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Presocratic philosophy

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2008)

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  1. Not enough there there evidence, reasons, and language independence.Michael G. Titelbaum - 2010 - Philosophical Perspectives 24 (1):477-528.
    Begins by explaining then proving a generalized language dependence result similar to Goodman's "grue" problem. I then use this result to cast doubt on the existence of an objective evidential favoring relation (such as "the evidence confirms one hypothesis over another," "the evidence provides more reason to believe one hypothesis over the other," "the evidence justifies one hypothesis over the other," etc.). Once we understand what language dependence tells us about evidential favoring, our options are an implausibly strong conception of (...)
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  • On 'Logos' in Heraclitus.Mark A. Johnstone - 2014 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 47:1-29.
    In this paper, I offer a new solution to the old problem of how best to understand the meaning of the word ‘logos’ in the extant writings of Heraclitus, especially in fragments DK B1, B2 and B50. On the view I defend, Heraclitus was neither using the word in a perfectly ordinary way in these fragments, as some have maintained, nor denoting by it some kind of general principle or law governing change in the cosmos, as many have claimed. Rather, (...)
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  • Atomism and Fundamentality.Benjamin Schnieder - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (3):551-574.
    The paper focusses on two claims about metaphysical structure: Atomism and Fundamentalism. The first of these claims says that there are mereological atoms, i.e. minimal elements in the mereological structure of reality. The second says that there are fundamental truths, i.e. minimal elements in the grounding structure of reality. A philosopher who defended both of these claims was Bernard Bolzano; the present paper is an exploration of his views on the matter.
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  • Tian as Cosmos in Zhu Xi’s Neo-Confucianism.Stephen C. Angle - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (2):169-185.
    Tian 天 is central to the metaphysics, cosmology, and ethics of the 800-year-long Chinese philosophical tradition we call “Neo-Confucianism,” but there is considerable confusion over what tian means—confusion which is exacerbated by its standard translation into English as “Heaven.” This essay analyzes the meaning of tian in the works of the most influential Neo-Confucian, Zhu Xi 朱熹, presents a coherent interpretation that unifies the disparate aspects of the term’s meaning, and argues that “cosmos” does an excellent job of capturing this (...)
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  • The “Rational Kernel” of Natural Teleology: Dialectical Interaction as the Concrete-Universal’s Form of Development.Rogney Piedra Arencibia - 2023 - Dialektika 5 (12):1-20.
    It is often believed that the only alternative to an idealist conception of natural phenomena excludes both the presence of objective universal forms and their progression towards higher forms as the finality of processes in the natural world. Realism regarding the universal and teleological approaches regarding processes are signs of idealism. Therefore, materialism, it would seem, must conform to a nominalist and mechanical view of nature. However, an intelligent materialist reading of idealism’s classics reveals a more complex scenario. A real (...)
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  • Introducción a la Ontología.Axel Barceló - manuscript
    Intuitivamente, la realidad está formada por entidades y hechos existentes y concretos. Sin embargo, nuestro lenguaje y pensamiento versa también sobre hechos meramente posibles, sobre cosas inexistentes y entidades abstractas. ¿Cómo es esto posible? ¿Significa ello que cuando hablamos y pensamos de estas otras cosas no hablamos de nada real? ¿o mas bien la realidad está mas poblada de lo que pensábamos y hay diferentes maneras de formar parte de la realidad además de la de existir de manera positiva y (...)
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  • The Problem of Disembodiment: An Approach from Continental Feminist-Realist Philosophy.Stanimir Panayotov - 2020 - Dissertation, Central European University
    The argument of this dissertation is that despite the intellectual gendered burden of the problem of disembodiment I define, it can be employed from within the limitations of a gendered account in feminist philosophy of the continental-realist type. I formulate the problem of disembodiment as rooted in the notion of the boundless (apeiron) associated with femininity. Both boundlessness and disembodiment are subject to radicalization in Plato (chōra) and Plotinus (to hen). Read as a dyad, they culminate in a tendency towards (...)
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  • Paradoxical Nature of Language in Terms of its Acquisition and Learning.Pavlo Sodomora & Oleh Yerchenko - 2021 - Философия И Космология 26:123-131.
    The process of learning is analogous to the process of motion, as well as it resembles the progress from less to more perfect. Plato, combining two opposites, attempts at reconciliation of the theories of Heraclitus and Parmenides, providing us with his amazing theory of Forms. In light of this, he speaks of language as a means of cognizance of the Universe. In his own turn, and much later, Ludwig Wittgenstein, combining incompatible, speaks of language as the single subject which requires (...)
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  • What and How is Being.Xinyan Zhang - manuscript
    The main idea of this article is: “Being” might mean nothing more or less than Parmenides’ one in Heraclitus’ flux. He holds that the one and the flux are the same in reality. And we may not experience Heraclitus’ flux if without the one and can also not understand Parmenides’ one if without the flux. -/- 在作者看来,释迦牟尼所说的“涅槃”、赫拉克利特所说的“流变”、巴门尼德所说的“同一”和高尔吉亚所说的“无物”,共同组成着一个抱负“物人同一”信念的概念系统。本文则试图用十四个假设来勾勒这一系统的基本结 构,并间接地道出他们对实体哲学理念和主体哲学理念的反驳。.
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  • LOCKE, BERKELEY VE HUME AÇISINDAN TÖZ SORUNU.Güdücü Fatma - 2022 - Dissertation, Pamukkale Üniversitesi
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  • Energetic kenosis as an approach to the problem of divine impassibility.James Loxley Compton - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Birmingham
    Classical theism has long affirmed impassibility to be both a philosophically sound and scripturally warranted attribute of God. An affirmation of this attribute of divine apatheia is found in the works of theologians and philosophers of classical Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, over the last century, there has been a significant shift away from this tradition of divine impassibility. Divine impassibility has been challenged from many quarters, especially from Protestant Christianity, as a doctrine foreign to the scriptures of Abrahamic monotheism (...)
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  • The end of the Western Civilization? The Intellectual Journey of Humanity to Adulthood.Hippokratis Kiaris - 2022 - Wilmington, DE: Vernon Press.
    Civilizations can be perceived as living human beings that are born, mature, age, and ultimately die and disappear, passing their legacy to the future generations. These transitions may be projected to the different stages of cognitive development of children. The Western Civilization, which embodies our current state of cultural advancement from the Classic Greek to the modern period, can be paralleled by the gradual transitions of human beings toward adulthood. From this perspective, the ancient Greek era resembles the toddler years (...)
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  • 存在或上帝.Zhang Xinyan - manuscript
    每本书都能有自己的一个名字,这实在是一件有趣且意味深长的事情。 这本书的名字,《存在或上帝 —— 对西方意识形态的建设性批判》,虽然长了点,但同样不失其有趣与意味深长。 书名中所谓的“西方意识形态”,指的是起源于西方世界,贯穿于西方历史,激发并引导了神学、哲学、数学、逻辑、艺术、科学、心理、经济、社会、环境、政治和军事等不同方面的理论和实践活动在西方的出现和发展,并造 就了西方人生活现状的那些最根本的理想或信念。 “对西方意识形态的批判”意味着,在本书作者看来,那些最根本的理想或信念并不完美,并不自洽,而且,不仅有必要也同样有可能变得更完美。 “对西方意识形态的建设性批判”则意味着,本书的重点并不是“批判”而是“建设”。这种建设性批判,主要涉及到两个极为重要的理想或信念的不自洽和不完美,其中一个是“存在”,另一个便是“上帝”。 至于书名中的“存在或上帝”,说的不仅是“存在”和“上帝” 的不自洽、不完美,说的不仅是使这两个概念更完美的必要性与可能性,说的不仅是使它们同一或统一的可能性与必要性,同时亦向读者提示了贯彻本书始终的那个基本方法或那条基本思路:在一切之间,有一切之存在。 无论是远在过去还是时至今日,对于许多西方人来说,“存在”与“上帝”这两个概念,既是一切问题之问题,又是一切答案之答案,不仅涉及到他们的过去,更涉及到了他们的未来。换句话说,“存在”与“上帝”所涉及到的 绝非仅仅只是人们所面对的那个世界,同样涉及到那个世界所面对的人本身,绝非仅仅只涉及到那个世界所承负着的“非我”,同样涉及到人们所承负着的那个“自我”,涉及到,我们每个人用“非我”为自己的“自我”所做的 每一件事情,涉及到了“自我”与“非我”的关系,特别是自由与必然之间的关系。 由此可见,这问题和答案绝非仅仅只是向西方人提出,亦绝非只应由西方人给出。对每个和所有人来说,这都同样有可能成为一个问题,我们又都以某种方式在给出一份自己的答案。甚至可以说,任何一种人生,人生中的任何一 件大事或小事,所留下的,无一不是这个问题,亦无一不是对这个问题的回答。 作为对这个问题的提出和对那个答案的探索,本书的第一章讨论了“存在”,最后一篇附录的文章讨论了“上帝”,而在它们之间的八个章节和所有附录的文章中,通过对宇宙、生命、生物、心灵、自我、人和社会的本体论理解 ,讨论的则是“自由” ,特别是“自由”与“平等”之间的相互依存,因为只有通过自由与平等的相互依存,“存在”与“上帝”方才能得以完美自洽,方才能回归于彼此。 通过这些讨论,本书顺便还介绍了两种尚且不为大多数西方人所知所行的自由,源于平等的自由和超越平等的自由。 因为存在或上帝既成就又超越了我们已有的一切知识,无论这知识是语言、哲学、逻辑、数学还是科学,所以,本书在内容和方法上同样既尊重它们又不为之所限。这种对现存全部知识既尊重又不为之所限的态度和做法,固然是 对形而上传统的继承,固然在自由主义中有其思想根源,亦可以说是本书作者对爱因斯坦所说“想象比知识更重要”那句话的理解、证明、实践和发扬光大。 既尊重又要超越一切知识,对任何人来说都不是一件容易做到的事情,但也同样不是一件不可能的事情。本书将一步一步地向读者解释并证明这一道理,证明这不仅符合存在或上帝的本性,也正是存在或上帝一直以来的所作所为 。 也许,无论是过去还是未来,无论是在西方还是在东方,只有当理解这本性和那所作所为之后,一个人才有可能最终走出自己,才有可能成就自己的真实与自由,人类才有可能最终走出柏拉图所说的那个洞穴,才有可能既生活在 存在的真实无妄之中,也生活在上帝的自由自在之中。 .
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  • Might Buddhist Tenets Be Shown to Have Founded or Substantially Influenced Any Doctrine of Western Jurisprudence?P. Saliya Sumanatilake - 2023 - In A UNIVERSAL PHILOSOPHY OF LAW. Atlanta (Georgia), U.S.A.: Self published via Amazon’s free KDP as 'A UNIVERSAL PHILOSOPHY OF LAW,' ASIN B0CG4QGT42..
    This extracted book chapter contributes to the literature by inter alia undertaking a comparative analysis between (1) Greek virtue ethics and (2) Buddhist causal morality and deducing therefrom the predominant influence the latter has exerted on the former, to wit: the ‘streams’ of universal moral thought have ‘flowed’ from the ‘founts’ of the Indian subcontinent to the ‘reservoirs’ of the Mediterranean, not vice versa.
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