- But in the End, Why is Deleuze “Anti-Hegelian”? At the Root of the Hegel–Deleuze Affair.Giacomo Pezzano - 2014 - Religija Ir Kultura [Religion and Culture] 14:89-110.details
Rhythm and Refrain: In Between Philosophy and Arts (2016).Jurate Baranova (ed.) - 2016 - Vilnius: Lithuanian University of educational sciences.details
Sobre el debate del historicismo y el anti-historicismo en Deleuze.Marcelo Sebastián Antonelli Marangi - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 42 (1):77-93.details
(1 other version)Opening Research to Intensities: Rethinking Disability Research with Deleuze and Guattari.Daniela Mercieca & Duncan Mercieca - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 44 (1):79-92.details
Shock to Thought: An Encounter (of a Third Kind) with Legal Feminism.Anne Bottomley - 2004 - Feminist Legal Studies 12 (1):29-65.details
Materialism and the Mediating Third.Joff Bradley - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (8):892-903.details
The Profane Halo: Becoming Breath.Helen Frances Sharp - unknowndetails
Feminism and Autonomy: The Crisis of the Self-Authoring Subject.Claire Colebrook - 1997 - Body and Society 3 (2):21-41.details
The Problem of the Body in Deleuze and Guattari, Or, What Can a Body Do?Ian Buchanan - 1997 - Body and Society 3 (3):73-91.details
Constructivism and the Future Anterior of Radical Politics.Thomas Nail - 2010 - Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies 1:73–94.details
The anatomy of a forbidden desire: men, penetration and semen exchange.Dave Holmes & Dan Warner - 2005 - Nursing Inquiry 12 (1):10-20.details
El problema de la utopía en Gilles Deleuze.Marcelo Antonelli - 2012 - Isegoría 47:519-539.details
Deleuze and Mathematics.Simon B. Duffy - 2006 - In Simon Duffy (ed.), Virtual Mathematics: the logic of difference. Clinamen.details
Deleuze's Rethinking of the Notion of Sense.Daniela Voss - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (1):1-25.details
Thinking the Break: Rancière, Badiou and the Return of a Politics of Resistance.Todd May - 2009 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1 (2):253-268.details
What Concepts Do: Preface to the Chinese Translation of A Thousand Plateaus.Brian Massumi - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (1):1-15.details
Back to Life: Deleuze, Whitehead and Process.Keith Robinson - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (1):120-133.details
The Experimental Ordinary: Deleuze on Eating and Anorexic Elegance.Branka Arsic - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (Suppl):34-59.details
Paris and its Doubles: Deleuze/Rivette.Garin Dowd - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (2):185-206.details
Jamming the machines: “Woman” in the work of irigaray and deleuze.Janice Richardson - 1998 - Law and Critique 9 (1):89-115.details
The passional pedagogy of Gilles Deleuze.John R. Morss - 2000 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 32 (2):185–200.details
Reconsidering Poststructuralism and Anarchism.Nathan Jun - 2011 - In Duane Rousselle & Süreyyya Evren (eds.), Post-Anarchism: A Reader. Pluto Press. pp. 231-249.details
Hybridised materialisms: The ‘twists and turns’ of materialities in feminist theory.Najate Zouggari - 2019 - Feminist Theory 20 (3):269-281.details
Le désir du milieu.Victor Petit - 2017 - la Deleuziana 6:10-25.details
Um corpo que experimenta E avalia: A ética em Deleuze à Luz da “grande identidade” Spinoza-Nietzsche.Mariana de Toledo Barbosa - 2018 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 59 (141):867-890.details
Jung and Deleuze: Enchanted Openings to the Other: A Philosophical Contribution.C. McMillan - forthcoming - International Journal of Jungian Studies.details
Italian thought and social theory: Thinking with ‘pre-modernity’ beyond ‘post-modernity’.Danilo Martuccelli & Paola Rebughini - 2017 - Thesis Eleven 140 (1):56-73.details
The Folds of Experience, or: Constructing the pedagogy of values.Inna Semetsky - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (4):476-488.details
Taking the Edusemiotic Turn: A Body∼mind Approach to Education.Inna Semetsky - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (3):490-506.details
Collective Bodies: Raving and the Politics of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari.Tim Jordan - 1995 - Body and Society 1 (1):125-144.details
Enjoy Your Fight! - Fight Club as a Symptom of the Network Society.Bülent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen - 2002 - Cultural Values 6 (4):349-367.details
On therapeutic authority: psychoanalytical expertise under advanced liberalism.Peter Miller & Nikolas Rose - 1994 - History of the Human Sciences 7 (3):29-64.details
Embodiment, Sexual Difference, and the Nomadic Subject.Rosi Braidotti - 1993 - Hypatia 8 (1):1 - 13.details
(1 other version)Jung's Psychology and Deleuze's Philosophy: The unconscious in learning.Inna Semetsky & Joshua A. Delpech‐Ramey - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (1):69-81.details
From Negation to Disjunction in a World of Simulacra: Deleuze and Melanie Klein.Nathan Widder - 2009 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 3 (2):207-230.details
Visceral futures: Bodies of feminist criticism.Mariam Fraser - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (2):91 – 111.details
Companion Ecologies: A New Theory of the Subject.Michael Uhall - 2022 - Contemporary Political Theory 21 (1):71-92.details
Politics and Immanence: State and History in Hegel and Deleuze.Gorge Hristov - unknowndetails
Gezi Assemblages: Embodied Encounters in the Making of an Alternative Space.Öznur Karakaş - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (1):38-55.details
Politics of Flight : A Philosophical Refuge.T. Rahimy - 2017 - Dissertation, Erasmus University Rotterdamdetails
Deleuze and the Genesis of Representation. [REVIEW]Chris Beighton - 2010 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 4 (3):437-450.details
(1 other version)Deleuze’s Practical Philosophy.Paul Patton - 2006 - Symposium 10 (1):285-303.details
Feminism as “Password”: Re-thinking the “Possible” with Spinoza and Deleuze.Moira Gatens - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):59-75.details
Territory and Ritornello: Deleuze and Guattari on Thinking Living Beings.Arjen Kleinherenbrink - 2015 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 9 (2):208-230.details
Private thinkers, untimely thoughts: Deleuze, Shestov and Fondane.Bruce Baugh - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (3):313-339.details
(1 other version)Pensar la inmanencia: Gules Deleuze y Francois Jullien.Marcelo Sebastián Antonelli - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 19:81-106.details
Substantial Powers, Active Affects: The Intentionality of Objects.Levi R. Bryant - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (4):529-543.details
(1 other version)… And … and … and … The Transversal Politics of Performative Encounters.Anja Kanngieser - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (2):265-290.details
Object-relics and their effects: for a neo-animist paradigm.Betti Marenko - 2009 - Mei 30:239-253.details
Reconstructing human-centred technology: Lessons from the Hollywood dream factory. [REVIEW]J. Martin Corbett - 1998 - AI and Society 12 (3):214-230.details