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  1. Advancing theorizing about fast-and-slow thinking.Wim De Neys - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e111.
    Human reasoning is often conceived as an interplay between a more intuitive and deliberate thought process. In the last 50 years, influential fast-and-slow dual-process models that capitalize on this distinction have been used to account for numerous phenomena – from logical reasoning biases, over prosocial behavior, to moral decision making. The present paper clarifies that despite the popularity, critical assumptions are poorly conceived. My critique focuses on two interconnected foundational issues: the exclusivity and switch feature. The exclusivity feature refers to (...)
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  • The Smart System 1: evidence for the intuitive nature of correct responding on the bat-and-ball problem.Bence Bago & Wim De Neys - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (3):257-299.
    Influential work on reasoning and decision-making has popularised the idea that sound reasoning requires correction of fast, intuitive thought processes by slower and more demanding deliberation. We present seven studies that question this corrective view of human thinking. We focused on the very problem that has been widely featured as the paradigmatic illustration of the corrective view, the well-known bat-and-ball problem. A two-response paradigm in which people were required to give an initial response under time pressure and cognitive load allowed (...)
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  • Reflections on reflection: the nature and function of type 2 processes in dual-process theories of reasoning.Jonathan St B. T. Evans - 2019 - Thinking and Reasoning 25 (4):383-415.
    I present a critical discussion of dual-process theories of reasoning and decision making with particular attention to the nature and role of Type 2 processes. The original theory proposed...
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  • The smart intuitor: Cognitive capacity predicts intuitive rather than deliberate thinking.Matthieu Raoelison, Valerie A. Thompson & Wim De Neys - 2020 - Cognition 204 (C):104381.
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  • From bias to sound intuiting: Boosting correct intuitive reasoning.Esther Boissin, Serge Caparos, Matthieu Raoelison & Wim De Neys - 2021 - Cognition 211 (C):104645.
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  • From slow to fast logic: the development of logical intuitions.Matthieu Raoelison, Esther Boissin, Grégoire Borst & Wim De Neys - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (4):599-622.
    Recent reasoning accounts suggest that people can process elementary logical principles intuitively. These controversial “logical intuitions” are believed to result from a learning process in which developing reasoners automatize their application. To verify this automatization hypothesis, we contrasted the reasoning performance of younger (7th grade) and older (12th grade) reasoners with a two-response paradigm. Participants initially responded with the first intuitive response that came to mind and subsequently were allowed to deliberate on classic “bias” problems (base-rate problems and syllogisms). Results (...)
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  • Predicting individual differences in conflict detection and bias susceptibility during reasoning.Jakub Šrol & Wim De Neys - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):38-68.
    A key component of the susceptibility to cognitive biases is the ability to monitor for conflict between intuitively cued “heuristic” answers and logical principles. While there is evidence that pe...
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  • Illusory intuitive inferences: Matching heuristics explain logical intuitions.Omid Ghasemi, Simon J. Handley & Stephanie Howarth - 2023 - Cognition 235 (C):105417.
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  • Uncontrolled logic: intuitive sensitivity to logical structure in random responding.Stephanie Howarth, Simon Handley & Vince Polito - 2022 - Thinking and Reasoning 28 (1):61-96.
    It is well established that beliefs provide powerful cues that influence reasoning. Over the last decade research has revealed that judgments based upon logical structure may also pre-empt deliberative reasoning. Evidence for ‘intuitive logic’ has been claimed using a range of measures (i.e. confidence ratings or latency of response on conflict problems). However, it is unclear how well such measures genuinely reflect logical intuition. In this paper we introduce a new method designed to test for evidence of intuitive logic. In (...)
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  • Domain-specific experience and dual-process thinking.Zoë A. Purcell, Colin A. Wastell & Naomi Sweller - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (2):239-267.
    A novel problem or task may seem difficult at first, but with enough practice, it can become easy and routine. Practice and the process of learning is often accompanied by some mild cognitive uneas...
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  • Thinking in a foreign language distorts allocation of cognitive effort: Evidence from reasoning.Michał Białek, Rafał Muda, Kaiden Stewart, Paweł Niszczota & Damian Pieńkosz - 2020 - Cognition 205 (C):104420.
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  • Eye Movements, Pupil Dilation, and Conflict Detection in Reasoning: Exploring the Evidence for Intuitive Logic.Zoe A. Purcell, Andrew J. Roberts, Simon J. Handley & Stephanie Howarth - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (6):e13293.
    A controversial claim in recent dual process accounts of reasoning is that intuitive processes not only lead to bias but are also sensitive to the logical status of an argument. The intuitive logic hypothesis draws upon evidence that reasoners take longer and are less confident on belief–logic conflict problems, irrespective of whether they give the correct logical response. In this paper, we examine conflict detection under conditions in which participants are asked to either judge the logical validity or believability of (...)
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  • Further advancing fast-and-slow theorizing.Wim De Neys - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e146.
    The 34 commentaries on the target article span a broad range of interesting issues. I have organized my reply around five major themes that seemed to emerge: Remarks about the generalizability of the empirical findings, links with other models, necessary extensions, the utility of dual-process models, and more specific points. This allows me to clarify possible misconceptions and identify avenues for further advancement.
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  • The role of representativeness in reasoning and metacognitive processes: an in-depth analysis of the Linda problem.Marin Dujmović, Pavle Valerjev & Igor Bajšanski - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (2):161-186.
    We conducted a thorough investigation of the impact of representativeness on reasoning and metacognitive processes by employing the Linda problem. In congruent versions, the more representative res...
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  • Open-minded and reflective thinking predicts reasoning and meta-reasoning: evidence from a ratio-bias conflict task.Henry W. Strudwicke, Glen E. Bodner, Paul Williamson & Michelle M. Arnold - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (3):419-445.
    Dispositional measures of actively open-minded thinking and cognitive reflection both predict reasoning accuracy on conflict problems. Here we investigated their relative impact on meta-reasoning. To this end, we measured reasoning accuracy and two indices of meta-reasoning performance – conflict detection sensitivity and meta-reasoning discrimination – using a ratio-bias task. Our key predictors were actively open-minded thinking and cognitive reflection, and numeracy, cognitive ability, and mindware instantiation were controlled for. Actively open-minded thinking was a better predictor of reasoning accuracy and meta-reasoning (...)
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  • Bullshit blind spots: the roles of miscalibration and information processing in bullshit detection.Shane Littrell & Jonathan A. Fugelsang - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (1):49-78.
    The growing prevalence of misleading information (i.e., bullshit) in society carries with it an increased need to understand the processes underlying many people’s susceptibility to falling for it. Here we report two studies (N = 412) examining the associations between one’s ability to detect pseudo-profound bullshit, confidence in one’s bullshit detection abilities, and the metacognitive experience of evaluating potentially misleading information. We find that people with the lowest (highest) bullshit detection performance overestimate (underestimate) their detection abilities and overplace (underplace) those (...)
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  • A good architecture for fast and slow thinking, but exclusivity is exclusively in the past.Keith E. Stanovich & Maggie E. Toplak - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e142.
    No doubt older work in the dual-process tradition overemphasized the importance and frequency of the override function, and the working model in this target article provides a useful corrective. The attempt to motivate the model using the so-called exclusivity assumption is unnecessary, because no recent dual-process model in the reasoning literature has rested strongly on this assumption.
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  • No Trespassing! Abandoning the Novice/Expert Problem.Neil Levy - forthcoming - Erkenntnis:1-18.
    The novice/expert problem is the problem of knowing which apparent expert to trust. Following Alvin Goldman’s lead, a number of philosophers have developed criteria that novices can use to distinguish more from less trustworthy experts. While the criteria the philosophers have identified are indeed useful in guiding expert choice, I argue, they can’t do the work that Goldman and his successors want from them: avoid a kind of testimonial scepticism. We can’t deploy them in the way needed to avoid such (...)
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  • Confronting White Ignorance: White Psychology and Rational Self‐Regulation.Trip Glazer & Nabina Liebow - 2020 - Journal of Social Philosophy 52 (1):50-71.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 52, Issue 1, Page 50-71, Spring 2021.
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  • Reasoning strategy vs cognitive capacity as predictors of individual differences in reasoning performance.Valerie A. Thompson & Henry Markovits - 2021 - Cognition 217 (C):104866.
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  • Framing provides reasons.Neil Levy - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e233.
    Framing effects are held to be irrational because preferences should remain stable across different descriptions of the same state of affairs. Bermúdez offers one reason why this may be false. I argue for another: If framing provides implicit testimony, then rational agents will alter their preferences accordingly. I show there is evidence that framing should be understood as testimonial.
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  • What does the CRT measure? Poor performance may arise from rational processes.Neil Levy - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):58-84.
    The Cognitive Reflection Test is a widely used measure of the degree to which individuals override an intuitive response and engage in reflection. For both theoretical and practical reasons, it is widely taken to assess an important component of rational thought. In this paper, I will argue that while doing well on the CRT requires valuable cognitive capacities and dispositions, doing badly does not always indicate a lack of such capacities and dispositions. The CRT, I argue, offers respondents implicit (but (...)
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  • Examining the role of deliberation in de-bias training.Esther Boissin, Serge Caparos & Wim De Neys - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (2):327-355.
    Does avoiding biased responding to reasoning problems and grasping the ­correct solution require engaging in effortful deliberation or can such solution insight be acquired more intuitively? In this study we set out to test the impact of deliberation on the efficiency of a de-bias training in which the problem logic was explained to participants. We focused on the infamous bat-and-ball problem and varied the degree of possible deliberation during the training session by manipulating time constraints and cognitive load. The results (...)
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  • How to evaluate the rationality of heuristics?Vitaliy Nadurak - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
    One of the most debated topics among those who study heuristics is the question of their rationality. The present paper proposes an answer to this question based on the ideas of instrumental rationality and the probabilistic nature of heuristic judgments and decisions. Accordingly, it is argued that the rationality of heuristics is determined by their effectiveness, i.e., their ability to achieve a desired result. At the same time, heuristics do not always produce such a result, but only in a certain (...)
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  • Fast & slow decisions under risk: Intuition rather than deliberation drives advantageous choices.Aikaterini Voudouri, Michał Białek & Wim De Neys - 2024 - Cognition 250 (C):105837.
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  • Debiasing thinking among non-WEIRD reasoners.Esther Boissin, Mathilde Josserand, Wim De Neys & Serge Caparos - 2024 - Cognition 243 (C):105681.
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  • Individual Differences in Argument Strength Discrimination.Annika M. Svedholm-Häkkinen, Mika Hietanen & Jonathan Baron - 2024 - Argumentation 38 (2):141-167.
    Being able to discriminate poorly justified from well justified arguments is necessary for informed citizenship. However, it is not known whether the ability to recognize argument strength generalizes across different types of arguments, and what cognitive factors predict this ability or these abilities. Drawing on the theory of argument schemes, we examined arguments from consequence, analogy, symptoms, and authority in order to cover all major types of arguments. A study (_N_ = 278) on the general population in Finland indicated that (...)
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  • Moral preference reversals: Violations of procedure invariance in moral judgments of sacrificial dilemmas.Justin F. Landy, Benjamin A. Lemli, Pritika Shah, Alexander D. Perry & Rebekah Sager - 2024 - Cognition 252 (C):105919.
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  • External Time Monitoring in Time‐Based Prospective Memory: An Integrative Framework.Giulio Munaretto, Marta Stragà, Timo Mäntylä, Giovanna Mioni & Fabio Del Missier - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (12):e13216.
    We propose a new integrative framework of external time monitoring in prospective memory (PM) tasks and its relation with performance. Starting from existing empirical regularities and our theoretical analysis, the framework predicts that external monitoring in PM tasks comprises a first stage of loose monitoring to keep track of the passage of time, and a subsequent stage of finer-grained monitoring, based on interval reduction, to meet the PM deadline. Following our framework, we predicted and observed in three different datasets (N (...)
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  • Robust intuition? Exploring the difference in the strength of intuitions from perspective of attentional bias.Yunhong Wang, Wei Bao, Edward J. N. Stupple & Junlong Luo - 2024 - Thinking and Reasoning 30 (1):169-194.
    The logical intuition hypothesis proposes a difference in the strength between logical and heuristic intuitions. The labels of logical and heuristic intuitions are exclusive to conventional reasoning research. This paper reports the result of testing intuition strength using the dot-probe methodology in a novel multiplication paradigm. Here, “logical intuition” and “heuristic intuition” were relabeled as “weaker intuition” (-1 × 5 = 5) and “stronger intuition” (1 × 5 = 5), respectively, to assess the assumptions about the difference in the strength (...)
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  • Limits of the foreign language effect: intertemporal choice.Michał Białek, Artur Domurat, Mariola Paruzel-Czachura & Rafał Muda - 2022 - Thinking and Reasoning 28 (1):97-124.
    Intertemporal choice requires one to decide between smaller sooner and larger later payoffs and is captured by discount rates. Across two preregistered experiments testing three language pairs (Polish vs. English, Spanish, and German; Experiment 1) and with incentivized participants (Experiment 2), we found no evidence that using a foreign language decreased the strength or increased the consistency of intertemporal choices. On the contrary, there was some evidence of stronger discounting when a foreign language was used. We confirmed prior findings that (...)
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  • Not feeling right about uncertainty monitoring.Ian R. Newman & Valerie A. Thompson - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e133.
    De Neys proposed a “switch” model to address what he argued to be lacuna in dual-process theory, in which he theorized about the processes that initiate and terminate analytic thinking. We will argue that the author neglected to acknowledge the abundant literature on metacognitive functions, specifically, the meta-reasoning framework developed by Ackerman and Thompson (2017), that addresses just those questions.
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  • Biased Estimates of Environmental Impact in the Negative Footprint Illusion: The Nature of Individual Variation.Emma Threadgold, John E. Marsh, Mattias Holmgren, Hanna Andersson, Megan Nelson & Linden J. Ball - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    People consistently act in ways that harm the environment, even when believing their actions are environmentally friendly. A case in point is a biased judgment termed the negative footprint illusion, which arises when people believe that the addition of “eco-friendly” items to conventional items, reduces the total carbon footprint of the whole item-set, whereas the carbon footprint is, in fact, increased because eco-friendly items still contribute to the overall carbon footprint. Previous research suggests this illusion is the manifestation of an (...)
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  • Who detects and why: how do individual differences in cognitive characteristics underpin different types of responses to reasoning tasks?Nikola Erceg, Zvonimir Galić, Andreja Bubić & Dino Jelić - 2023 - Thinking and Reasoning 29 (4):594-642.
    One of the most famous problems in the decision-making literature is the “bat and a ball” problem from the cognitive reflection test (CRT; Frederick, 2005). The problem goes as follows: „A bat and...
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  • Can Damasio's Somatic Marker Hypothesis Explain More Than Its Originator Will Admit?Geir Overskeid - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • To deliberate or not? The role of intuition and deliberation when controlling for irrelevant information in selection decisions.Hagai Rabinovitch, Yoella Bereby-Meyer & David V. Budescu - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105105.
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  • The Effect of Response Inhibition Training on Risky Decision-Making Task Performance.Pengbo Xu, Yuqin di WuChen, Ziwei Wang & Wei Xiao - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  • Superlatives, clickbaits, appeals to authority, poor grammar, or boldface: Is editorial style related to the credibility of online health messages?Katarína Greškovičová, Radomír Masaryk, Nikola Synak & Vladimíra Čavojová - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Adolescents, as active online searchers, have easy access to health information. Much health information they encounter online is of poor quality and even contains potentially harmful health information. The ability to identify the quality of health messages disseminated via online technologies is needed in terms of health attitudes and behaviors. This study aims to understand how different ways of editing health-related messages affect their credibility among adolescents and what impact this may have on the content or format of health information. (...)
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  • Plausible or problematic? Evaluating logical fallacies in a scientific text.Simon P. Tiffin-Richards, Hannes Münchow & Tobias Richter - forthcoming - Thinking and Reasoning.
    Informal arguments are integral to socioscientific discourse. However, even university students often struggle to judge the plausibility of arguments accurately. We investigated whether strategic reanalysis while reading, i.e., looking back and rereading parts of a text, predicts the likelihood of detecting and processing implausible arguments. In two experiments, participants’ eye movements were recorded while they read arguments embedded in an expository text. The text was presented passage by passage and participants judged the plausibility of each section in turn. The results (...)
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