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  1. The Virtuous Influence of Ethical Leadership Behavior: Evidence from the Field.Mitchell J. Neubert, Dawn S. Carlson, K. Michele Kacmar, James A. Roberts & Lawrence B. Chonko - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (2):157-170.
    This study examines a moderated/mediated model of ethical leadership on follower job satisfaction and affective organizational commitment. We proposed that managers have the potential to be agents of virtue or vice within organizations. Specifically, through ethical leadership behavior we argued that managers can virtuously influence perceptions of ethical climate, which in turn will positively impact organizational members’ flourishing as measured by job satisfaction and affective commitment to the organization. We also hypothesized that perceptions of interactional justice would moderate the ethical (...)
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  • In Search of Virtue: The Role of Virtues, Values and Character Strengths in Ethical Decision Making.Mary Crossan, Daina Mazutis & Gerard Seijts - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):567-581.
    We present a comprehensive model that integrates virtues, values, character strengths and ethical decision making (EDM). We describe how a largely consequentialist ethical framework has dominated most EDM scholarship to date. We suggest that reintroducing a virtue ethical perspective to existing EDM theories can help to illustrate deficiencies in existing decision-making models, and suggest that character strengths and motivational values can serve as natural bridges that link a virtue framework to EDM in organizations. In conjunction with the more fully formulated (...)
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  • How different is neo‐Aristotelian virtue from positive organizational virtuousness?Alejo José G. Sison & Ignacio Ferrero - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (S2):78-98.
    The purpose of this article is to explain the differences between neo-Aristotelian virtue and positive organizational virtuousness from the virtue ethics perspective. Most studies use virtues and virtuousness interchangeably. A few others try to explain their differences from the positive organizational science perspective. Although closely related, we believe that these two notions are not identical. If we understand neo-Aristotelian virtue correctly, then it cannot be judged exclusively on what is externally verifiable, as is the case with virtuousness. For these reasons, (...)
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  • Responsible Leadership as Virtuous Leadership.Kim Cameron - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (S1):25-35.
    Responsible leadership is rare. It is not that most leaders are irresponsible, but responsibility in leadership is frequently defined so that an important connotation of responsible leadership is ignored. This article equates responsible leadership with virtuousness. Using this connotation implies that responsible leadership is based on three assumptions—eudaemonism, inherent value, and amplification. Secondarily, this connotation produces two important outcomes—a fixed point for coping with change, and benefits for constituencies who may never be affected otherwise. The meaning and advantages of responsible (...)
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  • The Positive Ethical Organization: Enacting a Living Code of Ethics and Ethical Organizational Identity.Amy Klemm Verbos, Joseph A. Gerard, Paul R. Forshey, Charles S. Harding & Janice S. Miller - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 76 (1):17-33.
    A vision of a living code of ethics is proposed to counter the emphasis on negative phenomena in the study of organizational ethics. The living code results from the harmonious interaction of authentic leadership, five key organizational processes (attraction–selection–attrition, socialization, reward systems, decision-making and organizational learning), and an ethical organizational culture (characterized by heightened levels of ethical awareness and a positive climate regarding ethics). The living code is the cognitive, affective, and behavioral manifestation of an ethical organizational identity. We draw (...)
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  • The Amplifying and Buffering Effects of Virtuousness in Downsized Organizations.David S. Bright, Kim S. Cameron & Arran Caza - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (3):249-269.
    Virtuousness refers to the pursuit of the highest aspirations in the human condition. It is characterized by human impact, moral goodness, and unconditional societal betterment. Several writers have recently argued that corporations, in addition to being concerned with ethics, should also emphasize an ethos of virtuousness in corporate action. Virtuousness emphasizes actions that go beyond the “do no harm” assumption embedded in most ethical codes of conduct. Instead, it emphasizes the highest and best of the human condition. This research empirically (...)
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  • Kant on Virtue.Claus Dierksmeier - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (4):597-609.
    In business ethics journals, Kant’s ethics is often portrayed as overly formalistic, devoid of substantial content, and without regard for the consequences of actions or questions of character. Hence, virtue ethicists ride happily to the rescue, offering to replace or complement Kant’s theory with their own. Before such efforts are undertaken, however, one should recognize that Kant himself wrote a “virtue theory” (Tugendlehre), wherein he discussed the questions of character as well as the teleological nature of human action. Numerous Kant (...)
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  • Love, Forgiveness, and Trust: Critical Values of the Modern Leader.Cam Caldwell & Rolf D. Dixon - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 93 (1):91-101.
    In a world that has become increasingly dependent upon employee ownership, commitment, and initiative, organizations need leaders who can inspire their␣employees and motivate them individually. Love, forgiveness, and trust are critical values of today’s organization leaders who are committed to maximizing value for organizations while helping organization members to become their best. We explain the importance of love, forgiveness, and trust in the modern organization and identify 10 commonalities of these virtues.
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  • Investigating and Assessing the Quality of Employee Ethics Training Programs Among US-Based Global Organizations.James Weber - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 129 (1):27-42.
    Reoccurring instances of unethical employee behavior raises the question of the effectiveness of organization’s employee ethics training programs. This research seeks to examine employee ethics training programs among US-based global organizations by asking members of the Ethics and Compliance Officer Association to describe various elements of their organizations’ ethics training programs. This investigation and assessment reveal that there are some effective aspects of ethics training but five serious concerns are identified and discussed as potential contributions to the lack of ethics (...)
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  • The Influence of Ethical Leadership and Regulatory Focus on Employee Outcomes.Mitchell J. Neubert, Cindy Wu & James A. Roberts - 2013 - Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (2):269-296.
    ABSTRACT:Regulatory focus theory is proposed as offering an explanation for the influence of ethical leadership on organizational citizenship behaviors and employee commitments. The prevention focus mindset of an employee is argued to be the mechanism by which an ethical leader influences extra-role compliance behavior as well as normative commitment, whereas the promotion focus mindset of an employee is argued to be the mechanism by which an ethical leader influences extra-role voice behavior as well as affective commitment. Moreover, leader-member exchange is (...)
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  • Reimagining Business Ethics as Ethos-Driven Practice: A Deweyan Perspective.Christopher Gohl - 2024 - Journal of Human Values 30 (1):75-90.
    As business ethics is grappling with criticisms of its relevance for ethical practice, it may find perspective and direction in various conceptions of ethos. While ‘ethics’ is rooted in ‘ethos’, a term with a long and rich history of interdisciplinary research, conceptions of ethos are so far scarcely discussed in business ethics. The purpose of this conceptual article is to explore the potential of a pivot towards business ethics as an ethos-driven practice, drawing on John Dewey’s work. First, it introduces (...)
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  • The Effects of Ethical Codes on Ethical Perceptions of Actions Toward Stakeholders.Joseph A. McKinney, Tisha L. Emerson & Mitchell J. Neubert - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 97 (4):505 - 516.
    As a result of numerous, highly publicized, ethical breaches, firms and their agents are under ongoing scrutiny. In an attempt to improve both their image and their ethical performance, some firms have adopted ethical codes of conduct. Past research investigating the effects of ethical codes of conduct on behavior and ethical attitudes has yielded mixed results. In this study, we again take up the question of the effect of ethical codes on ethical attitudes and find strong evidence to suggest that (...)
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  • The Benefits to the Human Spirit of Acting Ethically at Work: The Effects of Professional Moral Courage on Work Meaningfulness and Life Well-Being.Douglas R. May & Matthew D. Deeg - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 181 (2):397-411.
    AbstractOrganizations receive multiple benefits when their members act ethically. Of interest in this study is if the actors receive benefits as well, especially as individuals look to work to fulfill psychological and social needs in addition to economic ones. Specifically, we highlight a series of ongoing ethical practices embodied in professional moral courage and their relationship to actor’s work meaningfulness and life well-being. Drawing on self-determination theory and affective events theory, we explore how exercising professional moral courage in one’s work (...)
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  • In the Eye of the Beholder: An Exploration of Managerial Courage.Michelle Harbour & Veronika Kisfalvi - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):493-515.
    There is growing interest in the positive organizational literature in the complex interplay between the positive and negative facets of organizations, individuals, and situations. The concept of courage provides fertile ground to study this interplay, since it is generally understood to be a positive quality that is manifested in challenging situations. The empirical study presented here looks at courage in a strategic decision-making context and takes an interpretive perspective; it focuses on the cognitive structures and subjective understandings of managers and (...)
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  • Supererogation: Beyond Positive Deviance and Corporate Social Responsibility.Daina Mazutis - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):517-528.
    The special class of supererogatory actions—those that go “beyond the call of duty”—has thus far been omitted from the management literature. Rather, actions of a firm that may surpass economic and legal requirements have been discussed either under the umbrella term of Corporate Social Responsibility or the concept of positive deviance as articulated by the Positive Organizational Scholarship movement. This paper seeks to clarify how “duty” is understood in these literatures and makes an argument that paradigmatic examples of corporate supererogation (...)
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  • Institutionalizing Ethics in Institutional Voids: Building Positive Ethical Strength to Serve Women Microfinance Borrowers in Negative Contexts.Subrata Chakrabarty & A. Erin Bass - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):529-542.
    This study examines whether microfinance institutions (MFIs) that serve women borrowers at the base of the economic pyramid are likely to adopt a written code of positive organizational ethics (POE). Using econometric analysis of operational and economic data of a sample of MFIs from across the world, we find that two contextual factors—poverty level and lack of women’s empowerment—moderate the influence of an MFI’s percentage of women borrowers on the probability of the MFI having a POE code. MFIs that serve (...)
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  • Exploring “Embodied Care” in Relation to Social Sustainability.Sheldene Simola - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (4):473-484.
    Although there has been a proliferation of interest in sustainable business practice, recent research has identified concerns with the relative neglect of the social versus environmental aspects of sustainability. It is argued here that due to its reliance on internally held, concrete and intrinsically motivated forms of responsiveness, as well as its ability to be authentically social versus parochial in nature, that the ethical construct of “embodied care” (Hamington, Embodied Care: Jane Addams, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Feminist Ethics, 2004 ) has (...)
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  • The Virtuousness of Ethical Networks: How to Foster Virtuous Practices in Nonprofit Organizations.Giorgio Mion, Vania Vigolo, Angelo Bonfanti & Riccardo Tessari - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (1):107-123.
    Ethical networks are an emerging form of social alliance based on collaboration between organizations that share a common ethical commitment. Grounded in a theoretical framework of virtue-based business ethics and focusing on nonprofit alliances, this study investigates the virtuousness of ethical networks; that is, how they trigger virtuous practices in their member nonprofit organizations. Adopting a qualitative grounded theory approach, the study focuses on one of the largest Italian ethical networks of nonprofit organizations operating in the social care sector. The (...)
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  • Religion, Opportunism, and International Market Entry Via Non-Equity Alliances or Joint Ventures.Ning Li - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (4):771-789.
    One challenge that globalization has brought to business is that firms, as they expand their market globally through cross-border alliances, need to deal with partner firms from countries of different religious background. The impact of a country’s dominant religion on its firms’ international market entry mode choices has not been examined in traditional approaches. Focusing on hypothesizing the influence of Christian beliefs and atheism (i.e., the absence of belief in any deities), this research aims to fill the gap by exploring (...)
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  • Conflicts of Interest in Financial Intermediation.Guido Palazzo & Lena Rethel - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (1):193-207.
    The last years have seen a surge of scandals in financial intermediation. This article argues that the agency structure inherent to most forms of financial intermediation gives rise to conflicts of interest. Though this does not excuse scandalous behavior it points out market imperfections. There are four types of conflicts of interest: personal-individual, personal-organizational, impersonal-individual, and finally, impersonal-organizational conflicts. Analyzing recent scandals we find that all four types of conflicts of interest prevail in financial intermediation.
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  • Corporate Sustainable Innovation and Employee Behavior.Magali A. Delmas & Sanja Pekovic - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (4):1071-1088.
    Corporate sustainable innovation is a major driver of institutional change, and its success can be largely attributed to employees. While some scholars have described the importance of intrinsic motivations and flexibility to facilitate innovation, others have argued that constraints and extrinsic motivations stimulate innovation. In the context of sustainable innovation, we explore which employee work practices are more conducive to firm-level innovation in corporate sustainability. Our results, based on a sample of 4640 French employees from 1764 firms, confirm the positive (...)
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  • The Role of Prosocial Motives and Social Exchange in Mediating the Relationship Between Organizational Virtuousness’ Perceptions and Employee Outcomes.Irene Tsachouridi & Irene Nikandrou - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (3):535-551.
    Theoretical arguments suggest that organizational virtuousness makes individuals surpass their exchange concerns sparking their prosocial motives. This paper focuses on the examination of this issue incorporating two field studies. The first field study examines prosocial motives and social exchange as parallel mediators of the relationship between organizational virtuousness’ perceptions and three employee outcomes. The second field study examines prosocial motives, personal sacrifice and impression management motives as parallel mediators of the examined relationships. Both field studies indicated that only prosocial motives (...)
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  • The Respective Effects of Virtues and Inter-organizational Management Control Systems on Relationship Quality and Performance: Virtues Win.Carole Donada, Caroline Mothe, Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky & Gisele de Campos Ribeiro - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):211-228.
    In this study, we evaluate how individual virtues and inter-organizational management control systems influence buyer–supplier performance through relationship quality. Results from a sample of 232 firms confirm that virtues and IOMCS relate positively to relationship quality and performance, respectively. However, IOMCS lose their positive influence on relationship quality when considered along with virtues. That is, when both variables enter the regression model simultaneously, virtues win. This interesting finding has particular resonance at a time when research on ethics still needs to (...)
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  • The Evolution and Challenges of the Concept of Organizational Virtuousness in Positive Organizational Scholarship.Marcel Meyer - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):245-264.
    This paper critically reviews and discusses the concept of organizational virtuousness as presented in positive organizational scholarship. It identifies Kim S. Cameron, David S. Bright, and Arran Caza as the most influential researchers within this field and portrays commonalities, differences, and inconsistencies among the various notions of organizational virtuousness offered in positive organizational literature throughout the last 15 years. While the commonalities refer to attributes, levels of analyses, outcomes, and methodology, the variances concern the locus of residence, the priority of (...)
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  • Understanding Sustainability Innovations Through Positive Ethical Networks.Zahir Dossa & Katrin Kaeufer - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):543-559.
    In this paper, a positive organizational ethics -based framework is informed by the microfinance and socially responsible investing movements to capture the process of sustainable financial innovations. Both of these movements are uniquely characterized by the formation of positive ethical networks to develop sustainability innovations in response to external crises. The crisis–PEN–innovation framework proposed makes four contributions to the POE literature: positions corporate sustainability through a POE lens; formalizes the PEN construction through POE theory; proposes PENs are mobilized to respond (...)
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  • A quantitative analysis of authors, schools and themes in virtue ethics articles in business ethics and management journals. [REVIEW]Ignacio Ferrero & Alejo José G. Sison - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (4):375-400.
    Virtue ethics is generally recognized as one of the three major schools of ethics, but is often waylaid by utilitarianism and deontology in business and management literature. EBSCO and ABI databases were used to look for articles in the Journal of Citation Reports publications between 1980 and 2011 containing the keywords ‘virtue ethics’, ‘virtue theory’, or ‘virtuousness’ in the abstract and ‘business’ or ‘management’ in the text. The search was refined to draw lists of the most prolific authors, the most (...)
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  • Why learn business ethics?—Students’ conceptions of the use and exchange value of applied business ethics.Sadanand Varma - 2019 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 8 (1):107-125.
    Applied Business Ethics is a core module for business undergraduate students in an internationalised university business degree programme from the United Kingdom taught at a Private Higher Education Institution in Singapore. Students, who are working adults undertaking this part-time degree, are assessed purely on the application of theoretical knowledge through essays that show evidence of their ability to apply theory in workplace ethical dilemmas. This pilot study explores the utility of the module in terms of use and exchange value. It (...)
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  • Top Management Team Characteristics and Organizational Virtue Orientation: An Empirical Examination of IPO Firms.Robert E. Evert, G. Tyge Payne, Curt B. Moore & Michael S. McLeod - 2018 - Business Ethics Quarterly 28 (4):427-461.
    ABSTRACT:Despite extensive research on organizational virtue, our understanding about factors that promote virtue within organizations remains unclear. Drawing on upper echelon theory, we examine the relationship between five top management team characteristics and organizational virtue orientation —the integrated set of values and beliefs that support ethical traits and virtuous behaviors of an organization. Specifically, we utilize prospectuses of initial public offering firms and 10-K post-IPO filings to explore how TMT composition with respect to member age, tenure, education, functional background, and (...)
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  • Knowledge Stewardship as an Ethos-Driven Approach to Business Ethics.Stuart M. Belle - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 142 (1):83-91.
    As a field spanning interests among researchers and business professionals, business ethics aims to provide guidance on what can be considered morally right, socially acceptable and legally transparent dealings in the human activity of providing goods or services for trade. Yet, cohesive theory of the ethics of business is lacking, and current ethical practices often fall victim to fluctuating business conditions and circumstances. Thus, stewardship theory is proposed as a more enduring and empowering orientation to more mindful business ethics that (...)
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  • They Reap but Do Not Sow: How Multinational Corporations Are Putting an End to Virtuous Capitalism.Gerard A. Callanan - 2015 - Business and Society Review 120 (3):363-384.
    The actions of “world‐based” multinational corporations (MNCs) have effectively decoupled the revenue generation and the production sides of the business equation. This decoupling has led to an end of “virtuous capitalism,” which has widespread ramifications for the societies within highly developed countries as well as those in developing and underdeveloped nations. This article presents an overview of the defining aspects of virtuous corporations and the linkages to virtuous capitalism. It then describes the actions of Apple Computer as emblematic of an (...)
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  • Team Virtues and Performance: An Examination of Transparency, Behavioral Integrity, and Trust. [REVIEW]Michael E. Palanski, Surinder S. Kahai & Francis J. Yammarino - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (2):201 - 216.
    Virtue-based research in business ethics has increased over the last two decades, but most of the research has focused on the actions of an individual person. In this article, we examine the associations among team-level virtues using data from two studies. Specifically, we investigate whether transparency (usually thought to be an organizational-or collective-level construct), behavioral integrity (usually thought to be an individuallevel construct), and trust (usually thought to be an individual-level construct) can be conceptualized and operate at the team level (...)
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  • The Importance of Ethics in Branding: Mediating Effects of Ethical Branding on Company Reputation and Brand Loyalty.Sharifah Faridah Syed Alwi, Sulaiman Muhammad Ali & Bang Nguyen - 2017 - Business Ethics Quarterly 27 (3):393-422.
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  • Challenges of the virtue of friendship (Philia) in the mining industry: a case of multicultural society of Indonesia.Unang Mulkhan - 2021 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 10 (1):19-35.
    This paper aims to explore challenges of the Aristotelian friendship (philia) in multicultural society and in the specific industrial and organizational contexts. Data was collected from forty-eight participant interviews with managers and employees of four mining companies in Indonesia with twelve informants from each company, both management and employees. The paper found that the virtue of friendship within the mining companies has several drawbacks when an imbalance of power exists between managers and employees. This paper suggests that to understand virtue (...)
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  • Positive Organizational Ethics: Cultivating and Sustaining Moral Performance. [REVIEW]Leslie E. Sekerka, Debra R. Comer & Lindsey N. Godwin - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (4):1-10.
    We present this special issue on positive organizational ethics (POE) to highlight those pursuing positive subjective experiences, positive attributes of individuals and groups, and positive practices that contribute to ethical and virtuous behavior in organizations. Although prior research has offered some insight in this area, there is still much to be learned about how to cultivate and sustain ethical strength in different types of organizations and how goodness can emerge from and in spite of human failings. After describing the positive (...)
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  • Ethical Climate and Purchasing Social Responsibility: A Benevolence Focus. [REVIEW]Constantin Blome & Antony Paulraj - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (3):567-585.
    Using a sample of multinational firms in Germany, we develop and empirically examine a model to test the effects of ethical climate and its antecedents on purchasing social responsibility (PSR). Our results show different effects of benevolence dimensions of ethical climate on PSR: employee-focused climate has no effect, but community-focused climate is a significant driver of PSR. The results also show that top management ethical norms and code of conduct implementation impact PSR directly as well as indirectly through ethical climate.
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