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Introduction: Double Intentionality.Michela Summa, Martin Klein & Philipp Schmidt - 2021 - Topoi 41 (1):93-109.details
On Seizing the Source: Toward a Phenomenology of Religious Violence.Michael Staudigl - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (5):744-782.details
The functional role of consciousness: A phenomenological approach.Uriah Kriegel - 2004 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 3 (2):171-93.details
The four principles of phenomenology.Michel Henry, Joseph Rivera & George E. Faithful - 2015 - Continental Philosophy Review 48 (1):1-21.details
Watsuji's phenomenology of aidagara: An interpretation and application to psychopathology.Joel Krueger - forthcoming - In Krueger Joel, Tetsugaku Companion to Phenomenology and Japanese Philosophy. Springer. pp. 165-181.details
Psychopathy: Morally Incapacitated Persons.Heidi Maibom - 2017 - In Thomas Schramme & Steven Edwards, Handbook of the Philosophy of Medicine. Springer. pp. 1109-1129.details
(1 other version)The Open Body.Dorothée Legrand & Joel Krueger - 2009 - In Antonella Carassa, Francesca Morganti & Guiseppa Riva, Enacting Intersubjectivity: Paving the Way for a Dialogue Between Cognitive Science, Social Cognition, and Neuroscience. Universita della Svizzera Italiana. pp. 109-128.details
The Affective Subject: Emmanuel Levinas and Michel Henry on the Role of Affect in the Constitution of Subjectivity.Joshua Lupo - 2017 - Sophia 56 (1):99-114.details
Walking on Two Legs: On The Very Possibility of a Heideggerian Marxism.Ian Angus - 2005 - Human Studies 28 (3):335-352.details
Cogs in the Wheel or Spanners in the Works? A Phenomenological Approach to the Difficulty and Meaning of Ethical Work for Financial Controllers.François-Régis Puyou & Eric Faÿ - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (4):863-876.details
Techno-Telepathy & Silent Subvocal Speech-Recognition Robotics.Virgil W. Brower - 2021 - HORIZON. Studies in Phenomenology 10 (1):232-257.details
Phenomenology, Mental Illness, and the Intersubjective Constitution of the Lifeworld.Anthony Vincent Fernandez - 2016 - In S. West Gurley & Geoff Pfeifer, Phenomenology and the Political. Lanham, Md.: Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 199-214.details
Generation, interiority and the phenomenology of Christianity in Michel Henry.Joseph M. Rivera - 2011 - Continental Philosophy Review 44 (2):205-235.details
The Bifurcated Subject.Lilian Alweiss - 2009 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 17 (3):415-434.details
Interiority, Exteriority and the Realm of Intentionality.Peter D. Ashworth - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (1):39-62.details
Solely Generic Phenomenology.Ned Block - 2015 - Open MIND 2015.details
The Landscape of Contemporary Phenomenology.Marzena Adamiak & Marek Pokropski - 2018 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (2):9-15.details
Guest editor’s introduction: The recorporealization of cognition in phenomenology and cognitive science.Brady Thomas Heiner - 2008 - Continental Philosophy Review 41 (2):115-126.details
(1 other version)On Shared Hopes for (Mashup) Philosophy of Religion: A Reply to Trakakis.J. Aaron Simmons - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (2):691-710.details
All in My Head: Beckett, Schizophrenia and the Self.Elizabeth Barry - 2016 - Journal of Medical Humanities 37 (2):183-192.details
Phenomenology of Interior Life and the Trinity.Robert Farrugia - 2020 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 25 (1):71-88.details
Provocations and Improvisations Concerning Reality: The Encounters of Jacques Derrida and Jean Luc-Nancy.Joanna Hodge - 2014 - Derrida Today 7 (1):79-101.details
“Being tied to experience”: towards a subjective account of the phenomenology of the event.Daniel Neumann - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (1):21-40.details
Advent of Auto-Affection: Givenness & Reception in Jean-Luc Marion.Virgil W. Brower - 2019 - Acta Universitas Carolinae Theologica 9 (1):31-44.details
The Structure of Consciousness.Lowell Keith Friesen - unknowndetails
Kafka, paranoic doubles and the brain: hypnagogic vs. hyper-reflexive models of disrupted self in neuropsychiatric disorders and anomalous conscious states. [REVIEW]Aaron L. Mishara - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5:13.details
No departure to "Pandora"? Using critical phenomenology to differentiate "naive" from "reflective" experience in psychiatry and psychosomatic medicine.Bonnemann Catharina, E. Schlimme Jann & L. Mishara Aaron - 2010 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 5 (1):15.details
The other as the essence of existence: a journal of a philosophical passage to altruism.Iraklis Ioannidis - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Glasgowdetails
From the “metaphysics of the individual” to the critique of society: on the practical significance of Michel Henry’s phenomenology of life. [REVIEW]Michael Staudigl - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (3):339-361.details