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Mathematics in Aristotle

Routledge (1949)

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  1. International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching.Michael R. Matthews (ed.) - 2014 - Springer.
    This inaugural handbook documents the distinctive research field that utilizes history and philosophy in investigation of theoretical, curricular and pedagogical issues in the teaching of science and mathematics. It is contributed to by 130 researchers from 30 countries; it provides a logically structured, fully referenced guide to the ways in which science and mathematics education is, informed by the history and philosophy of these disciplines, as well as by the philosophy of education more generally. The first handbook to cover the (...)
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  • Non-deductive Logic in Mathematics: The Probability of Conjectures.James Franklin - 2013 - In Andrew Aberdein & Ian J. Dove (eds.), The Argument of Mathematics. Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer. pp. 11--29.
    Mathematicians often speak of conjectures, yet unproved, as probable or well-confirmed by evidence. The Riemann Hypothesis, for example, is widely believed to be almost certainly true. There seems no initial reason to distinguish such probability from the same notion in empirical science. Yet it is hard to see how there could be probabilistic relations between the necessary truths of pure mathematics. The existence of such logical relations, short of certainty, is defended using the theory of logical probability (or objective Bayesianism (...)
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  • Las Matemáticas en el Pensamiento de Vilém Flusser.Gerardo Santana Trujillo - 2012 - Flusser Studies 13 (1).
    This paper aims to establish the importance of mathematical thinking in the work of Vilém Flusser. For this purpose highlights the concept of escalation of abstraction with which the Czech German philosopher finishes by reversing the top of the traditional pyramid of knowledge, we know from Plato and Aristotle. It also assumes the implicit cultural revolution in the refinement of the numerical element in a process of gradual abandonment of purely alphabetic code, highlights the new key code, together with the (...)
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  • Aristotle and mathematics.Henry Mendell - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Aristotle and Greek Geometrical Analysis.Enrico Berti - 2021 - Philosophia Scientiae 25:9-21.
    This paper aims to show that an examination of some passages in Aristotle’s work can contribute to the resolution of crucial problems related to the interpretation of ancient geometrical analysis. In this context, we will focus in particular on the famous passage of the Posterior Analytics in which Aristotle cryptically refers to the analysis practised by the geometers and we will show the fundamental importance of this passage for a correct understanding of ancient geometrical analysis.
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  • Mathematical Generality, Letter-Labels, and All That.F. Acerbi - 2020 - Phronesis 65 (1):27-75.
    This article focusses on the generality of the entities involved in a geometric proof of the kind found in ancient Greek treatises: it shows that the standard modern translation of Greek mathematical propositions falsifies crucial syntactical elements, and employs an incorrect conception of the denotative letters in a Greek geometric proof; epigraphic evidence is adduced to show that these denotative letters are ‘letter-labels’. On this basis, the article explores the consequences of seeing that a Greek mathematical proposition is fully general, (...)
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  • Geometrical Objects as Properties of Sensibles: Aristotle’s Philosophy of Geometry.Emily Katz - 2019 - Phronesis 64 (4):465-513.
    There is little agreement about Aristotle’s philosophy of geometry, partly due to the textual evidence and partly part to disagreement over what constitutes a plausible view. I keep separate the questions ‘What is Aristotle’s philosophy of geometry?’ and ‘Is Aristotle right?’, and consider the textual evidence in the context of Greek geometrical practice, and show that, for Aristotle, plane geometry is about properties of certain sensible objects—specifically, dimensional continuity—and certain properties possessed by actual and potential compass-and-straightedge drawings qua quantitative and (...)
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  • Les rapports d'échange selon Aristote. Éthique à Nicomaque V et VIII-IX.Gilles Campagnolo & Maurice Lagueux - 2004 - Dialogue 43 (3):443-470.
    This article proposes an interpretation of the chapters of theNicomachean Ethicsconcerning exchange and friendship. Rejecting approaches where Aristotle anticipates modern labour or need-based theories of value, the article claims that those notions of labour and need are required for a satisfactory interpretation of the most obscure passages of Book V. Finally, Aristotle's texts on exchange and friendship are related in such a way that the latter, since it is free from any political considerations, allows us to better understand the philosopher's (...)
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  • Teleology and Understanding.Jessica Gelber - manuscript
    This argues for a reading of PA I.1, 639b11-640a9 as a continuous argument, which I divide into 3 main sections. Aristotle’s point in the first section is that teleological explanations should precede non-teleological explanations in the order of exposition. His reasoning is that the ends cited in teleological explanations are definitions, and definitions—which are not subject to further explanation—are appropriate starting points, insofar as they prevent explanations from going on ad infinitum. Moreover, I argue that Aristotle proceeds in the following (...)
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  • Prelude to dimension theory: The geometrical investigations of Bernard Bolzano.Dale M. Johnson - 1977 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 17 (3):261-295.
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  • Le rôle des principes universels dans les démonstrations selon Aristote.Cécile Wartelle - 2004 - Philosophie Antique 4 (4):27-59.
    In Metaph. Β and Γ, Aristotle claims that universal principles, such as the principle of non contradiction or the principle of excluded middle, are principles of demons­trations. Besides the technical question of the way in which such principles are principles of demonstrations, this paper raises the question why Aristotle insists on their relation to demons­trations in the Metaphysics and not in Analytics. The answer proposed is that demons­trations use these universal principles because they are to reveal the stucture of reality, (...)
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  • How can a line segment with extension be composed of extensionless points?Brian Reese, Michael Vazquez & Scott Weinstein - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-28.
    We provide a new interpretation of Zeno’s Paradox of Measure that begins by giving a substantive account, drawn from Aristotle’s text, of the fact that points lack magnitude. The main elements of this account are (1) the Axiom of Archimedes which states that there are no infinitesimal magnitudes, and (2) the principle that all assignments of magnitude, or lack thereof, must be grounded in the magnitude of line segments, the primary objects to which the notion of linear magnitude applies. Armed (...)
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  • Applied versus situated mathematics in ancient Egypt: bridging the gap between theory and practice.Sandra Visokolskis & Héctor Horacio Gerván - 2022 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 12 (1):1-30.
    This historiographical study aims at introducing the category of “situated mathematics” to the case of Ancient Egypt. However, unlike Situated Learning Theory, which is based on ethnographic relativity, in this paper, the goal is to analyze a mathematical craft knowledge based on concrete particulars and case studies, which is ubiquitous in all human activity, and which even covers, as a specific case, the Hellenistic style, where theoretical constructs do not stand apart from practice, but instead remain grounded in it.The historiographic (...)
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  • The Three Faces of the Cogito: Descartes (and Aristotle) on Knowledge of First Principles.Murray Miles - 2020 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 68 (2):63-86.
    With the systematic aim of clarifying the phenomenon sometimes described as “the intellectual apprehension of first principles,” Descartes’ first principle par excellence is interpreted before the historical backcloth of Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics. To begin with, three “faces” of the cogito are distinguished: (1) the proto-cogito (“I think”), (2) the cogito proper (“I think, therefore I am”), and (3) the cogito principle (“Whatever thinks, is”). There follows a detailed (though inevitably somewhat conjectural) reconstruction of the transition of the mind from (1) (...)
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  • Euclid’s Pseudaria.Fabio Acerbi - 2008 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 62 (5):511-551.
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  • From practical to pure geometry and back.Mario Bacelar Valente - 2020 - Revista Brasileira de História da Matemática 20 (39):13-33.
    The purpose of this work is to address the relation existing between ancient Greek practical geometry and ancient Greek pure geometry. In the first part of the work, we will consider practical and pure geometry and how pure geometry can be seen, in some respects, as arising from an idealization of practical geometry. From an analysis of relevant extant texts, we will make explicit the idealizations at play in pure geometry in relation to practical geometry, some of which are basically (...)
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  • Traditional Logic, Modern Logic and Natural Language.Wilfrid Hodges - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (6):589-606.
    In a recent paper Johan van Benthem reviews earlier work done by himself and colleagues on ‘natural logic’. His paper makes a number of challenging comments on the relationships between traditional logic, modern logic and natural logic. I respond to his challenge, by drawing what I think are the most significant lines dividing traditional logic from modern. The leading difference is in the way logic is expected to be used for checking arguments. For traditionals the checking is local, i.e. separately (...)
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  • Une nouvelle démonstration de l’irrationalité de racine carrée de 2 d’après les Analytiques d’Aristote.Salomon Ofman - 2010 - Philosophie Antique 10:81-138.
    Pour rendre compte de la première démonstration d’existence d’une grandeur irrationnelle, les historiens des sciences et les commentateurs d’Aristote se réfèrent aux textes sur l’incommensurabilité de la diagonale qui se trouvent dans les Premiers Analytiques, les plus anciens sur la question. Les preuves usuelles proposées dérivent d’un même modèle qui se trouve à la fin du livre X des Éléments d’Euclide. Le problème est que ses conclusions, passant par la représentation des fractions comme rapport de deux entiers premiers entre eux, (...)
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  • Operationalism: An Interpretation of the Philosophy of Ancient Greek Geometry.Viktor Blåsjö - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):587-708.
    I present a systematic interpretation of the foundational purpose of constructions in ancient Greek geometry. I argue that Greek geometers were committed to an operationalist foundational program, according to which all of mathematics—including its entire ontology and epistemology—is based entirely on concrete physical constructions. On this reading, key foundational aspects of Greek geometry are analogous to core tenets of 20th-century operationalist/positivist/constructivist/intuitionist philosophy of science and mathematics. Operationalism provides coherent answers to a range of traditional philosophical problems regarding classical mathematics, such (...)
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  • Aristotelian Necessities: Commentary on Bolton.William Wians - 1997 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 13 (1):139-145.
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  • Analyzing (and synthesizing) analysis.Jaakko Hintikka - unknown
    Equally surprisingly, Descartes’s paranoid belief was shared by several contemporary mathematicians, among them Isaac Barrow, John Wallis and Edmund Halley. (Huxley 1959, pp. 354-355.) In the light of our fuller knowledge of history it is easy to smile at Descartes. It has even been argued by Netz that analysis was in fact for ancient Greek geometers a method of presenting their results (see Netz 2000). But in a deeper sense Descartes perceived something interesting in the historical record. We are looking (...)
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  • Strategies for conceptual change: Ratio and proportion in classical Greek mathematics.Paul Rusnock & Paul Thagard - 1995 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 26 (1):107-131.
    …all men begin… by wondering that things are as they are…as they do about…the incommensurability of the diagonal of the square with the side; for it seems wonderful to all who have not yet seen the reason, that there is a thing which cannot be measured even by the smallest unit. But we must end in the contrary and, according to the proverb, the better state, as is the case in these instances too when men learn the cause; for there (...)
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  • La filosofía de las matemáticas de Aristóteles.Miguel Martí Sánchez - 2016 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 52:43-66.
    La filosofía de las matemáticas de Aristóteles es una investigación acerca de tres asuntos diferentes pero complementarios: el lugar epistemológico de las matemáticas en el organigrama de las ciencias teoréticas o especulativas; el estudio del método usado por el matemático para elaborar sus doctrinas, sobre todo la geometría y la aritmética; y la averiguación del estatuto ontológico de las entidades matemáticas. Para comprender lo peculiar de la doctrina aristotélica es necesario tener en cuenta que su principal interés está en poner (...)
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  • For Some Histories of Greek Mathematics.Roy Wagner - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (4):535-565.
    ArgumentThis paper argues for the viability of a different philosophical point of view concerning classical Greek geometry. It reviews Reviel Netz's interpretation of classical Greek geometry and offers a Deleuzian, post-structural alternative. Deleuze's notion of haptic vision is imported from its art history context to propose an analysis of Greek geometric practices that serves as counterpoint to their linear modular cognitive narration by Netz. Our interpretation highlights the relation between embodied practices, noisy material constraints, and operational codes. Furthermore, it sheds (...)
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  • Aristotle’s Expansion of the Taxonomy of Fallacy in De Sophisticis Elenchis 8.Carrie Swanson - 2012 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 15 (1):200-237.
    In the eighth chapter of De Sophisticis Elenchis, Aristotle introduces a mode of sophistical refutation that constitutes an addition to the taxonomy of the earlier chapters of the treatise. The new mode is pseudo-scientific refutation, or “the [syllogism or refutation] which though real, [merely] appears appropriate to the subject matter”. Against the grain of its most commonly accepted reading, I argue that Aristotle is not concerned in SE 8 to establish that both the apparent refutations of SE 4–7 and pseudo-scientific (...)
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  • The Word Reaction: From Physics to Psychiatry.Jean Starobinski & Judith P. Serafini-Sauli - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (93):1-27.
    Reagere, reactio does not belong to classical Latin. Reagere appears, as late as the fourth century A.D., in Avienus, but not reactio. Nonetheless, antiquity was not unaware of the concept of reciprocal action, where the “patient” reacts in return on the agent. The Aristotelian doctrine of antiperistasis occupied physicists up until the time of Galileo: “All movers, as long as they move, are at the same time moved.” The Latin authors dispense with reagere and reactio. It is the verb pati, (...)
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  • Theoriegeleitete Bestimmung von Objektmengen und Beobachtungsintervallen am Beispiel des Halleyschen Kometen.Ulrich Gähde - 2012 - Philosophia Naturalis 49 (2):207-224.
    The starting point of the following considerations is a case study concerning the discovery of Halley's comet and the theoretical description of its path. It is shown that the set of objects involved in that system and the time interval during which their paths are observed are determined in a theory dependent way – thereby making use of the very theory later used for that system's theoretical description. Metatheoretical consequences this fact has with respect to the structuralist view of empirical (...)
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  • The Archimedean ‘sambukē’ of Damis in Biton.Paul T. Keyser - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (2):153-172.
    Biton’s Construction of Machines of War and Catapults describes six machines by five engineers or inventors; the fourth machine is a rolling elevatable scaling ladder, named sambukē, designed by one Damis of Kolophōn. The first sambukē was invented by Herakleides of Taras, in 214 BCE, for the Roman siege of Syracuse. Biton is often dismissed as incomprehensible or preposterous. I here argue that the account of Damis’ device is largely coherent and shows that Biton understood that Damis had built a (...)
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