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  1. Blowing up power of a singular cardinal—wider gaps.Moti Gitik - 2002 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 116 (1-3):1-38.
    The paper is concerned with methods for blowing power of singular cardinals using short extenders. Thus, for example, starting with κ of cofinality ω with {α<κ oα+n} cofinal in κ for every n<ω we construct a cardinal preserving extension having the same bounded subsets of κ and satisfying 2κ=κ+δ+1 for any δ<1.
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  • A Power Function with a Fixed Finite Gap Everywhere.Carmi Merimovich - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (2):361 - 417.
    We give an application of the extender based Radin forcing to cardinal arithmetic. Assuming κ is a large enough cardinal we construct a model satisfying 2κ = κ⁺ⁿ together with 2λ = λ⁺ⁿ for each cardinal λ < κ, where 0 < n < ω. The cofinality of κ can be set arbitrarily or κ can remain inaccessible. When κ remains an inaccessible, Vκ is a model of ZFC satisfying 2λ = λ+n for all cardinals λ.
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  • Short Extenders Forcings I.Moti Gitik - 2012 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 12 (2):1250009.
    The purpose of the present paper is to present new methods of blowing up the power of a singular cardinal κ of cofinality ω. New PCF configurations are obtained. The techniques developed here will be used in a subsequent paper to construct a model with a countable set which pcf has cardinality ℵ1.
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  • Global singularization and the failure of SCH.Radek Honzik - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (7):895-915.
    We say that κ is μ-hypermeasurable for a cardinal μ≥κ+ if there is an embedding j:V→M with critical point κ such that HV is included in M and j>μ. Such a j is called a witnessing embedding.Building on the results in [7], we will show that if V satisfies GCH and F is an Easton function from the regular cardinals into cardinals satisfying some mild restrictions, then there exists a cardinal-preserving forcing extension V* where F is realised on all V-regular (...)
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  • Possible values for 2ℵn and 2ℵω.Moti Gitik & Carmi Merimovich - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 90 (1-3):193-241.
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  • On gaps under GCH type assumptions.Moti Gitik - 2003 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 119 (1-3):1-18.
    We prove equiconsistency results concerning gaps between a singular strong limit cardinal κ of cofinality 0 and its power under assumptions that 2κ=κ+δ+1 for δ<κ and some weak form of the Singular Cardinal Hypothesis below κ. Together with the previous results this basically completes the study of consistency strength of the various gaps between such κ and its power under GCH type assumptions below.
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  • No bound for the first fixed point.Moti Gitik - 2005 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 5 (02):193-246.
    Our aim is to show that it is impossible to find a bound for the power of the first fixed point of the aleph function.
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  • $\Diamond$ at mahlo cardinals.Martin Zeman - 2000 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 65 (4):1813 - 1822.
    Given a Mahlo cardinal κ and a regular ε such that $\omega_1 we show that $\diamond_\kappa (cf = \epsilon)$ holds in V provided that there are only non-stationarily many $\beta , with o(β) ≥ ε in K.
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  • The short extenders gap three forcing using a morass.Carmi Merimovich - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):115-135.
    We show how to construct Gitik’s short extenders gap-3 forcing using a morass, and that the forcing notion is of Prikry type.
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  • The short extenders gap two forcing is of Prikry type.Carmi Merimovich - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (8):737-747.
    We show that Gitik’s short extender gap-2 forcing is of Prikry type.
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  • Changing cardinal characteristics without changing ω-sequences or cofinalities.Heike Mildenberger & Saharon Shelah - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 106 (1-3):207-261.
    We show: There are pairs of universes V1V2 and there is a notion of forcing PV1 such that the change mentioned in the title occurs when going from V1[G] to V2[G] for a P-generic filter G over V2. We use forcing iterations with partial memories. Moreover, we implement highly transitive automorphism groups into the forcing orders.
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  • Killing the $GCH$ everywhere with a single real.Sy-David Friedman & Mohammad Golshani - 2013 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 78 (3):803-823.
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  • On Easton Support Iteration of Prikry-Type Forcing Notions.Moti Gitik & Eyal Kaplan - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-46.
    We consider of constructing normal ultrafilters in extensions are here Easton support iterations of Prikry-type forcing notions. New ways presented. It turns out that, in contrast with other supports, seemingly unrelated measures or extenders can be involved here.
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  • The consistency strength of choiceless failures of SCH.Arthur W. Apter & Peter Koepke - 2010 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 75 (3):1066-1080.
    We determine exact consistency strengths for various failures of the Singular Cardinals Hypothesis (SCH) in the setting of the Zermelo-Fraenkel axiom system ZF without the Axiom of Choice (AC). By the new notion of parallel Prikry forcing that we introduce, we obtain surjective failures of SCH using only one measurable cardinal, including a surjective failure of Shelah's pcf theorem about the size of the power set of $\aleph _{\omega}$ . Using symmetric collapses to $\aleph _{\omega}$ , $\aleph _{\omega _{1}}$ , (...)
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  • Around Silver's Theorem.Moti Gitik - 2005 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 46 (3):323-325.
    We state some results related to the Silver Theorem.
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  • On a Chang Conjecture. II.Ralf-Dieter Schindler - 1998 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 37 (4):215-220.
    Continuing [7], we here prove that the Chang Conjecture $(\aleph_3,\aleph_2) \Rightarrow (\aleph_2,\aleph_1)$ together with the Continuum Hypothesis, $2^{\aleph_0} = \aleph_1$ , implies that there is an inner model in which the Mitchell ordering is $\geq \kappa^{+\omega}$ for some ordinal $\kappa$.
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  • Power function on stationary classes.Moti Gitik & Carmi Merimovich - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 140 (1):75-103.
    We show that under certain large cardinal requirements there is a generic extension in which the power function behaves differently on different stationary classes. We achieve this by doing an Easton support iteration of the Radin on extenders forcing.
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  • The sharp for the Chang model is small.William J. Mitchell - 2017 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 56 (7-8):935-982.
    Woodin has shown that if there is a measurable Woodin cardinal then there is, in an appropriate sense, a sharp for the Chang model. We produce, in a weaker sense, a sharp for the Chang model using only the existence of a cardinal \ having an extender of length \.
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  • Maharam algebras.Boban Veličković - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 158 (3):190-202.
    Maharam algebras are complete Boolean algebras carrying a positive continuous submeasure. They were introduced and studied by Maharam [D. Maharam, An algebraic characterization of measure algebras, Ann. of Math. 48 154–167] in relation to Von Neumann’s problem on the characterization of measure algebras. The question whether every Maharam algebra is a measure algebra has been the main open problem in this area for around 60 years. It was finally resolved by Talagrand [M. Talagrand, Maharam’s problem, preprint, 31 pages, 2006] who (...)
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