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  1. “The loss of experience” in digital age: Legal implications.Nataliia Satokhina & Yulia Razmetaeva - 2021 - Phenomenology and Mind 20:128-136.
    Exploring the history of our experience, Hannah Arendt reveals not only a radical transformation of its structure, but also the loss of experience as such and its replacement with technology. In order to identify the place of law in this process, we are trying to clarify the legal aspect of experience in terms of phenomenological hermeneutics and to trace its transformation in the digital age. The experience of law is thought of as one of the aspects of our mode of (...)
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  • A-Priority and Hermeneutics: The Scientificity of Phenomenology from Husserl to Heidegger.Bruno Cassara - 2020 - Bollettino Filosofico 35 (1):58-70.
    Like Husserl, the young Heidegger was preoccupied with the a-priority of phenomenology. He also incorporates hermeneutics into phenomenology, though Husserl was convinced that the a-priority of phenomenology removed all interpretation from its analyses. This paper investigates how the early Heidegger is able to make hermeneutics a general condition of understanding while maintaining, in line with Husserl, that phenomenology is an a-priori science. This paper also provides insight into key debates in the history of phenomenology. I examine two places in which (...)
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  • Enactive becoming.Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (5):783-809.
    The enactive approach provides a perspective on human bodies in their organic, sensorimotor, social, and linguistic dimensions, but many fundamental issues still remain unaddressed. A crucial desideratum for a theory of human bodies is that it be able to account for concrete human becoming. In this article I show that enactive theory possesses resources to achieve this goal. Being an existential structure, human becoming is best approached by a series of progressive formal indications. I discuss three standpoints on human becoming (...)
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  • Aristotle's Ontology of Change.Mark Sentesy - 2020 - Chicago, IL, USA: Northwestern University Press.
    This book investigates what change is, according to Aristotle, and how it affects his conception of being. Mark Sentesy argues that change leads Aristotle to develop first-order metaphysical concepts such as matter, potency, actuality, sources of being, and the teleology of emerging things. He shows that Aristotle’s distinctive ontological claim—that being is inescapably diverse in kind—is anchored in his argument for the existence of change. -/- Aristotle may be the only thinker to have given a noncircular definition of change. When (...)
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  • Beyond the Ontological Difference: Heidegger, Binswanger, and the Future of Existential Analysis.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2018 - In Kevin Aho (ed.), Existential Medicine: Essays on Health and Illness. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 27–42.
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  • Phenomenology and the Empirical Turn: a Phenomenological Analysis of Postphenomenology.Jochem Zwier, Vincent Blok & Pieter Lemmens - 2016 - Philosophy and Technology 29 (4):313-333.
    This paper provides a phenomenological analysis of postphenomenological philosophy of technology. While acknowledging that the results of its analyses are to be recognized as original, insightful, and valuable, we will argue that in its execution of the empirical turn, postphenomenology forfeits a phenomenological dimension of questioning. By contrasting the postphenomenological method with Heidegger’s understanding of phenomenology as developed in his early Freiburg lectures and in Being and Time, we will show how the postphenomenological method must be understood as mediation theory, (...)
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  • Heidegger and Korsgaard on Death and Freedom: The Implications for Posthumanism.Hans Pedersen - 2016 - Human Studies 39 (2):269-287.
    Prominent advocates of posthumanism such as Nick Bostrom and Ray Kurzweil make the case that a drastic increase in the human lifespan would be intrinsically good. This question of the value of an extended lifespan has perhaps become more pressing as medical and scientific advances are seemingly bringing us closer and closer to being able to extend our lives in the way posthumanists envision. In this paper I intend to use Martin Heidegger’s work on death and freedom to develop a (...)
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  • Heidegger and Dilthey: Language, History, and Hermeneutics.Eric S. Nelson - 2014 - In Megan Altman & Hans Pedersen (eds.), Horizons of Authenticity in Phenomenology, Existentialism, and Moral Psychology. Dordrecht: springer. pp. 109-128.
    The hermeneutical tradition represented by Yorck, Heidegger, and Gadamer has distrusted Dilthey as suffering from the two sins of modernism: scientific “positivism” and individualistic and aesthetic “romanticism.” On the one hand, Dilthey’s epistemology is deemed scientistic in accepting the priority of the empirical, the ontic, and consequently scientific inquiry into the physical, biological, and human worlds; on the other hand, his personalist ethos and Goethean humanism, and his pluralistic life- and worldview philosophy are considered excessively aesthetic, culturally liberal, relativistic, and (...)
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  • Examining Nature of Consciousness through Heidegger's Interpretations of φυσις and Ψυχη and His Criticisms of Scientism.Hossein Azadmanjiri, Majid Mollayousefi, Mohammad Hssan Heidari & Mohammad Sadegh Zahedi - 2021 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations 15 (37):326-347.
    By giving a new definition of Aristotle’s φυσις and Ψυχη Heidegger criticizes science and scientism. Through these interpretations and criticisms, we can infer his opinions about consciousness. Heidegger translates φυσις as “Being itself” and maintains that it is expressed by μορφη that demonstrate a change in the spectrum. The μορφη, indeed, is the consciousness, which is also referred to as lived experience by Heidegger. It has different layers namely behavioral-perceptional, social, and pre-personal layers. He argues that by objectifying experiences, science (...)
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  • How to Overcome the World: Henry, Heidegger, and the Post-Secular.Jason W. Alvis - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (5):663-684.
    If there is such a ‘post-secular’ milieu, mindset, or thesis, it will need to furnish its own interpretation of the ‘world’ in ways distinct from those championed by the secular. Indeed an essential aspect of the ‘secular’ is how it has interpreted the ‘world’ as the ‘space, time, and age’ in which things come into presence clearly, neutrally, and obviously. This paper interprets and compares some of Heidegger’s and Henry’s specific engagements with the theme of ‘world’, and how each thinker (...)
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  • Before Empirical Turns And Transcendental Inquiry: Pre-Philosophical Considerations.Robert C. Scharff - 2021 - Foundations of Science 27 (1):107-124.
    I approach the idea of empirical turns and transcendental theories indirectly. I do not start “post-“ or “neg-” anything; instead I begin pre-philosophically—that is, before everyone has a position and opposes other positions—with Heidegger’s “preparatory hermeneutical” question: As whom and with what concerns do empirically or transcendentally minded philosophers of technology respond to their experience of technoscientific life? For example, in his second Untimely Meditation, Nietzsche identifies his concern as one of “taking advantage” of historical knowledge “for life,” that is, (...)
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  • A Quandary Concerning Immanence.Anton Schütz - 2011 - Law and Critique 22 (2):189-203.
    A stationary eddy that constantly re-forms in the riverbed of the evolution of Western normative institutions, Legal Critique dates back, beyond modernity, to the beginning of the so-called Common Era. But critique also shapes the historical review of earlier phases of this evolution, and this not only as a method of the examination of sources, but also as a transferential displacement that tends to project into history the divides and aporias which define a present political situation. Unsurprisingly, this proceeding betrays (...)
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  • Phenomenology and Theology: Situating Heidegger’s Philosophy of Religion.Matheson Russell - 2011 - Sophia 50 (4):641-655.
    This essay considers the philosophical and theological significance of the phenomenological analysis of Christian faith offered by the early Heidegger. It shows, first, that Heidegger poses a radical and controversial challenge to philosophers by calling them to do without God in an unfettered pursuit of the question of being (through his ‘destruction of onto-theology’); and, second, that this exclusion nonetheless leaves room for a form of philosophical reflection upon the nature of faith and discourse concerning God, namely for a philosophy (...)
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  • Overcoming Philosophy: Heidegger, Metaphysics, and the Transformation to Thinking.Gavin Rae - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (2):235-257.
    Heidegger’s critique of metaphysics is central to his attempt to re-instantiate the question of being. This paper examines Heidegger’s critique of metaphysics by looking at the relationship between metaphysics and thought. This entails an identification of the intimate relationship Heidegger maintains exists between philosophy and metaphysics, an analysis of Heidegger’s critique of this association, and a discussion of his proposal that philosophy has been so damaged by its association with metaphysics that it must be replaced with meditative thinking. It is (...)
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  • Heidegger on Expression: Formal Indication and Destruction in the Early Freiburg Lectures.Jonathan O’Rourke - 2018 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 49 (2):109-125.
    Of all the methodological terms used by Heidegger in the early Freiburg period, few have attracted less consensus than Formal Indication. With its relation to the earliest lecture series, critical debate has tended to focus on the extent to which this concept defines the difference between Husserlian and Heideggerian phenomenology. The argument of this paper is that Formal Indication is best understood in its relation to Heidegger’s other key methodological term from this period, Phenomenological Destruction. Not only do both concepts (...)
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  • From a Phenomenology of the Subject to a Phenomenology of the Event: Reconstructing the Ontological Basis for a Phenomenological Psychology.Rune L. Mølbak - 2012 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 43 (2):185-215.
    In this paper I make the argument that being phenomenologically faithful to human experience means broadening the scope of the phenomenological method to not only include subjective experiences. Instead of reducing the psychological study of phenomena to the subject who ‘has’ an experience and who makes sense of this experience according to his or her own goal-directed plans, I will introduce the idea of starting our research from an understanding of an experience that is more original than the subject who (...)
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  • Boredom That Wishes Not To Be.Borislav Mihačević - 2020 - Diametros:1-18.
    The present article deals with Heidegger’s research into boredom. The phenomenon cannot be simply described as an emotion but as a fundamental attunement, which represented a pathway to being qua being for Heidegger. Many scholars have argued that the philosopher’s treatment of the phenomenon led to sublimation or transgression in describing it beyond its phenomenological limits. While I agree with the general assessment, I also believe that there is a need to expand the argument further. I will argue that the (...)
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  • Sharing the 'now': Heidegger and the temporal co-constitution of world.Irene McMullin - 2009 - Continental Philosophy Review 42 (2):201-220.
    In this paper I respond to the view that Heidegger is unable to account for the possibility of immediately experiencing others in their concrete particularity. Critics have argued that since Mitsein characterizes Dasein’s mode of being regardless of the presence or absence of others, Heidegger has essentially granted it the status of an a priori category. In doing so, they argue, Heidegger reduces the other to a mere interchangeable token whose uniqueness is subsumed under the generality of the established category. (...)
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  • The Ambiguity of Facticity in Heidegger’s Early Work.Leslie MacAvoy - 2013 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 5 (1):99-106.
    The Early Heidegger’s Philosophy of Life: Facticity, Being and Language offers an interpretation of Heidegger’s concept of facticity as it is articulated in connection with the ideas of life and language in the lecture courses from 1919225. The book argues that facticity is both the source of vitality for theory and a source of deception and falsehood and therefore cannot be viewed in either positive or negative terms exclusively, but must instead be viewed as ambiguous. This essay argues that this (...)
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  • Being and Time and the Ancient Philosophical Tradition of Care for the Self: A Tense or Harmonious Relationship?Annie Larivée - 2014 - Philosophical Papers 43 (1):123-144.
    This text seeks to situate Being and Time in the line of the ancient philosophical tradition of care for self (epiméleia heautou). After a brief description of the main features of this tradition as portrayed by Michel Foucault and Pierre Hadot, the author presents the elements of Being in Time in favour and those against such a link. Her hypothesis appears to encounter a major objection in the explicit refusal of Heidegger to speak of Selbstsorge. But an attentive examination of (...)
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  • Three Difficulties in Phenomenological Discourse: Husserlian Problems and a Heideggerian Solution.Tyler Klaskow - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (1):79-101.
    Phenomenological descriptions are supposed to be revelatory and coincide with the self-showing of the things themselves. These features of phenomenological descriptions lead to the peculiar character of their expression, which has the effect of making them difficult to communicate. That is, the problem with communicating the findings of phenomenological researches is a consequence of the descriptive nature of the endeavor and the disclosive character of phenomenological descriptions. In the Logical Investigations Edmund Husserl recognized that the problem has three facets: how (...)
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  • Interpreting Plato Phenomenologically: Relationality and Being in Heidegger's Sophist.Niall Keane - 2010 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 41 (2):170-192.
    (2010). Interpreting Plato Phenomenologically: Relationality and Being in Heidegger's Sophist. Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology: Vol. 41, Confrontations, pp. 170-192.
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  • Narcosis: Addictions of the planetary human.Mark Jackson - 2021 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (4):393-402.
    Narcosis responds to a call for papers concerning contemporary discourses on disruptors, convergences and addictions. It concerns Martin Heidegger’s distinction between history and the historiographical as an essential thinking on contemporary understandings of technology. The paper’s critical milieu is the still recent uptake of education startups, funded from venture capital, in particular Coursera and Age of Learning. The paper, in four segments, introduces a methodological consideration from Michel Foucault, on the reading of historical discourses. It then introduces the grounding emergence (...)
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  • Sexual Authenticity.Ami Harbin - 2011 - Dialogue 50 (1):77-93.
    RÉSUMÉ: Dans cet article, je m’intéresse à l’éthique de l’agentivité sexuelle courante. Il s’agit, plus particulièrement, des questions morales concernant quand, comment et pourquoi nous nous identifions à un type donné d’agent sexuel. Comme l’auto-identification met en jeux une combinaison complexe de processus individuels et sociaux, un cadre conceptuel qui rend justice à ces processus permettrait une analyse de l’éthique de l’auto-identification sexuelle. Je présente le concept de l’authenticité sexuelle comme étant utile dans les contextes où elle comporte deux aspects (...)
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  • Rethinking Husserl’s lifeworld: The many faces of the world in Heidegger’s early Freiburg lecture courses.Sebastiano Galanti Grollo - 2022 - Continental Philosophy Review 55 (4):487-502.
    This paper examines the concept of the world elaborated by Heidegger in the early Freiburg lecture courses of the years 1919 to 1923, in which he proposes a renewed conception of phenomenology through a comparison with Husserlian phenomenology. First, I show that although the theme of the lifeworld became central only in late Husserlian works, especially in _The Crisis of European Sciences_, Husserl began to deal with this concept before 1920, anticipating some fundamental issues of the _Crisis_, as it results (...)
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  • Time, history, and Dao: Zhang Xuecheng, and Martin Heidegger.Edward Q. Wang - 2002 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 1 (2):251-276.
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  • The Existential Sources of Phenomenology: Heidegger on Formal Indication.Matthew I. Burch - 2011 - European Journal of Philosophy 21 (2):258-278.
    : This article contributes to the contemporary debate regarding the young Heidegger’s method of formal indication. Theodore Kisiel argues that this method constitutes a radical break with Husserl---a rejection of phenomenological reflection that paves the way to the non-reflective approach of the Beiträge. Against this view, Steven Crowell argues that formal indication is continuous with Husserlian phenomenology---a refinement of phenomenological reflection that reveals its existential sources. I evaluate this debate and adduce further considerations in favor of Crowell’s view. To do (...)
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  • Blurred vision: Marion on the ‘possibility’ of revelation.Matthew I. Burch - 2010 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 67 (3):157-171.
    In this paper I challenge Merold Westphal’s claim that Jean-Luc Marion’s hermeneutical phenomenology is especially useful for theology. I argue that in spite of his explicit allegiance to Husserl’s “principle of all principles,” Marion fails to embody a commitment to phenomenological seeing in his analyses of revelation. In the sections of Being Given where he discusses revelation, Marion allows faith-based claims to bleed into his phenomenological analyses, resulting in what I call his ‘blurred vision’—the pretension that phenomenological seeing can be (...)
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  • A question of Faith: Heidegger’s destructed concept of faith as the origin of questioning in philosophy.Vincent Blok - 2016 - In Radical Experiences. Faith and Reason in Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Wittgenstein. New York City, New York, Verenigde Staten: pp. 123-144.
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  • Minding the gap: What it is to pay attention following the collapse of the subject-object distinction.S. West Gurley - 2008 - Dissertation, University of South Florida
    Contemporary studies of the phenomenon of attention uncritically suppose that the only way to go about observing attention is as a modification of consciousness. Consciousness is taken to be always intentional, i.e., distinguished by reference to an object-whether physical or not-toward which it is directed. Observers of attention therefore assume that attention is an intentional modification of consciousness. Such practices of observation, in virtue of the kinds of practices that they are, take for granted that the fundamental constituents of reality (...)
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  • On Martin Heidegger: Politics and life seen through the apolloniandionysian duality.Glyndwr Stephen Davies - unknown
    ABSTRACT This study bears upon the ‘Heidegger case,’ that is, the relation of Heidegger’s philosophizing to his political involvements as Rector of the University of Freiburg 1933-4, and his subsequent silences on the subject of the Holocaust. I use the phrase ‘bears upon’ for Heidegger’s political involvement will serve as the ‘horizon’ for the study, my concern being the genesis of Heidegger’s position. Grounded in a musical ‘intuition’ and attunement, I take up the Nietzschean cipher for understanding proposed by Heidegger (...)
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  • The Life-world as Moral World: Vindicating the Life-world en route to a Phenomenology of the Virtues.Mark W. Brown - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique 6:1-25.
    Clarifying the essential experiential structures at work in our everyday moral engagements promises both (1) to provide a perspicacious self-understanding, and (2) to significantly contribute to theoretical and practical matters of moral philosophy. Since the phenomenological enterprise is concerned with revealing the a priori structures of experience in general, it is then well positioned to discern the essential structures of moral experience specifically. Phenomenology can therefore significantly contribute to matters pertaining to moral philosophy. In this paper I would like to (...)
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