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Frege, an introduction to his philosophy

Totowa, NJ: Barnes & Noble (1982)

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  1. Geometry and generality in Frege's philosophy of arithmetic.Jamie Tappenden - 1995 - Synthese 102 (3):319 - 361.
    This paper develops some respects in which the philosophy of mathematics can fruitfully be informed by mathematical practice, through examining Frege's Grundlagen in its historical setting. The first sections of the paper are devoted to elaborating some aspects of nineteenth century mathematics which informed Frege's early work. (These events are of considerable philosophical significance even apart from the connection with Frege.) In the middle sections, some minor themes of Grundlagen are developed: the relationship Frege envisions between arithmetic and geometry and (...)
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  • Frege's judgement stroke.Nicholas J. J. Smith - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (2):153 – 175.
    This paper brings to light a new puzzle for Frege interpretation, and offers a solution to that puzzle. The puzzle concerns Frege’s judgement-stroke (‘|’), and consists in a tension between three of Frege’s claims. First, Frege vehemently maintains that psychological considerations should have no place in logic. Second, Frege regards the judgementstroke—and the associated dissociation of assertoric force from content, of the act of judgement from the subject matter about which judgement is made—as a crucial part of his logic. Third, (...)
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  • Notions of Existence in Frege.Dolf Rami - 2021 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 9 (8).
    In this paper, I aim to present the main components of my non-standard interpretation of Frege’s views on existence to the English-speaking public. First, I will outline the standard interpretation and show how to a great but not full extent the standard interpretation can be justified on the basis of Frege’s writings. Second, I show that the main error of the standard interpretation consists in the assimilation of the contents of the ordinary language expressions “exist” and “there is” according to (...)
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  • Analysis versus laws boole’s explanatory psychologism versus his explanatory anti-psychologism.Nicla Vassallo - 1997 - History and Philosophy of Logic 18 (3):151-163.
    This paper discusses George Boole’s two distinct approaches to the explanatory relationship between logical and psychological theory. It is argued that, whereas in his first book he attributes a substantive role to psychology in the foundation of logical theory, in his second work he abandons that position in favour of a linguistically conceived foundation. The early Boole espoused a type of psychologism and later came to adopt a type of anti-psychologism. To appreciate this invites a far-reaching reassessment of his philosophy (...)
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  • Decomposition and analysis in Frege’s Grundgesetze.Gregory Landini - 1996 - History and Philosophy of Logic 17 (1-2):121-139.
    Frege seems to hold two incompatible theses:(i) that sentences differing in structure can yet express the same sense; and (ii) that the senses of the meaningful parts of a complex term are determinate parts of the sense of the term. Dummett offered a solution, distinguishing analysis from decomposition. The present paper offers an embellishment of Dummett?s distinction by providing a way of depicting the internal structures of complex senses?determinate structures that yield distinct decompositions. Decomposition is then shown to be adequate (...)
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  • Frege’s puzzle and arithmetical formalism. Putting things in context.Sorin Costreie - 2013 - History and Philosophy of Logic 34 (3):207-224.
    The paper discusses the emergence of Frege's puzzle and the introduction of the celebrated distinction between sense and reference in the context of Frege's logicist project. The main aim of the paper is to show that not logicism per se is mainly responsible for this introduction, but Frege's constant struggle against formalism. Thus, the paper enlarges the historical context, and provides a reconstruction of Frege's philosophical development from this broader perspective.
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  • The semantics of Frege's Grundgesetze.John N. Martin - 1984 - History and Philosophy of Logic 5 (2):143-176.
    Quantifiers in Frege's Grundgesetze like are not well-defined because the part Fx & Gx stands for a concept but the yoking conjunction is horizontalised and must stand for a truth-value. This standard interpretation is rejected in favor of a substitutional reading that, it is argued, both conforms better to the text and is well-defined. The theory of the horizontal is investigated in detail and the composite reading of Frege's connectives as made up of horizontals is rejected. The sense in which (...)
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  • Consistency, Models, and Soundness.Matthias Schirn - 2010 - Axiomathes 20 (2):153-207.
    This essay consists of two parts. In the first part, I focus my attention on the remarks that Frege makes on consistency when he sets about criticizing the method of creating new numbers through definition or abstraction. This gives me the opportunity to comment also a little on H. Hankel, J. Thomae—Frege’s main targets when he comes to criticize “formal theories of arithmetic” in Die Grundlagen der Arithmetik (1884) and the second volume of Grundgesetze der Arithmetik (1903)—G. Cantor, L. E. (...)
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  • Soames on Frege: provoking thoughts. [REVIEW]Michael Beaney - 2015 - Philosophical Studies 172 (6):1651-1660.
    In this symposium contribution I critically review the first two chapters, on Frege, in Volume 1 of The Analytic Tradition in Philosophy by Scott Soames.
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  • Review: Perspectives into Analytical Philosophy. [REVIEW]Leila Haaparanta - 1995 - Synthese 105 (1):123 - 139.
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  • Frege on Thinking and Its Epistemic Significance. [REVIEW]Carlo Cellucci - 2017 - History and Philosophy of Logic 38 (1):92-95.
    Given the large literature on Frege, one might believe that it would be impossible to say anything essentially new on the subject. This book contradicts this belief, calling attention to Frege's in...
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