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The Epicurus Reader: Selected Writings and Testimonia

Hackett Publishing Company (1994)

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  1. Filosofía helenística: tras los vestigios de la naturaleza.Werther Gonzales León (ed.) - 2024
    Heredera directa de la tradición griega, la filosofía helenística no desatendió el llamamiento de la naturaleza, de la φύσις. Una reflexión sobre ella, directa o indirecta, verbalizada o silenciosa, puede reconocerse prácticamente en cada escuela de este período de la historia de la filosofía. No puede decirse, pues, que la cuestión de la naturaleza, la pregunta filosófica por la realidad natural, fue eludida y desestimada durante el helenismo; sin embargo, tampoco puede afirmarse categóricamente la absoluta centralidad de dicha pregunta. La (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Epicurus.Tim O'Keefe - forthcoming - In Giuseppe Veltri (ed.), Encyclopedia of Scepticism and Jewish Tradition. Brill.
    Encyclopedia entry on Epicurus' theology. It considers the negative side of Epicurean theology and its basis in their physics, the Epicureans’ positive view of the nature of the gods and how they use it to critique popular religion, and the psychological benefits that they claim result from having correct views about the gods.
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  • Ethical and social implications of approaching death prediction in humans - when the biology of ageing meets existential issues.Marie Gaille, Marco Araneda, Clément Dubost, Clémence Guillermain, Sarah Kaakai, Elise Ricadat, Nicolas Todd & Michael Rera - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundThe discovery of biomarkers of ageing has led to the development of predictors of impending natural death and has paved the way for personalised estimation of the risk of death in the general population. This study intends to identify the ethical resources available to approach the idea of a long-lasting dying process and consider the perspective of death prediction. The reflection on human mortality is necessary but not sufficient to face this issue. Knowledge about death anticipation in clinical contexts allows (...)
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  • The Stoics and their Philosophical System.William O. Stephens - 2020 - In Kelly Arenson (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Hellenistic Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 22-34.
    An overview of the ancient philosophers and their philosophical system (divided into the fields of logic, physics, and ethics) comprising the living, organic, enduring, and evolving body of interrelated ideas identifiable as the Stoic perspective.
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  • On the Absence of Moral Goodness in Hobbes’s Ethics.Johan Olsthoorn - 2020 - The Journal of Ethics 24 (2):241-266.
    This article reassesses Hobbes’s place in the history of ethics based on the first systematic analysis of his various classifications of formal goodness. The good was traditionally divided into three: profitably good, pleasurably good, and morally good. Across his works, Hobbes replaced the last with pulchrum—a decidedly non-moral form of goodness on his account. I argue that Hobbes’s dismissal of moral goodness was informed by his hedonist conception of the good and accompanied by reinterpretations of right reason and natural law. (...)
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  • Some background to the absolute-relational debate.Gordon Belot - manuscript
    Some notes discussing some of the ancient and medieval background to the absolute-relational debate. Final version appears as Appendix C in my book, Geometric Possibility.
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  • (How) Are Friends and Friendship Worthwhile to the Advanced Epicurean?Alex Gillham - 2022 - Rhizomata 10 (1):118-145.
    Commentators usually understand the Epicureans to take friends and friendship to be worthwhile because they help us to eliminate and/or manage our bodily and/or mental pains and thus come closer to achieving tranquility. However, this understanding leaves unexplained why friends and friendship might be worthwhile to an advanced Epicurean with few or no pains to manage or eliminate. In this paper, I remedy this deficiency by offering three explanations for why friends and friendship could and maybe would remain worthwhile even (...)
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  • Defending Lucretius' Symmetry Argument against the Fear of Death.Kun Lei - unknown
    Lucretius’ symmetry argument is always understood as a simple addition to Epicurus’ deprivation argument. Both are based on same presuppositions and both are referring to the state of being dead. However, by closer examination, we can see that they are using different perspectives. The symmetry argument adopts a first-person perspective, whereas the deprivation argument adopts a third-person perspective. According to this difference, it can be further inferred that the symmetry argument actually provides a very important supplemental argument for the deprivation (...)
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  • A Genealogy of Immanence: From Democritus to Epicurus and Nietzsche.Jonathan Egan - unknown
    The relationship between Epicurus and Nietzsche is an increasingly popular research topic. There are a number of publications that attempt to detail the nature of this relationship by investigating specific aspects of their writings that interrelate. Such research is valuable because it reveals an otherwise hidden dynamic to Nietzsche studies, however, all previous discourse on Epicurus and Nietzsche are limited because they fail to recognise both thinkers as philosophers of immanence. This thesis proposes that ‘immanence’ is the central concept that (...)
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  • Lucrecio y el materialismo de lo imaginario.Aurelio Sainz Pezonaga - 2013 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 46:167-181.
    El texto propone una lectura de la teoría de lo imaginario de Lucrecio en la línea de un materialismo de lo imaginario afín al de Spinoza y Althusser. Este materialismo defiende que lo imaginario implica un mecanismo específico que produce un efecto específico. En Lucrecio el modo de funcionamiento específico es la obsesión por imaginarnos mirando y el efecto que deriva de él es la creencia en un alma inmortal y separable. La demostración descansa en el carácter finito de nuestro (...)
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  • Reconciling Justice and Pleasure in Epicurean Contractarianism.John J. Thrasher - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (2):423-436.
    Epicurean contractarianism is an attempt to reconcile individualistic hedonism with a robust account of justice. The pursuit of pleasure and the requirements of justice, however, have seemed to be incompatible to many commentators, both ancient and modern. It is not clear how it is possible to reconcile hedonism with the demands of justice. Furthermore, it is not clear why, even if Epicurean contractarianism is possible, it would be necessary for Epicureans to endorse a social contract. I argue here that Epicurean (...)
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  • Epicurean Happiness: A Pig's Life?David Konstan - 2012 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 6 (1).
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  • For a Creative Ontology of the Future: An Ode to Love.Jamie Brassett - 2021 - In Jamie Brassett & John O'Rielly (eds.), A Creative Philosophy of Anticipation.
    This edited collection highlights the valuable ontological and creative insights gathered from anticipation studies, which orients itself to the future in order to recreate the present. The gathered essays engage with many writers from speculative metaphysics to poetic philosophy, ancient writing systems to the fringes of pataphysics. The book situates itself as a creative intervention in and with various thinkers, designers, artists, scientists and poets to offer insight into ways of anticipating. It brings together philosophical practices for which creativity is (...)
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