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The case for case, dins

In Emmon W. Bach & Robert Thomas Harms, Universals in Linguistic Theory. (Edited by Emmon Bach, Robert T. Harms ... Contributing Authors, Charles J. Fillmore ... Paul Kiparsky ... James D. McCawley.). New York, NY, USA: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston (1968)

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  1. Précis of O'Keefe & Nadel's The hippocampus as a cognitive map.John O'Keefe & Lynn Nadel - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):487-494.
    Theories of spatial cognition are derived from many sources. Psychologists are concerned with determining the features of the mind which, in combination with external inputs, produce our spatialized experience. A review of philosophical and other approaches has convinced us that the brain must come equipped to impose a three-dimensional Euclidean framework on experience – our analysis suggests that object re-identification may require such a framework. We identify this absolute, nonegocentric, spatial framework with a specific neural system centered in the hippocampus.A (...)
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  • From Event Representation to Linguistic Meaning.Ercenur Ünal, Yue Ji & Anna Papafragou - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (1):224-242.
    A fundamental aspect of human cognition is the ability to parse our constantly unfolding experience into meaningful representations of dynamic events and to communicate about these events with others. How do we communicate about events we have experienced? Influential theories of language production assume that the formulation and articulation of a linguistic message is preceded by preverbal apprehension that captures core aspects of the event. Yet the nature of these preverbal event representations and the way they are mapped onto language (...)
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  • The cognitive map as a hippocampus.John O'Keefe & Lynn Nadel - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):520-533.
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  • Language Reflects “Core” Cognition: A New Theory About the Origin of Cross-Linguistic Regularities.Brent Strickland - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (1):70-101.
    The underlying structures that are common to the world's languages bear an intriguing connection with early emerging forms of “core knowledge” (Spelke & Kinzler, 2007), which are frequently studied by infant researchers. In particular, grammatical systems often incorporate distinctions (e.g., the mass/count distinction) that reflect those made in core knowledge (e.g., the non-verbal distinction between an object and a substance). Here, I argue that this connection occurs because non-verbal core knowledge systematically biases processes of language evolution. This account potentially explains (...)
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  • Elucidations of meaning.James Higginbotham - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (4):465 - 517.
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  • Atomism, pluralism, and conceptual content.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 79 (1):131-163.
    Conceptual atomists argue that most of our concepts are primitive. I take up three arguments that have been thought to support atomism and show that they are inconclusive. The evidence that allegedly backs atomism is equally compatible with a localist position on which concepts are structured representations with complex semantic content. I lay out such a localist position and argue that the appropriate position for a non-atomist to adopt is a pluralist view of conceptual structure. I show several ways in (...)
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  • Event Structures Drive Semantic Structural Priming, Not Thematic Roles: Evidence From Idioms and Light Verbs.Jayden Ziegler, Jesse Snedeker & Eva Wittenberg - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (8):2918-2949.
    What are the semantic representations that underlie language production? We use structural priming to distinguish between two competing theories. Thematic roles define semantic structure in terms of atomic units that specify event participants and are ordered with respect to each other through a hierarchy of roles. Event structures instead instantiate semantic structure as embedded sub‐predicates that impose an order on verbal arguments based on their relative positioning in these embeddings. Across two experiments, we found that priming for datives depended on (...)
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  • Deep structure as logical form.Gilbert Harman - 1970 - Synthese 21 (3-4):275 - 297.
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  • Spatial mapping only a special case of hippocampal function.Jeffrey A. Gray - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):501-503.
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  • In Defense of Definitions.David Pitt - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (2):139-156.
    The arguments of Fodor, Garret, Walker and Parkes [(1980) Against definitions, Cognition, 8, 263-367] are the source of widespread skepticism in cognitive science about lexical semantic structure. Whereas the thesis that lexical items, and the concepts they express, have decompositional structure (i.e. have significant constituents) was at one time "one of those ideas that hardly anybody [in the cognitive sciences] ever considers giving up" (p. 264), most researchers now believe that "[a]ll the evidence suggests that the classical [(decompositional)] view is (...)
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  • In defense of passive.Emmon W. Bach - 1979 - Linguistics and Philosophy 3 (3):297 - 341.
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  • Waves and cells, maps and memories, space and time.J. Eric Holmes - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):505-506.
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  • Relations, operators, predicates, and the syntax of (verbal) propositional and (spatial) operational memory.Wayne A. Wickelgren - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):161-164.
    Relational, operator, and predicate systems are distinguished on the basis that they correspond to the three possible pair-wise bracketings into two constituents of the three parts of a proposition: relation, subject, and object. It is asserted that the verbal propositional modality (left hemisphere) uses a predicate grammar, while the spatial-image operational modality (right hemisphere) uses an operator grammar. Verbal propositional memory has the capacity for extensive propositional embedding while spatial operational memory does not.
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  • Natural Language Processing With Modular Pdp Networks and Distributed Lexicon.Risto Miikkulainen & Michael G. Dyer - 1991 - Cognitive Science 15 (3):343-399.
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  • On the Validity of Simulating Stagewise Development by Means of PDP Networks: Application of Catastrophe Analysis and an Experimental Test of Rule‐Like Network Performance.Maartje E. J. Raijmakers, Sylvester von Koten & Peter C. M. Molenaar - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):101-136.
    This article addresses the ability of Parallel Distributed Processing (PDP) networks to generate stagewise cognitive development in accordance with Piaget's theory of cognitive epigenesis. We carried out a replication study of the simulation experiments by McClelland (1989) and McClelland and Jenkins (1991) in which a PDP network learns to solve balance scale problems. In objective tests motivated from catastrophe theory, a mathematical theory of transitions in epigenetical systems, no evidence for stage transitions in network performance was found. It is concluded (...)
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  • Predication, fiction, and artificial intelligence.William J. Rapaport - 1991 - Topoi 10 (1):79-111.
    This paper describes the SNePS knowledge-representation and reasoning system. SNePS is an intensional, propositional, semantic-network processing system used for research in AI. We look at how predication is represented in such a system when it is used for cognitive modeling and natural-language understanding and generation. In particular, we discuss issues in the representation of fictional entities and the representation of propositions from fiction, using SNePS. We briefly survey four philosophical ontological theories of fiction and sketch an epistemological theory of fiction (...)
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  • Temporal adverbials, tenses and the perfect.Frank Vlach - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (3):231 - 283.
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  • Differentiation in cognitive and emotional meanings: An evolutionary analysis.Philip J. Barnard, David J. Duke, Richard W. Byrne & Iain Davidson - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (6):1155-1183.
    It is often argued that human emotions, and the cognitions that accompany them, involve refinements of, and extensions to, more basic functionality shared with other species. Such refinements may rely on common or on distinct processes and representations. Multi-level theories of cognition and affect make distinctions between qualitatively different types of representations often dealing with bodily, affective and cognitive attributes of self-related meanings. This paper will adopt a particular multi-level perspective on mental architecture and show how a mechanism of subsystem (...)
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  • Subsymbolic Case‐Role Analysis of Sentences with Embedded Clauses.Risto Miikkulainen - 1996 - Cognitive Science 20 (1):47-73.
    A distributed neural network model called SPEC for processing sentences with recursive relative clauses is described. The model is based on separating the tasks of segmenting the input word sequence into clauses, forming the case‐role representations, and keeping track of the recursive embeddings into different modules. The system needs to be trained only with the basic sentence constructs, and it generalizes not only to new instances of familiar relative clause structures but to novel structures as well. SPEC exhibits plausible memory (...)
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  • A Model of the Time Course and Content of Reading.Robert Thibadeau, Marcel Adam Just & Patricia A. Carpenter - 1982 - Cognitive Science 6 (2):157-203.
    This paper describes a computer simulation of reading that is strongly driven by eye fixation data from human readers. The simulation, READER, is a natural language understanding system that reads a text word by word and whose processing cycles on each word have some correspondence with the human gaze duration on that word. READER operates within a newly developed information processing architecture, a Collaborative, Activation‐based, Production System (CAPS) that permits the modeling of the temporal properties of human comprehension. CAPS allows (...)
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  • Evidence for a Shared Instrument Prototype from English, Dutch, and German.Lilia Rissman, Saskia Putten & Asifa Majid - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (5):e13140.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 5, May 2022.
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  • Story grammars versus story points.Robert Wilensky - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):579.
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  • Evidence for a Shared Instrument Prototype from English, Dutch, and German.Lilia Rissman, Saskia van Putten & Asifa Majid - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (5):e13140.
    At conceptual and linguistic levels of cognition, events are said to be represented in terms of abstract categories, for example, the sentence Jackie cut the bagel with a knife encodes the categories Agent (i.e., Jackie) and Patient (i.e., the bagel). In this paper, we ask whether entities such as the knife are also represented in terms of such a category (often labeled “Instrument”) and, if so, whether this category has a prototype structure. We hypothesized the Proto-instrument is a tool: a (...)
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  • Artificial Intelligence, Language, and the Study of Knowledge*,†.Ira Goldstein & Seymour Papert - 1977 - Cognitive Science 1 (1):84-123.
    This paper studies the relationship of Artificial Intelligence to the study of language and the representation of the underlying knowledge which supports the comprehension process. It develops the view that intelligence is based on the ability to use large amounts of diverse kinds of knowledge in procedural ways, rather than on the possession of a few general and uniform principles. The paper also provides a unifying thread to a variety of recent approaches to natural language comprehension. We conclude with a (...)
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  • Clusters: On the structure of lexical concepts.Agustín Vicente - 2010 - Dialectica 64 (1):79-106.
    The paper argues for a decompositionalist account of lexical concepts. In particular, it presents and argues for a cluster decompositionalism, a view that claims that the complexes a token of a word corresponds to on a given occasion are typically built out of a determinate set of basic concepts, most of which are present on most other occasions of use of the word. The first part of the paper discusses some explanatory virtues of decompositionalism in general. The second singles out (...)
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  • Syntax of symbolic logic and transformational grammar.Erik Stenius - 1973 - Synthese 26 (1):57 - 80.
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  • Form, content, and affect in the theory of stories.William F. Brewer - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):595.
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  • Adverbs and events.M. J. Cresswell - 1974 - Synthese 28 (3-4):455 - 481.
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  • What a story is.Jean M. Mandler - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):603.
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  • What' the point?Nancy L. Stein - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):611.
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  • Race‐Based Parsing and Syntactic Disambiguation.Susan Weber McRoy & Graeme Hirst - 1990 - Cognitive Science 14 (3):313-353.
    We present a processing model that integrates same important psychological claims about the human sentence‐parsing mechanism: namely, that processing is influenced by limitations an working memory and by various syntactic preferences. The model uses time‐constraint information to resolve conflicting preferences in a psychologically plausible way. The starting paint far this proposal is the Sausage Machine model (Fodor & Frazier, 1980: Frazier & Fodor, 1978). From there, we attempt to overcome the original model's dependence an ad hoc aspects of its grammar, (...)
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  • What’s behind meaning?Alberto Peruzzi - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 11 (21):119-145.
    The paper addresses the main questions to be dealt with by any semantic theory which is committed to provide an explanation of how meaning is possible. On one side the paper argues that the resources provided by the development of mathematical logic, theoretical computer science, cognitive psychology, and general linguistics in the 20th Century, however indispensable to investigate the structure of language, rely on the existence of end products in the morphogenesis of meaning. On the other, the paper argues that (...)
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  • Kung-Sun Lung’s Chih Wu Lun and Semantics of Reference and Predication.Kao Kung-yi & Diane B. Obenchain - 1975 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 2 (3):285-324.
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  • The Case‐Slot Identity Theory.Eugene Charniak - 1981 - Cognitive Science 5 (3):285-292.
    Many people have noted the similarities between case theories in linguistics and frame representations in artificial intelligence. In particular, the cases of a verb seem to correspond to the slots of a frame. This has led many people, including Fillmore [1977] and Winston [1977] to assert that cases and slots are one and the same. This hypothesis has not attracted much attention, probably because the notion of “slot” in frame representations is so underconstrained that the theory would seem to be (...)
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  • Four philosophical problems of psycholinguists.George A. Miller - 1970 - Philosophy of Science 37 (2):183-199.
    Four philosophical problems--predication, speech acts, rules, and innate ideas--are discussed in the light of their implications for psychological and linguistic research. The discussion of predication concerns both form and use. With respect to form, it is argued that our lexical memory is organized according to a predicate-argument formula that underlies the subject-predicate form of our sentences. With respect to use, it is argued that the illocutionary force of the sentence as a speech act must be taken into account. Both the (...)
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  • Reasoning About a Semantic Memory Encoding of the Connectivity of Events.Richard Alterman & Lawrence A. Bookman - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (2):205-232.
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  • Commentary Points.Robert P. Abelson - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):591.
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  • Do story grammars and story points differ?James F. Allen - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):592.
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  • Hippocampus, memory and movement.Abram Amsel - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):494-495.
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  • Selective activation of hippocampal neurons.Theodore W. Berger - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):495-496.
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  • Story grammar as knowledge.Carl Bereiter - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):593.
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  • Interactive fiction: Artificial intelligence as a mode of sign production.Peter Bøgh Andersen & Berit Holmqvist - 1989 - AI and Society 4 (4):291-313.
    Interactive media need their own idioms that exploit the characteristics of the computer based sign. The fact that the reader can physically influence the course of events in the system changes the author's role, since he no longer creates a linear text but anarrative space that the reader can use to generate stories. Although stories are not simulations of the real world, they must still contain recognizable parts where everyday constraints of time and space hold. AI-techniques can be used to (...)
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  • Are story representations good for anything?John B. Black - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):594.
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  • Behavioral analysis of the hippocampal syndrome.D. Caroline Blanchard & Robert J. Blanchard - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):496-496.
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  • O'Keefe & Nadel's three-stage model for hippocampal representation of space.T. V. P. Bliss - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):496-497.
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  • What makes stories interesting.Bruce K. Britton - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):596.
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  • The “neuroethological revolution” in unit studies.Jan Bureš - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):497-498.
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  • Event structure, interest, importance, and coherence: Where does point theory fit?Thomas H. Carr - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (4):597.
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  • The hippocampus and its apparent migration to the parietal lobe.Robert J. Douglas - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):498-499.
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  • On the nature of cognitive maps.Roger M. Downs - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (4):499-500.
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