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Data and Temporality in the Spectral City.Nathan A. Olmstead - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):243-263.details
Data and Temporality in the Spectral City.Nathan A. Olmstead - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):243-263.details
Making a circle: building a community of philosophical enquiry in a post-apartheid, government school in South Africa.Rose-Anne Reynolds - 2019 - Childhood and Philosophy 15:1-21.details
Maneuvering in the Interval: Reflections on Immanent Entanglements.Heather Wiltse - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):915-920.details
Maneuvering in the Interval: Reflections on Immanent Entanglements.Heather Wiltse - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):915-920.details
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Fear of a Black planet: Climate apocalypse, Anthropocene futures and Black social thought.Filipe Carreira da Silva & Joe P. L. Davidson - 2022 - European Journal of Social Theory 25 (4):521-538.details
Domesticating Artificial Intelligence.Luise Müller - 2022 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 9 (2):219-237.details
Unfinished Lives and Multiple Deaths: Bodies, Buddhists and Organ Donation.Tanya Maria Zivkovic - 2022 - Body and Society 28 (3):63-88.details
Down and Dirty in the Field of Play: Startup Societies, Cryptostatecraft, and Critical Complicity.Daniela Gandorfer - 2022 - Law and Critique 33 (3):355-377.details
Rethinking Dionysus and Apollo: Redrawing Today’s Philosophical Chessboard.Carlos A. Segovia - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):360-380.details
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Gilles Deleuze and Donna Haraway on Fabulating the Earth.Aline Wiame - 2018 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 12 (4):525-540.details
A Bite of the Forbidden Fruit: The Abject of Food and Affirmative Environmental Ethics.Anne Sauka - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):281-295.details
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Reality, Fiction, and Make-Believe in Kendall Walton.Emanuele Arielli - 2021 - In Krešimir Purgar (ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Image Studies. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 363-377.details
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Framing the Epistemic Schism of Statistical Mechanics.Javier Anta - 2021 - Proceedings of the X Conference of the Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.details
Kinmaking, Progeneration, and Ethnography.Robert A. Wilson - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 91 (C):77-85.details
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Fathoming Postnatural Oceans: Towards a low trophic theory in the practices of feminist posthumanities.Marietta Radomska & Cecilia Åsberg - 2021 - Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4:1-18.details
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Queer Death Studies: Coming to Terms with Death, Dying and Mourning Differently. An Introduction.Marietta Radomska, Tara Mehrabi & Nina Lykke - 2019 - Women, Gender and Research 2019 (3-4):3-11.details
Being Haunted by—and Reorienting toward—What ‘Matters’ in Times of (the COVID-19) Crisis: A Critical Pedagogical Cartography of Response-ability.Evelien Geerts - 2021 - In Vivienne Bozalek & Michalinos Zembylas (eds.), Higher Education Hauntologies: Living with Ghosts for a Justice-to-Come. Routledge.details
(1 other version)Deleuzoguattarian Thought, the New Materialisms, and (Be)wild(erring) Pedagogies: A Conversation between Chantelle Gray, Delphi Carstens, Evelien Geerts, and Aragorn Eloff.Evelien Geerts, Chantelle Gray, Delphi Carstens & Aragorn Eloff - 2021 - Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research 1 (2).details
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(1 other version)The more-than-human materializations of violence, remembrance, and times of crisis.Evelien Geerts - 2021 - Posthumanities Hub Blog Series.details
Caring in-between:events of engagement of preschool children and forests.A. Vladimirova - 2021 - Journal of Childhood Studies 46 (1).details
For a Creative Ontology of the Future: An Ode to Love.Jamie Brassett - 2021 - In Jamie Brassett & John O'Rielly (eds.), A Creative Philosophy of Anticipation.details
Earth and World(s): From Heidegger’s Fourfold to Contemporary Anthropology.Carlos A. Segovia & Sofya Gevorkyan - 2021 - Open Philosophy 4 (1):58-82.details
Public Actors Without Public Values: Legitimacy, Domination and the Regulation of the Technology Sector.Linnet Taylor - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (4):897-922.details
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Behaving, Mattering, and Habits Called Aesthetics.Adrian Mróz - 2020 - Polish Journal of Aesthetics 57 (2):57-102.details
In the mood of data and measurements: experiments as affirmative critique, or how to curate academic value with care.Katja Brøgger & Dorthe Staunæs - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (4):429-445.details
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Bionic Bodies, Posthuman Violence and the Disembodied Criminal Subject.Sabrina Gilani - 2021 - Law and Critique 32 (2):171-193.details
Re-storying Laws for the Anthropocene: Rights, Obligations and an Ethics of Encounter.Kathleen Birrell & Daniel Matthews - 2020 - Law and Critique 31 (3):275-292.details
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Re-vitalizing the American Feminist-Philosophical Classroom: Transformative Academic Experimentations with Diffractive Pedagogies.Evelien Geerts - 2019 - In Carol A. Taylor & Annouchka Bayley (eds.), Posthumanism and Higher Education: Reimagining Pedagogy, Practice and Research. Springer Verlag. pp. 123-140.details
The Only Exit From Modern Philosophy.Graham Harman - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):132-146.details
Temporalizing ontology: a case for pragmatic emergence.Ludger van Dijk - 2020 - Synthese 198 (9):9021-9034.details
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