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  1. (1 other version)Aristotle’s Golden Mean: Its Implications for the Doping Debate.Jung Hyun Hwang & R. Scott Kretchmar - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (1):102-121.
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  • Coping with Doping.J. Angelo Corlett, Vincent Brown & Kiersten Kirkland - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (1):41-64.
    We provide a new wrinkle to the Argument from Unfair Advantage, a rather popular one in the ethics of doping in sports discussions. But we add a new argument that we believe places the moral burden on those who favor doping in sports. We also defend our position against some important concerns that might be raised against it. In the end, we argue that for the time being, doping in sports ought to be banned until it can be demonstrated that (...)
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  • Ergogenic Aids and the Limits of Human Performance in Sport: Ethical Issues, Aesthetic Considerations.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2002 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 29 (1):75-86.
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  • Doping und Doppelstandards im Sport – eine nachhaltigkeitstheoretische Analyse der Frage nach einer möglichen Freigabe von Doping im Wettkampfsport.Alexander Bagattini - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 4 (1):37-60.
    Der Artikel untersucht die Frage nach einer möglichen Freigabe von Doping im Sport aus einer nachhaltigkeitstheoretischen Perspektive. Im ersten Teil des Aufsatzes wird der Nachhaltigkeitsbegriff zunächst als umweltethischer Begriff entwickelt, weil er aus dem umweltethischen Diskurs stammt und hier bereits systematisch untersucht wurde. Der zweite Teil stellt dar, dass man den Begriff der Nachhaltigkeit auch auf Personen – im Sinn eines verantwortungsvollen Selbstverhältnisses – anwenden kann. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird ein indirektes, nachhaltigkeitstheoretisches Argument gegen eine Freigabe von Doping im Sport (...)
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  • Who? Moral Condemnation, PEDs, and Violating the Constraints of Public Narrative.Megs S. Gendreau - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (3):515-528.
    Despite the numerous instances of PED use in professional sports, there continues to be a strong negative moral response to those athletes who dope. My goal is to offer a diagnosis of this response. I will argue that we do not experience such disdain because these athletes have broken some constitutive rule of sport, but because they have lied about who they are. In violating the constraints of their own public narratives, they make both themselves and their choices unintelligible. This (...)
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  • Sport Abjection: Steroids and the Uglification of the Athlete.David L. Fairchild - 1989 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 16 (1):74-88.
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  • Fairness and Performance Enhancement in Sport.Craig L. Carr - 2008 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 35 (2):193-207.
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  • (1 other version)Doping and the limits of competitive sports.Alexander Bagattini - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):207-219.
    ZusammenfassungOb eine sportliche Leistung anerkannt wird, hängt maßgeblich davon ab, ob sie im Einklang mit Werten steht, die wir für wesentlich für den Sport halten. Die philosophischen Standardargumente gegen Doping im Sport behaupten eine Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit Werten wie Fairness, Gesundheit oder Natürlichkeit. Ich möchte im Gegensatz zu diesen Argumenten eine grundsätzliche Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit dem Wert eines nachhaltigen Umgangs einer Person mit sich selbst behaupten. Wer dopt, so meine These, folgt einem verabsolutierten Leistungsdenken, was aus ethischer Perspektive (...)
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  • The Paradox of Bad Faith and Elite Competitive Sport.Leon Culbertson - 2005 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 32 (1):65-86.
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  • Una propuesta dialógica para el debate en torno al dopaje.Francisco Javier Lopez Frias - 2015 - Agora 34 (1).
    En este artículo se analizan los diversos argumentos en contra de levantar la prohibición contra el dopaje. A través de este análisis se concluye que ninguno de los argumentos es conclusivo por sí mismo, sino que todos y cada uno de ellos aportan un criterio normativo que ha de ser tenido en cuenta en los debates morales en torno al dopaje.
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  • A Critical Review of R. L. Simon’s Contribution to the Doping in Sport Literature.Angela J. Schneider - 2016 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 43 (1):115-128.
    In the following article, it will be argued that there are at least four clusters of arguments generally proposed to justify banning doping in sport and that Simon’s contribution has been of a seminal nature to at least two of the clusters.
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  • Before the rules are written: navigating moral ambiguity in performance enhancement.John Gleaves, Matthew P. Llewellyn & Tim Lehrbach - 2014 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 8 (1):85-99.
    In 1984, a number of US cyclists used blood transfusions to boost their performance at the Los Angeles Olympic Games. The cyclists broke no rules and dominated the Games, yet were later maligned as cheaters and dopers?they had, it seemed, violated some important norm, albeit one which was neither an official rule nor otherwise easily identifiable. Their case illustrates the moral ambiguity that arises when a performance enhancement is employed in a sport that has not addressed it. This article takes (...)
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  • Armstrong was a Cheat: A Reply to Eric Moore.Jon Pike & Sean Cordell - 2019 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 14 (2):247-263.
    In this paper, we reply to Eric Moore’s argument that Lance Armstrong did not cheat, at least according to one, standard account of cheating. If that is the case, we argue, so much the worse for th...
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  • (1 other version)Aristotle’s Golden Mean: Its Implications for the Doping Debate.Jung Hyun Hwang & R. Scott Kretchmar - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (1):102-121.
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  • “Aretism” and Pharmacological Ergogenic Aids in Sport: Taking a Shot at the Use of Steroids.M. Andrew Holowchak - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 27 (1):35-50.
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  • In Sport and Social Justice, Is Genetic Enhancement a Game Changer?Lisa S. Parker - 2012 - Health Care Analysis 20 (4):328-346.
    The possibility of genetic enhancement to increase the likelihood of success in sport and life’s prospects raises questions for accounts of sport and theories of justice. These questions obviously include the fairness of such enhancement and its relationship to the goals of sport and demands of justice. Of equal interest, however, is the effect on our understanding of individual effort, merit, and desert of either discovering genetic contributions to components of such effort or recognizing the influence of social factors on (...)
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  • Sport as a valued human practice: A basis for the consideration of some moral issues in sport.Peter J. Arnold - 1992 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 26 (2):237–255.
    ABSTRACT It is argued that sport, like science or medicine, is a valued human practice and is characterised as much by the moral manner in which its participants conduct themselves as by the pursuit of its own skills, standards and excellences. Virtues, such as justice, honesty and courage, are not only necessary to pursue its goals but to protect it from being corrupted by external interests. After explicating the practice view of sport in contrast to the sociological view, the nature (...)
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  • Reframing the Debate over Performance-Enhancing Drugs: The Reasonable Athlete Argument.Matthew C. Altman - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-14.
    Governing bodies such as the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) make decisions about which drugs to prohibit athletes from using and the dosage...
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  • Rethinking the unfair advantage argument.Tena Thau - 2021 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 48 (1):63-81.
    Athletes who flout doping bans are generally thought to have gained an unfair advantage. In this paper, I critically examine this view. I begin by defending an effort-based account of desert in sport, explaining why it is preferable to the hybrid account that is favoured in the literature. Drawing on the effort-based account, I construct the Unfair Advantage Argument formally, in what I take to be its most plausible form. I then argue that the Unfair Advantage Argument should be rejected, (...)
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  • Coping with Doping.J. Corlett, Vincent Brown Jr & Kiersten Kirkland - 2013 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 40 (1):41-64.
    We provide a new wrinkle to the Argument from Unfair Advantage, a rather popular one in the ethics of doping in sports discussions. But we add a new argument that we believe places the moral burden on those who favor doping in sports. We also defend our position against some important concerns that might be raised against it. In the end, we argue that for the time being, doping in sports ought to be banned until it can be demonstrated that (...)
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  • The Days Were Longer Then: Some Simple Thoughts About Sport—Philosophy?David L. Fairchild - 1991 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 18 (1):59-73.
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  • Doping and Cheating.Jan Vorstenbosch - 2010 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (2):166-181.
    A familiar move that philosophers of sport make in the debate on the doping-issue is to reject from the start the argument that doping comes down to cheating. The claim that doping is cheating is often rebutted with the argument that doping is only cheating when one accepts that the use of doping is unjustified in itself. In this paper I want to argue that putting aside the cheating-argument in this way comes, first, too easy, because essential complexities of what (...)
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  • Genetic Technologies and Sport: The New Ethical Issue.Andy Miah - 2001 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 28 (1):32-52.
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  • Fields of Dreams and Men of Straw: Philosophical Reflections on Performance-Enhancers In Sport.Klaus V. Meier - 1991 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 18 (1):74-85.
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  • Performance-enhancing drugs, paternalism, meritocracy, and harm to sport.Nicholas Dixon - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (2):246–268.
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  • Neuroenhancement in Reflective Equilibrium: A Qualified Kantian Defense of Enhancing in Scholarship and Science.C. D. Meyers - 2014 - Neuroethics 7 (3):287-298.
    Cognitive neuroenhancement involves the use of medical interventions to improve normal cognitive functioning such as memory, focus, concentration, or willpower. In this paper I give a Kantian argument defending the use of CNE in science, scholarly research, and creative fields. Kant’s universal law formulation of the categorical imperative shows why enhancement is morally wrong in the familiar contexts of sports or competitive games. This argument, however, does not apply to the use of CNE in higher education, scholarly or scientific research, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Doping und die Grenzen des Leistungssports.Alexander Bagattini - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):207-219.
    ZusammenfassungOb eine sportliche Leistung anerkannt wird, hängt maßgeblich davon ab, ob sie im Einklang mit Werten steht, die wir für wesentlich für den Sport halten. Die philosophischen Standardargumente gegen Doping im Sport behaupten eine Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit Werten wie Fairness, Gesundheit oder Natürlichkeit. Ich möchte im Gegensatz zu diesen Argumenten eine grundsätzliche Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit dem Wert eines nachhaltigen Umgangs einer Person mit sich selbst behaupten. Wer dopt, so meine These, folgt einem verabsolutierten Leistungsdenken, was aus ethischer Perspektive (...)
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  • Doping und die Grenzen des Leistungssports.Dr Alexander Bagattini - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (3):207-219.
    Ob eine sportliche Leistung anerkannt wird, hängt maßgeblich davon ab, ob sie im Einklang mit Werten steht, die wir für wesentlich für den Sport halten. Die philosophischen Standardargumente gegen Doping im Sport behaupten eine Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit Werten wie Fairness, Gesundheit oder Natürlichkeit. Ich möchte im Gegensatz zu diesen Argumenten eine grundsätzliche Unvereinbarkeit von Doping mit dem Wert eines nachhaltigen Umgangs einer Person mit sich selbst behaupten. Wer dopt, so meine These, folgt einem verabsolutierten Leistungsdenken, was aus ethischer Perspektive (...)
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