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  1. Power and wisdom: Toward a history of social behavior.Akop P. Nazaretyan - 2003 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 33 (4):405–425.
    Cross-disciplinary studies carried out lately by Russian scholars discovered a causal relationship between the three variables: technological potential, cultural regulation quality, and social sustainability. The patterns called techno-humanitarian balance law, states that the higher production and war technologies' power, the more refined the behaviorregulation means that are required for self-preservation of the society. The article shows that the law has controlled social selection for all of human history and prehistory, discarding unbalanced social organisms, as far as they could not cope (...)
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  • Literacy and civilization.Peter Murphy - 2019 - Thesis Eleven 155 (1):64-90.
    The article reviews the social theory of Harry Redner with particular reference to his view of the relationship between high literacy (book culture) and civilization. The question is posed whether, alongside book culture, an axial-type metaphysical culture is also key to the definition of civilization.
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  • Civilizational structure of regional integration organizations.Sergii Sardak & Y. Prysiazhniuk S. Sardak, S. Radziyevska - 2019 - Przegląd Strategiczny 12:59-79.
    The paper advances a new comprehensive complex approach to the investigation of the civilizational aspects in the development of regional associations of countries. The research starts with the overview of historical dimensions of the civilizational approach and the contribution of the founding scholars to its development. It continues with the analysis of the scientific and methodological input of the followers and the critics of this approach. The authors suggest their theoretical approach to the identification of the modern local civilizations according (...)
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  • On Pluralism, Value Disagreement and Conflict: A Phenomenological Argument for Axiological Universalism.Roberta De Monticelli - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (4):342-355.
    ABSTRACTThe main question addressed in this paper is whether conflict is constitutive of the nature of value commitment, and hence necessarily implied by value pluralism. If this is the case, no resolution of value disagreements, whether on the global level or within modern multicultural societies, is possible via practical reasons, and the only solutions to inner or outer conflicts will be “political”, in the sense of a Realpolitik. Positive and negative answers to the main question are shown to express two (...)
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  • Approaching Byzantium: Identity, Predicament and Afterlife.Johann P. Arnason - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 62 (1):39-69.
    The attempts to interpret Russian and Southeast European history in light of a Byzantine background tend to focus on traditions of political culture, and to claim that patterns characteristic of the late Roman Empire have had a formative impact on later developments. But the effects attributed to political culture presuppose a civilizational framework, and arguments on that level must come to grips with evidence of historical discontinuity, during the Byzantine millennium as well as in later centuries and on the periphery (...)
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  • Great Revolutions of the 20th Century in a Civilizational Perspective.Jaroslav Krejčí - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 62 (1):71-90.
    The great revolutions of modern times have been analysed from various angles, but their civilizational aspects and contexts have on the whole been neglected. More specifically, the major 20th-century revolutions can be seen as particularly important cases of intercivilizational encounters. They represent different responses to the ascendant and challenging civilization of the West. The Western civilizational trajectory (or set of trajectories), based on a shift from fideism to empiricism and on multiple social dynamics fuelled by this cultural reorientation (such as (...)
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  • La concepción del yo en Daniel Dennett: Un análisis de la relación entre la perspectiva heterofenomenológica y el enfoque memético.Ayelen Sánchez - 2014 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 24 (1):40-50.
    El presente trabajo se propone analizar la posición de Daniel Dennett con respecto a la realidad y naturaleza del yo. El autor considera que la concepción del yo humano propia del sentido común, en tanto que un elemento único, simple, idéntico y continuo, es fundamentalmente una ficción. A partir de este diagnóstico, Dennett se propone ofrecer una explicación de este fenómeno ilusorio desde una doble perspectiva: la heterofenomenología y la memética. La primera y segunda parte de este trabajo estarán destinadas (...)
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  • American Civilization.Peter Murphy - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 85 (1):64-92.
    Autopoietic societies have produced three major images of civilization: the Greco-Roman, the Eurocentric Western, and the Settler Society type. The most important incarnation of the latter to date has been America. This article explores the deep-going differences between American and European ideas of civilization. It examines how the American kind of autopoietic civilization expresses itself in preternaturally distinctive conceptualizations of nature and freedom, life and death, order and chaos, city and ecumene. The article discusses the political and social implications of (...)
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  • Ciclos y élites: patrones recurrentes en la literatura de Asimov.José Luis Arroyo - 2019 - Co-herencia 16 (30).
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  • The Meaning-of-Life Reflection: A Russian-Kazakhstan Dialogue.Sergey Y. Kolchigin & Tatiana G. Leshkevich - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (8):139-159.
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  • The Idea of Cyclicity as a Paradigm for the Explanation of Historical Reality.Irina N. Sizemskaya - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (8):33-48.
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  • The Divide in Contemporary Rusian Society: Society vs. Authority.Alexander V. Tikhonov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (8):68-83.
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  • A constant of temporal structure in the human hierarchy and other systems.Peter W. Barlow - 1992 - Acta Biotheoretica 40 (4):321-328.
    The levels that compose biological hierarchies each have their own energetic, spatial and temporal structure. Indeed, it is the discontinuity in energy relationships between levels, as well as the similarity of sub-systems that support them, that permits levels to be defined. In this paper, the temporal structure of living hierarchies, in particular that pertaining to Human society, is examined. Consideration is given to the period defining the lifespan of entities at each level and to a periodic event considered fundamental to (...)
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  • A Study of History from a Control-Theory Perspective.Elena Borgatti, Daniele Casagrande, Wiesław Krajewski & Umberto Viaro - 2018 - Foundations of Science 23 (1):1-16.
    The dynamics of ancient civilisations according to credited historians can be explained by means of a simple linear time-invariant feedback model whose loop only consists of a first-order process and a pure time delay. It is shown that, despite its simplicity, this model can give rise to a variety of responses, either oscillatory or aperiodic, such as those envisaged by A. Toynbee. Since modern civilisations are characterised by fast parameter variations, their description calls instead for a time-variant model. Simulations with (...)
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  • The Ethics of the New Economy.Leo Groarke - unknown
    Is restructuring an underhanded way to make the rich richer and the poor poorer? Or is it necessary, although bitter, medicine for an ailing economy? In The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and Beyond, professionals from the fields of philosophy, ethics, management, as well as those representing the groups affected by restructuring, tackle thorny ethical issues. Referring to concrete case studies, these timely essays discuss a variety of topics, including justified and unjustified restructuring; employers’ obligations during the restructuring process; (...)
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  • Can the Worlds be Changed? On Ethics and the Multicultural Dream.Charles Lemert - 2004 - Thesis Eleven 78 (1):46-60.
    Multiculturalism is, among other things, an attitude toward values - hence, an ethic of a kind. The question it poses, however, is what kind of ethics are possible when it is assumed that the one world culture that stood behind classical social ethics no longer pertains. The issue binds most strictly when it is further assumed that social ethics entail political commitments to change the worlds. Hence, the practical consideration of whether or not plural worlds of incommensurable values allow for (...)
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  • (1 other version)Références bibliographiques.Flavia Padovani - 2007 - Philosophia Scientiae (2):217-276.
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  • Civilization.Roland Robertson - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):421-427.
    It is necessary to distinguish between civilization as a sociocultural complex on the one hand, and civilization as a process, on the other. This is illustrated by invoking the work of Norbert Elias. For Elias, the civilizing process consisted in the way in which what were, historically, constraints on human behaviour became internalized, and is a process that takes different forms in different cultures. On the other hand, at the centre of civilization as sociocultural complex was the question concerning the (...)
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  • The Last Days of the Post Mode.Bernard Smith - 1998 - Thesis Eleven 54 (1):1-23.
    Evidence evinced primarily from the visual arts suggests that the term `postmodernism' is unlikely to survive as a general description of contemporary culture beyond the year 2000. The concepts of both post-industrialism and postmodernism are examined as presented by six major writers. None makes a convincing case for the establishment of an historical disjunction that separates modernism from postmodernism either during the 1960s or at any other time. There is a need to recognize that the modernism of the late 19th (...)
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  • Culture as a Living Organism: Some Words on Danilevsky’s Theory of Cultural-Historical Types.Tetiana Danylova & Ihor Hoian - 2019 - Path of Science 5 (10).
    This paper aims to explore Danilevsky’s theory of cultural-historical types. The authors used hermeneutic, cultural-historical, and integrative approaches. Denying the understanding of the history of humankind as the linear reality for the formation of the socio-cultural system of universalism, Danilevsky relies on the multivariate historical development and elaborates a methodology of civilizational discreteness that takes into account the originality and integrity of each particular cultural-historical type. The thinker emphasizes that the core of any cultural-historical type is a certain ethnos with (...)
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