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  1. Establishing joint decisions in a dyad.Melisa Stevanovic - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (6):779-803.
    This study analyses joint decisions. Drawing on video-recorded planning meetings in a workplace context as data, and on conversation analysis as a method, I investigate what is needed for a proposal to get turned into a joint decision: How do people negotiate the outcome of the decision-making processes in terms of whether they indeed comprise new decisions and whether these decisions are really joint ones? This study identifies three essential components in arriving at joint decisions, and discusses two other possible (...)
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  • Negotiation of entitlement in proposal sequences.Sae Oshima & Birte Asmuß - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (1):67-86.
    Meetings are complex institutional events at which participants recurrently negotiate institutional roles, which are oriented to, renegotiated, and sometimes challenged. With a view to gaining further understanding of the ongoing negotiation of roles at meetings, this article examines one specific recurring feature of meetings: the act of proposing future action. Based on microanalysis of video recordings of two-party strategy meetings, the study shows that participants orient to at least two aspects when making proposals: 1) the acceptance or rejection of the (...)
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  • The ubiquity of epistemics: A rebuttal to the ‘epistemics of epistemics’ group.John Heritage - 2017 - Discourse Studies 20 (1):14-56.
    In 2016, Discourse Studies published a special issue on the ‘epistemics of epistemics’ comprising six papers, all of which took issue with a strand of my research on how knowledge claims are asserted, implemented and contested through facets of turn design and sequence organization. Apparently coordinated through some years of discussion, the critique is nonetheless somewhat confused and confusing. In this article, I take up some of more prominent elements of the critique: my work is ‘cognitivist’ substituting causal psychological analysis (...)
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  • Questions, questioning, and institutional practices: an introduction.Jessica Robles & Karen Tracy - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (2):131-152.
    This article introduces the special issue on questions, questioning, and institutional practices. We begin by considering how questioning as a discursive practice is a central vehicle for constructing social worlds and reflecting existing ones. Then we describe the different ways questions and question have been defined, typologized, and critiqued, in general and within seven institutions including policing, the courts, medicine, therapy, research interviews, education, and mediated political exchanges. The introduction concludes with a preview of the articles in the special issue.
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  • (Des)afiliación y (des)alineamiento: procedimientos interaccionales para la construcción de voz.Juan Eduardo Bonnin - 2019 - Pragmática Sociocultural 7 (2):231-252.
    Resumen Este trabajo tiene dos objetivos. Desde el punto de vista conceptual, nos proponemos contribuir al conocimiento del concepto de voz y su construcción conversacional a partir de la (des)afiliación y el (des)alineamiento en el proceso de validación o rechazo de la voz de los participantes. Desde el punto de vista práctico, esperamos contribuir al desarrollo de los métodos de la investigación participativa, entendidos en ciencias sociales como una metodología de investigación y aprendizaje colectivo, a partir del análisis crítico de (...)
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  • Asking different types of polar questions: The interplay between turn, sequence, and context in writing conferences.Innhwa Park - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (5):613-633.
    Using video recordings of one-on-one writing conferences as data, this conversation analytic study provides a sequential analysis of student-initiated question–answer sequences and demonstrates that the building of social interaction is contingent upon the composition of a turn as well as its position in the larger sequence. In particular, the article focuses on the distinct sequential environments in which students use yes/no interrogatives and yes/no declaratives. In the context of writing conference, the epistemic asymmetry between the participants is made relevant throughout (...)
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  • Conversation and psychotherapy: how questioning reveals institutional answers.Mariaelena Bartesaghi - 2009 - Discourse Studies 11 (2):153-177.
    By analyzing session exchanges and questionnaires administered to family therapy clients, this article examines questioning as conversational practice grounded in institutional goals that are therapist-directed and therapist-conceived. In their manifestation in talk and text, therapeutic questions function to replace client accounts with the nosological accounts of institutional psychiatry. The analysis illuminates three ways in which questioning works in the session and then locates these in therapy's professional and institutional logic. A critical reflection on psychotherapy's questioning practices in a social context (...)
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  • Privacy in Early Childhood Education and Care: The Management of Family Information in Parent–Teacher Conferences.Janne Solberg - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-22.
    Families have a right to privacy, but we know little about how the public–private boundary is negotiated at the micro level in educational settings. Adopting ethnomethodology, the paper examines how talk about the home situation was occasioned and managed in ten parent–teacher conferences in early childhood education and care (ECEC), with a special focus on the ECEC teacher’s strategies for eliciting family information. The paper demonstrates a continuum of interactional practices which, in various degrees, make parents accountable for providing family (...)
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  • La función de las preguntas en un discurso agonal: el debate electoral cara a cara.Blas Arroyo & José Luis - 2010 - Discurso 4 (4):674 - 705.
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  • Resistance in public disputes: Third-turn blocking to suspend progressivity.Jack B. Joyce - 2022 - Discourse Studies 24 (2):231-248.
    When people argue they routinely challenge the opinions, views, and attitudes of one another, they seek to cast the other as the aggressor or party at fault, and otherwise exert social control. This article illustrates how members work to hamper challenges, evade control or avoid being negatively characterized by systematically blocking access to a turn in the third position and stopping their opponent’s agenda. Examining 100 hours of public disputes in varieties of English, I use membership categorization analysis and conversation (...)
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  • Managing epistemic imbalances in peer interaction during mathematics lessons.Eija Kärnä, Lasse Eronen, Piia Björn & Anniina Kämäräinen - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (3):280-299.
    In this study, we investigated how students manage their lack of/insufficient understanding of the content of a mathematical task with the aim of reaching shared understanding and epistemic balance in peer interaction. The data consist of recordings collected during a mathematics project in a Finnish lower secondary school. The findings, drawing on conversation analysis, showed two markedly different sequence trajectories: how interaction between a K+ and a K− student proceeded relatively smoothly when these positions were accepted by both participants, and (...)
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  • Negotiating meanings online: Disagreements about word meaning in discussion forum communication.Jenny Myrendal - 2019 - Discourse Studies 21 (3):317-339.
    This article describes word meaning negotiation in online discussion forum communication, a form of computer-mediated communication. WMN occurs when participants who are engaged in a discussion about a particular topic remark on a word choice of another participant, thus initiating a meta-linguistic sequence in which a particular word is openly questioned and the meaning of that word is up for negotiation. By closely studying the process of WMN and focusing on the practices of the participants engaged in it, this article (...)
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  • Either/or questions in child psychiatric assessments: The effect of the seriousness and order of the alternatives.Michelle O’Reilly & Charles Antaki - 2014 - Discourse Studies 16 (3):327-345.
    Mental health practitioners, assessing children for possible psychiatric conditions, need to probe sensitive matters. We examine practitioners’ use of questions which try to clarify a given issue by offering alternative descriptions of how things are: one bland, and the other clearly undesirable in some way. The undesirable states of affairs can be described in serious terms or, while still undesirable, in less serious ones. We find that if an undesirable state of affairs is described in seriously negative terms, it tends (...)
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  • Exploring essentially three-turn courses of action: An institutional case study with implications for ordinary talk.Jeffrey D. Robinson & Heidi Kevoe-Feldman - 2012 - Discourse Studies 14 (2):217-241.
    This article describes an adjacency-pair organized course of action in the institutional context of customers calling an electronics repair facility to request the status of equipment they have previously sent in for repair. Relative to the majority of adjacency-pair sequences described in previous research, this course of action is rare in that it is essentially composed of three turns, including status solicitation, status response, and acceptance/rejection of status response. After defending this finding, we situate and discuss its significance relative to (...)
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  • Expressing an alternative view from second position: Reversed polarity questions in everyday Japanese conversation.Hideyuki Sugiura - 2017 - Discourse Studies 19 (3):291-313.
    This conversation-analytic study examines a type of action accomplished through a reversed polarity question responding to initial assessments in everyday Japanese conversation. This study demonstrates that RPQs deployed in this specific position express alternative views to initial assessments by appealing to participants’ common sense or knowledge and index participants’ epistemic symmetry over a particular assessable. These RPQs do not simply convey the speakers’ disagreement with initial assessments, however, but are designed to be situated as ‘new’ first assessments by triggering the (...)
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  • Withholding consent : How citizens resist expert responses by positioning themselves as ‘the ones to be convinced’.Lotte van Burgsteden & Hedwig te Molder - 2021 - Pragmatics and Society 12 (4):669-695.
    This paper examines public meetings in the Netherlands where experts and officials interact with local residents on the human health effects of livestock farming. Using Conversation Analysis, we reveal a ‘weapon of the weak’: a practice by which the residents resist experts’ head start in information meetings. It is shown how residents draw on the given question-answer format to challenge experts and pursue an admission of, for example, methodological shortcomings. We show how the residents’ first question functions as a ‘foot-in-the-door’, (...)
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  • On affiliation and alignment: Non-cooperative uses of anticipatory completions in the context of tellings.Anna Vatanen, Trine Heinemann & Marja Etelämäki - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (6):726-758.
    In this paper, we address the larger notion of cooperation in interaction and its underlying dimensions as defined in Conversation Analysis: alignment and affiliation. Focusing on three cases from three different languages we investigate a specific practice, that of anticipatory completions, in a particular context, that of storytelling, and show that the practice of completing another speaker’s turn in an anticipatory manner is not de facto definable as either an aligning or non-aligning action, nor can it be said to be (...)
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  • Grammatical conformity in question-answer sequences: The case of meiyou in Mandarin conversation.Wei Wang - 2020 - Discourse Studies 22 (5):610-631.
    This article probes into grammatical conformity in Mandarin by examining meiyou, a multifunctional negative form, in question-answer sequences. Using a conversation analysis approach, it discovers that, as a conforming answer to polar questions, meiyou acquiesces to all the terms and constraints of the question and maximizes the progressivity of the sequence. As a non-conforming response to polar questions, it mitigates the disagreement by avoiding a pointed syntactic negation. Meiyou can also respond to Q-word questions, problematizing the inference incorporated in the (...)
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  • Ignorance-unmasking questions in the Royal–Sarkozy presidential debate: A resource to claim epistemic authority.Andrzej Zuczkowski, Ilaria Riccioni, Ramona Bongelli & Laura Vincze - 2016 - Discourse Studies 18 (4):430-453.
    The article presents an analysis of the ways in which knowledge is displayed, contested and renegotiated in the 2007 French presidential debate between Ségolène Royal and Nicolas Sarkozy. Knowledge displays can be achieved through a series of ‘neutral’ resources, such as informing, explanation or comment, or through face-damaging resources, such as questioning an unknowledgeable interlocutor to prove his inferior epistemic status and boost one’s own. The article focuses on this latter type of knowledge display where a knowledgeable participant engages in (...)
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