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Encounters in Performance Philosophy

PalgraveMacmillan (2014)

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  1. Philosophy and the visual arts: Illustration and performance.Dan O’Brien - 2021 - Human Affairs 31 (4):496-507.
    In this paper I distinguish between illustrative and performative uses of artworks in the teaching and communication of philosophy, drawing examples from the history of art and my own practice. The former are where works are used merely to illustrate and communicate a philosophical idea or argument, the latter are where the artist or teacher philosophizes through the creation of art. I hope to promote future collaboration between philosophers, art historians and artists, with artworks becoming catalysts for artistic-philosophical investigation, thus (...)
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  • Skeptizismus und negative Theologie.Rico Gutschmidt - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (1):23-41.
    Scepticism and negative theology are best understood not as theoretical positions, but rather as forms of philosophical practice that performatively undermine our knowledge claims or our seeming understanding of God. In particular, I am arguing that both scepticism and negative theology invoke the failure of the attempt to understand the absolute, be it God or the notion of absolute objectivity. However, with reference to L. A. Paul’s notion of epistemically transformative experience, I am arguing that we still understand something about (...)
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  • Doing Philosophy Virtually and the Amphibolic Body: Thoughts on the Margins of the Pandemic.Elena Theodoropoulou - 2021 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 30 (2):258-269.
    The persisting usage of virtual means for the completion of activities usually or traditionally held in person stimulates the reflection about the possible effect that doing philosophy online could have on the philosophical integrity of the process. The body question seems to be pivotal in this context not only as far as concerning virtuality issues but also philosophy’s care to integrate the body into its routines – when it is practiced physically – especially in the frame of an education still (...)
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