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  1. Can Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives Improve Global Supply Chains? Improving Deliberative Capacity with a Stakeholder Orientation.Vivek Soundararajan, Jill A. Brown & Andrew C. Wicks - 2019 - Business Ethics Quarterly 29 (3):385-412.
    ABSTRACT:Global multi-stakeholder initiatives are important instruments that have the potential to improve the social and environmental sustainability of global supply chains. However, they often fail to comprehensively address the needs and interests of various supply-chain participants. While voluntary in nature, MSIs have most often been implemented through coercive approaches, resulting in friction among their participants and in systemic problems with decoupling. Additionally, in those cases in which deliberation was constrained between and amongst participants, collaborative approaches have often failed to materialize. (...)
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  • SMEs and CSR in Developing Countries.Søren Jeppesen, Peter Lund-Thomsen & Dima Jamali - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (1):11-22.
    This article is the guest editors’ introduction to the special issue in Business & Society on “SMEs and CSR in Developing Countries.” The special issue includes four original research articles by Hamann, Smith, Tashman, and Marshall; Allet; Egels-Zandén; and Puppim de Oliveira and Jabbour on various aspects of the relationship of small and medium enterprises to corporate social responsibility in developing countries.
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  • The Business-Led Globalization of CSR: Channels of Diffusion From the United States Into Venezuela and Britain, 1962-1981.Daniel Kinderman & Rami Kaplan - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (3):439-488.
    The global spread of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices is widely explained in institutional-isomorphic terms: Corporations worldwide adopt CSR in reaction to isomorphic pressures exerted on them by a pro-CSR global environment, including normative calls for CSR, activist targeting, civil regulation frameworks, and educational activities. By contrast, this article considers the proactive agency of corporations in CSR diffusion, which is informed by nonmarket strategies that seek to instrumentally reshape the political and social environment of corporations. Applying a “channels-of-diffusion” perspective, we (...)
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  • Small Business and Social Irresponsibility in Developing Countries: Working Conditions and “Evasion” Institutional Work.Chris Rees, Laura J. Spence & Vivek Soundararajan - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1301-1336.
    Small businesses in developing countries, as part of global supply chains, are sometimes assumed to respond in a straightforward manner to institutional demands for improved working conditions. This article problematizes this perspective. Drawing upon extensive qualitative data from Tirupur’s knitwear export industry in India, we highlight owner-managers’ agency in avoiding or circumventing these demands. The small businesses here actively engage in irresponsible business practices and “evasion” institutional work to disrupt institutional demands in three ways: undermining assumptions and values, dissociating consequences, (...)
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  • Do Markets Punish or Reward Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling?Jennifer Martínez-Ferrero, Sana-Akbar Khan, Nazim Hussain & Isabel-María García-Sánchez - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (6):1431-1467.
    This article analyzes the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) decoupling and financial market outcomes. CSR decoupling refers to the gap between CSR disclosure and CSR performance. More specifically, we analyze the effect of CSR decoupling on analysts’ forecast errors, cost of capital, and access to finance. We also examine the moderating effect of forecast errors on relationships between CSR decoupling and cost of capital and access to finance. For a sample of U.S. firms consisting of 7,681 firm-year observations for (...)
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  • More Than an Umbrella Construct: We Can (and Should) Do Better With CSR by Theorizing Through Context.Hari Bapuji, Frank G. A. de Bakker, Colin Higgins, Kathleen Rehbein, Andrew Spicer & Jill A. Brown - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (8):1965-1976.
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  • Tracing stakeholder terminology then and now: Convergence and new pathways.Jennifer J. Griffin - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):326-346.
    Over the past four decades, stakeholder research has united a chorus of voices from different disciplines using different terminology for different audiences all related to a seemingly similar topic: those that affect and are affected by business. By juxtaposing a comprehensive review of the early years of stakeholder research against more recent stakeholder research, we identify areas of common convergence as well as emergent scholarship. We develop an organizing framework consisting of three stakeholder-related themes: who or what is a stakeholder; (...)
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  • Local Business, Local Peace? Intergroup and Economic Dynamics.Jay Joseph, John E. Katsos & Mariam Daher - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (4):835-854.
    The field of “business for peace” recognizes the role that businesses can play in peacebuilding. However, like much of the discussion concerning business in conflict zones, it has prioritized the view of multinationals, often overlooking the role of indigenous local firms. The economic, social, and intergroup dynamics experienced by local businesses in conflict zones are understudied, with the current paper beginning by positioning micro- and small enterprises in the peacebuilding debate, then engaging with multidisciplinary works to understand how they foster (...)
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  • Towards the Development of an Empirical Model for Islamic Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from the Middle East.Petya Koleva - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (4):789-813.
    Academic research suggests that variances in contextual dynamics, and more specifically religion, may lead to disparate perceptions and practices of corporate social responsibility. Driven by the increased geopolitical and economic importance of the Middle East and identified gaps in knowledge, the study aims to examine if indeed there is a divergent form of CSR exercised in the region. The study identifies unique CSR dimensions and constructs presented through an empirical framework in order to outline the practice and perception of CSR (...)
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  • Socially Responsible Firms Outsource Less.Jorge Tarzijan, Rajat Panwar & Maria Jose Murcia - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (6):1507-1545.
    Implementing corporate social responsibility (CSR) in supply chains is not a trivial task. In fact, many firms in recent years have publicly proclaimed that in order to keep their CSR commitments, they had to reduce reliance on external suppliers by vertically integrating their operations. Our aim in this article is to examine whether there is truly a relationship between a firm’s CSR performance and its level of vertical integration. Drawing on a multi-industry sample of 2,715 firm-year observations, and after addressing (...)
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  • Unethical behavior in organizations: empirical findings that challenge CSR and egoism theory.Jeffrey Overall - 2016 - Business Ethics: A European Review 25 (2):113-127.
    In the egoism philosophical framework, it is contended that when organizations focus on their long-term interests, they, without knowing it, advance the interests of society as a whole, which is perceived as ethical. In this research, this premise is challenged using data collected from the social media outlets of 29 randomly selected companies from the 2013 Fortune 500 list. Through qualitative comparative analysis, the exact opposite was found. In fact, the organizations that focused on striving for their long-term success are (...)
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  • Corporate social responsibility for poverty alleviation: An integrated research framework.Rita D. Medina-Muñoz & Diego R. Medina-Muñoz - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):3-19.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Human Rights and Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries’ Industrial Clusters.Elisa Giuliani - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1):39-54.
    A recent preoccupation in scholarly research is the capacity of firms in developing country industrial clusters to comply with international corporate social responsibility policies and codes of conducts. This research is at an early stage and draws on several—often quite distinct—scholarly traditions. In this paper, we argue that future work in this area would benefit from a more explicit examination of the connection between cluster firms and human rights defined according to the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent (...)
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  • Advisory Governance Policy, Shareholder Voice, and Board Responsiveness: The Case of Majority Vote in Director Elections.Latifa A. Albader, Jonathan Bundy & Christine Shropshire - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):285-321.
    This study investigates how adoption of advisory governance policy encourages firms to become more responsive to their shareholders over time. Although shareholder activism is costly and often viewed as unable to drive meaningful change, we identify increasing shareholder voice as an underlying mechanism to explain how advisory policy adoption ultimately reshapes board–shareholder relations. Drawing on signaling theory and behavioral views of board–shareholder dynamics, we test our predictions following the broad shift in corporate board voting policies from plurality to majority vote (...)
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  • Firms Talk, Suppliers Walk: Analyzing the Locus of Greenwashing in the Blame Game and Introducing ‘Vicarious Greenwashing’.Marta Pizzetti, Lucia Gatti & Peter Seele - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 170 (1):21-38.
    Greenwashing is a phenomenon that is linked to scandals that often occur at the supply-chain level. Nevertheless, research on this subject remains in its infancy; much more is needed to advance our understanding of stakeholders’ reactions to greenwashing. We propose here a new typology of greenwashing, based on the locus of discrepancy, i.e. the point along the supply-chain where the discrepancy between ‘responsible words’ and ‘irresponsible walks’ occurs. With three experiments, we tested how the different forms of greenwashing affect stakeholders’ (...)
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  • Angels and devils?: How do benevolent and authoritarian leaders differ in shaping ethical climate via justice perceptions across cultures?Lale Gumusluoglu, Zahide Karakitapoğlu-Aygün & Changya Hu - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (2):388-402.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Industrial Clusters and Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries: What We Know, What We do not Know, and What We Need to Know.Peter Lund-Thomsen, Adam Lindgreen & Joelle Vanhamme - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 133 (1):9-24.
    This article provides a review of what we know, what we do not know, and what we need to know about the relationship between industrial clusters and corporate social responsibility in developing countries. In addition to the drivers of and barriers to the adoption of CSR initiatives, this study highlights key lessons learned from empirical studies of CSR initiatives that aimed to improve environmental management and work conditions and reduce poverty in local industrial districts. Academic work in this area remains (...)
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  • Entrepreneurship, Conflict, and Peace: The Role of Inclusion and Value Creation.Harry J. Van Buren & Jay Joseph - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (6):1558-1593.
    Conflict zone entrepreneurs—local entrepreneurs running small businesses in conflict settings—have paradoxical impacts on stability: holding the ability both to foster peace but also to enhance conflict. Prior scholarly work has been unable to explain this divergence, as existing entrepreneurial indicators do not account for fundamental peacebuilding elements. In response, the article consolidates divergent fields of study, applies paradox theory to analyze underlying tensions in the field, and reframes entrepreneurship through a peacebuilding lens based on intergroup inclusivity and value-creating business practices. (...)
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  • Guest Editors’ Introduction: Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Developing Country Multinationals.Jonathan Doh, Bryan W. Husted & Xiaohua Yang - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (3):301-315.
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  • Governing Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling: The Effect of the Governance Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility Decoupling.Ammar Ali Gull, Nazim Hussain, Sana Akbar Khan, Zaheer Khan & Asif Saeed - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 185 (2):349-374.
    This paper presents an examination of the relationship between the presence and composition of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee on the corporate governance board and CSR decoupling. Using a sample of listed firms drawn from 41 countries, we found that the presence of a CSR committee on the corporate board is negatively associated with CSR decoupling. We also noted that the nature of the industry to which a firm belongs, a firm's level of CSR orientation, and corporate governance quality (...)
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  • Brands as labour rights advocates? Potential and limits of brand advocacy in global supply chains.Chikako Oka - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 27 (2):95-107.
    There is a growing phenomenon of brand advocacy, where brands pressure a producer country government to take pro-worker actions such as respecting the rights of activists and raising minimum wages. This article examines the potential and limits of brand advocacy by developing a conceptual framework and analysing three recent cases of brand advocacy in Cambodia's garment industry. The study shows that brands' action and influence are shaped by issue salience, mobilization structures, political opportunities/contexts, and resource dependency. This article makes both (...)
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  • Drivers of Philanthropic Foundations in Emerging Markets: Family, Values and Spirituality.Valeria Giacomin & Geoffrey Jones - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (1):263-282.
    This article discusses the ethics and drivers of philanthropic foundations in emerging markets. A foundation organizes assets to invest in philanthropic initiatives. Previous scholarship has largely focused on developed countries, especially the United States, and has questioned the ethics behind the activities of foundations, particularly for strategic motives that served wider corporate purposes. We argue that philanthropic foundations in emerging markets have distinctive characteristics that merit separate examination. We scrutinize the ethics behind the longitudinal activity of such foundations using 70 (...)
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  • Inherited Scepticism and Neo-communist CSR-washing: Evidence from a Post-communist Society.Petya Koleva & Maureen Meadows - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (4):783-804.
    The sizeable theoretical and empirical literature on corporate social responsibility and business ethics in Western, developed economies indicates that the topic has attracted significant interest from academics and practitioners. There is, however, less evidence of the practice of CSR and business ethics in non-Western, transition economies, as insufficient attention is paid to the contextual specifications and underlying processes that may lead to different versions of CSR. Therefore, this paper examines the practice and sense-making of CSR and business ethics from the (...)
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  • Socially responsible consumption in Russia: Testing the theory of planned behavior and the moderating role of trust.Irina Petrovskaya & Fazli Haleem - 2020 - Business Ethics: A European Review 30 (1):38-53.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  • Protecting Environment or People? Pitfalls and Merits of Informal Labour in the Congolese Recycling Industry.Clément Longondjo Etambakonga & Julia Roloff - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 161 (4):815-834.
    Despite the fact that informal labour is a widespread phenomenon, the business ethics literature tends to describe it as a problem that needs to be overcome, rather than contemplating its merits. Informal labour is linked to poor working conditions, low-income and insufficient protection. However, it is also a survival strategy and upholds essential services, such as waste collection and recycling. Through the lens of postmodern ethics, we analyse 45 interviews with formal and informal waste management workers in Kinshasa. The study (...)
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  • Drama and Discounting in the Relational Dynamics of Corporate Social Responsibility.Georgiana Grigore, Mike Molesworth, Andreea Vonțea, Abdullah Hasan Basnawi, Ogeday Celep & Sylvian Patrick Jesudoss - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):65-88.
    Employing theoretical resources from Transactional Analysis and drawing from interviews with managers dealing with social or environmental issues in their role, we explain how CSR activity provides a context for dramas in which actors may ignore, or discount aspects of self, others, and the contexts of their work as they maintain and reproduce the roles of Rescuers, Persecutors and Victims. In doing so, we add to knowledge about CSR by providing an explanation for how the contradictions of CSR are avoided (...)
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  • Fit for addressing grand challenges? A process model for effective accountability relationships within multi‐stakeholder initiatives in developing countries.Esther Hennchen & Judith Schrempf-Stirling - 2020 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):5-24.
    Business is expected to contribute to grand challenges (GC) such as poverty within their corporate social responsibilities. Multi‐stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) have developed to a popular governance model to address GC. While existing scholarship has discussed the positive and negative aspects of MSIs, we know relatively little about how corporations within MSIs are held accountable. The objective of the study is to analyze the dynamics of accountability relationships between the corporate actor and the accountability forum to conceive a process model for (...)
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  • Proto-CSR Before the Industrial Revolution: Institutional Experimentation by Medieval Miners’ Guilds.Stefan Hielscher & Bryan W. Husted - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (2):253-269.
    In this paper, we argue that antecedents of modern corporate social responsibility prior to the Industrial Revolution can be referred to as “proto-CSR” to describe a practice that influenced modern CSR, but which is different from its modern counterparts in form and structure. We develop our argument with the history of miners’ guilds in medieval Germany—religious fraternities and secular mutual aid societies. Based on historical data collected by historians and archeologists, we reconstruct a long-term process of pragmatic experimentation with institutions (...)
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  • Reading Institutional Logics of CSR in India from a Post-colonial Location.Nimruji Jammulamadaka - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (3):599-617.
    The paper goes beyond critique to read institutional approaches, specifically institutional logics of CSR in India and their management by Indian firms, from a post-colonial location, to explore decolonising possibilities. Drawing on post-colonial approach of catachrestic reading, it reads institutional logics of CSR literature to argue against a linear hierarchical travel of western CSR logic into India, which is then adapted/adopted/translated or decoupled, along with the secondary status this implies for India; and suggests that Indian and western CSR logics are (...)
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  • The Importance of Customer Expectations: An Analysis of CSR in Container Shipping.Lijun Tang & Victor Gekara - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (3):383-393.
    Corporate social responsibility has been increasingly embraced by corporations to demonstrate effort to reduce negative environmental and social externalities resulting from their business activities. CSR covers a wide range of issues, including environmental concerns, occupational health and safety, local community social-economic welfare and workers’ rights and welfare issues. Through a detailed content analysis of the CSR-related documents on the websites of the top container shipping companies in the world, this paper examines CSR adoption in the container shipping business. The analysis (...)
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  • A step in the right direction, or more of the same? A systematic review of the impact of human rights due diligence legislation.Vincent Dupont, Diana Pietrzak & Boris Verbrugge - 2024 - Human Rights Review 25 (2):131-154.
    Recently, there has been a strong push for binding human rights due diligence (HRDD) legislation, both at the national and European levels. As empirical evidence of such legislation's impact gradually emerges, it is time to take stock. In this article, we conduct a systematic literature review to assess available empirical evidence on (1) how HRDD legislation affects the policies and practices through which companies engage with human rights; (2) how these policies and practices, in turn, affect different actors in companies’ (...)
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  • Industrial Clusters and CSR in Developing Countries: The Role of International Donor Funding.Anjum Fayyaz, Peter Lund-Thomsen & Adam Lindgreen - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 146 (3):619-637.
    This article contributes to literature on corporate social responsibility exhibited by industrial clusters in developing countries. The authors conceptualize and empirically investigate the role of donor-funded CSR initiatives aimed at promoting collective action by cluster-based small- and medium-sized enterprises. A case study of the Sialkot football-manufacturing cluster in Pakistan indicates that donor-funded support of CSR initiatives in industrial clusters in developing countries may be short-lived, due to the political economy of aid, the national context of CSR implementation, tensions within SME (...)
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  • Caught in a communicative catch‐22? Translating the notion of CSR as shared value creation in a Danish CSR frontrunner.Christiane Marie Høvring - 2017 - Business Ethics: A European Review 26 (4):369-381.
    There is a growing interest in how the notion of corporate social responsibility as shared value creation is translated in Scandinavia. However, current research seems to disregard that the specific institutional context is ambiguous, enabling the organization, and its internal stakeholders to translate the institutional logics into contradictory meanings of CSR as shared value creation. Building on the institutional logics perspective and the metaphor of translation, and framed within a case study of a Danish CSR frontrunner, this paper explores how (...)
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  • Civil Society Roles in CSR Legislation.Guillaume Delalieux, Arno Kourula & Eric Pezet - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 190 (2):347-370.
    While Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is often seen to involve voluntary and deliberative approaches such as certification, governments have recently stepped into the picture through national legislation. France’s Law on Duty of Vigilance adopted in 2017 is a landmark case of such legislation. Years of voluntary CSR certification schemes led by Civil Society were replaced by a new philosophy of fighting for mandatory CSR controlled by a judge. We depict the change of mindset and the related change of roles inside (...)
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  • Entrepreneurship, Conflict, and Peace: The Role of Inclusion and Value Creation.Jay Joseph & I. I. I. Harry J. Van Buren - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (6):1558-1593.
    Conflict zone entrepreneurs—local entrepreneurs running small businesses in conflict settings—have paradoxical impacts on stability: holding the ability both to foster peace but also to enhance conflict. Prior scholarly work has been unable to explain this divergence, as existing entrepreneurial indicators do not account for fundamental peacebuilding elements. In response, the article consolidates divergent fields of study, applies paradox theory to analyze underlying tensions in the field, and reframes entrepreneurship through a peacebuilding lens based on intergroup inclusivity and value-creating business practices. (...)
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  • Corporate social responsibility decoupling in developing countries: Current research and a future agenda.Majid Khan & James Lockhart - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (1):127-143.
    Business and Society Review, Volume 127, Issue 1, Page 127-143, Spring 2022.
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  • Intellectual capital reporting practices in an Islamic bank: A case study.Ataur Rahman Belal, Mohammed Mehadi Masud Mazumder & Mohobbot Ali - 2018 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (2):206-220.
    Given the nature and importance of Islamic banks in recent times, we can expect them to have significant intellectual capital anchored in their Sharia‐based knowledge and expertise. However, we know very little or nothing about how and why intellectual capital‐related information is provided in their corporate reports. We fill this gap in our existing knowledge of the field with a view to enhance relevant literature. As far as we know, this article is one of the earliest exploratory attempts to examine (...)
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  • Extending Social Sustainability to Suppliers: The Role of GVC Governance Strategies and Supplier Country Institutions.Sarah Castaldi, Miriam M. Wilhelm, Sjoerd Beugelsdijk & Taco van der Vaart - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (1):123-146.
    The disaggregation and geographic dispersion of global value chains (GVCs) have expanded the responsibility of international buyers from firm-level corporate social responsibility (CSR) towards social sustainability of their emerging country suppliers. We theorize, in this paper, that the effectiveness of lead firms’ GVC governance strategies for social sustainability—which can be audit-based or cooperation-based—depends on the local institutional context of the supplier. Supplier country institutions exert legal and civil society pressures for social sustainability, which shape suppliers’ attitude and receptiveness towards lead (...)
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  • The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Organisational Identity Communication, Co-Creation and Orientation.Mohamed Karim Sorour, Mark Boadu & Teerooven Soobaroyen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 173 (1):89-108.
    Corporate social responsibility research has mainly focused on understanding the antecedents and outcomes of CSR adoption. Yet, little is known about the organisational process of ‘CSR engagement’ and how this would affect organisational identity. We mobilise Basu and Palazzo’s cognitive and linguistic notions of sense-making and Brickson’s organisational identity orientation to frame how rural community banks in Ghana engage with CSR. Drawing from semi-structured interviews with RCB directors, managers and other stakeholders, we conceive of the CSR engagement process as one (...)
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  • Board Network and CSR Decoupling: Evidence From China.Weiqi Zhao, Ma Zhong, Xinyi Liao, Chuqi Ye & Deqiang Deng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper investigates the influence of board network centrality on corporate social responsibility decoupling. CSR decoupling refers to the gap between corporate internal and external actions in CSR practices. Specifically, we measure CSR decoupling as the difference between corporate social disclosure and corporate social performance. This paper uses a sample of Chinese A-share listed firms during 2009–2018, takes the technical dimension score and content dimension score of RKS ratings as proxies of CSD and CSP, and obtains CSR decoupling as the (...)
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