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  1. Classes and truths in set theory.Kentaro Fujimoto - 2012 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 163 (11):1484-1523.
    This article studies three most basic systems of truth as well as their subsystems over set theory ZF possibly with AC or the axiom of global choice GC, and then correlates them with subsystems of Morse–Kelley class theory MK. The article aims at making an initial step towards the axiomatic study of truth in set theory in connection with class theory. Some new results on the side of class theory, such as conservativity, forcing and some forms of the reflection principle, (...)
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  • Axiomatizing semantic theories of truth?Martin Fischer, Volker Halbach, Jönne Kriener & Johannes Stern - 2015 - Review of Symbolic Logic 8 (2):257-278.
    We discuss the interplay between the axiomatic and the semantic approach to truth. Often, semantic constructions have guided the development of axiomatic theories and certain axiomatic theories have been claimed to capture a semantic construction. We ask under which conditions an axiomatic theory captures a semantic construction. After discussing some potential criteria, we focus on the criterion of ℕ-categoricity and discuss its usefulness and limits.
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  • On the non-substantiality of logic: a case study.Massimiliano Carrara & Andrea Strollo - 2025 - Synthese 205 (15).
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  • Notes on bounded induction for the compositional truth predicate.Bartosz Wcisło & Mateusz Łełyk - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (3):455-480.
    We prove that the theory of the extensional compositional truth predicate for the language of arithmetic with \Delta 0 -induction scheme for the truth predicate and the full arithmetical induction scheme is not conservative over Peano Arithmetic. In addition, we show that a slightly modified theory of truth actually proves the global reflection principle over the base theory.
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  • Classical Determinate Truth I.Kentaro Fujimoto & Volker Halbach - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):218-261.
    We introduce and analyze a new axiomatic theory$\mathsf {CD}$of truth. The primitive truth predicate can be applied to sentences containing the truth predicate. The theory is thoroughly classical in the sense that$\mathsf {CD}$is not only formulated in classical logic, but that the axiomatized notion of truth itself is classical: The truth predicate commutes with all quantifiers and connectives, and thus the theory proves that there are no truth value gaps or gluts. To avoid inconsistency, the instances of the T-schema are (...)
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  • On Generalization of Definitional Equivalence to Non-Disjoint Languages.Koen Lefever & Gergely Székely - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (4):709-729.
    For simplicity, most of the literature introduces the concept of definitional equivalence only for disjoint languages. In a recent paper, Barrett and Halvorson introduce a straightforward generalization to non-disjoint languages and they show that their generalization is not equivalent to intertranslatability in general. In this paper, we show that their generalization is not transitive and hence it is not an equivalence relation. Then we introduce another formalization of definitional equivalence due to Andréka and Németi which is equivalent to the Barrett–Halvorson (...)
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  • Models of Positive Truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2019 - Review of Symbolic Logic 12 (1):144-172.
    This paper is a follow-up to [4], in which a mistake in [6] (which spread also to [9]) was corrected. We give a strenghtening of the main result on the semantical nonconservativity of the theory of PT−with internal induction for total formulae${(\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + {\rm{INT}}\left( {{\rm{tot}}} \right)$, denoted by PT−in [9]). We show that if to PT−the axiom of internal induction forallarithmetical formulae is added (giving${\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + {\rm{INT}}$), then this theory is semantically stronger than${\rm{P}}{{\rm{T}}^ - } + (...)
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  • Supervaluation-Style Truth Without Supervaluations.Johannes Stern - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 47 (5):817-850.
    Kripke’s theory of truth is arguably the most influential approach to self-referential truth and the semantic paradoxes. The use of a partial evaluation scheme is crucial to the theory and the most prominent schemes that are adopted are the strong Kleene and the supervaluation scheme. The strong Kleene scheme is attractive because it ensures the compositionality of the notion of truth. But under the strong Kleene scheme classical tautologies do not, in general, turn out to be true and, as a (...)
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  • Reflecting on believability: on the epistemic approach to justifying implicit commitments.Maciej Głowacki & Mateusz Łełyk - 2024 - Philosophical Studies 181 (11):3135-3163.
    By definition, the implicit commitment of a formal theory $$\textrm{Th}$$ Th consists of sentences that are independent of the axioms of $$\textrm{Th}$$ Th, but their acceptance is implicit in the acceptance of $$\textrm{Th}$$ Th. In Cieśliński (2017, 2018), the phenomenon of implicit commitments was studied from the epistemological perspective through the lenses of the formal theory of believability. The current paper provides a comprehensive proof-theoretic analysis of this approach and compares it to other main theories of implicit commitments. We argue (...)
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  • Truth and speed-up.Martin Fischer - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (2):319-340.
    In this paper, we investigate the phenomenon ofspeed-upin the context of theories of truth. We focus on axiomatic theories of truth extending Peano arithmetic. We are particularly interested on whether conservative extensions of PA have speed-up and on how this relates to a deflationist account. We show that disquotational theories have no significant speed-up, in contrast to some compositional theories, and we briefly assess the philosophical implications of these results.
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  • Axioms for grounded truth.Thomas Schindler - 2014 - Review of Symbolic Logic 7 (1):73-83.
    We axiomatize Leitgeb's (2005) theory of truth and show that this theory proves all arithmetical sentences of the system of ramified analysis up to $\epsilon_0$. We also give alternative axiomatizations of Kripke's (1975) theory of truth (Strong Kleene and supervaluational version) and show that they are at least as strong as the Kripke-Feferman system KF and Cantini's VF, respectively.
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  • Truths, Inductive Definitions, and Kripke-Platek Systems Over Set Theory.Kentaro Fujimoto - 2018 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 83 (3):868-898.
    In this article we study the systems KF and VF of truth over set theory as well as related systems and compare them with the corresponding systems over arithmetic.
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  • (1 other version)The modal logics of kripke–feferman truth.Carlo Nicolai & Johannes Stern - 2021 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 86 (1):362-396.
    We determine the modal logic of fixed-point models of truth and their axiomatizations by Solomon Feferman via Solovay-style completeness results. Given a fixed-point model $\mathcal {M}$, or an axiomatization S thereof, we find a modal logic M such that a modal sentence $\varphi $ is a theorem of M if and only if the sentence $\varphi ^*$ obtained by translating the modal operator with the truth predicate is true in $\mathcal {M}$ or a theorem of S under all such translations. (...)
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  • Is the HYPE about strength warranted?Martin Fischer - 2022 - Synthese 200 (3):1-25.
    In comparing classical and non-classical solutions to the semantic paradoxes arguments relying on strength have been influential. In this paper I argue that non-classical solutions should preserve the proof-theoretic strength of classical solutions. Leitgeb’s logic of HYPE is then presented as an interesting possibility to strengthen FDE with a suitable conditional. It is shown that HYPE allows for a non-classical Kripkean theory of truth, called KFL, that is strong enough for the relevant purposes and has additional attractive properties.
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  • Models of weak theories of truth.Mateusz Łełyk & Bartosz Wcisło - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (5):453-474.
    In the following paper we propose a model-theoretical way of comparing the “strength” of various truth theories which are conservative over $$ PA $$. Let $${\mathfrak {Th}}$$ denote the class of models of $$ PA $$ which admit an expansion to a model of theory $${ Th}$$. We show (combining some well known results and original ideas) that $$\begin{aligned} {{\mathfrak {PA}}}\supset {\mathfrak {TB}}\supset {{\mathfrak {RS}}}\supset {\mathfrak {UTB}}\supseteq \mathfrak {CT^-}, \end{aligned}$$ where $${\mathfrak {PA}}$$ denotes simply the class of all models of (...)
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  • Autonomous progression and transfinite iteration of self-applicable truth.Kentaro Fujimoto - 2011 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 76 (3):914 - 945.
    This paper studies several systems of the transfinite iteration and autonomous progression of self-applicable truth and determines their proof-theoretic strength.
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  • Paradoxes and contemporary logic.Andrea Cantini - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Equivalences for Truth Predicates.Carlo Nicolai - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (2):322-356.
    One way to study and understand the notion of truth is to examine principles that we are willing to associate with truth, often because they conform to a pre-theoretical or to a semi-formal characterization of this concept. In comparing different collections of such principles, one requires formally precise notions of inter-theoretic reduction that are also adequate to compare these conceptual aspects. In this work I study possible ways to make precise the relation of conceptual equivalence between notions of truth associated (...)
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  • On the Costs of Classical Logic.Luca Castaldo - 2021 - Erkenntnis 88 (3):1157-1188.
    This article compares classical (or -like) and nonclassical (or -like) axiomatisations of the fixed-point semantics developed by Kripke (J Philos 72(19): 690–716, 1975). Following the line of investigation of Halbach and Nicolai (J Philos Logic 47(2): 227–257, 2018), we do not compare and qua theories of truth simpliciter, but rather qua axiomatisations of the Kripkean conception of truth. We strengthen the central results of Halbach and Nicolai (2018) and Nicolai (Stud Log 106(1): 101–130, 2018), showing that, on the one hand, (...)
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  • On a Question of Krajewski's.Fedor Pakhomov & Albert Visser - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (1):343-358.
    In this paper, we study finitely axiomatizable conservative extensions of a theoryUin the case whereUis recursively enumerable and not finitely axiomatizable. Stanisław Krajewski posed the question whether there are minimal conservative extensions of this sort. We answer this question negatively.Consider a finite expansion of the signature ofUthat contains at least one predicate symbol of arity ≥ 2. We show that, for any finite extensionαofUin the expanded language that is conservative overU, there is a conservative extensionβofUin the expanded language, such that$\alpha (...)
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  • Higher-Order Logic and Disquotational Truth.Lavinia Picollo & Thomas Schindler - 2022 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 51 (4):879-918.
    Truth predicates are widely believed to be capable of serving a certain logical or quasi-logical function. There is little consensus, however, on the exact nature of this function. We offer a series of formal results in support of the thesis that disquotational truth is a device to simulate higher-order resources in a first-order setting. More specifically, we show that any theory formulated in a higher-order language can be naturally and conservatively interpreted in a first-order theory with a disquotational truth or (...)
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  • Deflationism and the Invisible Power of Truth.Andrea Strollo - 2013 - Dialectica 67 (4):521-543.
    In recent decades deflationary theories of truth have been challenged with a technical argument based on the notion of conservativeness. In this paper, I shall stress that conservative extensions of theories and expandability of their models are not equivalent notions. Then, I shall argue that the deflationary thesis of the unsubstantiality of truth is better understood as leveraging on the stronger notion of expandability of models. Once expandability is involved in the argument, some notable consequences follow: the strategy proposed by (...)
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  • Comparing Axiomatic Theories of Truth.Mateusz Łełyk - 2019 - Studia Semiotyczne 33 (2):255-286.
    The main aim of our paper was to present three formal tools for comparing various axiomatic theories of truth. In Section 2 we aimed at showing that there are indeed many different approaches to defining a set of axioms for the notion of truth. In Section 3 we introduced three different \measures of strength" of axiomatic theories of truth, i.e. three reflexive and transitive relations on the set of axiomatic theories of truth. We have explained the intuition behind each of (...)
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  • Models of PT- with Internal Induction for Total Formulae.Cezary Cieslinski, Bartosz Wcisło & Mateusz Łełyk - 2017 - Review of Symbolic Logic 10 (1):187-202.
    We show that a typed compositional theory of positive truth with internal induction for total formulae (denoted by PT tot ) is not semantically conservative over Peano arithmetic. In addition, we observe that the class of models of PA expandable to models of PT tot contains every recursively saturated model of arithmetic. Our results point to a gap in the philosophical project of describing the use of the truth predicate in model-theoretic contexts.
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  • Type-free truth.Thomas Schindler - 2015 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität München
    This book is a contribution to the flourishing field of formal and philosophical work on truth and the semantic paradoxes. Our aim is to present several theories of truth, to investigate some of their model-theoretic, recursion-theoretic and proof-theoretic aspects, and to evaluate their philosophical significance. In Part I we first outline some motivations for studying formal theories of truth, fix some terminology, provide some background on Tarski’s and Kripke’s theories of truth, and then discuss the prospects of classical type-free truth. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Gaps, Gluts, and Theoretical Equivalence.Carlo Nicolai - manuscript
    When are two formal theories of broadly logical concepts, such as truth, equivalent? The paper investigates a case study, involving two well-known variants Kripke-Feferman truth. The first, KF+CONS, features a consistent but partial truth predicate. The second, KF+COMP, an inconsistent but complete truth predicate. It is well-known that the two truth predicates are dual to each other. We show that this duality reveals a much stricter correspondence between the two theories: they are intertraslatable. Intertranslatability under natural assumptions coincides with definitional (...)
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  • Implicit commitments of instrumental acceptance: A case study.Luca Castaldo & Maciej Głowacki - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    When accepting an axiomatic theory S, we are implicitly committed to various statements that are independent of its axioms. Examples of such implicit commitments include consistency statements and reflection principles for S. While foundational acceptance has received considerable attention in this context, the study of implicit commitments triggered by weaker notions remains underdeveloped. This article extends the analysis investigating implicit commitments inherent in instrumental acceptance, comparing them with the implicit commitments involved in foundational acceptance. Concentrating on Reinhardt’s instrumentalism vis-à-vis Kripke–Feferman (...)
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  • Theories of Frege structure equivalent to Feferman's system T 0.Daichi Hayashi - 2025 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 176 (1):103510.
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  • (1 other version)Gaps, gluts, and theoretical equivalence.Carlo Nicolai - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-22.
    When are two formal theories of broadly logical concepts, such as truth, equivalent? The paper investigates a case study, involving two well-known variants of Kripke–Feferman truth. The first, \, features a consistent but partial truth predicate. The second, \, an inconsistent but complete truth predicate. It is known that the two truth predicates are dual to each other. We show that this duality reveals a much stricter correspondence between the two theories: they are intertraslatable. Intertranslatability, under natural assumptions, coincides with (...)
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  • On Cut-Elimination Arguments for Axiomatic Theories of Truth.Daichi Hayashi - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (3):785-818.
    As is mentioned in Leigh :845-865, 2015), it is an open problem whether for several axiomatic theories of truth, including Friedman–Sheard theory \ and Kripke–Feferman theory \ :690-716, 1976), there exist cut-elimination arguments that give the upper bounds of their proof-theoretic strengths. In this paper, we give complete cut-elimination results for several well-known axiomatic theories of truth. In particular, we treat the systems \, and \ \\) of Friedman and Sheard’s theories and \.
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  • Strong and Weak Truth Principles.Bartosz Wcisło Mateusz Łełyk - 2017 - Studia Semiotyczne—English Supplement 29:107-126.
    This paper is an exposition of some recent results concerning various notions of strength and weakness of the concept of truth, both published or not. We try to systematically present these notions and their relationship to the current research on truth. We discuss the concept of the Tarski boundary between weak and strong theories of truth and we give an overview of non-conservativity results for the extensions of the basic compositional truth theory. Additionally, we present a natural strong theory of (...)
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