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  1. 'Making New Gods? A Reflection on the Gift of the Symposium.Mitchell Miller - 2015 - In Debra Nails & Harold Tarrant (eds.), Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. pp. 285-306.
    A commentary on the Symposium as a challenge and a gift to Athens. I begin with a reflection on three dates: 416 bce, the date of Agathon’s victory party, c. 400, the approximate date of Apollodorus’ retelling of the party, and c. 375, the approximate date of the ‘publication’ of the dialogue, and I argue that Plato reminds his contemporary Athens both of its great poetic and legal and scientific traditions and of the historical fact that the way late fourth (...)
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  • (1 other version)Is the Idea of the Good Beyond Being? Plato's "epekeina tês ousias" Revisited.Rafael Ferber & Gregor Damschen - 2015 - In Debra Nails & Harold Tarrant (eds.), Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. pp. 197-203.
    The article tries to prove that the famous formula "epekeina tês ousias" has to be understood in the sense of being beyond being and not only in the sense of being beyond essence. We make hereby three points: first, since pure textual exegesis of 509b8–10 seems to lead to endless controversy, a formal proof for the metaontological interpretation could be helpful to settle the issue; we try to give such a proof. Second, we offer a corollary of the formal proof, (...)
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  • From the Ultimate God to the Virtual God: Post-Ontotheological Perspectives on the Divine in Heidegger, Badiou, and Meillassoux.Jussi Backman - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 6 (Special):113-142.
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  • Reading Fuzûlî with Heidegger: Poetic Language between Being and Nothingness.Onur Karamercan - 2022 - HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF FACULTY OF LETTERS 39 (1):283-295.
    The main goal of this article is to examine the link between the idea of language, being and nothingness by comparing 16th century Turkish-Azeri poet Fuzûlî’s poetry and 20th century German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s philosophy departing from the latter’s thinking of being. There are similarities between Heidegger and Fuzûlî’s respective thoughts concerning the role of the human being’s relation to finitude which grounds the relationship between being and nothingness. The article consists of three sections. The first section makes sense of (...)
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  • Heidegger’s way to poetic dwelling via Being and Time.Onur Karamercan - 2021 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 1 (10):268-285.
    Although Heidegger’s explicit account of “poetic dwelling” belongs to his later philosophy, there are important indications that he was already engaging with the core matter of the notion in his early thought. Contrary to the idea that in Being and Time, “dwelling” amounts to mere practical coping with the environment, we would like to demonstrate that the notion is already a poetic issue in his early thought, as it requires the appropriation of our relation to the world via an authentic (...)
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  • Metafysiikan uskonnollinen loppu? Meillassoux ja fideismi.Jussi M. Backman - 2019 - Tiede Ja Edistys 44 (3):179-198.
    Artikkeli käy läpi Quentin Meillassoux’n Äärellisyyden jälkeen -teoksessa esittelemiä spekulatiivisen materialismin lähtökohtia: ajatuksen Kantin jälkeistä filosofiasta hallinneesta korrelationismista ja sen ”heikosta” ja ”vahvasta” muodosta sekä Meillassoux’n perusargumentin, jolla hän pyrkii osoittamaan vahvan korrelationismin pyrkimyksen absoluuttisista viitepiisteistä luopumiseen sisäisesti ristiriitaiseksi. Tarkastelun pääpaino on Meillassoux’n väitteessä, että ajattelun riisuminen kaikista absoluuttisista näkökohdista johtaa vahvan korrelationismin omaksumaan ”fideistisen”, uskon ja järjen erillisyyttä ja keskinäistä riippumattomuutta korostavan suhtautumisen uskonnolliseen uskoon. Tällainen fideismi voi Meillassoux’n mukaan suojella tai jopa palvella ”nykypäivän fanatismia”. Artikkeli esittää joukon kriittisiä (...)
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  • Bad Luck to Take a Woman Aboard.Debra Nails - 2015 - In Debra Nails & Harold Tarrant (eds.), Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. pp. 73-90.
    Despite Diotima’s irresistible virtues and attractiveness across the millennia, she spells trouble for philosophy. It is not her fault that she has been misunderstood, nor is it Plato’s. Rather, I suspect, each era has made of Diotima what it desired her to be. Her malleability is related to the assumption that Plato invented her, that she is a mere literary fiction, licensing the imagination to do what it will. In the first part of my paper, I argue against three contemporary (...)
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  • Heidegger’s phenomenology of the invisible.Andrzej Serafin - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (2):313-322.
    Martin Heidegger has retrospectively characterized his philosophy as “phenomenology of the invisible”. This paradoxical formula suggests that the aim of his thinking was to examine the origin of the phenomena. Furthermore, Heidegger has also stated that his philosophy is ultimately motivated by a theological interest, namely the question of God’s absence. Following the guiding thread of those remarks, this essay analyzes the essential traits of Heidegger’s thought by interpreting them as an attempt to develop a phenomenology of the invisible. Heidegger’s (...)
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  • A Horse Is a Horse, of Course, of Course, but What about Horseness?Necip Fikri Alican - 2015 - In Debra Nails & Harold Tarrant (eds.), Second Sailing: Alternative Perspectives on Plato. Societas Scientiarum Fennica. pp. 307–324.
    Plato is commonly considered a metaphysical dualist conceiving of a world of Forms separate from the world of particulars in which we live. This paper explores the motivation for postulating that second world as opposed to making do with the one we have. The main objective is to demonstrate that and how everything, Forms and all, can instead fit into the same world. The approach is exploratory, as there can be no proof in the standard sense. The debate between explaining (...)
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  • How Presencing (Anwesen) Became Heidegger's Concept of Being.Juan Pablo Hernández - 2011 - Universitas Philosophica 28 (57):213-240.
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  • Johdatukseksi Martin Heideggerin vuoden 1935 luentoihin.Jussi M. Backman - 2010 - Tiede Ja Edistys 35 (2):91-106.
    Artikkeli toimii johdantona Martin Heideggerin suomennettuun teokseen Johdatus metafysiikkaan. Se avaa historiallisia tilanteita, joissa kyseiset luennot alun perin pidettiin (1935) ja julkaistiin (1953). Johdatus metafysiikkaan -luennoista voidaan löytää epäsuora kuvaus Heideggerin suhteesta kansallissosialismiin hänen rehtorikautensa (1933–1934) jälkeisinä vuosina ja ne dokumentoivat myös filosofian olosuhteita ja ehtoja kansallissosialismin aikana. Filosofisesti luennot kiteyttävät Heideggerin Olemisen ja ajan (1927) jälkeisen käänteen (Kehre) ja esittävät ohjelmallisen luonnoksen Heideggerin myöhäisajattelun tärkeimmistä suuntaviivoista.
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  • On (the) nothing: Heidegger and Nishida.John W. M. Krummel - 2017 - Continental Philosophy Review 51 (2):239-268.
    Two major twentieth century philosophers, of East and West, for whom the nothing is a significant concept are Nishida Kitarō and Martin Heidegger. Nishida’s basic concept is the absolute nothing upon which the being of all is predicated. Heidegger, on the other hand, thematizes the nothing as the ulterior aspect of being. Both are responding to Western metaphysics that tends to substantialize being and dichotomize the real. Ironically, however, while Nishida regarded Heidegger as still trapped within the confines of Western (...)
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  • Subjectivity and immanence in Michel Henry.Dan Zahavi - unknown
    One of Michel Henry’s persistent claims has been that phenomenology is quite unlike positive sciences such as physics, chemistry, biology, history, and law. Rather than studying particular objects and phenomena phenomenology is a transcendental enterprise whose task is to disclose and analyse the structure of manifestation or appearance and its very condition of possibility.
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  • Michel Henry and the phenomenology of the invisible.Dan Zahavi - 1999 - Continental Philosophy Review 32 (3):223-240.
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  • Temple anímico fundamental y crítica a la cultura contemporánea en Heidegger.Klaus Held - 2015 - Co-herencia 12 (23).
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  • Ética e técnica: esboço de uma crítica heideggeriana à ética jonasiana.Angela Luzia Miranda - 2020 - Filosofia Unisinos 21 (1).
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  • Hegel y las inhibiciones lectoras de Heidegger.Javier Fabo Lanuza - 2020 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 53:185-208.
    Se trata de evidenciar los presupuestos de la lectura heideggeriana de Hegel. Hegelianos y antihegelianos asumen estos presupuestos como algo incontestable; unos movidos por la necesidad de combatir el retorno del espectro hegeliano, otros por la necesidad de liberarlo de su estigma ontoteológico. El resultado es una interpretación reduccionista de la filosofía de Hegel, que regala la mayoría de sus conceptos fundamentales a la crítica heideggeriana, al considerarlos contaminados por el totalitarismo de la clausura y de la identidad. Una interpretación (...)
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  • (1 other version)"¿Morbus hermeneuticus?" Heidegger y la historia de la filosofía.Iñigo Galzacorta Muñoz - 2011 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 36 (2):133-156.
    Schnädelbach has maintained that the belief that to philosophize lies in the reading of other philosopher’s works is the illness of the contemporary philosophy. Taking Heidegger as the main source of this hermeneutical philosophy, this paper examines what is behind Heidegger’s confrontation with the history of philosophy. In particular, I analyse how Heidegger, during the second half of the 1930s, articulates his view that in order to understand the dynamics that govern our time we need to rethink the history of (...)
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  • Three Difficulties in Phenomenological Discourse: Husserlian Problems and a Heideggerian Solution.Tyler Klaskow - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (1):79-101.
    Phenomenological descriptions are supposed to be revelatory and coincide with the self-showing of the things themselves. These features of phenomenological descriptions lead to the peculiar character of their expression, which has the effect of making them difficult to communicate. That is, the problem with communicating the findings of phenomenological researches is a consequence of the descriptive nature of the endeavor and the disclosive character of phenomenological descriptions. In the Logical Investigations Edmund Husserl recognized that the problem has three facets: how (...)
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  • Dream explorations.Konstantin Gemenetzis - 2016 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 5 (2):142-174.
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  • Aneignung und Interpretation der monadologischen Metaphysik von Leibniz durch die Metaphysik des Daseins.Hardy Neumann - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 6 (1):397-415.
    The research of H.-G. Gadamer and F. Volpi have showed the intimate connection between Sein und Zeit and the philosophy of Aristotle, specially the Nicomachean Ethics. The influence of other thinkers on the hermeneutical phenomenology has received less attention. Amongst the thinkers, whose contributions have not been sufficiently highlighted figures Leibniz. In this context, some relations between Leibniz’s monadological thinking and the metaphysics of Heidegger’s Dasein are considered and interpreted in this paper. It is argued that, to certain extent, an (...)
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