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The Powers of Pure Reason: Kant and the Idea of Cosmic Philosophy

Chicago: University of Chicago Press (2015)

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  1. Can Metaphysics Become a Science for Kant?Gabriele Gava - 2023 - In Robb Dunphy & Toby Lovat (eds.), Metaphysics as a Science in Classical German Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group. pp. 150-166.
    In this chapter, I investigate a problem for Kant’s claim that metaphysics can reach the status of science. The problem arises when one considers Kant’s account of the “architectonic unity” of metaphysics in the Architectonic of Pure Reason. Attaining architectonic unity is a condition for becoming a science for any body of cognitions that purports to be such. This is achieved when the cognitions belonging to a science are systematically organized according to the “idea of reason” which lies at the (...)
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  • Husserl's Project, Critique, and Idea of Reason.Andrea Cimino - 2020 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (2):183-217.
    The present study seeks to accomplish three goals: to shed light on the problem of reason in Husserl’s co-inherited philosophical project, to elucidate his transcendental critique of reason, and to present Husserl's idea of reason in its distinctive features. A historical excursus first provides a frame to understand the necessity of a critique of reason, its proper subject-matter, and its function for the project of genuine philosophy. In particular, this historical reflection identifies the form that a critique must assume in (...)
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  • On the Concept of Real Use of Reason.Mario Pedro Miguel Caimi - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):403-423.
    The subject matter of the article is the concept of “the real use of reason” alluded to by Kant in Critique of Pure Reason A299/b355 and in A305/b362. After comparing it with the “real use of understanding” examined in De mundi sensibilis and in the Critique of Pure Reason, the real use of reason is presented as a legitimate and useful performance that should be distinguished from the deceiving illusion induced by an appearance generated by reason itself. The real use (...)
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  • Between Old and New Teleology. Kant on Maupertuis’ Principle of Least Action.Rudolf Meer - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):265-280.
    In the Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic, Kant formulates teleological principles, or rather ideas, and explicates them referring to concrete examples of natural science such as chemistry, astronomy, biology, empirical psychology, and physical geography. Despite the increasing interest in the systematic relevance of the Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic and its importance for Kant’s conception of natural science, the numerous historical sources for the regulative use of reason have not yet been investigated. One that is very central is Maupertuis’ principle (...)
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  • Kant’s World Concept of Philosophy and Cosmopolitanism.Courtney Fugate - 2019 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 101 (4):535-583.
    The goal of this paper is to better understand Kant’s conception of philosophy as a “world concept”, which is at the heart of the Architectonic of Pure Reason. This is pursued in two major parts. The first evaluates the textual foundation for reading Kant’s world concept of philosophy as cosmopolitanism and concludes that he most probably never himself equated philosophy as a world concept with any form of cosmopolitanism. The second major part of the paper clarifies this concept of philosophy (...)
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  • A Kantian Account of Emotions as Feelings1.Alix Cohen - 2020 - Mind 129 (514):429-460.
    The aim of this paper is to extract from Kant's writings an account of the nature of the emotions and their function – and to do so despite the fact that Kant neither uses the term ‘emotion’ nor offers a systematic treatment of it. Kant's position, as I interpret it, challenges the contemporary trends that define emotions in terms of other mental states and defines them instead first and foremost as ‘feelings’. Although Kant's views on the nature of feelings have (...)
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  • Why did Kant conclude the Critique of Pure Reason with "the history of pure reason"?Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2016 - Kant Studies Online 2016 (1):78-104.
    In this paper I examine Kant's conception of the history of pure reason and its relation to his metaphilosophy as it is presented in the Critique of Pure Reason [Kritik der reinen Vernunft] (KrV). In particular, I will attempt to answer the following question: why did Kant conclude the KrV with the history of pure reason and why did he insist that, without it, a gap would remain in his system? In the course of attempting to answer this question, I (...)
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  • Autonomy, dignity and history in Caranti’s Kant’s political legacy.Luigi Filieri - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (4):586-597.
    In this paper I discuss some relevant theses of Caranti?s Kant?s Political Legacy, whose aim is to provide a consistent account of how we could develop Kant?s political thought and see to what extent Kant?s insights can help us to critically understand the 21st century?s political world. First, I will focus on autonomy as the ground of dignity and discuss Caranti?s arguments against the exclusiveness of the Categorical Imperative as the sole principle of true moral agency. Second, I will take (...)
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  • Kant on Moral Feelings, Moral Desires and the Cultivation of Virtue.Alix Cohen - 2018 - In Sally Sedgwick & Dina Emundts (eds.), Begehren / Desire. De Gruyter. pp. 3-18.
    This paper argues that contrary to what is often thought, virtue for Kant is not just a matter of strength of will; it has an essential affective dimension. To support this claim, I show that certain affective dispositions, namely moral feelings and desires, are virtuous in the sense that they are constitutive of virtue at the affective level. There is thus an intrinsic connection between an agent’s practice of virtue and the cultivation of her affective dispositions.
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  • On Nietzsche’s Criticism Towards Common Sense Realism in Human, All Too Human I, 11.Pietro Gori - 2017 - Philosophical Readings 9 (3):207-213.
    The paper explores Nietzsche's observations on language in Human, All Too Human I, 11; reflects on the anti-realist position that Nietzsche defends in that aphorism; and focuses on the role she plays in his later investigation on Western culture and its anthropology. As will be argued, Nietzsche's criticism towards common sense realism is consistent with some pragmatist epistemologies developed during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century. This treat of " timeliness " does not limit Nietzsche's originality on the topic. In fact, (...)
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  • Towards a Unity of Theoretical and Practical Reason: On the Constitutive Significance of the Transcendental Dialectic.Robert König - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):622-635.
    The article focuses on re-evaluating Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic by initially highlighting its seemingly negative function within the Critique of Pure Reason as a mere regulative form for cognition and experience. The Dialectic, however, does not only have such a negative-regulative function but also its very own positive and founding character for cognition that even is present in the supposedly most immediate forms of intuition. In exploring this positive side of the Transcendental Dialectic it becomes clear that it manifests itself as (...)
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  • Kant on the Purposiveness of the Reflecting Power of Judgment.Luigi Filieri - 2021 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 14 (2):29-40.
    In this paper I argue that 1) Kant’s power of judgment is constitutively always reflecting, as its lawful employments involve a preliminary self-reference of the faculties the power of judgment itself is required to connect and let them match with each other. Accordingly, I claim that 2) the principle of purposiveness is the principle of the power of judgment as such, and not just of an allegedly self-standing reflecting branch of this faculty. I criticize the view that Kant draws a (...)
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  • Systematicity, Purposiveness, Necessity: from the transcendental deduction of the ideas to the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature.Lorenzo Sala - 2021 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 14 (2):41-53.
    In this paper I argue for a strong continuity between the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature and the transcendental deduction of the ideas from the first critique. On these grounds, I provide an interpretation of the transcendental deduction of the principle of purposiveness of nature in which I argue that: 1) the necessity of the principle of purposiveness of nature does not derive from its role in solving some specific philosophical problem but from its relation to (...)
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  • Uso logico e uso reale della ragione: origine e ruolo regolativo delle idee.Lorenzo Sala - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 8:303-318.
    In questo articolo si analizzano congiuntamente l'origine delle idee e il loro uso regolativo. A questo scopo si comincia considerando la connessione tra uso logico della ragione e definizione della ragione in generale come facoltà dei principi. Si considera poi come la rappresentazione di un incondizionato derivi necessariamente dall'uso logico, e come quindi questo implichi necessariamente un uso reale della ragione. Si considera poi come le varie rappresentazioni dell'incondizionato diano origine alle idee trascendentali. Infine, si considera l'uso regolativo delle idee (...)
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  • Kant’s Theory of the Highest Good Revisited. New Essays on an Architectonic Concept.Luciano Perulli & Luigi Filieri - 2022 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 3 (3):295-299.
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  • Reflective Judgment's Potentials in the Formation of Juridical Nature in Kant.Ali Salmani & Saeed Hajrashidian - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 15 (35):134-158.
    Perhaps one of the most pivotal ideas of Kant which connects all of the periods of his continuous intellectual work is the idea of the nature as the whole. According to Kant the nature as the whole is equivalent to totality and universality. This is the rule of the fundamental idea: the particulars finally must be under the general in order to be explicable. But it is interesting to note that this general rule which remains unchanged in Kant’s three periods (...)
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  • Illusione e Inganno: parvenza trascendentale e critica come katharsis in Kant.Cassandra Basile - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 7:410-426.
    Intento di questo scritto è considerare la parvenza trascendentale all’interno di una cornice più ampia, ossia in relazione alla parvenza sensoriale, in quanto benché nell’Introduzione alla «Dialettica Trascendentale» Kant faccia solo brevi riferimenti alla parvenza dei sensi, per soffermarsi, invece, sulla parvenza oggetto di critica, mia convinzione è che, in realtà, sia possibile istituire un parallelo tra le due parvenze, perché ritengo che il modo in cui Kant struttura la questione della parvenza trascendentale sia mutuato da quella sensoriale sia rispetto (...)
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  • A Note on Some Contemporary Readings of Hegel's Master-Slave Dialectic.Elisa Magrì - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (1):238-256.
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  • The Nature of the Critique of Pure Reason and the Architectonic Unity of Metaphysics: A Response to my Critics.Gabriele Gava - 2024 - Kantian Review 29 (1).
    I respond to Karin de Boer, Thomas Land, and Claudio La Rocca’s comments on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason and the Method of Metaphysics (CUP 2023). I first provide a quick outline of some of the main claims I make in the book. I then directly address their criticisms, which I group into three categories. The first group of comments raises doubts concerning my characterization of the central tasks of the critique of pure reason. The second targets the fact that (...)
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  • Vocation and Destination in Kant’s Practical Philosophy.James DiCenso - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (10):121-139.
    Kant frequently employs the German term Bestimmung in his mature work, and depending on context, this term can signify the Latin determinatio, vocatio, or destinatio. These three senses of Bestimmung are interconnected within Kant’s system of moral teleology. Bestimmung as determination expresses our wills as formed and regulated by the moral law, via the categorical imperative. Bestimmung as vocation guides us toward a determination of willing by rational principles based on the moral law, and this “call” is inseparable from our (...)
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  • The 1860s Kant revival and the Philosophical Society of Berlin.Lauri Kallio - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 15 (3):192-219.
    Neo-Kantianism emerged over the course of the 1860s and it occupied a leading position in the German universities from the 1870s until the First World War. Demands for getting "back to Kant" had become common since the early 1860s, and these demands were discussed in the meetings of the Philosophical Society of Berlin (Philosophische Gesellschaft zu Berlin; PGB), which was the international organization of Hegelians. In this paper I address some reactions among the PGB members to the 1860s Kant revival. (...)
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  • From the first to the third Critique. Judgment sensible position and Kant’s concept of Zweckmäßigkeit.Antonio Branca - 2021 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 14 (2):55-64.
    Starting from Lyotard’s definition of Kantian reflection as “judgment repercussion”, my contribution aims to describe the logical side of this repercussion. To do this, I will focus on Kant’s concept of “judgment”, explaining it as the logical act of constitution of experience. I will then point out how judgment involves sensibility for its self-affection and restriction to sensibility. Finally, I’ll give a nominal explication of Kant’s concept of Zweckmäßigkeit, returning to Lyotard’s interpretation. The purpose, in so doing, is to offer (...)
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  • J. S. Beck’s Theory of the Original Representing as an Interpretation of Kant.Luigi Filieri - 2021 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 103 (3):501-530.
    This paper explores Beck’s theory of original representing in order to discuss both its historical and theoretical relevance and its implications concerning Kant’s views on the capacity to judge. My first concern will be to highlight the main points of Beck’s Kant interpretation and to show at which points he misunderstands Kant. My analysis also contains a positive aspect, for I adopt Beck’s claim that there is only one possible standpoint from which critical philosophy ought to be judged. Unlike Beck, (...)
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  • Natura e funzione delle idee trascendentali.Luigi Filieri - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 7:392-409.
    Scopo della presente ricerca è identificare all’interno della «Dialettica» della prima Critica i due tipi di necessità, naturale e funzionale, di cui sono portatori i concetti puri della ragione nonché di chiarire in che modo l’uno sia legato all’altro. Partendo da un chiarimento terminologico relativo alla parola idea si vuole rendere conto del significato del completamento della serie delle condizioni dell’intelletto da parte della ragione, tanto nei termini di una sistematizzazione dell’esperienza quanto nell’ottica di un rimando alla libertà come forma (...)
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  • Kant on the Sources of Metaphysics: The Dialectic of Pure Reason. [REVIEW]Stephen Howard - 2018 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (2):251-256.
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  • Antropologia come "general Weltkenntniß" Kant e la concezione cosmica dell'umano.Angelo Cicatello - 2018 - Con-Textos Kantianos 8:377-392.
    Il progetto antropologico di un mondo-ambiente nel quale l'uomo, grazie allo sviluppo delle proprie capacità, trova la sua posizione e conquista un ruolo centrale, si inserisce, in Kant, all'interno in un disegno più ampio che pone l'uomo al cospetto di scopi la cui realizzazione va ben al di là di quel che egli può fare; va ben al di là dell'immagine pragmatica di un mondo pensato e progettato a misura d'uomo. Come risulta insufficiente, dunque, ogni antropologia fisiologica che rimanga limitata (...)
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  • Architettoniche della ragione: il concetto di sistema in Kant e Hegel.Mario Pati - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:114-143.
    L’esigenza di conferire alla filosofia lo status di scienza per il tramite della forma sistematica è una delle caratteristiche principali dell’idealismo tedesco e, conseguentemente, una peculiarità ravvisabile nella filosofia e di Kant e di Hegel. Il presente contributo mira precisamente a comparare il sistema della ragione kantiano e hegeliano, al fine di metterne in luce gli elementi teoretici distintivi. In tal modo, sarà possibile rilevare non solo l’influsso esercitato dal filosofo di Königsberg sul pensatore di Stoccarda, ma anche l’originalità con (...)
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