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  1. The value and pitfalls of speculation about science and technology in bioethics: the case of cognitive enhancement.Eric Racine, Tristana Martin Rubio, Jennifer Chandler, Cynthia Forlini & Jayne Lucke - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (3):325-337.
    In the debate on the ethics of the non-medical use of pharmaceuticals for cognitive performance enhancement in healthy individuals there is a clear division between those who view “cognitive enhancement” as ethically unproblematic and those who see such practices as fraught with ethical problems. Yet another, more subtle issue, relates to the relevance and quality of the contribution of scholarly bioethics to this debate. More specifically, how have various forms of speculation, anticipatory ethics, and methods to predict scientific trends and (...)
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  • Theory and bioethics.John Arras - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Wide reflective equilibrium as a method of justification in bioethics.Peter Nichols - 2012 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 33 (5):325-341.
    Carson Strong has recently argued that wide reflective equilibrium (WRE) is an unacceptable method of justification in bioethics. In its place, Strong recommends a methodology in which certain foundational moral judgments play a central role in the justification of moral beliefs, and coherence plays a limited justificatory role in that the rest of our judgments are made to cohere with these foundational judgments. In this paper, I argue that Strong’s chief criticisms of WRE are unsuccessful and that his proposed alternative (...)
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  • Bioethics as ideology: Conditional and unconditional values.Tom Koch - 2006 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31 (3):251 – 267.
    For all its apparent debate bioethical discourse is in fact very narrow. The discussion that occurs is typically within limited parameters, rarely fundamental. Nor does it accommodate divergent perspectives with ease. The reason lies in its ideology and the political and economic perspectives that ideology promotes. Here the ideology of bioethics' fundamental axioms is critiqued as arbitrary and exclusive rather than necessary and inclusive. The result unpacks the ideological and political underpinnings of bioethical thinking and suggests new avenues for a (...)
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  • Principlism, Uncodifiability, and the Problem of Specification.Timothy J. Furlan - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-22.
    In this paper I critically examine the implications of the uncodifiability thesis for principlism as a pluralistic and non-absolute generalist ethical theory. In this regard, I begin with a brief overview of W.D. Ross’s ethical theory and his focus on general but defeasible prima facie principles before turning to 2) the revival of principlism in contemporary bioethics through the influential work of Tom Beauchamp and James Childress; 3) the widespread adoption of specification as a response to the indeterminacy of abstract (...)
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  • Casuistry as common law morality.Norbert Paulo - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (6):373-389.
    This article elaborates on the relation between ethical casuistry and common law reasoning. Despite the frequent talk of casuistry as common law morality, remarks on this issue largely remain at the purely metaphorical level. The article outlines and scrutinizes Albert Jonsen and Stephen Toulmin’s version of casuistry and its basic elements. Drawing lessons for casuistry from common law reasoning, it is argued that one generally has to be faithful to ethical paradigms. There are, however, limitations for the binding force of (...)
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  • Public consultation in ethics an experiment in representative ethics.Michael M. Burgess - 2004 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 1 (1):4-13.
    Genome Canada has funded a research project to evaluate the usefulness of different forms of ethical analysis for assessing the moral weight of public opinion in the governance of genomics. This paper will describe a role of public consultation for ethical analysis and a contribution of ethical analysis to public consultation and the governance of genomics/biotechnology. Public consultation increases the robustness of ethical analysis with a more diverse and rich accounts experiences. Consultation must be carefully and respectfully designed to generate (...)
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  • What really separates casuistry from principlism in biomedical ethics.Paul Cudney - 2014 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 35 (3):205-229.
    Since the publication of the first edition of Tom Beauchamp and James Childress’s Principles of Biomedical Ethics there has been much debate about what a proper method in medical ethics should look like. The main rival for Beauchamp and Childress’s account, principlism, has consistently been casuistry, an account that recommends argument by analogy from paradigm cases. Admirably, Beauchamp and Childress have modified their own view in successive editions of Principles of Biomedical Ethics in order to address the concerns proponents of (...)
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  • Casuistry and the Business Case Method.Martin Calkins - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (2):237-259.
    Abstract:This article argues for the compatibility of casuistry and the business case method. It describes the salient features of casuistry and the case method, shows how the two methods are similar yet different, and suggests how elements of casuistry might benefit the use of the case method in management education. Toward these ends, it shows how casuistry and the case method are both inductive and practical methods of reasoning focussed on single settings and real-life situations and how both methods stress (...)
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  • The force of dissimilar analogies in bioethics.Heidi Mertes & Guido Pennings - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (2):117-128.
    Although analogical reasoning has long been a popular method of reasoning in bioethics, current literature does not sufficiently grasp its variety. We assert that the main shortcoming is the fact that an analogy's value is often judged on the extent of similarity between the source situation and the target situation, while in (bio)ethics, analogies are often used because of certain dissimilarities rather than in spite of them. We make a clear distinction between dissimilarities that aim to reinforce a similar approach (...)
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  • Critique of the "tragic case" method in ethics education.J. Liaschenko, N. Y. Oguz & D. Brunnquell - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):672-677.
    It is time for the noon conference. Your job is to impart a career-changing experience in ethics to a group of students and interns gathered from four different schools with varying curriculums in ethics. They have just finished 1½ h of didactic sessions and lunch. One third of them were on call last night. Your first job is to keep them awake. The authors argue that this “tragic case” approach to ethics education is of limited value because it limits understanding (...)
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  • How Casuistry and Virtue Ethics Might Break the Ideological Stalemate Troubling Agricultural Biotechnology.Martin Calkins - 2002 - Business Ethics Quarterly 12 (3):305-330.
    Abstract:This article begins by showing how recent controversies over the widespread promotion of artificially gene-altered foods are rooted in opposing ethical and ideological worldviews. It then explains how these contrasting worldviews have led to a practical, ethical, and ideological standoff and, finally, suggests the combined use of casuistry and virtue ethics as a way for both sides to move ahead on this pressing issue.
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  • Ethics, Evidence Based Sports Medicine, and the Use of Platelet Rich Plasma in the English Premier League.M. J. McNamee, C. M. Coveney, A. Faulkner & J. Gabe - 2018 - Health Care Analysis 26 (4):344-361.
    The use of platelet rich plasma as a novel treatment is discussed in the context of a qualitative research study comprising 38 interviews with sports medicine practitioners and other stakeholders working within the English Premier League during the 2013–16 seasons. Analysis of the data produced several overarching themes: conservatism versus experimentalism in medical attitudes; therapy perspectives divergence; conflicting versions of appropriate evidence; subcultures; community beliefs/practices; and negotiation of medical decision-making. The contested evidence base for the efficacy of PRP is presented (...)
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  • Intuition and the junctures of judgment in decision procedures for clinical ethics.John K. Davis - 2007 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 28 (1):1-30.
    Moral decision procedures such as principlism or casuistry require intuition at certain junctures, as when a principle seems indeterminate, or principles conflict, or we wonder which paradigm case is most relevantly similar to the instant case. However, intuitions are widely thought to lack epistemic justification, and many ethicists urge that such decision procedures dispense with intuition in favor of forms of reasoning that provide discursive justification. I argue that discursive justification does not eliminate or minimize the need for intuition, or (...)
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  • The boundaries of lying: Casuistry and the pragmatic dimension of interpretation.Fabrizio Macagno & Giovanni Damele - 2023 - Journal of Argumentation in Context 12:19–58.
    The Holy Scriptures can be considered a specific kind of normative texts, whose use to assess practical moral cases requires interpretation. In the field of ethics, this interpretative problem results in the necessity of bridging the gap between the normative source – moral precepts – and the specific cases. In the history of the Church, this problem was the core of the so-called casuistry, namely the decision-making practice consisting in applying the Commandments and other principles of the Holy Scriptures to (...)
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  • The “Four Principles” at 40: What is Their Role in Introductory Bioethics Classes?Brendan Shea - manuscript
    This is the text of a paper (along with appendixes) delivered at the 2019 annual meeting of the Minnesota Philosophical Society on Oct 26 in Cambridge, MN. -/- Beauchamp and Childress’s “Four Principles” (or “Principlism”) approach to bioethics has become something of a standard not only in bioethics classrooms and journals, but also within medicine itself. In this teaching-focused workshop, I’ll be doing the following: (1) Introducing the basics of the “Four Principles” approach, with a special focus on its relation (...)
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    The conciliationist and steadfast approaches have dominated the conversation in the epistemology of disagreement. In this paper, drawing on Jennifer Lackey’s justificationist approach and the casuistry paradigm in medical ethics, I will develop a more contextual epistemology of political disagreement. On this account, a given political disagreement’s scope, domain, genealogy, and consequence can be helpful for determining whether we should respond to that disagreement at the level of our confidence, beliefs, or with policy. Though some may argue that responding with (...)
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  • Smoky Rooms and Fuzzy Harms: How Should the Law Respond to Harmful Parental Practices?M. F. Jonas & S. J. Thornley - 2011 - Public Health Ethics 4 (2):129-142.
    This article considers how legislators should respond to evidence that identifies a common and widely accepted parental practice as a potential source of harm to children, using domestic exposure to environmental tobacco smoke as a test case. It is claimed that children are parties to the Harm Principle, and that the State has an obligation to protect children from exposure to harm. Parental prerogative is limited by the need to avoid harming children. That said, there is considerable uncertainty about what (...)
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  • Zum Beispiel. Über den methodologischen Stellenwert von Fallbeispielen in der Angewandten Ethik.Dr Bert Heinrichs - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (1):40-52.
    Die Verwendung von Fallbeispielen, sowohl in didaktisch-illustrativer als auch in systematisch-argumentativer Absicht, ist in der Angewandten Ethik eine weitverbreitete Praxis. Die Inanspruchnahme erfolgt jedoch vielfach ohne eine angemessene Reflexion über die Voraussetzungen und Grenzen des Einsatzes von Fallbeispielen als methodischem Werkzeug innerhalb der Ethik. Im vorliegenden Beitrag soll daher der Rekurs auf konkrete – reale oder fiktive – Handlungsszenarien kritisch untersucht werden. Wichtige Hinweise werden dabei der Philosophie Kants entnommen, der selbst in seinen moralphilosophischen Schriften gelegentlich Beispiele verwendet, der aber (...)
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  • Human Rights and Global Mental Health: Reducing the Use of Coercive Measures.Kelso Cratsley, Marisha Wickremsinhe & Timothy K. Mackey - 2021 - In A. Dyer, B. Kohrt & P. J. Candilis (eds.), Global Mental Health: Ethical Principles and Best Practices. pp. 247-268.
    The application of human right frameworks is an increasingly important part of efforts to accelerate progress in global mental health. Much of this has been driven by several influential legal and policy instruments, most notably the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, as well as the World Health Organization’s QualityRights Tool Kit and Mental Health Action Plan. Despite these significant developments, however, much more needs to be done to prevent human rights violations. This chapter focuses on (...)
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  • Cultural encounters.Susanne Lundin - forthcoming - How to Best Teach Bioethics.
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  • La casuística: Un ensayo histórico-metodológico en busca de los antecedentes del estudio de caso.Antonio Fernández Cano - 2002 - Arbor 171 (675):489-511.
    El estudio de caso es probablemente hoy día el método de investigación más de moda y factible en ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, ha sido usado desde tiempo secular. Este ensayo trata de revelar una antigua y poco considerada tradición cual es la casuística moral o estudio de los casos de conciencia. De hecho, esta tendencia metodológica ad hoc podría ser considerada un antecedente fundacional del estudio de caso. También, se revela que, en el siglo XVII aconteció una de las primeras (...)
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  • For example. On the methodological status of case studies in applied ethics.Bert Heinrichs - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (1):40-52.
    Case studies, both with a view to didactical and argumentative purposes, are widely used in applied ethics. However, case studies are often used without methodological considerations concerning the premises and limitations of these kind of studies as methodological tools within ethics. The present paper critically examines the recourse to – real or fictitious – case studies. Important suggestions will be taken from Kant’s philosophy. Kant himself occasionally uses case studies in his ethical writings. Yet, he also discusses the relevance as (...)
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  • New casuistry: what’s new?Theo Van Willigenburg - 1998 - Philosophical Explorations 1 (2):152 – 164.
    The aim of this article is to review the recent popularity of casuistry as a model of moral inquiry. I argue that proponents of casuistry do not endorse the particularist epistemology that seems to be implied by their position, and that this is why casuistry does not seem to present something really new in comparison to 'top-down' generalist approaches. I contend that casuistry should develop itself as a (moderately) particularist position and that the challenge for the defender of casuistry is (...)
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  • ”Dic cur hic” – en kasuistisk forskningsetik.Martin Blok Johansen - 2014 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):50-68.
    Når man går i gang med et forskningsprojekt, vil der typisk være nogle forskningsetiske problemstillinger, man skal forholde sig til. Det kan fx være, at man skal have indhentet informeret samtykkeerklæringer fra de deltagere, der skal være med, eller man skal have indhentet forskningsetiske tilladelser og godkendelser fra uafhængige instanser. Det er altså overvejelser, som typisk dukker op ved begyndelsen af et forskningsprojekt. Der kan efterfølgende være en risiko for, at man forsømmer refleksioner over emergerende etiske problemstillinger, og at forskningsetik (...)
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  • European values in bioethics: Why, what, and how to be used. [REVIEW]Matti Häyry - 2003 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 24 (3):199-214.
    Are there distinctly European values in bioethics, and if there are, what are they? Some Continental philosophers have argued that the principles of dignity, precaution, and solidarity reflect the European ethos better than the liberal concepts of autonomy, harm, and justice. These principles, so the argument goes, elevate prudence over hedonism, communality over individualism, and moral sense over pragmatism. Contrary to what their proponents often believe, however, dignity, precaution, and solidarity can be interpreted in many ways, and it is not (...)
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  • The Use of Animal Models in Behavioural Neuroscience Research.B. Bovenkerk & F. Kaldewaij - unknown
    Animal models are used in experiments in the behavioural neurosciences that aim to contribute to the prevention and treatment of cognitive and affective disorders in human beings, such as anxiety and depression. Ironically, those animals that are likely to be the best models for psychopathology are also likely to be considered the ones that are most morally problematic to use, if it seems probable that (and if indeed they are initially selected as models because) they have experiences that are similar (...)
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  • Applied Ethics: Perspectives from Romania.Muresan Valentin & Majima Shunzo (eds.) - 2013 - Center for Applied Ethics and Philosophy, Hokkaido University.
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  • Case Studies Methodology in Applied Ethics.Mohammad Taqi Eslami - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 20 (75):94-112.
    In Applied Ethics, methodology refers to the method of justification and solution of moral issues. There are three main methods in this area that have risen in contrast to one another: the first method is syllogism which emphasizes the importance of moral theories and their application in justifying moral issues and employs an ascending view; the second method is inductivism which has a particularistic and anti-theory approach and supports a descending view; the third method is principalism, which tries to strike (...)
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