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  1. Beyond the Public/Private Dichotomy: Relational Space and Sexual Inequalities.Chris Armstrong & Judith Squires - 2002 - Contemporary Political Theory 1 (3):261-283.
    The public/private dichotomy has long been the object of considerable attention for feminists. We argue that, by focusing their attention on a divide which has declined in importance, feminists may fail to keep up with the current means by which sexual inequalities are perpetuated. Furthermore, by concentrating on this divide feminists risk reproducing such dichotomous thinking in their own work, discursively perpetuating that which they had initially hoped to displace. We begin by surveying feminist critiques of the public/private dichotomy, consider (...)
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  • (1 other version)Geography and moral philosophy: Some common ground.David M. Smith - 1998 - Philosophy and Geography 1 (1):7 – 33.
    There is an awakening of interest in links between geography and moral philosophy, or ethics. This paper reviews a range of issues where common ground might be found on this new disciplinary interface. These issues include the historical geography of moralities, the notion of moral geographies, inclusion and exclusion in the context of the bounding of spaces, and the moral significance of distance and proximity, as well as the more familiar concern with social justice. Environmental ethics provides a link with (...)
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  • Positionality, worldview and geographical research: A personal account of a research journey.Lorna Gold - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (3):223 – 237.
    Much has been written in recent years over the need to disclose the 'positionality' of geographical researchers. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that such positionality, however much disclosed, can never fully express the complexities underpinning a research relationship. This essay explores these issues through a retrospective review of research carried out into the economic geographies of the Economy of Sharing. It argues that the issues surrounding positionality can be much more than a question of hidden agendas, (...)
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  • Logical Truth / Logička istina (Bosnian translation by Nijaz Ibrulj).Nijaz Ibrulj & Willard Van Orman Quine - 2018 - Sophos 1 (11):115-128.
    Translated from: W.V.O.Quine, W. H. O. (1986): Philosophy of Logic. Second Edition. Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England, 47-61.
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  • Big Data, new epistemologies and paradigm shifts.Rob Kitchin - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (1).
    This article examines how the availability of Big Data, coupled with new data analytics, challenges established epistemologies across the sciences, social sciences and humanities, and assesses the extent to which they are engendering paradigm shifts across multiple disciplines. In particular, it critically explores new forms of empiricism that declare ‘the end of theory’, the creation of data-driven rather than knowledge-driven science, and the development of digital humanities and computational social sciences that propose radically different ways to make sense of culture, (...)
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  • Food Desertification: Situating Choice and Class Relations within an Urban Political Economy of Declining Food Access.Melanie Bedore - 2014 - Studies in Social Justice 8 (2):207-228.
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  • Space and Law, Gender and Land: Using CEDAW to Regulate for Women’s Rights to Land in Vanuatu.Vijaya Nagarajan & Archana Parashar - 2013 - Law and Critique 24 (1):87-105.
    International laws such as The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women promise a universal system of rights to varied people in varied places. In many Pacific states this has been translated to mean that women should have the same privileges as men to control, possess and use land. This could not be further from the truth as evidenced by women’s experiences in Vanuatu, which bring home the visible and invisible spaces of international law. The insights (...)
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  • Lessons from Learning the Craft of Theory-Driven Research.Michael A. Dover - 2010 - Proceedings of the American Sociological Association 2010.
    This article presents a case study of the structure and logic of the author’s dissertation, with a focus on theoretical content. Designed for use in proposal writing seminars or research methods courses, the article stresses the value of identifying the originating, specifying and subsidiary research questions; clarifying the subject and object of the research; situating research within a particular research tradition, and using a competing theories approach. The article stresses the need to identify conceptual problems and empirical problems and their (...)
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  • Engineering Social Justice into Traffic Control for Self-Driving Vehicles?Milos N. Mladenovic & Tristram McPherson - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1131-1149.
    The convergence of computing, sensing, and communication technology will soon permit large-scale deployment of self-driving vehicles. This will in turn permit a radical transformation of traffic control technology. This paper makes a case for the importance of addressing questions of social justice in this transformation, and sketches a preliminary framework for doing so. We explain how new forms of traffic control technology have potential implications for several dimensions of social justice, including safety, sustainability, privacy, efficiency, and equal access. Our central (...)
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  • (1 other version)Geography and Moral Philosophy: Some Common Ground.David M. Smith - 1998 - Ethics, Place and Environment 1 (1):7-34.
    There is an awakening of interest in links between geography and moral philosophy, or ethics. This paper reviews a range of issues where common ground might be found on this new disciplinary interface. These issues include the historical geography of moralities, the notion of moral geographies, inclusion and exclusion in the context of the bounding of spaces, and the moral significance of distance and proximity, as well as the more familiar concern with social justice. Environmental ethics provides a link with (...)
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  • History versus Theory: A Commentary on Marx’s Method in Capital.David Harvey - 2012 - Historical Materialism 20 (2):3-38.
    The gap between Marx’s theoretical writings on political economy and his historical writings arises out of certain limitations that Marx placed upon his political-economic enquiries. These limitations are outlined in the Grundrisse where Marx distinguishes between the universality of the metabolic relation to nature, the generality of the laws of motion of capital, the particularities of distribution and exchange, and the singularities of consumption. What an analysis of the content of Capital shows is that Marx largely confined his efforts to (...)
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  • Critical synthesis on urban knowledge: Remembering and forgetting in the modern city.David Gross - 1990 - Social Epistemology 4 (1):3 – 22.
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  • Einleitung: „Philosophie der Stadt“.Andrea Klonschinski & Johannes Müller-Salo - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Obwohl sich die „Philosophie der Stadt“ in den letzten Jahrzehnten dynamisch entwickelt hat, stellt sie noch keine klar konturierte philosophische Teildisziplin dar. Dieser Zustand birgt Chancen und Probleme: Die aktuellen Debatten sind vielschichtig und kreativ, die Potentiale verschiedener Theorien, Traditionen und Methoden zur philosophischen Erschließung der Stadt werden erprobt und kombiniert. Zugleich zeigt sich nach wie vor eine gewisse Unsicherheit hinsichtlich der genauen Ziele und Aufgaben einer Philosophie der Stadt sowie hinsichtlich ihres Verhältnisses zu anderen Disziplinen der Stadtforschung. Die (...)
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  • Being-in-the-Apple-store: a genetic phenomenological sociology of space.Vincent Qing Zhang - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (4):667-682.
    This study develops a genetic phenomenological sociology of space from the phenomenology and phenomenological sociology of space. Based on relational ontology, it argues that social space is a social relationship in genesis. An Apple walk-in store and an Apple online store are examples to illustrate the essence of social space. Any Apple store as a social space represents a set of social relations. The genetic phenomenological sociology of space in both store types includes two parts: first, the social ontology of (...)
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  • Quantitative methods I:The world we have lost – or where we started from.Ron Johnston, Richard J. Harris, Kelvyn Jones, David Manley, Wenfei Winnie Wang & Levi Wolf - 2019 - Progress in Human Geography 43 (6):1133- 1142.
    Although pioneering studies using statistical methods in geographical data analysis were published in the 1930s, it was only in the 1960s that their increasing use in human geography led to a claim that a ‘quantitative revolution’ had taken place. The widespread use of quantitative methods from then on was associated with changes in both disciplinary philosophy and substantive focus. The first decades of the ‘revolution’ saw quantitative analyses focused on the search for spatial order of a geometric form within an, (...)
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  • The Internality of Scale.Eliot Tretter - 2010 - Environment, Space, Place 2 (1):123-146.
    Recently, a shadow has been cast over how geographical scale has been theorized. Neil Brenner has argued that scale risks becoming a empty concept because it has been conflated with other terms in geography such as place, region, and space; Marston, Jones, and Woodward have proposed doing away with scale altogether; while Wood has accused geographers of having a “scale fetish.” The following article defends the theory of scale against these various detractors and attempts to become a bulwark to support (...)
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  • A sociolinguistic approach to applied epistemology: Examining technocratic values in global 'knowledge' policy.Philip Graham & David Rooney - 2001 - Social Epistemology 15 (3):155-169.
    (2001). A sociolinguistic approach to applied epistemology: Examining technocratic values in global 'knowledge' policy. Social Epistemology: Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 155-169.
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  • Recht auf die digitale Stadt.Bernd Prien & Anke Strüver - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie 8 (1).
    Zusammenfassung: Vor dem Hintergrund der wachsenden Bedeutung der Stadt als Lebensraum wird in der Humangeographie seit 50 Jahren diskutiert, wie sich dieser Raum gerecht gestalten und nutzen lässt. Einen klassischen Beitrag zu dieser Diskussion liefern Henri Lefebvres Überlegungen zum „Recht auf Stadt“. Anlass für unsere aktuelle Beschäftigung mit der Frage ist die zunehmende Digitalisierung städtischer Infrastrukturen und des städtischen Alltagslebens: Dazu gehören erstens die Smart-City-Strategien mit ihren digital gesteuerten Verkehrsleit- und Energieversorgungssystemen etc.; zweitens der sogenannte Plattformurbanismus, der Dienstleistungsaktivitäten plattformbasiert organisiert. (...)
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  • Founding transdisciplinary knowledge production in critical realism: implications and benefits.Mikael Stigendal & Andreas Novy - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (3):203-220.
    ABSTRACTThis article explains the implications and benefits of founding transdisciplinary collaborations of knowledge production in critical realism. We call such equal partnerships of researchers and practitioners knowledge alliances. Drawing on the distinction between the referent to which we refer and our references, we show that practitioners can contribute to the process of knowledge production by providing access to referents and producing references but also by achieving societal relevance. In order to accomplish excellence, knowledge production should be organized in ways that (...)
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  • Locating a geography of nursing: space, place and the progress of geographical thought.Gavin J. Andrews - 2003 - Nursing Philosophy 4 (3):231-248.
    Although traditionally, nursing research has paid little attention to geographical approaches, recent years have witnessed some initial research interest in the dynamic between nursing, space and place. Such research potentially represents the foundations of what may be termed a ‘geography of nursing’. Although, to date, some novel and valuable perspectives have been gained into the spatial features of nursing, no consideration has been given to the theoretical development of, and basis for, a geography of nursing. Furthermore, no consideration has been (...)
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  • Global cities, global justice?Loren King & Michael Blake - 2018 - Journal of Global Ethics 14 (3):332-352.
    The global city is a contested site of economic innovation and cultural production, as well as profound inequalities of wealth and life chances. These cities, and large cities that aspire to ‘global’ status, are often the point of entry for new immigrants. Yet for political theorists (and indeed many scholars of global institutions), these critical sites of global influence and inequality have not been a significant focus of attention. This is curious. Theorists have wrestled with the nature and demands of (...)
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  • Work and Social Justice: The Demands of Welfare in Kuwaiti Society.Zaha Alsuwailan - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (6):629-639.
    For centuries, philosophers and scholars have debated the role of the state in forming and distributing well-being, a concept now termed the ‘welfare state’. An ideal welfare state is one that protects and promotes the economic and social well-being of its citizens, based on the principles of equal opportunity and equitable distribution of wealth. In order to create such a welfare state, there must be a balance between a society’s demands and the market’s needs. In this paper, I argue for (...)
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  • O roszczeniach pozaparlamentarnej polityki. Przypadek miejskich ruchów społecznych w Polsce.Przemysław Pluciński - 2014 - Władza Sądzenia 3 (1).
    Główne problemy planowego artykułu dotyczą krytycznej ana - lizy uniwersalistycznych roszczeń wysuwanych przez rozmaite podmioty pozaparlamen - tarnej polityki, w tym wypadku część tzw. miejskich ruchów społecznych. Podstawowe pytanie jakie stawiam dotyczy możliwości takiego modelu pozaparlamentarnej polityczności, który próbuje być jednocześnie polityczny i aideologiczny. Przedmiotem rozważań są wewnętrzne napięcia pomiędzy rozmaitymi frakcjami miejskich ruchów spo - łecznych we współczesnej Polsce, ze szczególnym uwzględnienie kontekstu tak zwanych „narracji konkretnych” jako próby ich „odpolitycznienia”. Konkluzją rozważań jest kon - cepcja „demokracji miejskiej”, przede (...)
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  • Quantitative Methods I:The world we have lost - or where we started from.Ron Johnston, Richard Harris, Kelvyn Jones, David Manley, Winnie Wang & Levi Wolf - forthcoming - Progress in Human Geography.
    Although pioneering studies using statistical methods in geographical data analysis were published in the 1930s, it was only in the 1960s that their increasing use in human geography led to a claim that a ‘quantitative revolution’ had taken place. The widespread use of quantitative methods from then on was associated with changes in both disciplinary philosophy and substantive focus. The first decades of the ‘revolution’ saw quantitative analyses focused on the search for spatial order of a geometric form within an, (...)
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  • (1 other version)Not so Distant, Not so Strange: the Personal and the Political in Participatory Research.Giles Mohan - 1999 - Ethics, Place and Environment 2 (1):41-54.
    This paper examines the political and ethical problems which arise in the course of undertaking participatory research in developing countries. It argues that, rather than supplanting relationships of power within the knowledge creating process, most participatory research actually strengthens them. Instead a more complete form of dialogic research is required, which will involve struggles within our academies as well as in those other organisations in which our research is situated.
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  • Thinking past Henri Lefebvre : introducing “the theory of ground rent and rural sociology”.Stuart Elden & Adam David Morton - 2016 - Antipode 48 (1):57-66.
    This introduction to the translation of Henri Lefebvre's 1956 essay “The theory of ground rent and rural Sociology” moves through three stages. First, it suggests that Anglophone appropriations of Lefebvre have tended to focus too much on his urban writings, at the expense of understanding his early work on rural sociology, and failing to recognise how his urban focus emerged as a result of his interest in rural–urban transformation. Second, it provides a summary of his wider work on rural questions, (...)
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  • Applied human geography and ethics from an east central European perspective.Judit Timár & György Enyedi - 2004 - Ethics, Place and Environment 7 (3):173-184.
    Drawing on east central European, mainly Hungarian, experience, this paper views—from a different angle—some of the issues raised in international literature in connection with the ethics of applied human geography, and raises new ones. Citing a few examples of various personal, institutional and political economic ‘terrains’ within geography, it intends to underscore the importance of the issue of ‘what kind of geography and what kind of geographers’ in studying the ethics of geographical research. The paper also offers an east central (...)
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  • Equality vs. efficiency: The geography of solid organ distribution in the usa.Tom Koch & Ken Denike - 2001 - Ethics, Place and Environment 4 (1):45 – 56.
    There is at present a divide in the geographical literature between those interested in distributive justice as a social value and those who seek to implement distributive plans on the basis of efficiency of resource use. The former are 'social geographers' interested in equity as a social value, and the latter are 'practical' economic and locational geographers. This divide mirrors one existing elsewhere in social science between Rawlsian liberalism and utilitarian planners. Here we argue that equality and efficiency are related (...)
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  • (1 other version)Where am I? Who am I? The Relation Between Spatial Cognition, Social Cognition and Individual Differences in the Built Environment.Michael J. Proulx, Orlin S. Todorov, Amanda Taylor Aiken & Alexandra A. de Sousa - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Changing Cityscapes and the Process of Contemporary Gentrification: An examination of the transformation of Ringsend within the context of post-industrial growth in Dublin.Mary Benson - unknown
    The process of contemporary gentrification is a key feature of post-industrial growth and urban re-generation. A central concern of this research is to investigate the implications of the process of gentrification at the level of locality. This study approached this investigation by an examination of these processes within a particular inner city neighbourhood in Dublin called Ringsend. It is the understandings and experiences of contemporary processes that this research has aimed to capture. The aim of this research was to examine (...)
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  • The Shrew Environment.Juval Portugali - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (2):307-326.
    The ArgumentThe paper begins by addressing the notions of technological pessimism, society and environment from the point of view of geography and planning. It identifies two pessimistic waves in the recent history of geography and planning thought: “technological or explanational pessimism” in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and “understanding pessimism” in the late 1980s. The first is a distrust of positivist geography and rational planning to explain and control the environment; the second adds to the first a distrust of (...)
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  • Everyday Life, Tinkering, and Full Participation in the Urban Cultural Imaginary.Scott Tate - 2012 - Environment, Space, Place 4 (2):104-129.
    Cities around the globe are immersed in transnational projects of place reconfiguration and attraction. Urban places, intent on competing in the globalized experience-based economy, undertake identity projects—on-going, dynamic processes through which places are produced and reproduced by conscious strategies of place making and identity building (see, for example, Nyseth and Viken 2009). In this article, I employ Henri Lefebvre’s conceptions of a “right to the city” in order to explore the right to full participation in imagining and shaping urban futures. (...)
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  • (1 other version)What Values? Whose Values?Jean Hillier - 1999 - Ethics, Place and Environment 2 (2):179-199.
    Land use planning decisions are recognised as being value judgements, yet the questions of what values and whose values are rarely addressed. Values may be absolute or relative, intrinsic or extrinsic, passionately emotional or coolly reasoned, and ‘measured’ in a multitude of ways: by rarity, economics, social or aesthetic interpretations. Using examples of land use planning in Western Australia, I examine some of the complex values brought into play. I conclude that we need to explore, rather than reject, the plurality (...)
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  • (1 other version)What values? Whose values?Jean Hillier - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (2):179 – 199.
    Land use planning decisions are recognised as being value judgements, yet the questions of what values and whose values are rarely addressed. Values may be absolute or relative, intrinsic or extrinsic, passionately emotional or coolly reasoned, and 'measured' in a multitude of ways: by rarity, economics, social or aesthetic interpretations. Using examples of land use planning in Western Australia, I examine some of the complex values brought into play. I conclude that we need to explore, rather than reject, the plurality (...)
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  • Explaining the capitalist city: an idea of progress in Harvey’s Marxism.David Champagne - 2018 - Theory and Society 47 (6):717-735.
    What allows theories to evolve, to progress? A contentious notion, progress still haunts a number of contemporary theories. However, little research invites us to rethink progress in a comprehensive way. In this article, I contribute to this issue by considering the paradigmatic case of David Harvey’s Marxism. A pathbreaking thinker in geography, sociology, and urban studies, Harvey claims his theory intrinsically surpasses its inherent contradictions. However, numerous authors suggest otherwise, as it fails to engage with essential urban processes such as (...)
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  • Urban-human faces and the semiotic right to the city.Elsa Soro - 2021 - Sign Systems Studies 49 (3-4):590-607.
    Now that the usage and meaning of urban spaces have been dramatically challenged by the global pandemic, several debates and reflections are going on around the manner in which cities – both as concerns the public and the private spaces – have been designed. The article observes how “urban-human face” representations have served different models of urbanity across times and cultures. Using a framework deriving from semiotics of culture, according to which the city represents a model of the world, the (...)
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  • Advances towards a critical criminology.Ian Taylor, Paul Walton & Jock Young - 1974 - Theory and Society 1 (4):441-476.
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  • Understanding and explanation. Paul Ricœur and human geography.Paolo Furia - 2021 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (2):193-214.
    The aim of my paper is to put Ricœur’s philosophy in dialogue with human geography. There are at least two good reasons to do so. The first concerns the epistemological foundation of geography: Whereas humanistic or phenomenological geographers inspired by Heidegger or, to a lesser extent, by Merleau-Ponty have sometimes taken on an anti-scientific approach, the Ricœurian articulation of understanding and explanation may contribute to building a bridge between the experiential side of place-meanings and the scientific explanations of spatial elements (...)
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  • Les rythmes urbains de la néoliberalisation.Sandra Mallet - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà paru dans Justice spatiale-Spatial Justice, n° 6, juin 2014. Nous remercions Sandra Mallet de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Le processus de néolibéralisation joue un rôle prépondérant dans la restructuration des rythmes collectifs. Un temps linéaire s'impose, redéfinissant les rythmes et provoquant un effacement des temps « secondaires », traditionnellement hors du travail et de la production. Le modèle d'une ville en continu fonctionnant 24h/24, 7j/7, interroge, ce qui - Géographie – Nouvel article.
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  • The forms of power and the forms of cities: building on Charles Tilly. [REVIEW]Peter Marcuse - 2010 - Theory and Society 39 (3-4):471-485.
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  • Appropriating the city: space, theory, and bike messengers. [REVIEW]Jeffrey L. Kidder - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (3):307-328.
    Over the last 30 years, social theorists have increasingly emphasized the importance of space. However, in empirical research, the dialectical relationship between social interaction and the physical environment is still a largely neglected issue. Using the theory of structuration, I provide a concrete example of why and how space matters in the cultural analysis of an urban social world. I argue that bike messengers—individuals who deliver time-sensitive materials in downtown cores of major cities—cannot be understood outside an analysis of space. (...)
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  • Review forum.William S. Lynn - 2000 - Philosophy and Geography 3 (1):103 – 105.
    Moral reflections: David Harvey's justice, nature and the geography of difference. Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell, 1996. 468 pp., paper/cloth, $25.95/$68.95, ISBN 1-55786-681-3/1-55786-680-5.
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  • (1 other version)Not so distant, not so strange: The personal and the political in participatory research.Giles Mohan - 1999 - Philosophy and Geography 2 (1):41 – 54.
    This paper examines the political and ethical problems which arise in the course of undertaking participatory research in developing countries. It argues that, rather than supplanting relationships of power within the knowledge creating process, most participatory research actually strengthens them. Instead a more complete form of dialogic research is required, which will involve struggles within our academies as well as in those other organisations in which our research is situated.
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  • The Image of the Hyper City.Davide Landi - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (3):533-548.
    Since the nineteenth and twentieth century, information has been pivotal both in the cultural tradition and then in the economic tradition. While the Fordism economic model and its specialisation requirements originated a simplistic zoning and single-use development approach to the design of a city. It, however, determined a fragmented growth of cities. Inevitably, the zoning as an urban strategy affected the architectural scale. Nevertheless, the idea of information, commercial goods and thereby people freely able to flow through the city allowed (...)
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  • Book Reviews. [REVIEW]Michael Harloe - 1993 - Theory, Culture and Society 10 (1):163-165.
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  • Toronto Civic Workers Bargaining Without a Base: The Significance of 2012.Carlo Fanelli - 2014 - Studies in Social Justice 8 (2):119-143.
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  • From the margins to the majority: the possibility of a liberal education in liquid times.Michael Schapira - unknown
    Liberal philosophers of education often concentrate on issues of accommodation and recognition coming from minority cultures within pluralistic societies. While this remains an important task, I argue that there are troubling currents within the mainstream culture that merit philosophical critique by liberals. In this thesis I situate the educational platform of liberal philosopher Eamonn Callan within critiques coming from social theorists concerned with the growing influence of the market in our culture. I argue that unless these critiques are taken seriously (...)
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