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Contemporary philosophy of social science: a multicultural approach

Cambridge, Mass: Blackwell (1996)

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  1. Chinese and Western philosophy in dialogue.Ronnie Littlejohn & Qingjun Li - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (1):10-20.
    We are pleased to provide two explorations on the topic of dialogue in Chinese philosophy. In this paper, we consider the educational and theoretical dialogues in China resulting from the encounter...
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  • Sense of Place, Fast and Slow: The Potential Contributions of Affordance Theory to Sense of Place.Christopher M. Raymond, Marketta Kyttä & Richard Stedman - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:285227.
    Over the past 40 years, the sense of place concept has been well-established across a range of applications and settings; however, most theoretical developments have ‘privileged the slow’. Evidence suggests that place attachments and place meanings are slow to evolve, sometimes not matching material or social reality (lag effects), and also tending to inhibit change. Here we present some key blind spots in sense of place scholarship and then suggest how a reconsideration of sense of place as ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ (...)
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  • Error and objectivity: Cognitive illusions and qualitative research.M. A. Paley - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (3):196–209.
    Psychological research has shown that cognitive illusions, of which visual illusions are just a special case, are systematic and pervasive, raising epistemological questions about how error in all forms of research can be identified and eliminated. The quantitative sciences make use of statistical techniques for this purpose, but it is not clear what the qualitative equivalent is, particularly in view of widespread scepticism about validity and objectivity. I argue that, in the light of cognitive psychology, the ‘error question’ cannot be (...)
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  • Error and objectivity: cognitive illusions and qualitative research.John Paley - 2005 - Nursing Philosophy 6 (3):196-209.
    Psychological research has shown that cognitive illusions, of which visual illusions are just a special case, are systematic and pervasive, raising epistemological questions about how error in all forms of research can be identified and eliminated. The quantitative sciences make use of statistical techniques for this purpose, but it is not clear what the qualitative equivalent is, particularly in view of widespread scepticism about validity and objectivity. I argue that, in the light of cognitive psychology, the ‘error question’ cannot be (...)
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  • God, Ontology and Management: A Philosophical Praxis.Margaret R. DiMarco Allen - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (3):303-330.
    A philosophy of management that incorporates the big picture of human experience, all levels, and degrees of awareness in relationship with the world, will better develop and sustain an environment conducive to creative contributions that meet organizational goals. Quantum physics reveals the nature of reality to be connection and creativity engaged in a process of actualizing possibilities. Human beings participate in this process of actualization, as both observer-creator and experiencer of the universe through multiple domains of knowing – a collaborator (...)
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  • Schizophrenia, mental capacity, and rational suicide.Jeanette Hewitt - 2010 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 31 (1):63-77.
    A diagnosis of schizophrenia is often taken to denote a state of global irrationality within the psychiatric paradigm, wherein psychotic phenomena are seen to equate with a lack of mental capacity. However, the little research that has been undertaken on mental capacity in psychiatric patients shows that people with schizophrenia are more likely to experience isolated, rather than constitutive, irrationality and are therefore not necessarily globally incapacitated. Rational suicide has not been accepted as a valid choice for people with schizophrenia (...)
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  • Learning and the social nature of mental powers.Andrew Davis - 2005 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 37 (5):635–647.
    Over the last two decades the traditional conception of intelligence and other mental powers as stable individual assets has been challenged by approaches in psychology emphasising context and ‘situated cognition’. This paper argues that the debate should not be seen as an empirical dispute, and relates it to discussions in philosophy of mind between methodological solipsists and varieties of externalists. In the light of this I argue that attempts to conceptualise the identity over time of mental powers qua individual assets (...)
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  • Religious Upbringing, Religious Diversity and the Child’s Right to an Open Future>.J. Morgan - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (5):367-387.
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  • The Role of Authority in Science and Religion with Implications for Science Teaching and Learning.Mike U. Smith - 2013 - Science & Education 22 (3):605-634.
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  • ‘Thus’: reflections on Loughborough relativism.Gregor Mclennan - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (3):85-101.
    Through two exchanges in this journal, a type of relativism has been advanced by a group of authors from Loughborough University with a view to demolishing what they see as ‘bottom line’ arguments for critical realism in the social sciences. Jauntily dismissing realism, they also soberly disown the supposed ‘extreme’ consequences that some realists insist follow naturally from relativist conceptions of social inquiry. In this article, I contest the Loughborough team’s arguments. Their presentation of relativism itself can be reconstructed in (...)
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  • Belief, Knowledge and Understanding.Frederik Moreira-dos-Santos & Charbel N. El-Hani - 2017 - Science & Education 26 (3-4):215-245.
    This article discusses how to deal with the relations between different cultural perspectives in classrooms, based on a proposal for considering understanding and knowledge as goals of science education, inspired by Dewey’s naturalistic humanism. It thus combines educational and philosophical interests. In educational terms, our concerns relate to how science teachers position themselves in multicultural classrooms. In philosophical terms, we are interested in discussing the relations between belief, understanding, and knowledge under the light of Dewey’s philosophy. We present a synthesis (...)
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  • Cultivating quality awareness in corona times.Guus Timmerman, Andries Baart & Jan den Bakker - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (2):189-204.
    The Covid-19 pandemic is a tragedy for those who have been hard hit worldwide. At the same time, it is also a test of concepts and practices of what good care is and requires, and how quality of care can be accounted for. In this paper, we present our Care-Ethical Model of Quality Enquiry (CEMQUE) and apply it to the case of residential care for older people in the Netherlands during the Covid-19 pandemic. Instead of thinking about care in healthcare (...)
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  • Education and the possibility of outsider understanding.David Bridges - 2009 - Ethics and Education 4 (2):105-123.
    In education issues to do with insider and outsider understanding arise in debates about religious education and about certain areas of research, and in argument about education for international understanding. Here I challenge the dichotomy between insider and outsider, arguing that a more collectivist view of human identity combined with elements of 'the self which we share with our fellows' means that we always stand in part as an insider and in part as an outsider in relation to others. I (...)
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  • (1 other version)‘Lookism’, Common Schools, Respect and Democracy.Andrew Davis - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):811–827.
    The Common School should promote a sense of the distinctive worth of all human beings. How is the respect thus owed to every individual to be properly understood? This familiar question is explored by discussing ‘lookism’, a form of discrimination on the grounds of appearance. The treatment is located within a wider analysis of stereotyping. Ultimately stereotyping overlooks persons as sources of actions with moral significance and as potential owners of moral virtues. The Common School could profitably approach traditionally emotive (...)
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  • How can attending physicians be more attentive? On being attentive versus producing attentiveness.Klaartje Klaver & Andries Baart - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (3):351-359.
    This article is about caregivers being attentive to patients in healthcare. From earlier work on the understanding of the other, we know that it is impossible to completely understand the experiences of others. By the sharing of subjectivity—intersubjectivity—we may try to ‘grasp’ the other’s point of view. However, we can never assume that the same experience produces the same experience. Now, if it is principally impossible to understand the experience of one another, and if paying attention always implies an understanding (...)
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  • Generalised chronic musculoskeletal pain as a rational reaction to a life situation?Eldri Steen & Liv Haugli - 2000 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 21 (6):581-599.
    While the biomedical model is still theleading paradigm within modern medicine and healthcare, and people with generalised chronicmusculoskeletal pain are frequent users of health careservices, their diagnoses are rated as having thelowest prestige among health care personnel. Anepistemological framework for understanding relationsbetween body, emotions, mind and meaning is presented.An approach based on a phenomenological epistemologyis discussed as a supplement to actions based on thebiomedical model.Within the phenomenological frame of understanding,the body is viewed as a subject and carrier ofmeaning, and therefore (...)
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  • A non-reductive science of personality, character, and well-being must take the person's worldview into account.Artur Nilsson - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  • Interpretivism in Aiding Our Understanding of the Contemporary Social World.Muhammad Faisol Chowdhury - 2014 - Open Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):432-438.
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  • What Is Philosophy of Social Science?Cathrine Holst - 2009 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 23 (3):313-321.
    Patrick Baert Cambridge, Polity Press, 2005viii + 210 pp., ISBN 9780745622460, £50.00, €62.50 (hardback); ISBN 9780745622477, £17.99, €22.50 (paperback) Hans Dooremalen, Herman de Regt & Maurice Sc...
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  • Living signs in a rigidly patterned world: How healthy can it be?Floyd Merrell - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (147):107-134.
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  • Parity: (im) possible? Interplay of knowledge forms in patient education.Anita Strøm, Tone Kvernbekk & May S. Fagermoen - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (2):94-101.
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  • Consistency, understanding and truth in educational research.Andrew Davis - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):487–500.
    What do Elliot Eisner's discussions of objectivity mean for the strength of the link between consistency and truth in educational research? Following his lead, I pursue this question by comparing aspects of qualitative educational research with appraising the arts. I argue that some departures from the highest levels of consistency in assessing the arts are compatible with truth and objectivity, and that this is at least suggestive for how consistency in qualitative educational research should be viewed. In the final part (...)
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  • Beyond absolutism and relativism in transpersonal evolutionary theory.Jorge N. Ferrer - 1998 - World Futures 52 (3):239-280.
    This paper critically examines Ken Wilber's transpersonal evolutionary theory in the context of the philosophical discourse of postmodernity. The critique focuses on Wilber's refutation of non?absolutist and non?universalist approaches to rationality, truth, and morality?such as cultural relativism, pluralism, constructivism or perspectivism?under the charges of being epistemologically self?refuting and morally pernicious. First, it is suggested that Wilber offers a faulty dichotomy between his absolutist?universalist metanarrative and a self?contradictory and pernicious vulgar relativism. Second, it is shown that Wilber's arguments for the self?refuting (...)
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  • “Repressive Tolerance”: Herbert Marcuse’s Exercise in Social Epistemology.Rodney Fopp - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (2):105-122.
    When Herbert Marcuse's essay entitled “Repressive tolerance” was published in the mid-1960s it was trenchantly criticised because it was anti-democratic and defied the academic canon of value neutrality. Yet his argument is attracting renewed interest in the 21st century, particularly when, post 9/11, the thresholds or limits of tolerance are being contested. This article argues that Marcuse's original essay was concerned to problematise the dominant social understandings of tolerance at the time, which were more about insisting that individual citizens tolerate (...)
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  • Perspectives on midwifery power: an exploration of the findings of the Inquiry into peripartum hysterectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Ireland.Anne Matthews & P. Anne Scott - 2008 - Nursing Inquiry 15 (2):127-134.
    The Lourdes Hospital Inquiry: An inquiry into peripartum hysterectomy at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda, Ireland, of 2006 recounts in detail the circumstances within which 188 peripartum hysterectomies were carried out at the hospital between 1974 and 1998. The findings of the inquiry have serious ramifications for Irish healthcare delivery and have implications for many professional groups, including midwives. The findings prompt clear questions about the relative position or power of midwives within maternity care. These questions are examined in (...)
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  • The case for fiction as qualitative research: towards a non-referential ground for meaning.Stijn Mus - 2012 - Ethics and Education 7 (2):137-148.
    In the wake of the crisis of representation, the qualitative approaches have gained momentum within the social sciences. This crisis has lead to a widespread awareness about the need to incorporate the subject's understanding in the research design. Yet, the validity of qualitative accounts is still regarded as a function of its representative accuracy. This, and not its meaningfulness, remains the qualifying property to judge its value. I argue that this can only be overcome by a retreat from realist ontology. (...)
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  • On the nature of time: a biopragmatic perspective on language, thought, and reality.Nils B. Thelin - 2014 - Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet.
    This book is a synthesis of more than three decades of research into the concept of time and its semiotic nature. If traditional philosophy – and philosophy of time should be no exception – in the shadow of advancing biology can be said to have reached an impasse, one important reason for this, in harmony with Wittgenstein’s vision, appears to have been its lack of appropriate tools for explicating language. The present theory of time proceeds, accordingly, from the exploration of (...)
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  • The Psychology of Worldviews: Toward a Non-Reductive Science of Personality.Artur Nilsson - unknown
    Persons are not just mechanical systems of instinctual animalistic proclivities, but also language-producing, existentially aware creatures, whose experiences and actions are drenched in subjective meaning. To understand a human being as a person is to understand him or her as a rational system that wants, fears, hopes, believes, and in other ways imbues the world with meaning, rather than just a mechanical system that is subject to the same chains of cause and effect as other animals. But contemporary personality psychology (...)
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