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  1. Husserl’s Taxonomy of Action.Nicola Spano - 2022 - Husserl Studies 38 (3):251-271.
    In the present article I discuss, in confrontation with the most recent studies on Husserl’s phenomenology of acting and willing, the taxonomy of action that is collected in the volume ‘_Wille und Handlung_’ of the Husserliana edition _Studien zur Struktur des Bewussteins_. In so doing, I first present Husserl’s universal characterization of action (_Handlung_) as a volitional process (_willentlicher Vorgang_). Then, after clarifying what it means for a process to have a character of volitionality (_Willentlichkeit_), I illustrate the various types (...)
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  • Phenomenological approaches to personal identity.Jakub Čapek & Sophie Loidolt - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):217-234.
    This special issue addresses the debate on personal identity from a phenomenological viewpoint, especially contemporary phenomenological research on selfhood. In the introduction, we first offer a brief survey of the various classic questions related to personal identity according to Locke’s initial proposal and sketch out key concepts and distinctions of the debate that came after Locke. We then characterize the types of approach represented by post-Hegelian, German and French philosophies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We argue that whereas the (...)
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  • Husserl on the Normativity of Intentionality and Its Neutralization.Di Huang - 2023 - Husserl Studies 39 (2):121-142.
    In this paper, I explore Husserl’s view on the normativity of intentionality and its neutralization. Husserl reaches his mature, normative-transcendental conception of intentionality by way of critical engagement with Brentano’s position. As opposed to Brentano, Husserl does not conceive of the normativity of intentionality as deriving from the more basic character of polar opposition. Normativity comes first and it is an original, though not universal determination of intentionality which is expressed in the identificatory achievement of constitution. Even where it is (...)
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  • A Phenomenology of the Work of Attention.Hanne Jacobs - 2022 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 36 (2):264-276.
    ABSTRACT With the aim of showing what it takes to see the world and others as they are, this article provides a phenomenological account of what Iris Murdoch has memorably called “the work of attention.” I first show that Aron Gurwitsch’s analyses of attention provide a basis on which to reject a voluntaristic account of attention according to which seeing things as they are is as simple as directing one’s attention to something. Then, in order to elucidate the work that (...)
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  • The unity argument: Phenomenology's departure from Kant.Lilian Alweiss - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (4):1130-1145.
    Phenomenology questions the centrality that Kant attributes to the “I think.” It claims that on the pre-reflective level experience is selfless as unity is given. I call this the “unity argument.” The paper explores the significance of this claim by focusing on the work of Edmund Husserl. What interests me is that although the unity argument claims that we can account for the unity of experience without appealing to the an “I think,” Husserl agrees with Kant that experience must be (...)
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  • Husserl’s Concept of Hingabe.Andrew Krema - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-18.
    In this article, I give a systematic exposition of Edmund Husserl’s account of Hingabe, a phenomenological concept that has only recently received attention. I contend that the concept of Hingabe phenomenologically reveals that the ego of the intentional correlation ego-cogito-cogitatum is not an empty pole and more than a mere ‘datum of manifestation,’ but is active, engaging itself at various depths in experience. I trace the concept in the three types of experience in which Hingabe appears in Husserl’s work. First, (...)
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  • Ultimate Rationality. Husserl on Critical Position-Taking (Stellungnahme) in the Theoretical and Axiological Spheres.Alexis Delamare - forthcoming - Husserl Studies:1-21.
    As a fervent rationalist, Husserl placed considerable emphasis on the delineation of the different levels of reason. Its highest form, he contends, is position-taking (Stellungnahme) understood as a critical stance towards a positional act P. Specifically, such a Stellungnahme is a three-step procedure: the subject, possibly motivated by a passive discordance, starts by questioning P (active doubt); she then seeks to validate P by returning to its originary fulfillment (active search for evidence); finally, she ratifies such a fulfillment in an (...)
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