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  1. Varieties of Positioning.Rom Harré & Luk van Langenhove - 1991 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 21 (4):393-407.
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  • Conflicting Varieties of Realism: Causal Powers and the Problems of Social Structure.Charles R. Varela & Rom Harré - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (3):313-325.
    Proponents of the view that social structures are ontologically distinct from the people in whose actions they are immanent have assumed that structures can stand in causal relations to individual practices. Were causality to be no more than Humean concomitance correlations between structure and practices would be unproblematic. But two prominent advocates of the ontological account of structures, Bhaskar and Giddens, have also espoused a powers theory of causality. According to that theory causation is brought about by the activity of (...)
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  • Rights and obligations in Cambridge social ontology.Yannick Slade-Caffarel - 2022 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour (2):392-410.
    Rights and obligations—sometimes referred to as deontology or deontic powers—are key to most contemporary conceptions of social ontology. Both Cambridge Social Ontology and the dominant analytic conception associated, most prominently, with John Searle, place rights and obligations at the centre of their accounts. Such a common emphasis has led some to consider deontology to be a point of similarity between these different theories. This is a mistake. In this paper, I show that a distinctive conception of rights and obligations underpins (...)
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  • Beyond Discourse? Using Deleuze and Guattari's schizoanalysis to explore affective assemblages, heterosexually striated space, and lines of flight online and at school.Jessica Ringrose - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):598-618.
    This paper explores how Deleuze and Guattari's philosophical concepts extend and elaborate discursive and psychoanalytic interpretations of qualitative research findings. Analyzing data from a UK research project exploring young people's engagements with Social Networking Sites (SNSs), Deleuze and Guattari's schizoanalytic method is drawn upon to consider complex desire-flows in the social. In particular the notion of ‘affective assemblages’ is developed to explore the relationships between school and online spaces and subjective interfacing with these spaces. The paper suggests online space is (...)
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  • The Ethico‐politics of Teacher Identity.Matthew Clarke - 2009 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 41 (2):185-200.
    Identity is a contemporary buzzword in education, referencing the individual and the social, the personal and the political, self and other. Following Maggie MacLure, we can think of identity in terms of teachers ‘arguing for themselves’, or giving an account of themselves. Yet in the wake of poststructuralism's radical de‐centering of the subject and its highlighting of a number of impediments to agency, we might well ask how teachers are to give an account of themselves? This paper offers reading of (...)
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  • A Discursive Perspective on Corporate Social Responsibility Education: A Story Co-creation Exercise.José-Carlos García-Rosell - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (4):1019-1032.
    Corporate social responsibility pedagogies and teaching techniques have been extensively discussed in the literature. They are viewed as crucial for illustrating business–society relationships and encouraging business students to act ethically. Although the experiential learning perspective prevails in the discussions on CSR education, little attention has been paid to the discursive nature of CSR learning. Considering this gap, the paper explores the role of discourses in CSR education by drawing upon the discursive perspective on CSR and the relational social-constructionist orientation to (...)
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  • Formal Ethics, Content Ethics and Relational Ethics: Three Approaches to Constructing Ethical Sales Cultures and Identities in Retail Banking.Marita Susanna Svane & Sanne Frandsen - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-18.
    Following the global financial crisis, banks have become more regulated to advance ethical sales cultures throughout the sector. Based on case studies of three retail banks, we find that they construct the ‘appropriate advisor’ in different ways. Inspired by Bakhtin’s work on ethics, we propose a vocabulary of relational ethics centered on the ‘answerable self.’ We argue that this vocabulary is apt for studying and discussing how organizations advance ethical sales cultures in ways that instead of encouraging value congruence and (...)
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  • Queries about social representation and construction.Wolfgang Wagner - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (2):95–120.
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  • Discursive construction and negotiation of laity on an online health forum.Antoinette Fage-Butler & Patrizia Anesa - 2016 - Pragmatics and Society 7 (2):196-216.
    E-patients are increasingly using the Internet to gain knowledge about medical conditions, thereby problematizing the biomedical assumption that patients are ‘lay’. The present paper addresses this development by investigating the epistemic identities of patients participating on an online health forum. Using poststructuralist discourse analysis to analyze a corpus of cardiology-related threads on an ‘Ask a Doctor’ forum, we compare how patients are discursively constructed by online professionals as ‘knowing’ or ‘not knowing’ with the online knowledge identities patients choose for themselves. (...)
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  • Theory and language: locating agency between free will and discursive marionettes.Pamela K. Hardin - 2001 - Nursing Inquiry 8 (1):11-18.
    Theory and language: locating agency between free will and discursive marionettesThis article outlines a research methodology that embraces individual narratives, yet recognizes that individual narratives are nested within a backdrop of broader social and cultural understandings of who we are and how we come to understand our world. This dialectical move requires an epistemological shift, focusing on the utility of reconceptualizing the ‘environment’, not only as the social, political, or economic conditions in society, but also as language. Reconceptualizing the environment (...)
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  • Positioning Theory: Vygotsky, Wittgenstein and Social Constructionist Psychology.Dorothy Howie & Michael Peters - 1996 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 26 (1):51-64.
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  • (1 other version)Harré and Merleau-ponty: Beyond the absent moving body in embodied social theory.Charles R. Varela - 1994 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 24 (2):167–185.
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  • On the Social Dimensions of Moral Psychology.John D. GreenwooD - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (4):333-364.
    Contemporary moral psychology has been enormously enriched by recent theoretical developments and empirical findings in evolutionary biology, cognitive psychology and neuroscience, and social psychology and psychopathology. Yet despite the fact that some theorists have developed specifically “social heuristic” (Gigerenzer, 2008) and “social intuitionist” (Haidt, 2007) theories of moral judgment and behavior, and despite regular appeals to the findings of experimental social psychology, contemporary moral psychology has largely neglected the social dimensions of moral judgment and behavior. I provide a brief sketch (...)
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  • Situational, Cultural and Societal Identities: Analysing Subject Positions as Classifications, Participant Roles, Viewpoints and Interactive Positions.Jukka Törrönen - 2014 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (1):80-98.
    In this article I develop tools for analyzing the identities that emerge in qualitative material. I approach identities as historically, socially and culturally produced subject positions, as processes that are in a constant state of becoming and that receive their temporary stability and meaning in concrete contexts and circumstances. I suggest that the identities and subject positions that materialize in qualitative material can be analyzed from four different perspectives. They can be approached by focusing on (1) classifications that define the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Agency, identity, power: An agentive triad model for teacher action.Brandon Sherman & Annela Teemant - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory:1-25.
    Teacher action and change is a complex and nuanced phenomenon that has been theorized across diverse literature in terms of identity, agency, and power. Drawing on this literature, this article offers specific articulations of teacher identity as interpretive framework, power as legitimate action, and agency as moral coherence. We posit a model of teacher agency understood in the interplay of individual beliefs, values, and ideals with institutional roles, authority, and institutional action, producing (or not producing) authentic action. This model draws (...)
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  • Discourse analysis and the epidemiology of meaning.David Allen & Pamela K. Hardin - 2001 - Nursing Philosophy 2 (2):163-176.
    This paper delineates a postmodern discourse analysis that is positioned within a semiotic theory of language. This theory of language foregrounds the performative aspects of language usage and provides the theoretical space from which to theorize the interrelationship between social organizations or structure and social agents or individuals. Our version of discourse analysis contends that social structure is enacted (production and reproduction) through the employment of various vocabularies: social structure is not something outside of, behind, or underneath these performances, and (...)
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  • Shift in power during an interview situation: methodological reflections inspired by Foucault and Bourdieu.Lena Aléx & Anne Hammarström - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):169-176.
    This paper presents methodological reflections on power sharing and shifts of power in various interview situations. Narratives are said to be shaped by our attempts to position ourselves within social and cultural circumstances. In an interview situation, power can be seen as something that is created and that shifts between the interviewer and the interviewed. Reflexivity is involved when we as interviewers attempt to look at a situation or a concept from various perspectives. A modified form of discourse analysis inspired (...)
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  • The Second Somatic Revolution1.Brenda Farnell & Charles R. Varela - 2008 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 38 (3):215-240.
    This paper proposes a dynamic theory of embodiment that aims to get beyond the absent moving body in embodied social theory. The first somatic revolution, inspired by Merleau Ponty, provided theories based on the feeling and experience of the body. The theory of dynamic embodiment focuses instead on the doing itself as embodied social action, in which the embodied person is fore-grounded as a complex resource for meaning making. This represents a theoretical enrichment of the earlier turn to the body (...)
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  • On the assumption of self-reflective subjectivity.Christoforos Bouzanis - 2022 - History of the Human Sciences 35 (2):167-193.
    Contemporary social theory has consistently emphasized habitual action, rule-following, and role-performing as key aspects of social life, yet the challenge remains of combining these aspects with the omnipresent phenomenon of self-reflective conduct. This article attempts to tackle this challenge by proposing useful distinctions that can facilitate further interdisciplinary research on self-reflection. To this end, I argue that we need a more sophisticated set of distinctions and categories in our understanding of habitual action. The analysis casts light on the idea that (...)
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  • On the Role of Faith in Sustainability Management: A Conceptual Model and Research Agenda.Fabien Martinez - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 155 (3):787-807.
    The objective of this article is to develop a faith development perspective on corporate sustainability. A firm’s management of sustainability is arguably determined by the way decision-makers relate to the other and the natural environment, and this relationship is fundamentally shaped by faith. This study advances theoretical understanding of the approach managers take on sustainability issues by explaining how four distinct phases of faith development—improvidence, obedience, irreverence and providence—determine a manager’s disposition towards sustainability. Combining insights from intentional and relational faith (...)
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  • Reflexive Positioning and Culture.Siu-lan Tan & Fathali M. Moghaddam - 1995 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 25 (4):387-400.
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  • Ethogenic theory and psychoanalysis: The unconscious as a social construction and a failed explanatory concept.Charles R. Varela - 1995 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 25 (4):363–385.
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  • The spiritual limits of neuropsychological life.John A. Teske - 1996 - Zygon 31 (2):209-234.
    How neuropsychology is necessary but insufficient for understanding spirituality is explored. Multileveled spiritual requisites are systematically examined in terms of their neuropsychological constituents and limitations. The central “problem of integrity” is articulated via the “modularity” of our neuropsychology, and evidence is presented for disunities of self and consciousness. It is argued that the integrity of self or spirit is a contingent achievement rather than a necessary given. Integrating possibilities include belief, emotion, and relationships. Understanding integrity, and the transformations of self-surrender (...)
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  • The Positioning Diamond: A Trans‐Disciplinary Framework for Discourse Analysis.Nikki Slocum-Bradley - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (1):79-107.
    Social science requires a dual ontology: one for the physical realm, and one for the symbolic realm of meaning. Much research produced in social science remains based in an old paradigm, which entirely neglects the symbolic realm. While social scientists attempting to forge a new paradigm have embraced a discursive approach, this approach lacks a coherent framework that can be systematically applied in the analysis of meaning. This paper presents the positioning diamond as a framework that can be employed in (...)
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  • Participating By Choice or Command? When Ideals of Stakeholder Engagement Clash With a Prevailing Strategy Discourse.Heli Pietilä, Sari Laari-Salmela & Vesa Puhakka - forthcoming - Business and Society.
    Extant studies on stakeholder engagement have noted the inherent tensions arising from participation efforts, giving rise to the dark side of engagement. However, few studies have focused on organizational power relations that provide specific conditions for engagement and the related paradox that control represents. Drawing on strategy discourse and paradox as theoretical lenses, we examine engagement as a nexus of observed societal expectations, subjectivities provided by the strategy discourse, and the subject positions adopted by the individuals, giving rise to a (...)
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  • Positioning as discursive struggle for equity: a critical discourse analysis of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) of African countries.Xufeng Zhu & Xin Shang - 2024 - Critical Discourse Studies 21 (2):218-233.
    Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are critical climate policy documents formulated by the Party countries, under the UNFCCC Paris Agreement, to communicate their goals and commitments to reduce national emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change. As an emerging discourse genre, it has attracted increasing attention from discourse analysts. However, few studies have specifically focused on the NDCs of African countries as a whole, leading into the situation in which their positions and voices are largely underrepresented in the current (...)
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  • The necessity of the unconscious.Raya A. Jones - 2002 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 32 (3):344–365.
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  • Performing right-wing political identities on reader comments pages.Ruth Breeze - 2022 - Pragmatics and Society 13 (1):85-106.
    Recent discourse research has examined the rise of right-wing populism. Yet the predominant focus on political parties and politicians means that we know less about how right-wing identities are performed among ordinary people with different degrees of political engagement. This paper examines reader comments pages in three British newspapers, analysing how participants perform, defend and reinforce their political identities in online fora. It traces how supporters of the far-right United Kingdom Independence Party perform collective identities and enact political antagonisms. The (...)
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  • Structural inquiry, human agency and the contribution of Harre and Bhaskar: A case study of Wright's "classes".Barbara Adkins - 1993 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 23 (2):157–172.
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  • Vigotsky and artificial intelligence: What could cognitive psychology possibly be about?Rom Harré - 1990 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):389-399.
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  • Subject Positioning and Deliberative Democracy: Understanding Social Processes Underlying Deliberation.Kieran C. O'doherty & Helen J. Davidson - 2010 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 40 (2):224-245.
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  • Intergroup Positioning in the Political Sphere: Contesting the Social Meaning of a Peace Agreement.Cristina Jayme Montiel & Judith de Guzman - 2011 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 41 (1):92-116.
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  • Role‐Play and “As If” Self in Everyday Life.Avi Shoshana - 2013 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 41 (2):150-173.
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  • Adult women and ADHD: On the temporal dimensions of ADHD identities.Paul Stenner, Lindsay O'Dell & Alison Davies - 2019 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 49 (2):179-197.
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  • Online Identity Crisis Identity Issues in Online Communities.Selene Arfini, Lorenzo Botta Parandera, Camilla Gazzaniga, Nicolò Maggioni & Alessandro Tacchino - 2021 - Minds and Machines 31 (1):193-212.
    How have online communities affected the ways their users construct, view, and define their identity? In this paper, we will approach this issue by considering two philosophical sets of problems related to personal identity: the “Characterization Question” and the “Self-Other Relations Question.” Since these queries have traditionally brought out different problems around the concept of identity, here we aim at rethinking them in the framework of online communities. To do so, we will adopt an externalist and cognitive point of view (...)
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  • Seeing like an epidemiologist? Mobilising people against COVID-19.Clive Barnett & Nick Clarke - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (2):49-70.
    Diaries and other materials in the Mass Observation Archive have been characterised as intersubjective and dialogic. They have been used to study top-down and bottom-up processes, including how ordinary people respond to sociological constructs and, more broadly, the footprint of social science in the 20th century. In this article, we use the Archive’s COVID-19 collections to study how attempts to govern the pandemic by mobilising ordinary people to see like an epidemiologist played out in the United Kingdom during 2020. People (...)
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  • The power of unsilencing: Between silence and negotiation in heterosexual relationships.Orly Benjamin - 2003 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 33 (1):1–19.
    This article proposes an analysis of the social process of unsilencing in the specific context of heterosexual relationships. Unsilencing is the process in which an individual woman becomes empowered to the extent of voicing what is silenced by structural hierarchies that shape her experiences of the heterosexual relationships she is involved in. I connect the process of unsilencing to the sociological notion of “negotiated order” and a feminist notion of the self as fragmented and continually changing. Unsilencing is conceived as (...)
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  • The discursive construction of high achievers’ identities in American culture.Ewa Bogdanowska-Jakubowska - 2018 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 14 (2):249-271.
    It is a study of the discursive construction of high achievers’ identities in American culture. A corpus of 100 commencement speeches delivered during 2016 and 2017 graduation ceremonies in American universities has been used to analyse how commencement speakers, as a rule highly successful individuals, construct their identities through discourse. Besides celebrating academic achievements, one of the communicative purposes of the commencement speech is giving the graduates advice for the future. It has been investigated how the speakers legitimize their qualifications (...)
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  • Sustainability Perspectives.Lionel Boxer - 2007 - Philosophy of Management 6 (2):87-97.
    Various stakeholders approach sustainability in their own way. How they do this is reflected in their discursive behaviour. The stakeholder groups explored here include Traditional Shareholders, Incentive-Coerced Management, Pro-Sustainability Corporate, and Activists. Each of these stakeholder groups is shown to engage in a unique discourse, which provides insight into how each approach sustainability. This paper draws on Foucault’s ideas to help understand these discourses in terms of a framework based on Harré’s positioning theory. A new level of understanding is derived (...)
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  • Taking a position: A reinterpretation of the theory of planned behaviour.Andrew J. Cook, Kevin Moore & Gary D. Steel - 2005 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 35 (2):143–154.
    This paper examines methodological issues associated with the theory of planned behaviour and explains that an alternative account of data used to support this theory can be provided by positioning theory. A case is presented that shows tests of the theory of planned behaviour fail to eliminate the possibility of alternative explanations for co-variation in its data. An agency or person-centered alternative shows how a causal interpretation can be reinterpreted as evidence of the actions of a person. Unlike the conceptualisation (...)
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  • The taking of a position: A reinterpretation of the elaboration likelihood model.Andrew J. Cook, Kevin Moore & Gary D. Steel - 2004 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (4):315–331.
    This article explains how data associated with attitude change and persuasion in mainstream psychology and social psychology can be reinterpreted as evidence of the agentive ability of taking a position. A critical review is made of the elaboration likelihood model and a position model is adapted from positioning theory. The postulates of the elaboration likelihood model are then subjected to critical scrutiny by means of comparison with our position model. In this way regularities associated with attitude change and persuasion are (...)
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  • Dialogical Demand: Discursive Position Repertoires for a Local and Global UK Sex Industry.Adam R. Crossley & Rebecca Lawthom - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (2):261-286.
    The increasing incidence of ‘trafficking’ has added an incontestably disturbing dimension to the contestable nature of a ‘non-trafficked’ UK sex industry. Men who buy sex remain under-researched, though some studies have indicated ambivalence within men's attitudes. This study combines a critical discursive psychology in support of dialogical self theory. Secondary data, from prominent UK media resources, were analysed using Edley's method of combining ‘interpretative repertoires’, ‘ideological dilemmas’ and ‘subject positions’. Contrasting discursive practices indicative of wider ideological conflict were found. Discursive (...)
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  • Chinese Self, Australian Other: Chinese as a Foreign Language Teacher Identity Construction in Australian Contexts.Yu Han & Xiaoyan Ji - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Research in the field of Chinese as a foreign language education has been increasing in the past decades. However, the number of studies on CFL teacher identity is limited. To bridge the gap, this study employed a qualitative method to explore Chinese CFL teachers’ identity formation and reformation in Australian contexts. A Chinese-Australian language program was studied to examine the challenges, struggles and developments of Chinese CFL teachers who came to Australia to pursue professional growth. Five Master’s theses and three (...)
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  • Language problem or language conflict? Narratives of immigrant women’s experiences in the US.Kendall A. King & Anna De Fina - 2011 - Discourse Studies 13 (2):163-188.
    This article investigates how Latin American women who migrate to the US frame their language experiences through narratives told in sociolinguistic interviews. As narratives reflect and shape social realities and relationships, narrative analysis can illuminate how individuals position themselves relative to language obstacles and ideologies, thus providing insights into processes that are central to the migration experiences of millions of individuals. We found that women related two types of stories: language conflict narratives, in which language was presented as part of (...)
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  • Maternal Competition in Women.Catherine Linney, Laurel Korologou-Linden & Anne Campbell - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (1):92-116.
    We examined maternal competition, an unexplored form of competition between women. Given women’s high investment in offspring and mothers’ key role in shaping their reproductive, social, and cultural success as adults, we might expect to see maternal competition between women as well as mate competition. Predictions about the effect of maternal characteristics (age, relationship status, educational background, number of children, investment in the mothering role) and child variables (age, sex) were drawn from evolutionary theory and sociological research. Mothers of primary (...)
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  • Analysing Social Values in Identification; A Framework for Research on the Representation and Implementation of Values.Rusten Menard - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (2):122-142.
    This article contributes to the concept of social values by presenting analytical tools that explore how social values are classified, re-presented and interpersonally performed in the construction of identities. I approach social values as classificatory systems of acceptability and desirability that are collectively generated. The meanings of social values are embedded in culture and in power imbalanced social relations; they constantly undergo reformulation in identification processes and are also used to define the social order. I suggest that social values can (...)
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  • Subject positions in research ethics committee letters: a discursive analysis.Michelle O'Reilly, Natalie Armstrong & Mary Dixon-Woods - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (4):187-194.
    Ethical review of applications to conduct research projects continues to be a focus of scrutiny and controversy. We argue that attention to the actual practices of ethical review has the potential to inform debate. We explore how research ethics committees (RECs) establish their position and authority through the texts they use in their correspondence with applicants. Using a discursive analysis applied to 260 letters, we identify four positions of particular interest: RECs positioned as disinterested and responsible; as representing the interests (...)
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  • From personal reflection to social positioning: the development of a transformational model of professional education in midwifery.Diane Phillips, Rod Fawns & Barbara Hayes - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (4):239-249.
    A transformational model of professional identity formation, anchored and globalized in workplace conversations, is advanced. Whilst the need to theorize the aims and methods of clinical education has been served by the techno-rational platform of ‘reflective practice’, this platform does not provide an adequate psychological tool to explore the dynamics of social episodes in professional learning and this led us to positioning theory. Positioning theory is one such appropriate tool in which individuals metaphorically locate themselves within discursive action in everyday (...)
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  • ‘Welcome to Twitter, @CIA. Better late than never’: Communication professionals’ views of social media humour and implications for organizational identity.Joel Rasmussen - 2017 - Discourse and Communication 11 (1):89-110.
    Public authorities have traditionally used an official language style in public, but currently social media have become an outlet for humour. This article uses positioning analysis to discuss challenges that use of humour poses for the identity of public organizations. Drawing on interviews with communications professionals working in the emergency services sector, the article suggests six evaluative themes that factor into organizational identity construction, such as the frequency and type of humour in social media posts. Indeed, while humour helps fashion (...)
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  • Negotiating the limits of teacher agency: constructed constraints vs. capacity to act in preservice teachers’ descriptions of teaching emergent bilingual learners.Amber N. Warren & Natalia A. Ward - 2022 - Critical Discourse Studies 19 (5):539-555.
    This study analyzes discussions from online language teacher education to understand how conversations between monolingual and bilingual preservice teachers (PSTs) in the US create and delimit structural constraints on teachers’ agency, (re)positioning teachers’ capacity to act in the instruction of emergent bilingual students (EBs). Employing positioning theory within a critical discursive psychology approach, findings demonstrate how bilingual PSTs pushed back on structural constraints introduced as potential barriers to achieving linguistic pluralism in monolingual teachers’ posts, asserting teachers’ agency by simultaneously positioning (...)
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