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  1. The Lattice of Super-Belnap Logics.Adam Přenosil - 2023 - Review of Symbolic Logic 16 (1):114-163.
    We study the lattice of extensions of four-valued Belnap–Dunn logic, called super-Belnap logics by analogy with superintuitionistic logics. We describe the global structure of this lattice by splitting it into several subintervals, and prove some new completeness theorems for super-Belnap logics. The crucial technical tool for this purpose will be the so-called antiaxiomatic (or explosive) part operator. The antiaxiomatic (or explosive) extensions of Belnap–Dunn logic turn out to be of particular interest owing to their connection to graph theory: the lattice (...)
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  • Generalizing Functional Completeness in Belnap-Dunn Logic.Hitoshi Omori & Katsuhiko Sano - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (5):883-917.
    One of the problems we face in many-valued logic is the difficulty of capturing the intuitive meaning of the connectives introduced through truth tables. At the same time, however, some logics have nice ways to capture the intended meaning of connectives easily, such as four-valued logic studied by Belnap and Dunn. Inspired by Dunn’s discovery, we first describe a mechanical procedure, in expansions of Belnap-Dunn logic, to obtain truth conditions in terms of the behavior of the Truth and the False, (...)
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  • Getting some (non-classical) closure with justification logic.Shawn Standefer, Ted Shear & Rohan French - 2023 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 2 (2):1-25.
    Justification logics provide frameworks for studying the fine structure of evidence and justification. Traditionally, these logics do not impose any closure requirements on justification. In this paper, we argue that for some applications they should subject justification to closure under some variety of logical consequence. Specifically, we argue, building on ideas from Beall, that the non-classical logic FDE offers a particularly attractive notion of consequence for this purpose and define a justification logic where justification is closed under FDE consequence. We (...)
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  • Substructural epistemic logics.Igor Sedlár - 2015 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 25 (3):256-285.
    The article introduces substructural epistemic logics of belief supported by evidence. The logics combine normal modal epistemic logics with distributive substructural logics. Pieces of evidence are represented by points in substructural models and availability of evidence is modelled by a function on the point set. The main technical result is a general completeness theorem. Axiomatisations are provided by means of two-sorted Hilbert-style calculi. It is also shown that the framework presents a natural solution to the problem of logical omniscience.
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  • An expansion of first-order Belnap-Dunn logic.K. Sano & H. Omori - 2014 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 22 (3):458-481.
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  • Probabilities with Gaps and Gluts.Dominik Klein, Ondrej Majer & Soroush Rafiee Rad - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 50 (5):1107-1141.
    Belnap-Dunn logic, sometimes also known as First Degree Entailment, is a four-valued propositional logic that complements the classical truth values of True and False with two non-classical truth values Neither and Both. The latter two are to account for the possibility of the available information being incomplete or providing contradictory evidence. In this paper, we present a probabilistic extension of BD that permits agents to have probabilistic beliefs about the truth and falsity of a proposition. We provide a sound and (...)
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  • J. Michael Dunn on Information Based Logics.Katalin Bimbó (ed.) - 2016 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
    This book celebrates and expands on J. Michael Dunn’s work on informational interpretations of logic. Dunn, in his Ph.D. thesis, introduced a semantics for first-degree entailments utilizing the idea that a sentence can provide positive or negative information about a topic, possibly supplying both or neither. He later published a related interpretation of the logic R-mingle, which turned out to be one of the first relational semantics for a relevance logic. An incompatibility relation between information states lends itself to a (...)
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  • Hilbert-style axiomatization of first-degree entailment and a family of its extensions.Yaroslav Shramko - 2021 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 172 (9):103011.
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  • Non-Classical Probabilities for Decision Making in Situations of Uncertainty.Dominik Klein, Ondrej Majer & Soroush Rafiee Rad - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (4):315-343.
    Analyzing situations where information is partial, incomplete or contradictory has created a demand for quantitative belief measures that are weaker than classic probability theory. In this paper, we compare two frameworks that have been proposed for this task, Dempster-Shafer theory and non-standard probability theory based on Belnap-Dunn logic. We show the two frameworks to assume orthogonal perspectives on informational shortcomings, but also provide a partial correspondence result. Lastly, we also compare various dynamical rules of the two frameworks, all seen as (...)
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  • Reasoning with belief functions over Belnap–Dunn logic.Marta Bílková, Sabine Frittella, Daniil Kozhemiachenko, Ondrej Majer & Sajad Nazari - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (9):103338.
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  • Intuitionistic propositional probability logic.Anelina Ilić-Stepić, Mateja Knežević & Zoran Ognjanović - 2022 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 68 (4):479-495.
    We give a sound and complete axiomatization of a probabilistic extension of intuitionistic logic. Reasoning with probability operators is also intuitionistic (in contradistinction to other works on this topic), i.e., measure functions used for modeling probability operators are partial functions. Finally, we present a decision procedure for our logic, which is a combination of linear programming and an intuitionistic tableaux method.
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  • Reductio ad contradictionem: An Algebraic Perspective.Adam Přenosil - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (3):389-415.
    We introduce a novel expansion of the four-valued Belnap–Dunn logic by a unary operator representing reductio ad contradictionem and study its algebraic semantics. This expansion thus contains both the direct, non-inferential negation of the Belnap–Dunn logic and an inferential negation akin to the negation of Johansson’s minimal logic. We formulate a sequent calculus for this logic and introduce the variety of reductio algebras as an algebraic semantics for this calculus. We then investigate some basic algebraic properties of this variety, in (...)
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