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Suspending the World: Romantic Irony and Idealist System.Kirill Chepurin - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (2):111-133.details
“As From a State of Death”: Schelling’s Idealism as Mortalism.G. Anthony Bruno - 2016 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8 (3):288-301.details
Conceptualistic Pragmatism.Terry Pinkard - 2018 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (2).details
Temporalities, Universality and Insurgency: On Massimiliano Tomba’s Insurgent Universality.Aldo Beretta & Rebecca Fritzl - 2022 - Historical Materialism 30 (4):71-86.details
Nanotechnology, contingency and finitude.Christopher Groves - 2009 - NanoEthics 3 (1):1-16.details
Absolute difference and social ontology: Levinas face to face with Buber and Fichte.Simon Lumsden - 2000 - Human Studies 23 (3):227-241.details
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Hegel's educational theory and practice.Nigel Tubbs - 1996 - British Journal of Educational Studies 44 (2):181-199.details
Dialectical Hegelian Logic and Physical Quantity and Quality.J. L. Usó-Doménech, J. A. Nescolarde-Selva & H. Gash - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (2):555-572.details
Hegel's Glutty Negation.Elena Ficara - 2015 - History and Philosophy of Logic 36 (1):29-38.details
Educational Plasticity: Catherine Malabou and ‘the feeling of a new responsibility’.Emile Bojesen - 2015 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 47 (10):1039-1051.details
Attentional capture and attentional character.P. Sven Arvidson - 2008 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 7 (4):539-562.details
Infinity, infinite processes and limit concepts: recovering a neglected background of social and critical theory.Piet Strydom - 2017 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 43 (8):793-811.details
Hegel’s logic of finitude.Rocío Zambrana - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (2):213-233.details
In Defence of Punishment and the Unified Theory of Punishment: A Reply.Thom Brooks - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (3):629-638.details
Confronting the Anthropocene: Schelling and Lucretius on Receiving Nature's Gift.Christopher Lauer - 2016 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 8 (2):160-179.details
Singularity and Community: Levinas and democracy.Guoping Zhao - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (4).details
From Idealism to Pragmatism.Willem A. deVries - 2018 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (2).details
Sense, Language, and Ontology in Merleau-Ponty and Hyppolite.Dimitris Apostolopoulos - 2018 - Research in Phenomenology 48 (1):92-118.details
Architectural Concept: (Op)Positional Infinity of the City.Snežana Vesnić - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 85 (85):157-167.details
The Return of the Dialectics of Nature.John Bellamy Foster - 2012 - Historical Materialism:1-26.details
Hegel’s political theology: ‘True Infinity’, dialectical panentheism and social criticism.Jolyon Agar - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (10):1093-1111.details
A Critique of Rorty’s Conception of Pragmatism.Paul Giladi - 2015 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 7 (2):168-185.details
Fichte, Hegel, and the Life and Death Struggle.James A. Clarke - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (1):81-103.details
Blind Intuitions: Modernism's Critique of Idealism.J. M. Bernstein - 2014 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (6):1069-1094.details
From dialectic to organization: Bogdanov’s contribution to social theory.Anthony Mansueto - 1996 - Studies in East European Thought 48 (1):37-61.details
Actuality and Intelligibility.Vincent Colapietro - 2018 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 10 (2).details
Herder's 'Expressivist' Metaphysics and the Origins of German Idealism.Alex Englander - 2013 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21 (5):902 - 924.details
Retroactive Temporality. The Logic of Jazz Improvisation read through Žižek’s Hegel.Feige Daniel Martin - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (3).details
Beyond Blumer and Symbolic Interactionism: The Qualitative-Quantitative Issue in Social Theory and Methodology.Igor Hanzel - 2011 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 41 (3):303-326.details
Causation, Principle of Common Cause and Theoretical Explanation: Wesley C. Salmon and G. W. F. Hegel.Igor Hanzel - 2012 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 43 (1):29-44.details
Hegel: Why Liberal Thought Is Not Anti-Totalitarian Enough.Tomáš Korda - 2020 - Pro-Fil 21 (1):24.details
Substance is subject is style: On the speculative poetics of Gillian Rose.Gregory Marks - forthcoming - Thesis Eleven.details
Monadic marxism: A critique of Elster's methodological individualism.Douglas Moggach - 1991 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 21 (1):38-63.details
Psychoanalysis and Interdisciplinarity With Non-analytic Psychotherapeutic Approaches Through the Lens of Dialectics.Yael Peri Herzovich & Aner Govrin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:697506.details
Discord, Monstrosity and Violence: deleuze's differential ontology and its consequences for ethics.Hannah Stark - 2015 - Angelaki 20 (4):211-224.details
Beyond the essential contestation: Construction and deconstruction of regional identity.Susan A. van, 'T. Klooster, Marjolein B. A. van Asselt & Sjaak P. Koenis - 2002 - Ethics, Place and Environment 5 (2):109 – 121.details
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Speculative conception of thought: Hegel on language.Goran Vranešević - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 86 (86):87-108.details
Despair and the determinate negation of Brandom’s Hegel.Joshua I. Wretzel - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (2):195-216.details
Brandom on Hegel’s Objective Idealism: An Ecological Amendment.Berker Basmaci - 2024 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy (1).details
Why Kant is a Weak Conceptualist.Ruslanas Baranovas - 2019 - Problemos 95:81-93.details
Tractatus Perfectio-Philosophicus: Or, Discourses On The Dharma Of Civilization & Its Odyssey Toward International Harmony: A Treatise On Intercosmopolitan Realpolitik Grounded By The Logical Necessity Of Civilizationism.G. R. Tomaini - 2024 - Melbourne, Australia: Manticore Press. Edited by Gwendolyn Taunton.details
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Iran as a symptom: A psychoanalytic critique of the ideological structure in the Islamic Republic.Simon Rajbar - 2018 - Dissertation, Cardiff Universitydetails