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Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics and Pragmatics

Oxford: Oxford University Press UK (2004)

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  1. How to Think about Zeugmatic Oddness.Michelle Liu - 2024 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 15 (4):1109-1132.
    Zeugmatic oddness is a linguistic intuition of oddness with respect to an instance of zeugma, i.e. a sentence containing an instance of a homonymous or polysemous word being used in different meanings or senses simultaneously. Zeugmatic oddness is important for philosophical debates as philosophers often use it to argue that a particular philosophically interesting expression is ambiguous and that the phenomenon referred to by the expression is disunified. This paper takes a closer look at zeugmatic oddness. Focusing on relevant psycholinguistic (...)
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  • Concepts and categorization: do philosophers and psychologists theorize about different things?Guido Löhr - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):2171-2191.
    I discuss Edouard Machery’s claim that philosophers and psychologists when using the term ‘concept’ are really theorizing about different things. This view is not new, but it has never been developed or defended in detail. Once spelled out, we can see that Machery is right that the psychological literature uses a different notion of concept. However, Machery fails to acknowledge that the two notions are not only compatible but complementary. This fits more with the traditional view according to which philosophers (...)
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  • The Big Concepts Paper: A Defence of Hybridism.Agustín Vicente & Fernando Martínez Manrique - 2016 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 67 (1):59-88.
    The renewed interest in concepts and their role in psychological theorizing is partially motivated by Machery’s claim that concepts are so heterogeneous that they have no explanatory role. Against this, pluralism argues that there is multiplicity of different concepts for any given category, while hybridism argues that a concept is constituted by a rich common representation. This article aims to advance the understanding of the hybrid view of concepts. First, we examine the main arguments against hybrid concepts and conclude that, (...)
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  • The Polysemy View of Pain.Michelle Liu - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):198-217.
    Philosophers disagree about what the folk concept of pain is. This paper criticises existing theories of the folk concept of pain, i.e. the mental view, the bodily view, and the recently proposed polyeidic view. It puts forward an alternative proposal – the polysemy view – according to which pain terms like “sore,” “ache” and “hurt” are polysemous, where one sense refers to a mental state and another a bodily state, and the type of polysemy at issue reflects two distinct but (...)
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  • On Travis cases.Agustin Vicente - 2012 - Linguistics and Philosophy 35 (1):3-19.
    Charles Travis has been forcefully arguing that meaning does not determine truth-conditions for more than two decades now. To this end, he has devised ingenious examples whereby different utterances of the same prima facie non-ambiguous and non-indexical expression type have different truth-conditions depending on the occasion on which they are delivered. However, Travis does not argue that meaning varies with circumstances; only that truth-conditions do. He assumes that meaning is a stable feature of both words and sentences. After surveying some (...)
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  • On the nature of the lexicon: the status of rich lexical meanings.Lotte Hogeweg & Agustin Vicente - forthcoming - Journal of Linguistics.
    The main goal of this paper is to show that there are many phenomena that pertain to the construction of truth-conditional compounds that follow characteristic patterns, and whose explanation requires appealing to knowledge structures organized in specific ways. We review a number of phenomena, ranging from non-homogenous modification and privative modification to polysemy and co-predication that indicate that knowledge structures do play a role in obtaining truth-conditions. After that, we show that several extant accounts that invoke rich lexical meanings to (...)
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  • Language, concepts, and the nature of inference.Matías Osta-Vélez - 2024 - In Carlos Enrique Caorsi & Ricardo J. Navia, Philosophy of language in Uruguay: language, meaning, and philosophy. Lanham: Lexington Books. pp. 181-196.
    Traditionally, analytic philosophy has been affiliated with a formalist conception of inference which understands reasoning as a process that exploits syntactic properties of natural language according to a set of formal rules that are insensitive to conceptual content. This chapter discusses an alternative approach that takes semantic properties as the underlying forces driving rational inference. Building on Wilfird Sellars’ notion of material inference and analytic tools from cognitive linguistics, I will show how parts of the inferential structure of natural language (...)
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  • What words mean and express: semantics and pragmatics of kind terms and verbs.Agustin Vicente - 2017 - Journal of Pragmatics 117:231-244.
    For many years, it has been common-ground in semantics and in philosophy of language that semantics is in the business of providing a full explanation about how propositional meanings are obtained. This orthodox picture seems to be in trouble these days, as an increasing number of authors now hold that semantics does not deal with thought-contents. Some of these authors have embraced a “thin meanings” view, according to which lexical meanings are too schematic to enter propositional contents. I will suggest (...)
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  • Syntax meets semantics during brain logical computations.Arturo Tozzi, James F. Peters, Andrew And Alexander Fingelkurts & Leonid Perlovsky - 2018 - Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 140:133-141.
    The discrepancy between syntax and semantics is a painstaking issue that hinders a better comprehension of the underlying neuronal processes in the human brain. In order to tackle the issue, we at first describe a striking correlation between Wittgenstein's Tractatus, that assesses the syntactic relationships between language and world, and Perlovsky's joint language-cognitive computational model, that assesses the semantic relationships between emotions and “knowledge instinct”. Once established a correlation between a purely logical approach to the language and computable psychological activities, (...)
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  • How Can the Word “Cow” Exclude Non-cows? Description of Meaning in Dignāga’s Theory of Apoha.Kiyotaka Yoshimizu - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (5):973-1012.
    Dignāga’s theory of semantics called the “theory of apoha ” has been criticized by those who state that it may lead to a circular argument wherein “exclusion of others” is understood as mere double negation. Dignāga, however, does not intend mere double negation by anyāpoha. In his view, the word “cow” for instance, excludes those that do not have the set of features such as a dewlap, horns, and so on, by applying the semantic method called componential analysis. The present (...)
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  • Evidentiality of court judgments in the People’s Republic of China: A semiotic perspective.Jingjing le ChengWu - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (236-237):477-500.
    Human cognition affects the result of symbolic activity. Evidentiality is a linguistic concept which encodes the source of information and expresses the attitude and confidence of speaker. This paper collects 31 judgments from the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) and local people’s courts in the People’s Republic of China (P.R.C) as the research corpus, and analyzes the evidentiality in four aspects: information source, lingual form, evidential function and speaker’s attitude of the information. It is found in this study that: 1) The (...)
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  • Flouting of Griceans maxims in comedy dramas.Faiza Zeb - 2019 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 58 (2):87-96.
    The only way to be successful now days in every field of life is the effective use of verbal expression. Language serves as a toolkit to inform, reveal, explore, expose, explain, manipulate, exaggerate, intensify, mitigate and what not. It has every hidden potential to serve its users. Significance of this toolkit of language can also be a bravura feature in gaining comic and/or tragic effects in media. The language of the media violates its few communicative principles which can be termed (...)
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  • Semiotic Anthropology in Poland.Marcin Brocki - 2007 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 26:168-183.
    In British and American anthropological literature, the ethnology of Central and Eastern European countries has shared in the plight of descriptions of this part of the world: it was seen as exotic, foreign, remote, a backwater, focused on sideline problems and situated on the periphery of this field of science. This state of affairs has been the case since at least the beginning of the Cold War as the descriptions of the national characters of Eastern Bloc communities, drafted by American (...)
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  • Términos numéricos.Carmen Curcó - 2016 - Critica 48 (144):19-59.
    El significado de los términos numéricos es objeto de debate en la lingüística, la pragmática y la filosofía del lenguaje. En este trabajo defiendo una versión contextualista en la cual propongo que, más que consistir en un concepto específico, la semántica de los términos numéricos es una vía convencional para activar cognitivamente una zona conceptual que contiene a los conceptos numéricos que pueden expresarse a través de su uso. Las interpretaciones que un término numérico puede recibir están dadas por la (...)
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  • Semantinės ir sintaksinės struktūros ryšiai materialių procesų sakiniuose.Dalė Roikienė - 2013 - Žmogus ir Žodis 15 (1).
    Kalbant semantikos terminais, kiekviena propozicija vaizduoja įvykį ar būseną, kur esama tam tikro dalyvių skaičiaus. Kiekvienoje propozicijoje svarbiausias yra procesas. Kad procesas įvyktų, reikia dalyvių. Dalyvis, sukeliantis, sužadinantis procesą, vadinamas agentu. Dauguma propozicijų turi ir kitų informacijos vienetų. Kai kurios propozicijos turi vieną ar daugiau dalyvių, kurie yra tiesiogiai arba netiesiogiai veikiami proceso. Jie vadinami participantais. Kai kurios propozicijos turi informacijos vienetų, apibūdinančių participantą. Tai – atributai. Galiausiai, kai kurios propozicijos turi informacijos vienetų – sirkumstantų, nurodančių, kaip ar kur vyksta (...)
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