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  1. Religious Pluralism.Veit Bader - 1999 - Political Theory 27 (5):597-633.
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  • The changing cultural context of the institute on religion in an age of science and zygon.Karl E. Peters - 2014 - Zygon 49 (3):612-628.
    Since Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science was founded 49 years ago and since one of its co-publishers, the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS), was founded 60 years ago, there have been significant developments in their various cultural contexts—in science, in religion, in culture, in academia, and in the science and religion dialogue. This article is a personal remembrance and reflection that compares the context of IRAS in 1954 when it was first organized with the context (...)
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  • The Enclave Society: Towards a Sociology of Immobility.Bryan S. Turner - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (2):287-304.
    In contemporary sociology, there has been significant interest in the idea of mobility, the decline of the nation state, the rise of flexible citizenship, and the porous quality of political boundaries. There is much talk of medicine without borders and sociology without borders. These social developments are obviously linked to the processes of globalization, leading some to argue that we need a `sociology beyond society' in order to account for these flows and global networks. In this article, I propose an (...)
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  • Philosophy, Religion and Worldview.Graham Oppy - 2019 - In Aaron Simmons (ed.), Christian Philosophy: Conceptions, Continuations, and Challenges. pp. 244-59.
    This chapter consists of a series of reflections on widely endorsed claims about Christian philosophy and, in particular, Christian philosophy of religion. It begins with consideration of some claims about how (Christian) philosophy of religion currently is, and then moves on to consideration of some claims about how (Christian) philosophy of religion ought to be. In particular, the chapter offers critical scrutiny of the oft-repeated claim that we are currently in a golden age for Christian philosophy of religion.
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  • The trap of intellectual success: Robert N. Bellah, the American civil religion debate, and the sociology of knowledge.Matteo Bortolini - 2012 - Theory and Society 41 (2):187-210.
    Current sociology of knowledge tends to take for granted Robert K. Merton’s theory of cumulative advantage: successful ideas bring recognition to their authors, successful authors have their ideas recognized more easily than unknown ones. This article argues that this theory should be revised via the introduction of the differential between the status of an idea and that of its creator: when an idea is more important than its creator, the latter becomes identified with the former, and this will hinder recognition (...)
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  • A Self of One’s Own: Taiwanese Immigrant Women and Religious Conversion.Carolyn Chen - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (3):336-357.
    Although recent scholarship focuses on the importance of religion to immigrants in the United States, relatively little attention has been given to how religion shapes the everyday lives of immigrant women. This article examines how Taiwanese immigrant women as religious converts use Buddhism and Christianity to construct a distinct sense of self from the family. Buddhism and Christianity challenge traditional gender roles by offering alternative conceptions of a genderless self. Women’s new religious commitments may compete with their traditional commitments to (...)
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  • The Bad News of the Gospel.Christopher Miles Coope - 2011 - Philosophy 86 (2):249-291.
    This article discusses Elizabeth Anscombe's faith and her concept of faith, and the bearing of this on what it is for belief to be reasonable. Reasonableness requires that we make a rough distinction between what can and cannot be taken seriously. At the margin we will rightly be influenced by thinkers such as Anscombe who were well able to appreciate the philosophical consensus but were also prepared to disturb it. She disturbed it in a particular way: by asserting Christian teachings (...)
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  • The Question of European Identity: Europe in the American Mirror.Krishan Kumar - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (1):87-105.
    In the wake of the Iraq war of 2003, and in response to the European reaction to the war, a number of prominent European intellectuals launched a new debate on Europe's identity, and in particular the extent to which it differed from American identity. The debate was sparked by a newspaper article by Jürgen Habermas and Jacques Derrida, which was circulated to several other intellectuals for comment. The Europe-wide debate which ensued — in which several Americans joined — provides a (...)
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  • The Impact of Transformations in National Cultural Identity upon Competing Constitutional Narratives in the United States of America.Frederick Lewis - 2012 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 25 (2):177-195.
    Shifts in the national cultural identity of the US have been reflected in shifts in the US’ dominant constitutional narratives. For the United States, “inter-legality” has been less a matter of dealing with alternative non-state legal narratives than of contending with constantly arising and competing narratives about the “correct” nature of the “official” legal order of the state. The US Supreme Court has claimed to have the “last word” in resolving these arguments but because that Court is so often sharply (...)
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  • "The religious factor" revisited.Robert Wuthnow - 2004 - Sociological Theory 22 (2):205-218.
    Four decades have passed since the publication of Gerhard Lenski's "The Religious Factor". While generally regarded as a classic in the sociology of religion, the book has had a curious history, largely because of the interest it generated in differences between Protestants and Catholics. In this paper I provide an alternative reading of The Religious Factor's impact on sociology of religion that points to its larger theoretical implications. I argue that the book should be understood in relation to continuing debates (...)
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  • Bodhisattva comes out of closet: City, surveillance, and doing religion.Weishan Huang - 2012 - The Politics and Religion Journal 6 (2):199-216.
    The author is interested in looking at religious groups as a location for discussion and critique in a censorial society in China. This paper will take the approach of the “ecological model” in field research in a highly censorial and increasingly pluralistic city, Shanghai. Shanghai has experienced large scale social changes since the late 1980s. It is critical to understand how socio-structural challenges, such as immigration, affect faith-based groups within the frame of urban aspirations. In this paper, the adaptation of (...)
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  • Religion and film in American culture: the birth of a nation.Krzysztof Jozajtis - unknown
    This research addresses an emerging scholarship examining relations between media, religion, and culture in contemporary society. Whilst it acknowledges the value of this growing body of work, the study is based on a recognition that an overwhelming concern with the contemporary scene has resulted in a neglect of the history responsible for the conditions of the present. Given the prominence of America as both a source and an object of this scholarship, moreover, the particular national context in which the institutions (...)
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  • Hindu Minorities and the Limits of Hindu Inclusiveness: Sindhi and Indo-Caribbean Hindu Communities in Atlanta. [REVIEW]Steven Ramey - 2011 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 15 (2):209-239.
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  • Book Review: The Sage Encyclopedia of the Sociology of ReligionThe Sage Encyclopedia of the Sociology of Religion. [REVIEW]Bryan Turner - 2021 - Critical Research on Religion 9 (3):353-356.
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