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  1. Natürlich – künstlich – zerstört: Eine Verhältnisbestimmung im Kontext der menschlichen Evolutionsgeschichte.Christoph Leumann - 2024 - In Markus Dangl & Jürgen H. Franz (eds.), Natur, Kultur und Technik. Berlin: Frank & Timme. pp. 17 - 28.
    Als eine von tausenden von Arten, welche im Zuge der Evolution nach dem darwinschen Prinzip von Variation und natürlicher Selektion entstanden sind, ist der Mensch ein Teil der Natur. Eine Besonderheit scheint ihn allerdings von allen anderen Systemen der Natur abzuheben: Er besitzt die Fähigkeit, Dinge zu erzeugen, die ihrerseits nicht mehr Teil der Natur sind. Denn Objekte wie Werkzeuge, Gebäude, Musikinstrumente oder Bücher sind zwar Teil der physischen Welt, sie gehören aber nur schon deshalb nicht zur Natur, weil sie (...)
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  • Our Phenomenal Universe: Resolving the Mind-Body Problem.Craig Philpot - manuscript
    Many philosophers argue that the mind-body problem is unresolvable, that there are irreconcilable differences between the physical world and the way the mind experiences it. Several others argue that the problem represents an incompleteness of the Galilean view, which conceptually divides the world into two models (physical and consciousness). Recent debates have centered around a proposal to radically alter the physical model to account for the mind-body relationship. However, critics argue that the general approach is flawed and that the specific (...)
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  • Consciousness and Complexity: Neurobiological Naturalism and Integrated Information Theory.Francesco Ellia & Robert Chis-Ciure - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 100 (C):103281.
    In this paper, we take a meta-theoretical stance and aim to compare and assess two conceptual frameworks that endeavor to explain phenomenal experience. In particular, we compare Feinberg & Mallatt’s Neurobiological Naturalism (NN) and Tononi’s and colleagues' Integrated Information Theory (IIT), given that the former pointed out some similarities between the two theories (Feinberg & Mallatt 2016c-d). To probe their similarity, we first give a general introduction to both frameworks. Next, we expound a ground plan for carrying out our analysis. (...)
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  • The Search for Invertebrate Consciousness.Jonathan Birch - 2020 - Noûs 56 (1):133-153.
    There is no agreement on whether any invertebrates are conscious and no agreement on a methodology that could settle the issue. How can the debate move forward? I distinguish three broad types of approach: theory-heavy, theory-neutral and theory-light. Theory-heavy and theory-neutral approaches face serious problems, motivating a middle path: the theory-light approach. At the core of the theory-light approach is a minimal commitment about the relation between phenomenal consciousness and cognition that is compatible with many specific theories of consciousness: the (...)
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  • The why of the phenomenal aspect of consciousness: Its main functions and the mechanisms underpinning it.Giorgio Marchetti - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 913309 (13):1-20.
    What distinguishes conscious information processing from other kinds of information processing is its phenomenal aspect (PAC), the-what-it-is-like for an agent to experience something. The PAC supplies the agent with a sense of self, and informs the agent on how its self is affected by the agent’s own operations. The PAC originates from the activity that attention performs to detect the state of what I define “the self” (S). S is centered and develops on a hierarchy of innate and acquired values, (...)
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  • Multiple Routes to Animal Consciousness: Constrained Multiple Realizability Rather Than Modest Identity Theory.Jon Mallatt & Todd E. Feinberg - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:732336.
    The multiple realizability thesis (MRT) is an important philosophical and psychological concept. It says any mental state can be constructed by multiple realizability (MR), meaning in many distinct ways from different physical parts. The goal of our study is to find if the MRT applies to the mental state of consciousness among animals. Many things have been written about MRT but the ones most applicable to animal consciousness are by Shapiro in a 2004 book called The Mind Incarnate and by (...)
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  • Unlimited associative learning and consciousness: further support and some caveats about a link to stress.Jon Mallatt - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (2):1-6.
    Birch, Ginsburg, and Jablonka, in an article in this issue of Biology and Philosophy, provided a much-needed condensation of their well-reasoned theory of Unlimited Associative Learning. This theory compellingly identifies the conscious animals and the time when the evolutionary transition to consciousness was completed. The authors convincingly explained their use of UAL as a “transition marker,” identified two more features by which UAL can be recognized, showed how UAL’s learning features relate to consciousness, and how investigating consciousness is analogous to (...)
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  • Spicilegium Philosophicum.Alin Tat & Dan Siserman (eds.) - 2022 - Cluj: Cluj University Press.
    Se vorbește îndeobște mai mult despre un spirit al timpului (Zeitgeist) și amprenta acestuia asupra modului în care noi înțelegem și reflectăm lumea – asemenea cerului, al cărui joc de lumini și umbre oferă un contur de culoare lucrurilor. Nu trebuie însă să uităm solul din care ideile încolțesc și spiritul locului (Raumgeist) care le‐a animat creșterea. În acest orizont au loc întâlnirile, împlinirile, speranțele și dezamăgirile care ne edifică ca oameni și ne orientează busola căutărilor filosofice și spirituale. Există (...)
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