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  1. The negative theology of absolute infinity: Cantor, mathematics, and humility.Rico Gutschmidt & Merlin Carl - 2024 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 95 (3):233-256.
    Cantor argued that absolute infinity is beyond mathematical comprehension. His arguments imply that the domain of mathematics cannot be grasped by mathematical means. We argue that this inability constitutes a foundational problem. For Cantor, however, the domain of mathematics does not belong to mathematics, but to theology. We thus discuss the theological significance of Cantor’s treatment of absolute infinity and show that it can be interpreted in terms of negative theology. Proceeding from this interpretation, we refer to the recent debate (...)
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  2. Beyond Quietism: Transformative Experience in Pyrrhonism and Wittgenstein.Rico Gutschmidt - 2020 - International Journal for the Study of Skepticism 10 (2):105-128.
    Pyrrhonian skepticism is usually understood as a form of quietism, since it is supposed to bring us back to where we were in our everyday lives before we got disturbed by philosophical questions. Similarly, the ‘therapeutic’ and ‘resolute’ readings of Wittgenstein claim that Wittgenstein’s ‘philosophical practice’ results in the dissolution of the corresponding philosophical problems and brings us back to our everyday life. Accordingly, Wittgenstein is often linked to Pyrrhonism and classified as a quietist. Against this reading, I will employ (...)
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  3. Transformative Experience in Skepticism. The External Standpoint and the Finitude of the Human Condition.Rico Gutschmidt - 2020 - Philosophy 95 (4):395-417.
    According to its quietist readings, skepticism can be dissolved by demonstrating that the notion of ‘absolute objectivity’ is confused. The dissolution of this confusion is supposed to lead us to acquiesce in our finite and plain everyday life without being bothered anymore about the supposed need for objective knowledge. In contrast, I want to propose a transformative reading of skepticism according to which the philosophical practice of skepticism can be ‘epistemically transformative’. To this end, I will transpose L.A. Paul's notion (...)
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    Grenze und Transformation: Philosophische Erfahrung als nichtpropositionale Einsicht.Rico Gutschmidt - 2022 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70 (5):781-794.
    Since antiquity, philosophy has aimed not only at theoretical insight, but also at personal development and transformation. This implies a new relationship to the self and the world, which can result, for example, from existential experiences triggered by the engagement with philosophical problems. Drawing on the examples of facticity and scepticism, this paper develops the thesis that transformative philosophical experience and a corresponding new view of the world can be accompanied by a new understanding of the philosophical problem that triggered (...)
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  5. Skeptizismus und negative Theologie.Rico Gutschmidt - 2019 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 67 (1):23-41.
    Scepticism and negative theology are best understood not as theoretical positions, but rather as forms of philosophical practice that performatively undermine our knowledge claims or our seeming understanding of God. In particular, I am arguing that both scepticism and negative theology invoke the failure of the attempt to understand the absolute, be it God or the notion of absolute objectivity. However, with reference to L. A. Paul’s notion of epistemically transformative experience, I am arguing that we still understand something about (...)
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  6. The Late Heidegger and a Post-Theistic Understanding of Religion.Rico Gutschmidt - 2020 - Religious Studies 56 (2):152-168.
    This article explores Heidegger's later philosophy with regard to the problem of a philosophical interpretation of religious language. In what follows, I will draw upon the work of Wittgenstein and refer to the cosmological argument to read Heidegger in terms of a post-theistic understanding of religious language that avoids the shortcomings of both theistic realism and non-cognitivism. At the same time, I am proposing a new interpretation of Heidegger's later philosophy against this background. I will show that, in spite of (...)
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  7. Sein und Kunst -- Zum epistemischen Wert der Kunst bei Heidegger.Jochen Briesen & Rico Gutschmidt - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 76 (4):531-559.
    In this essay, Heidegger's theses on art, as he develops them in the text "On the Origin of the Work of Art," are reconstructed, interpreted, and critically evalua- ted. In doing so, we pursue a threefold goal. First, his theses on art are put in relation to the main theme of his philosophy: the question of being. Second, the different ways in which Heidegger takes art to be epistemically valuable are dif- ferentiated and reconstructed in detail. Third, Heidegger's theses are (...)
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    Der späte Heidegger und der gemeinsame Kern von Philosophie und Theologie.Rico Gutschmidt - 2015 - In Virgilio Cesarone, Alfred Denker, Annette Hilt, Željko Radinković & Holger Zaborowski, Heidegger und die technische Welt. Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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  9. Dennis Sölch/Oliver Victor (Hg.): Geschichte und Gegenwart der Existenzphilosophie. Basel 2021: Schwabe Verlag. 316 S.Rico Gutschmidt - 2022 - Philosophische Rundschau 69 (1):99.
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  10. The Religious Dimension of Skepticism.Rico Gutschmidt - 2021 - International Philosophical Quarterly 61 (1):77-99.
    Philosophical skepticism, according to numerous influential accounts of it, is bound up with our failure or inability to adopt an “absolute” standpoint. Similarly, many religions speak of an “absolute” that also is beyond human reach. With this similarity in mind, I will develop what I take to be a religious dimension of skepticism. First, I will discuss the connection that Stanley Cavell draws between his reading of skepticism and the notions of God and original sin. I will then refer to (...)
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  11. Verstörung und Vertrauen: Negative Theologie in Existenzphilosophie und Psychologie.Rico Gutschmidt - 2021 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (6):930-949.
    Proceeding from a philosophical interpretation of negative theology as performatively undermining our seeming understanding of the absolute and thereby evoking a transformative experience, this paper emphasises the philosophical significance of negative theology by linking it to Karl Jaspers’ notion of the universal limit situation of existence. Against this background, an analysis of mystical and psychotic experiences shows how certain similarities between the two can be understood as constituting a particular mental state in which the universal limit situation is experienced personally. (...)
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    Physik ohne Reduktion.Rico Gutschmidt - 2021 - In Oliver Passon & Christoph Benzmüller, Wider den Reduktionismus -- Ausgewählte Beiträge zum Kurt Gödel Preis 2019. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 93-99.
    Nach dem vorherrschenden reduktionistischen Selbstverständnis der Physik sind höherstufige physikalische Theorien als Grenzfall in grundlegenderen Theorien enthalten und daher im Prinzip überflüssig. Höherstufige Theorien werden laut dieser Sichtweise nur aus dem pragmatischen Grund verwendet, für ihren jeweiligen Bereich besser anwendbar zu sein. Es gibt zwar verschiedene Modelle der Reduktion physikalischer Theorien, dieses Selbstverständnis lässt sich aber am besten mit dem Modell der eliminativen Reduktion auf den Begriff bringen, Dieser Beitrag zeigt, dass dieses reduktionistische Verhältnis zwischen klassischer und Quantenmechanik nicht besteht.
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  13. Skepticism, Metaphors and Vertigo.Rico Gutschmidt - 2016 - Wittgenstein-Studien 7 (1):131-147.
    The relation of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy to skepticism seems to be ambiguous, since he rejects radical skepticism but also highlights the groundlessness of our beliefs. In this paper, I am going to discuss Wittgenstein’s hinge propositions in this respect. Against the usual view, I will show that they do not function as a contextualist or foundationalist refutation of skepticism. What is more, they also do not confirm skepticism. In contrast, I will argue that following Wittgenstein skepticism is neither false nor (...)
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  14. Reduction and the Neighbourhood of Theories: A New Approach to the Intertheoretic Relations in Physics.Rico Gutschmidt - 2014 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 45 (1):49-70.
    This paper proposes a classification of the intertheoretic relations in physics by bringing out the conditions for a relation of reduction which is eliminative, so that a theory reduced in terms of reductionism is superfluous in principle, and by distinguishing such a relation from another one based on comparison, which will be called neighbourhood of theories; the latter is a neighbouring relation between theories and is not able to support claims of eliminative reductionism. In the first part, it will be (...)
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  15. Aufklärung der Aufklärung. Heideggers Spätphilosophie und die philosophische Theologie.Rico Gutschmidt - 2012 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 60 (2):193-211.
    Heidegger’s philosophy of being and enowning contains many religious topics, such as the last god, the divinities within his concept of the fourfold or his so called hölderlintheology. In this paper, these aspects shall be illuminated by relating the overall concern of Heidegger’s later philosophy to the tension between philosophy and theology: It will be argued that on the one hand his rejection of ontotheology is justified, since god is not a causally operating entity, and that on the other hand (...)
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