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Cut elimination for the unified logic.Jacqueline Vauzeilles - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (1):1-16.details
Classical logic, storage operators and second-order lambda-calculus.Jean-Louis Krivine - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (1):53-78.details
On the unity of duality.Noam Zeilberger - 2008 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 153 (1-3):66-96.details
Incompatibility Semantics from Agreement.Daniele Porello - 2012 - Philosophia 40 (1):99-119.details
Basic logic: Reflection, symmetry, visibility.Giovanni Sambin, Giulia Battilotti & Claudia Faggian - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (3):979-1013.details
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(1 other version)Multimodal linguistic inference.Michael Moortgat - 1996 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5 (3-4):349-385.details
A new deconstructive logic: Linear logic.Vincent Danos, Jean-Baptiste Joinet & Harold Schellinx - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (3):755-807.details
On Combining Intuitionistic and S4 Modal Logic.João Rasga & Cristina Sernadas - 2024 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 53 (3):321-344.details
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Proof theory in the abstract.J. M. E. Hyland - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 114 (1-3):43-78.details
Propositional Mixed Logic: Its Syntax and Semantics.Karim Nour & Abir Nour - 2003 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13 (3-4):377-390.details
Kripke semantics and proof systems for combining intuitionistic logic and classical logic.Chuck Liang & Dale Miller - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (2):86-111.details
Logic may be simple. Logic, congruence and algebra.Jean-Yves Béziau - 1997 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 5:129-147.details
On the linear decoration of intuitionistic derivations.Vincent Danos, Jean-Baptiste Joinet & Harold Schellinx - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 33 (6):387-412.details
Hypersequent calculi for intuitionistic logic with classical atoms.Hidenori Kurokawa - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (3):427-446.details
Semantics of weakening and contraction.Bart Jacobs - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 69 (1):73-106.details
A cut-free Gentzen formulation of basic propositional calculus.Kentaro Kikuchi & Katsumi Sasaki - 2003 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 12 (2):213-225.details
An ecumenical notion of entailment.Elaine Pimentel, Luiz Carlos Pereira & Valeria de Paiva - 2019 - Synthese 198 (S22):5391-5413.details
A focused approach to combining logics.Chuck Liang & Dale Miller - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (9):679-697.details
Petri nets, Horn programs, Linear Logic and vector games.Max I. Kanovich - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 75 (1-2):107-135.details
Information Completeness in Nelson Algebras of Rough Sets Induced by Quasiorders.Jouni Järvinen, Piero Pagliani & Sándor Radeleczki - 2013 - Studia Logica 101 (5):1073-1092.details