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  1. Two bad ways to attack intelligent design and two good ones.Jeffrey Koperski - 2008 - Zygon 43 (2):433-449.
    Four arguments are examined in order to assess the state of the Intelligent Design debate. First, critics continually cite the fact that ID proponents have religious motivations. When used as criticism of ID arguments, this is an obvious ad hominem. Nonetheless, philosophers and scientists alike continue to wield such arguments for their rhetorical value. Second, in his expert testimony in the Dover trial, philosopher Robert Pennock used repudiated claims in order to brand ID as a kind of pseudoscience. His arguments (...)
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  • Information theory, evolutionary computation, and Dembski’s “complex specified information”.Wesley Elsberry & Jeffrey Shallit - 2011 - Synthese 178 (2):237-270.
    Intelligent design advocate William Dembski has introduced a measure of information called “complex specified information”, or CSI. He claims that CSI is a reliable marker of design by intelligent agents. He puts forth a “Law of Conservation of Information” which states that chance and natural laws are incapable of generating CSI. In particular, CSI cannot be generated by evolutionary computation. Dembski asserts that CSI is present in intelligent causes and in the flagellum of Escherichia coli, and concludes that neither have (...)
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  • Grist to the Mill of Anti-evolutionism: The Failed Strategy of Ruling the Supernatural Out of Science by Philosophical Fiat.Maarten Boudry, Stefaan Blancke & Johan Braeckman - 2012 - Science & Education 21 (8):1151-1165.
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  • Tensions in intelligent design's critique of theistic evolutionism.Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2013 - Zygon 48 (2):251-273.
    “Intelligent Design” (ID) is a contemporary intellectual movement arguing that there is scientific evidence for the existence of some sort of creator. Its proponents see ID as a scientific research program and as a way to build a bridge between science and theology, while many critics see it merely as a repackaged form of religiously motivated creationism: both bad science and bad theology. In this article, I offer a close reading of the ID movement's critique of theistic evolutionism and argue (...)
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  • Natural Law and Divine Action: The Search for an Expanded Theory of Causation.Philip Clayton - 2004 - Zygon 39 (3):615-636.
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  • Beyond Physics? On the Prospects of Finding a Meaningful Oracle.Taner Edis & Maarten Boudry - 2014 - Foundations of Science 19 (4):403-422.
    Certain enterprises at the fringes of science, such as intelligent design creationism, claim to identify phenomena that go beyond not just our present physics but any possible physical explanation. Asking what it would take for such a claim to succeed, we introduce a version of physicalism that formulates the proposition that all available data sets are best explained by combinations of “chance and necessity”—algorithmic rules and randomness. Physicalism would then be violated by the existence of oracles that produce certain kinds (...)
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  • Sober on Intelligent Design Theory and the Intelligent Designer.John Beaudoin - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (4):432-442.
    Intelligent design theorists claim that their theory is neutral as to the identity of the intelligent designer, even with respect to whether it is a natural or a supernatural agent. In a recent issue of Faith and Philosophy, Elliott Sober has argued that in fact the theory is not neutral on this issue, and that it entails theexistence of a supernatural designer. I examine Sober’s argument and identify several hurdles it must overcome.
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  • Methodological naturalism and the truth seeking objection.Erkki Vesa Rope Kojonen - 2017 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 81 (3):335-355.
    Methodological naturalism, the exclusion of the supernatural from the natural sciences, has drawn critique from both proponents of Intelligent Design and some philosophical naturalists who argue that the methods of science can also be used to evaluate supernatural claims. One principal objection to methodological naturalism has been what I call the truth seeking objection. In this article I develop an understanding of methodological naturalism capable of answering the truth seeking objection. I further also argue that methodological naturalism as a convention (...)
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  • Mucizeler ve Tasarım.Metin Pay - 2014 - Dini Araştırmalar 17 (45):13-35.
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  • Filtr eksplanacyjny: wykrywanie inteligentnego projektu na gruncie nauk przyrodniczych.Dariusz Sagan - 2009 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 57 (1):157-192.
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  • Evolution and atheism: Has Griffin reconciled science and religion?James H. Fetzer - 2011 - Synthese 178 (2):381 - 396.
    The distinguished theologian, David Ray Griffin, has advanced a set of thirteen theses intended to characterize (what he calls) "Neo-Darwinism" and which he contrasts with "Intelligent Design". Griffin maintains that Neo-Darwinism is "atheistic" in forgoing a creator but suggests that, by adopting a more modest scientific naturalism and embracing a more naturalistic theology, it is possible to find "a third way" that reconciles religion and science. The considerations adduced here suggest that Griffin has promised more than he can deliver. On (...)
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  • A transdisciplinary perspective concerning the origin of the species: The migratory theory of genetic fitness.D. E. Montoya, D. A. Peck, N. L. Montoya & C. P. Montoya - 2009 - World Futures 65 (3):166 – 175.
    Although the Neo-Darwin Theory of Evolution is one of the most celebrated theories in science, nonetheless it has received many criticisms. These criticisms are documented and a new transdisciplinary theory of origin is introduced. Darwin's original argument was that natural selection, through heritable changes, changed simple organisms over time. These heritable changes are responsible for the complex plethora of life seen around us today. Darwin's original theory, however, was deconstructed after the fact into a mutation-based theory. This mutation-based theory in (...)
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  • Residuals of Intelligent Design in Contemporary Theories about Language Nature and Origins.Antonio Pennisi & Alessandra Falzone - 2014 - Humana Mente 7 (27).
    Some contemporary theories about the origin and the nature of language resort to concepts with no bearing on Darwinian evolutionary hypothesis or evo-devo perspective which are both based on the reconstruction of species morphological structure transformation. These theories, which evoke qualitative leap, cultural evolution, structure/function coevolution as esplicative principles for human evolution, in our opinion, result compatible in some points with the most recent Intelligent Design accounts. Attempting to substantiate itself as a scientific theory, the contemporary ID is ready to (...)
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  • Why the 'Hopeless War'?: Approaching Intelligent Design.Jeremy Shearmur - 2010 - Sophia 49 (4):475-488.
    This paper addresses the intellectual motivation of some of those involved in the intelligent design movement. It identifies their concerns with the critique of the claim that Darwinism offers an adequate explanation of prima facie teleological features in biology, a critique of naturalism, and the concern on the part of some of these authors including Dembski, with the revival of 'Old Princeton' apologetics. It is argued that their work is interesting and is in principle intellectually legitimate. It is also suggested, (...)
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  • On Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism.Jason Rosenhouse - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (1-2):95-114.
    The teaching of evolution in American high schools has long been a source of controversy. The past decade has seen an important shift in the rhetoric of anti-evolutionists, toward arguments of a strongly mathematical character. These mathematical arguments, while different in their specifics, follow the same general program and rely on the same underlying model of evolution. We shall discuss the nature and history of this program and model and describe general reasons for skepticism with regard to any anti-evolutionary arguments (...)
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  • El argumento de diseño y la quinta vía de Santo Tomás.Alberto Barbés - 2015 - Scientia et Fides 3 (2):117-136.
    The argument from design and Aquinas’ fifth way: In scientific literature it is common to make equivalence between the so-called argument from design and the fifth way of Thomas Aquinas. It is commonly assumed that both demonstrations for the existence of God are based on the concept of finality to proof the need for an intelligent being capable of causing order in nature. However, we think that the differences between the two arguments have great significance: each of them have as (...)
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  • The Limits of Dissensus: The Case of “Intelligent Design”.Andrew Kidd - unknown
    Although dissensus is a natural component of argumentation and testimony, there are limits as to what can be considered acceptable contrarian or arguments. In science, dissenting arguments are limited by the extent of their fidelity to known facts and theories. Dissensus is therefore limited by how consistent a new theory or hypothesis is with an established body of knowledge, as well as other criteria any good theory must meet. In the case of the so-called “intelligent design” controversy, the supposed “dissensus” (...)
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  • Neo-Darwinism; Naturalism against Empirical Evidence.Nima Narimani - 2021 - Philosophical Investigations 15 (37):271-301.
    In this article, after describing the content of the theory of Evolution from Darwin to the formation of modern synthesis or Neo-Darwinism, its theological implications are discussed. In particular, the Neo-Darwinian reading of Evolution is a ground for many Neo-Darwinists to advance the idea of naturalism. A critical aspect in the Neo-Darwinists defense of naturalism is their emphasis on following empirical evidence to shape their worldview. The second approach to Evolution is Intelligent Design. Although they are generally be presented as (...)
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  • (1 other version)Explanation of Intelligent Design and its Challenges with Evolutionary Theory.Haleh Abdollahi Rad - 2016 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 10 (19):303-326.
    In this article we have tried to investigate argues of proponents of intelligent design (ID) about an intelligent agent in the creation of the universe. These scientists and philosophers who insist that intelligent design theory is a scientific theory that can be an alternative to evolutionary theory. But evolutionists, claims that intelligent design isn’t a scientific theory, it is raised from religious beliefs. As this paper has indicated the main challenges between evolutionists and ID proponents, thus we, at first, explain (...)
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  • The critique of intelligent design: Epicurus, Marx, Darwin, and Freud and the materialist defense of science. [REVIEW]Brett Clark, John Bellamy Foster & Richard York - 2007 - Theory and Society 36 (6):515-546.
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