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  1. Slurring individuals.Víctor Carranza-Pinedo - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper explores the derogatory uses of nicknames within closely-knit social settings such as villages, households, and schools. By examining ethnographic and psychological data on nicknaming practices, this paper contends that pejorative nicknames and slurs share structural and functional attributes. On the one hand, pejorative nicknames and slurs can elicit deep offence regardless of the speaker’s intentions or whether they occur within speech reports. On the other, pejorative nicknames can contribute to creating and reinforcing unjust intra-group hierarchies, hence mirroring the (...)
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  • The landscape of affective meaning.Víctor Carranza-Pinedo - 2022 - Dissertation, Institut Jean Nicod
    Swear words are highly colloquial expressions that have the capacity to signal the speaker's affective states, i.e., to display the speaker's feelings with respect to a certain stimulus. For this reason, swear words are often called 'expressives'. Which linguistic mechanisms allow swear words display affective states, and, more importantly, how can such 'affective content' be characterized in a theory of meaning? Even though research on expressive meaning has produced models that integrate the affective aspects of swear words in a compositional (...)
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  • Leading with moral courage: The interplay of guilt and courage on perceived ethical leadership and group organizational citizenship behaviors.Juliana Mansur, Filipe Sobral & Gazi Islam - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (3):587-601.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Perceiving emotions: Cueing social categorization processes and attentional control through facial expressions.Elena Cañadas, Juan Lupiáñez, Kerry Kawakami, Paula M. Niedenthal & Rosa Rodríguez-Bailón - 2016 - Cognition and Emotion 30 (6).
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  • Three decades of Cognition & Emotion: A brief review of past highlights and future prospects.Klaus Rothermund & Sander L. Koole - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (1):1-12.
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  • Emotions as signals of normative conduct.Shlomo Hareli, Osnat Moran-Amir, Shlomo David & Ursula Hess - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (8):1395-1404.
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  • Making Sense of the Social World and Influencing It by Using a Naïve Attribution Theory of Emotions.Shlomo Hareli - 2014 - Emotion Review 6 (4):336-343.
    Weiner’s (1986) attribution theory of motivation and emotion assumes emotions are determined by beliefs about causality. Individuals share a naïve understanding of this linkage between causal attribution and emotions and use it in order to draw inferences from and influence others’ emotions. Evidence for such uses is provided and recent research and theory that goes beyond the attribution–emotion linkage is discussed. Specifically, recent research considers the naïve use of a larger set of emotions and appraisals and their connections, and the (...)
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  • Narrating Anger Appropriately: Implications for Narrative Form and Successful Coping.Tilmann Habermas & Stephan Bongard - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (4):238-251.
    We propose that emotion psychology would significantly gain from including narrative(s) and the conversational negotiation of appropriateness. Using the example of anger, we argue that narrators need to construct plausible narratives of emotional events to achieve validating responses by listeners. We argue first that narrators attempt to demonstrate that the appraisal conditions for their emotion are given so that the emotion fits the narrated events. Second, we argue that this in turn explains why narratives of specific emotions exhibit specific forms. (...)
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  • A Motivational Account of Convergence in Emotion Expressions Within Groups: The Emotional Conformity Framework.Svenja A. Wolf, Marc W. Heerdink & Gerben A. van Kleef - 2023 - Emotion Review 15 (4):363-379.
    Although convergence in emotion expressions within small groups is well documented, the motives that explain why members converge are rarely explicated. We approach expressive convergence from a conformity perspective and introduce the Emotional Conformity Framework, in which we posit that members match their groupmates’ emotion expressions because they are motivated to gain an accurate understanding of reality (informational conformity motive) or to form and maintain social relationships (normative conformity motive). These motives determine members’ standards for correctness, social responses, and plausible (...)
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  • Through a glass darkly: facial wrinkles affect our processing of emotion in the elderly.Maxi Freudenberg, Reginald B. Adams, Robert E. Kleck & Ursula Hess - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Perception of Face and Body Expressions Using Electromyography, Pupillometry and Gaze Measures.Mariska E. Kret, Jeroen J. Stekelenburg, Karin Roelofs & Beatrice de Gelder - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  • Threatening joy: Approach and avoidance reactions to emotions are influenced by the group membership of the expresser.Andrea Paulus & Dirk Wentura - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (4):656-677.
    It has been repeatedly stated that approach and avoidance reactions to emotional faces are triggered by the intention signalled by the emotion. This line of thought suggests that each emotion signals a specific intention triggering a specific behavioural reaction. However, empirical results examining this assumption are inconsistent, suggesting that it might be too short-sighted. We hypothesise that the same emotional expression can signal different social messages and, therefore, trigger different reactions; which social message is signalled by an emotional expression should (...)
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  • Why We Mimic Emotions Even When No One is Watching: Limited Visual Contact and Emotional Mimicry.Michal Olszanowski & Monika Wróbel - 2024 - Emotion Review 16 (1):16-27.
    This article explores interpersonal functions of emotional mimicry under the absence versus the presence of visual contact between the interacting partners. We review relevant literature and stress that previous studies on the role of emotional mimicry were focused on imitative responses to facial displays. We also show that the rules explaining why people mimic facial expressions may be inapplicable when visual signals are unavailable (e.g., people attending an online meeting have their cameras off). Overall, our review suggests that emotional mimicry (...)
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  • I looked at you, you looked at me, I smiled at you, you smiled at me—The impact of eye contact on emotional mimicry.Heidi Mauersberger, Till Kastendieck & Ursula Hess - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Eye contact is an essential element of human interaction and direct eye gaze has been shown to have effects on a range of attentional and cognitive processes. Specifically, direct eye contact evokes a positive affective reaction. As such, it has been proposed that obstructed eye contact reduces emotional mimicry. So far, emotional mimicry research has used averted-gaze faces or unnaturally covered eyes to analyze the effect of eye contact on emotional mimicry. However, averted gaze can also signal disinterest/ disengagement and (...)
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  • Facial redness, expression, and masculinity influence perceptions of anger and health.Steven G. Young, Christopher A. Thorstenson & Adam D. Pazda - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (1):1-12.
    Past research has found that skin colouration, particularly facial redness, influences the perceived health and emotional state of target individuals. In the current work, we explore several extensions of this past research. In Experiment 1, we manipulated facial redness incrementally on neutral and angry faces and had participants rate each face for anger and health. Different red effects emerged, as perceived anger increased in a linear manner as facial redness increased. Health ratings instead showed a curvilinear trend, as both extreme (...)
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  • A cross-cultural study on emotion expression and the learning of social norms.Shlomo Hareli, Konstantinos Kafetsios & Ursula Hess - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Willingness to express emotion depends upon perceiving partner care.Katherine R. Von Culin, Jennifer L. Hirsch & Margaret S. Clark - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):641-650.
    Two studies document that people are more willing to express emotions that reveal vulnerabilities to partners when they perceive those partners to be more communally responsive to them. In Study 1, participants rated the communal strength they thought various partners felt toward them and their own willingness to express happiness, sadness and anxiety to each partner. Individuals who generally perceive high communal strength from their partners were also generally most willing to express emotion to partners. Independently, participants were more willing (...)
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  • Satisfied with the Job, But Not with the Boss: Leaders’ Expressions of Gratitude and Pride Differentially Signal Leader Selfishness, Resulting in Differing Levels of Followers’ Satisfaction.Lisa Ritzenhöfer, Prisca Brosi, Matthias Spörrle & Isabell M. Welpe - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1185-1202.
    Setting out to understand the effects of positive moral emotions in leadership, this research examines the consequences of leaders’ expressions of gratitude and pride for their followers. In two experimental vignette studies and a field study, leaders’ gratitude expressions showed a positive effect and leaders’ pride expressions showed a negative effect on followers’ ascriptions of leader selfishness. Thereby, leaders’ gratitude expression indirectly led to higher follower satisfaction with and OCB towards the leader, while leaders’ pride expressions indirectly reduced satisfaction with (...)
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  • Deriving meaning from others’ emotions: attribution, appraisal, and the use of emotions as social information.Evert A. van Doorn, Gerben A. van Kleef & Joop van der Pligt - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:145633.
    Emotional expressions constitute a rich source of information. Integrating theorizing on attribution, appraisal processes, and the use of emotions as social information, we examined how emotional expressions influence attributions of agency and responsibility under conditions of ambiguity. Three vignette studies involving different scenarios indicate that participants used information about others’ emotional expressions to make sense of ambiguous social situations. Expressions of regret fueled inferences that the expresser was responsible for an adverse situation, whereas expressions of anger fueled inferences that someone (...)
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  • The Intersection of Gender-Related Facial Appearance and Facial Displays of Emotion.Reginald B. Adams, Ursula Hess & Robert E. Kleck - 2015 - Emotion Review 7 (1):5-13.
    The human face conveys a myriad of social meanings within an overlapping array of features. Herein, we examine such features within the context of gender-emotion stereotypes. First we detail the pervasive set of gender-emotion expectations known to exist. We then review new research revealing that gender cues and emotion expression often share physical properties that represent a confound of overlapping features characteristic of low versus high facial maturity/dominance. As such, gender-related facial appearance and facial expression of emotions often share social (...)
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