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The language of music

New York: Oxford University Press (1959)

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  1. (1 other version)Emotional responses to music: The need to consider underlying mechanisms.Patrik N. Juslin & Daniel Västfjäll - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):559-575.
    Research indicates that people value music primarily because of the emotions it evokes. Yet, the notion of musical emotions remains controversial, and researchers have so far been unable to offer a satisfactory account of such emotions. We argue that the study of musical emotions has suffered from a neglect of underlying mechanisms. Specifically, researchers have studied musical emotions without regard to how they were evoked, or have assumed that the emotions must be based on the mechanism for emotion induction, a (...)
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  • The philosophy of music.Andrew Kania - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This is an overview of analytic philosophy of music. It is in five sections, as follows: 1. What Is Music? 2. Musical Ontology 3. Music and the Emotions 4. Understanding Music 5. Music and Value.
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  • Frontal brain electrical activity distinguishes valence and intensity of musical emotions.Louis A. Schmidt & Laurel J. Trainor - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (4):487-500.
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  • Evolution of tonal organization in music mirrors symbolic representation of perceptual reality. Part-1: Prehistoric.Aleksey Nikolsky - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Music evoked emotions are different–more often aesthetic than utilitarian.Klaus Scherer & Marcel Zentner - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):595-596.
    We disagree with Juslin & Vll's (J&V's) thesis that music-evoked emotions are indistinguishable from other emotions in both their nature and underlying mechanisms and that music just induces some emotions more frequently than others. Empirical evidence suggests that frequency differences reflect the specific nature of music-evoked emotions: aesthetic and reactive rather than utilitarian and proactive. Additional mechanisms and determinants are suggested as predictors of emotions triggered by music.
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  • Audio-visual integration of emotional cues in song.William Forde Thompson, Frank A. Russo & Lena Quinto - 2008 - Cognition and Emotion 22 (8):1457-1470.
    We examined whether facial expressions of performers influence the emotional connotations of sung materials, and whether attention is implicated in audio-visual integration of affective cues. In Experiment 1, participants judged the emotional valence of audio-visual presentations of sung intervals. Performances were edited such that auditory and visual information conveyed congruent or incongruent affective connotations. In the single-task condition, participants judged the emotional connotation of sung intervals. In the dual-task condition, participants judged the emotional connotation of intervals while performing a secondary (...)
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  • Emotions in Music: Hanslick and His False Follower.Krzysztof Guczalski - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (3):325-338.
    Nick Zangwill (2004, 2007) appears to be acquiring the status of repudiator-in-chief of emotion in music. He is invoked in this role by such authors as Kraut (2007, p. 67), Bonds (2014, p. 5), Robinson (2014), Young (2014, pp. vii, 1, 3–4, 151), Davies (2017) and Kania (2017). His ‘manifesto’ paper (2004) was recently reprinted in Lamarque and Olsen (2018, pp. 574–582). This development is unfortunate, because Zangwill, for all his radical-sounding theses, actually argues against views that hardly anyone holds. (...)
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  • Movement and musical performance.Andrew Geeves & John Sutton - 2021 - In William Forde Thompson & Kirk N. Olsen (eds.), The Science and Psychology of Music: from Beethoven at the office to Beyoncé at the gym. Greenwood. pp. 269-273.
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  • Play it again, Sam: On Liking Music.William W. Gaver & George Mandler - 1987 - Cognition and Emotion 1 (3):259-282.
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  • A Hermeneutics of Sport.Andrew Edgar - 2013 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 7 (1):140 - 167.
    (2013). A Hermeneutics of Sport. Sport, Ethics and Philosophy: Vol. 7, Sport and Art: An Essay in the Hermeneutics of Sport, pp. 140-167. doi: 10.1080/17511321.2012.761893.
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  • The Pastoral Origin of Semiotically Functional Tonal Organization of Music.Aleksey Nikolsky - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:508791.
    This paper presents a new line of inquiry into when and how music as a semiotic system was born. Eleven principal expressive aspects of music each contains specific structural patterns whose configuration signifies a certain affective state. This distinguishes the tonal organization of music from the phonetic and prosodic organization of natural languages and animal communication. The question of music’s origin can therefore be answered by establishing the point in human history at which all eleven expressive aspects might have been (...)
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  • Metropolitan Rhythms: A Preface to a Musical Philosophy for the New World.Peter Murphy - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 56 (1):81-105.
    The most important structural feature of the music of the New World is its often-time polyrhythmic and polymetrical character. This is also a key to unlocking the nature of social form and democratic persona in the diasporic and settler metropolises of the New World. In such settings, composers and musicians working with simultaneous temporalities, lines, groups, textures and characters offer intimations of a just totality for culturally fragmented societies.
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  • The Epistemology of Geometry I: the Problem of Exactness.Anne Newstead & Franklin James - 2010 - Proceedings of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science 2009.
    We show how an epistemology informed by cognitive science promises to shed light on an ancient problem in the philosophy of mathematics: the problem of exactness. The problem of exactness arises because geometrical knowledge is thought to concern perfect geometrical forms, whereas the embodiment of such forms in the natural world may be imperfect. There thus arises an apparent mismatch between mathematical concepts and physical reality. We propose that the problem can be solved by emphasizing the ways in which the (...)
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  • Musical Meaning in Between: Ineffability, Atmosphere and Asubjectivity in Musical Experience.Tere Vadén & Juha Torvinen - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 1 (2):209-230.
    ABSTRACTIneffability of musical meaning is a frequent theme in music philosophy. However, talk about musical meaning persists and seems to be not only inherently enjoyable and socially acceptable, but also functionally useful. Relying on a phenomenological account of musical meaning combined with a naturalist explanatory attitude, we argue for a novel explanation of how ineffability is a feature of musical meaning and experience and we show why it cannot be remedied by perfecting language or musico-philosophical study.Musical meaning is seen as (...)
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  • The Measurement of Aesthetic Emotion in Music.Leon Crickmore - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:243508.
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  • Metaphor and music emotion: Ancient views and future directions.Alessia Pannese, Marc-André Rappaz & Didier Grandjean - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 44 (C):61-71.
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  • Deconstruction, Musicology and Analysis: Some Recent Approaches in Critical Review.Christopher Norris - 1999 - Thesis Eleven 56 (1):107-118.
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  • Making music live.Donald M. Callen - 1982 - Theoria 48 (3):139-168.
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  • Neo‐Thomism as a basis for the teaching of music.Leon Crickmore - 1966 - British Journal of Educational Studies 14 (3):36-44.
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  • Gender and Music Composition: A Study of Music, and the Gendering of Meanings.Desmond C. Sergeant & Evangelos Himonides - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Problems with Musical Signification: Following the Rules and Grasping Mental States.Marianela Calleja - 2017 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 10 (2):151-162.
    The reflections on music are crucial in the philosophy of language and the mind of the second Wittgenstein. These reflections go around the comparisons Wittgenstein did between meaning and understanding language, and meaning and understanding music. Musical passages show a language as independent from reality, i.e. objects, events or mental states, centered instead in intonations, conclusions, parenthesis, confirmations, questions and answers, a phenomenon enough studied in musicology. Two interpretations on the signification of musical meaning are analyzed: Ahonen’s formalist view [2005], (...)
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  • What about the music? Music-specific functions must be considered in order to explain reactions to music.Guy Madison - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):587-587.
    The mechanisms proposed in the target article are quite general and do not address variables specific for music. I argue that reactions to music include motivational mechanisms related to functions of music. To further the field, as the authors envision, consideration of internal mechanisms must be paired with specific hypotheses that include musical and musically relevant variables.
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  • Essays on Communication.Shawn Simpson - 2021 - Dissertation, The Graduate Center, the City University of New York
    One of the central issues of contemporary philosophy and biology is the nature of communication. Early accounts of communication tended to focus on just one side of the communicative divide – the speaker side or the receiver side – and took as their starting point the case of human language. Animal communication, historically, was largely treated as a special case. Now things are different. Now it appears we might have a model that makes sense of sign use in both the (...)
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  • Musik als Gestalt begrifflosen Erkenntnis.Marija Bergamo - 1999 - Filozofski Vestnik 20 (2).
    Der Aufsatz versucht die Titelfrage von der phänomenologischen Seite, vom Standpunkt des “Musiksetzens” zu fassen. Es wird die These verfolgt, die Musik als eigenartige symbolische Struktur kann zwar als der Wortsprache ähnliches Zeichensystem interpretiert werden, doch ihre Essenz ist nicht wortsprachlicher Natur. Es geht um ein dynamisches System in dem “Ordnung” und “Unordnung” gekoppelt sind, und die Interaktion zwischen scheinbaren Systemdeterminiertheit und freien kompositorischen Wahl des nächsten Schrittes im System unvorhersehbar ist. Das musikalische Denken verflechtet polare Formen: analytische Diskursivität und (...)
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  • The role of expectation in the constitution of subjective musical experience.Elisa Negretto - unknown
    The present study is a theoretical discussion concerning some of the important processes that characterize human perception, which is understood as a fundamental structure of consciousness. The aim is to acquire new insights for a better comprehension of the human experience in the world and the way individual subjects become familiar with their environment. To accomplish this task, the experience of listening to music is analysed due to the widespread acceptance of music as an important aspect of human life. With (...)
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