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  1. Dewey’s and Pareyson’s Aesthetics.Andrea Fiore - 2022 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 14 (1):25-37.
    Even though the American thinker John Dewey and the Italian Luigi Pareyson belong to two different philosophical traditions, on the aesthetic ground they show many resonances and similarities. Using Pareyson’s words, “just as it happens between people, who in particularly happy encounters […] reveal themselves to each other,” it is therefore possible to have Dewey’s aesthetics and Pareyson’s dialogue with each other, highlighting their affinities. This operation can strengthen the idea that the aesthetic experience is a way to fulfil human (...)
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  • Belleza y moral en Yuriko Saito.M. ª Jesús Godoy Domínguez - 2022 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 77 (296):787-807.
    Este trabajo pretende abordar los juicios estético-morales establecidos por Yuriko Saito en el ámbito reciente de la estética de lo cotidiano, a la luz de la belleza funcionalista del pensador ilustrado David Hume. Para ello, se desentraña el mecanismo afectivo sobre el que descansa la experiencia estética tanto en el caso del objeto intrascendente de todos los días sobre el que teoriza Saito, como en el caso del objeto utilitario sobre el que discurre Hume y que demuestra que el juicio (...)
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  • The Aesthetic Significance of the Lying-Misleading Distinction.Jessica Pepp - 2019 - British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (3):289-304.
    There is a clear intuitive difference between lying and attempting to mislead. Recent efforts to analyse this difference, and to define lying in ways that respect it, are motivated by the conviction that the difference is important or significant in some way. Traditionally, the importance of the lying-misleading distinction has been cashed out in moral terms, but this approach faces a number of challenges. The purpose of this paper is to suggest and develop a different way in which the lying-misleading (...)
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  • Function and Flourishing: Good Design and Aesthetic Lives.Jeffrey Petts - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 53 (2):1-18.
    Monroe Beardsley wrote that there would be no aesthetics if everyone was silent about works of art.1 Similarly, there would be no philosophical aesthetics of design if no one ever talked critically about, but instead quietly enjoyed or put up with, our built environment and things of everyday use. But whereas Beardsley could draw on an established and distinct body of art, music, and literary criticism to set the aims and scope of aesthetics, a similar metacritical approach to the aesthetics (...)
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  • Dewey's aesthetics.Tom Leddy - unknown - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Feeling Fit For Function: Haptic Touch and Aesthetic Experience.Tom Roberts - 2022 - British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (1):49-61.
    Traditionally, the sense of touch—alongside the senses of taste and smell—has been excluded from the aesthetic domain. These proximal modalities are thought to deliver only sensory pleasures, not the complex, world-directed perceptual states that characterize aesthetic experience. In this paper, I argue that this tradition fails to recognize the perceptual possibilities of haptic touch, which allows us to experience properties of the objects with which we make bodily contact, including their weight, shape, solidity, elasticity, and smoothness. These features, moreover, may (...)
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  • Everyday Aesthetics and Everyday Behavior.Ossi Naukkarinen - 2017 - Contemporary Aesthetics 15 (1).
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  • Opening the Way for an Olfactory Aesthetics: Smell’s Cognitive Powers.Larry Shiner - 2021 - Rivista di Estetica 78:8-26.
    The first part of this paper surveys types of olfactory art as well as some of the philosophical denials that odors and the sense of smell can be used for serious art making, raising the paradox that olfactory art seems actual, but the mainstream philosophical tradition has declared that one cannot make genuine artworks from odors. The second and third part of the paper address the primary argument against possibility of an olfactory aesthetics, namely, the claim that the human sense (...)
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  • First-Personal Body Aesthetics as Affirmations of Subjectivity.Madeline Martin-Seaver - 2019 - Contemporary Aesthetics 17.
    This paper redirects some of the philosophical discussion of sexual objectification. Rather than contributing further to debates over what constitutes objectification and whether it is harmful, I argue that aesthetic experience is a useful tool for resisting objectification. Attending to our embodied experiences provides immediate evidence that we are subjects; aesthetically attending to that evidence is a way of valuing it. I consider the human body as an aesthetic site, then as an ethico-aesthetic site, and finally as a site of (...)
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  • Kaj je »vsakdanje« v estetiki vsakdanjosti.Ossi Naukkarinen - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (1).
    Tematiko estetike vsakdanjosti so pred nedavnim načeli številni avtorji. Vendar pa vprašanje kaj je dejansko narava vsakdanjosti – v nasprotju z nevsakdanjostjo – in kako ta narava učinkuje na estetiko vsakdanjosti, ni bilo zadovoljivo razdelano. Namen tega eseja je razjasniti vsakdanjost vsakdanjika in združiti obče pojme vsakdanjosti s ključnimi točkami estetike vsakdanjosti.
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  • An Educational Perspective and a Poststructural Position on Everyday Aesthetics and the Creation of Meaning.Frederick Johannes Potgieter - 2017 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 51 (3):72-90.
    When one starts reading in the nascent field of everyday aesthetics of aestheticians from predominantly the Anglo-American sphere, it soon becomes apparent that some are attempting to carve out an academic niche for everyday aesthetics by defining it against art. I agree with Thomas Leddy, who has the following to say about the problem of philosophical definitions in general: “Although philosophical definition can be valuable, the process of creating a philosophical definition, insofar as it involves making strict distinctions, tends to (...)
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  • Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body and Everyday Aesthetics.Thomas Leddy - 2015 - Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (1):79-99.
    How does Richard Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body apply to the issues of everyday aesthetics? As it turns out, many chapters contribute significantly to everyday aesthetics, in particular the work on architecture, self-styling, the body as background, lovemaking, and the process of making a photographic portrait. Shusterman’s concentration on the art of living has special importance to everyday aesthetics. Current debates within the field of everyday aesthetics also raise problems for somaesthetics. I also question the limits of somaesthetics and Shusterman’s (...)
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  • Lo sublime en la anti-sublime estética de lo cotidiano.María Jesús Godoy Domínguez - 2019 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):33-56.
    Este trabajo pretende aproximar dos realidades aparentemente contrapuestas como son la experiencia romántica de lo sublime y la emergente estética de lo cotidiano. Pero quiere hacerlo desde un enfoque distinto del de Thomas Leddy, que basado en el carácter extraordinario de los objetos y procesos normales de la vida, acaba haciendo de lo irrelevante diario, algo grande y atemorizante. Para nosotros, la experiencia sublime de lo cotidiano exige tomar la cotidianeidad como pura cotidianeidad, según aparece en Yuriko Saito. Esto lleva (...)
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  • An Introduction to Everyday Aesthetics in Education.Guillermo Marini - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (1):39-50.
    The purpose of this paper is to introduce everyday aesthetics in education. First, it presents everyday aesthetics as a subdiscipline within philosophical aesthetics, that revisits sensory perception as the backdrop of all experience, claims ordinary life is a proper venue for aesthetic inquiry, and problematizes the impact aesthetic preferences have on habitual decisions. Second, the paper argues that among the diverse matters students learn in school, they learn—explicitly or implicitly—what and how to perceive, as well as the pedagogical purposes of (...)
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  • (1 other version)From Bullfights to Bollywood: The Contemporary Relevance of Jean-Baptiste Du Bos’s Approach to the Arts.Benjamin Evans - 2018 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 55 (2):180-197.
    This paper takes up the somewhat neglected work of one of the earliest pioneers of modern European aesthetic theory, Jean-Baptiste Du Bos. It aims to correct views in which Du Bos is pigeon-holed as a ‘sentimentalist’, dismissed as a radical subjectivist, or, at best, acknowledged as an influence on the more important work of David Hume. Instead, it presents Du Bos as an original thinker whose highly intuitive approach to the arts is still relevant to contemporary concerns, and can be (...)
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  • The Aesthetic Turn in Everyday Life in Korea.Kwang Myung Kim - 2013 - Open Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):359-365.
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  • Heideggerjevski izvori estetike vsakdanjosti.Cristian Hainic - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (1).
    Izhajajoč iz hermenevtične fenomenologije Martina Heideggerja, ki pretresa ontološki status umetniških del in se osredotoča na njihov značaj »stvari«, da bi destruirala tradicionalni pomen umetnosti, trdim, da za estetiko vsakdanjosti lahko rečemo, da pripada postheidegerjevski nalogi ponovnega premisleka umetnosti in temeljev estetike. Privzemanje hermenevtičnega pristopa k umetnosti ima za estetiko dvojno posledico: na eni strani širi njen doseg, s tem ko jo razširi onstran območja lepe/visoke umetnosti k vsakdanjim predmetom in izkustvom, in, na drugi strani, meče novo luč na pomen (...)
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