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  1. Justifying moral initiative by business, with rejoinders to bill Shaw and Richard Nunan.Thomas M. Mulligan - 1990 - Journal of Business Ethics 9 (2):93 - 103.
    In this paper I respond to separate criticisms by Bill Shaw (JBE, July 1988) and Richard Nunan (JBE, December 1988) of my paper A Critique of Milton Friedman's Essay The Social Responsibility of Business Is to Increase Its Profits (JBE, August 1986). Professors Shaw and Nunan identify several points where my argument could benefit from clarification and improvement. They also make valuable contributions to the discussion of the broad issue area of whether and to what extent business should exercise moral (...)
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  • Issues management and ethics.Jeanne M. Logsdon & David R. Palmer - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (3):191 - 198.
    Issues management (IM) is becoming widely accepted in the business-and-society literature as a policy tool to enhance the social performance of corporations. Its acceptance is based on the presumption that firms have incorporated ethical norms into their decision-making process. This paper argues that IM is simply a technique to identify, analyze, and respond to social issues. It can be used either to improve or forestall corporate social performance. Different values will steer IM practitioners in different policy directions.If IM is to (...)
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  • Employee job rights: Foundation considerations. [REVIEW]Rick Molz - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (6):449 - 458.
    Employee job rights have become a controversial issue, with some courts ruling employees have a fundamental right in retaining their job. Employment at will and assigning the worker a property right to his job are examined from three paradigms of social interaction. An alternative model is presented, and is more consistent with each of the three paradigms.
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  • Economics and the environment: A "land ethic" critique of economic policy. [REVIEW]Bill Shaw - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (1):51 - 57.
    This paper is a twenty-five year retrospective on the development of environmental consciousness in the US The Clean Air Act is taken as proxy for companion measures in water and other areas of the environment, and the emphasis on "efficiency" and "market compatibility" is noted with a mixture of caution and hope. The work of an eminent pragmatic ethicist, Ado Leopard, is re-visited. From the pages of A Sand County Almanac, his notion that right and wrong, good and bad, be (...)
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