attempt to (a) offer an account of the positive and negative appropriations of the concept of the existenziell in the reception of Heidegger's opus magnum, next (b) we will offer a systematic reconstruction of the existentiell (...)
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  • The ethical dimension of significance.Juan Carlos Aguirre García - 2021 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 50:9-29.
    Resumen Este artículo se propone identificar los aspectos básicos de la tesis de Emmanuel Levinas sobre la dimensión ética de la significación. En un primer momen to, se reconstruyen las críticas del autor a dos aproximaciones a la significación, denominadas en este trabajo: el ámbito de los signos y el ámbito de la expresión. En un segundo momento, se enuncia la tesis de Levinas, según la cual, es en el terreno ético donde la significación encuentra su sentido original. Finalmente, se (...)
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  • Reading Jung with Heidegger.Matthew Gildersleeve - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Queensland
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  • Who is ‘society’ in the societal impact debate? – A critical discussion of policies of closure.Andrew G. Gibson & Søren S. E. Bengtsen - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    Discussions about the role of universities have long been framed in terms of questions of what is good for the public, as well as how and whether higher education serves that good. Today, the language of ‘societal impact’ has become an accepted way for policymakers to frame the matter, but just who is included in the underlying definition of society that this formulation presupposes? In this paper, we consider how ‘society’ has been constructed in discussions of the societal impact of (...)
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  • Right There, in the Midst of It: Impacts of the Therapeutic Relationship on Mental Health Nurses.Angela C. Morck - 2016 - Journal of Applied Hermeneutics 2016 (1).
    Mental health nurses are frequently confronted by intense emotions within the therapeutic relationship. In this philosophical hermeneutic inquiry, five mental health nurses were interviewed to extend our understandings of how nurses are impacted by the interplay with the often emotion-laden narratives of their patients. Findings exposed the nurses journeyed between fluctuating needs to separate and protect their private from their work life. In order for this fluctuation to occur, they developed a sense of the world as requiring a sanctuary. This (...)
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  • Strange loops, oedipal logic, and an apophatic ecology: Reimagining critique in environmental education.Antti Saari & John Mullen - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (3):228-237.
    Bruno Latour (2004) claims that modernist critique, the kind that removes the false veils of ideology, ‘has run out of steam’. Despite its theoretical variety, it often consists in pointing out how...
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